Chats & Communities Thread 3 - Son of Chats & Communities Thread
It's back, but this time on /ot/ instead of /hikki/. I don't really know why it was on /hikki/ in the first place. Please welcome our new, site-wide Chats & Communities Thread.Internet died after 2021
hate to be a complainer lol but internet is not fun anymore. so many cool chans dying like 420chan and dreamchan and I dont think they will ever comeback. Discord used to be cool but now is just people's ego fighting to see who is better and attract the opposite sex the most, almost all of them is just a com copy.Modern cartoons are actually kinda good
I know some guys are so stricken with dem rose tinted goggles nowadays, and I've got my own old sucker-shows, but I recently found out some modern toons have actually gotten really good as of late, post-Gravity Falls at thread
for my interests and such, might try to blogpost or something talk about films n anime i enjoy.Doctor Who
Do you ever feel like a complete retard for enjoying a piece of media to its fullest, appreciating its flaws, admiring the effort that went into it, and then going online and seeing everyone think it's the worst thing since the Holocaust???Internet horror
I don't know if I'm getting old or internet horror has been increasingly awful in recent years. I'm not saying the 2000's and early 2010's era was good, it wasn't. A lot of the popular creepypasta from that era is only remembered for the imagery associated with it rather than the story itself (you can't tell me Jeff the Killer was a "good" story). But at least there was some gold among the pile of shit, like Candle Cove. I don't understand the appeal of all this ARG, digital horror and analog horror stuff the zoomers seem to love. I think the only recent internet horror thing I liked was I can't sleep.Do you have irl friends?
At least in my case, until not too long ago, I started to actually have the balls to talk to those that I found to be interesting;how to become ethereal
what does it mean to be ethereal? it means to possess dreamlike qualities. do you remember your dreams? not often. the skill of fading into the obscurity that is the backs of everyone's mind doesn't seem to highly coveted i've noticed. is becoming ethereal something that interests you?YUME NIKKI BOOKS COLLECTION 14342339520235009509235 GB download
YUME NIKKI BOOKS COLLECTION 14342339520235009509235 GB downloadWho will play?
Hello. We are playing Civilization 4, Realism Invictus mod. We need one more person. We communicate by voice here We speak English and Russian. Who will? There are already three of us.日本語スレ
How is your japanese going? Still suffering with kanji grinding? Dealing with grammar rules? Just starting out?BURN & RIP some knowledge upon me
I'm real curious, what do you guys personally like to do when you feel down? Not 'work tired' when you go to relax or whatever. I'm talking tired tired, sick of being tired type tired. I'm sure everyone had they way of dealing with it. Making yourselves feel better after sulking. DONT SAY JACKING OFF IM TIRED OF DOING IT IT SUCKING FUCKS!!!!!!Origamis
Greetings good anons. I would like to present an origami thread for any topics related to origami, such as diagrams, models, or questions.t
not sure if this is the right board for this, but i've been questioning gender recently. i always think that perhaps i would be happier as a woman, but i dont know if that's just me idealising the female form in some freudian schizoid way or genuine desire to transition. can I have some help please?Lice
Hi Uboa, please help me with this issue I've been having Fo a long time I've been having this lice on my head and I can't seem to get it out of my hair. it's literally driving me crazy, I've tried doing everything to get rid of it but can't can you please help me? please help me it's driving me insane. Thank you.Human Nature
How much do you think people are tied down by their nature and what do you think it is? To me, human nature can be boiled down to a few thing: prioritizing self-interest, duplicitous, self-justification, craving validation, pushing others down to uplift themself at every opportunity and taking the path of least resistancePROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites
PROPHECY– The Punishment Of My Evil Elitesstee/sti
What happened to 4chon? Can you post its old /new/ banners?the finish line
what the fuck is up anons lmaoSleeping Disorders
Anyone else have a sleeping disorder?Night
I'm almost 30 and work an 8 to 5 job from Monday to Friday. Every night before I sleep I keep hoping that I never wake up. I have little attachments to this world. I'm just ranting since this is the /ot/ board. I used to post here before as a neet, now I'm posting as someone with responsibilities in society.Manifesto Manifesto Manifesto
Dr. Letz Shake is karma as described by Ra social memory complex. The thing dies on purpose so California gets all the gravity and resistance of World War II. It is a mash of Germany and Britain as Maldekian technology. I have sought medical treatment for my problems and now I will build an inversion of Dr. Letz Shake to solve them. Here is my manifesto. There is no event except me patenting crazy stuff one day, one life.全ての所為です。
So let's continue with Subetenosei's bullCan anyone find that comic?
Not sure if this is the right place to post. I'm looking for a specific image that is a comic. I'll describe it:the last stretch
bleghRandom Thoughts Vol. IX
The other thread has been in auto-sage for some time now, so it was about time someone made a new one.Finding a friend group online
Do any of you guys know how to find friends online? I want to talk to someone while my days still pass by, but I don't know how… How can I find a social bubble online? I don't want to be alone anymore but it's so hard to find a place I feel welcomed in too. I just don't know anymoreVidea-Game addiction
Any anon in the middle of a video-game addiction? How does one cure it? Recently, there have been many moments where I dose off and feel the need to play a video-game just for the sake of playing something and those moments tend to be hard to resist and the rest of the day is wasted because of it. I had gotten started by uninstalling most games off of my computer, smartphone and Switch and will try my best to keep myself occupied with other work, however I do not feel that this is enough. Any suggestions?New users of uboachan, how did you find this place?
I was just really bored some random night in September 2016 and decided to go on tvtropes (don't blame me).I need your help /ot/
The Torso Opens
This is kind of a dumb post but I really want to share this. I wrote all of this already and I'm not gonna waste it. Was originally gonna submit this to /x/ but it didn't really match the tone.Please address rampant anorectal violence along with factors facilitating it.
Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today:b-but it was only a drawing
Federal courts have recently started ruling that drawn or animated child pornography is just as illegal as photographic child pornography and that the people who posses, watch or trade in non photographic child pornography are criminals and subject to punishment just as much as those involved with photographic child pornography.Chaofen the Corgi
Following this dog crypto recently. It embodies a hard-on anti-CCP mentality which I find refreshing, since many of the people in my country seem to not give a shit about human rights or genocide.Countries with free SRS
>Be me.Been cheated on - having difficulity getting over it...
I confessed to a girl to be my girlfriend, since we were on really good terms and enjoyed each other's company. As for our relationship prior, we were good college friends and had a lot in common. She was a near perfect definition of a girl that fit my preferences from physique and character, not to mention interests; that were interlinked with my own.Thought Experiments
This is a thread for posting all the weird experiments that you think of. Here's one that I've been thinking about. A child(6-9) with few preconceived notions is given two pigs (that look similar) to raise. One as a pet, and the other as food. The way they are raised is different. The pet is kept healthy and lean while the food is fattened up. The pet has a collar with a p on it, and the food has a collar with an s on it(this part is just an arbitrary way to distinguish them from the start so it could be anything). After the pigs are fully matured, the child watches the pig raised for food be slaughtered and then eats it. What do you think their general impression of pigs would be after? (I know it's a bit messed up, but it's just pretend).Fri(end)ships
Greetings. Major venting post here. For all my life, I can not say I had a friendship that sustained for more then three to four years. This is obviously not the crux on what I want to convey. Digging deeper, the reason these friendships even lasted was because I was the only one trying my best to maintain them. From bringing up various topics to build a discussion, getting into their interests, remembering and bringing them gifts for their birthdays, always being positive and friendly… etc. All of these efforts lead to a delightful and well spent time with the person I am interacting with, but eventually they just stop contributing and ignore me, in favor of being with someone else. Of course, it is not uncanny for people to want to interact with others, especially with firends, or people, thay have been with for far longer, but leaving me out of the picture entirely, despite my attempts to be an open and likeable individual, simply makes me feel cheated and my efforts; fruitless. Soon, they forget about me and mingle in with the next of kin, in that large insufferable pack I despise the sight of (talking about people in groups of seven, or more). In the end, I just let them be and move on to someone new, only for the cycle to repeat again.How does weather affect your mood?
My mood depends a lot on the the weather, time of day and season.Guide to being socially acceptable on Uboachan
Hello anon! I assume you, like many of us, are 14 year old shitposters from Taiwan! You might be a bit confused, but here is my guide to sucessfully avoid the ban hammer and appear like a sucessful and interesting person on this board! Also included are some general tips for the Uboachan lifestyle. You cool yet, holmes? Aight hombre, time to start this guía:Public service announcement
as an example on how things never play out the way they do in the movies, here's the ending to the original 1964 Willy Wonka as is followed by how it would play out in real lifeSmall and not so small things you'd like to change
Do you have anything you'd like/are planning to change?The Next Decade
Realistically, where do you see the world ten years from now? What events will define the 2020's? Will the cultural shift be as intense as 2009 to 2019? From another perspective, where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Do you feel that your lifestyle or standard of living may change?smells like pxls
Hey there hikikomorispersonality test to end all personality tests
Recently, I took the Enneagram test. I'm either a type 8, type 4, or type 6. Also either a 8w7 or 8w9. This doesn't surprise me much since it fits my experience with every other personality test. I don't neatly fit into one category and the way I act and think dramatically shifts depending on the circumstances. Frankly, I think Meyer-Briggs is obsolete bullshit unsubstantiated by modern reseach. People who take it too seriously come off as pretentious and simple-minded to me and on forums it's like they actively try to fit the stereotype. I think it appeals to people who don't have anything real going for them. The missing piece is taking into account how people's personalities naturally shift. The brain is remarkably complex, but what we perceive as personality is basically an illusion.Trannies on uboachan?
Given that this is a fan site for self inserting as a jap girl, how many uboachanners have gone full trans, either transitioning to jap or girl?/cyb/erpunk general
Nosebleed EditionQuotes
Post random quotes you like.Inept Hacking
Lol, sometimes I see some funny shit in our security logs. Guess what dipshit, Rozen hasn't had an account on an uboachan server since 2011 and the admin account on a Linux box is never called admin. Logs posted for chuckles.Doomed and tired
I can’t stand any more how much my social anxiety keeps blocking me away from what I want to do. I feel like each day I’m going crazier from the weariness and frustration it causes me. And I feel like my life is getting closer and closer to a situation where it is essential for my survival to be able to overcome this, at least enough to not end up starving on the streets.sam hyde here, internet's busiest music nerd
In the past I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and more specifically social anxiety disorder.The State of Image Boards
I've noticed a very disturbing trend going on online. There seems to be a split where everywhere you go it's either a shitpost hellscape where everybody constantly bitches about Jews 24/7, or a hyper safe space full overly sensitive communists and tumblrinas. The vitriol is just so insufferable. I'm Jewish and i'm definitely not swimming in money, nor are my relatives, but I have to sit and read about how Jews are destroying the world and cause every problem in pretty much any place I go. It doesn't even make sense. Would lobbying be okay if only white people did it? Nobody acknowledges that Jews are just as much brainwashed as everybody else by modern political correctness and liberalism. Nope, Jews just want to take over the world and use everybody else as slaves. The Talmud says so and Harvey Weinstein types definitely have a copy of the Talmud on their night stand. That's why so many powerful positions of power are Jews. It's all a zionist conspiracy. Also they're actually marxists which is why they like business and banking so much. If that's the case, where's my cut? It's like stormfront is slowly leaking everywhere else. You can't even escape it on music boards. Nobody talks about music there, it's all just /pol/shit.Humans and Roosters, Roosters and Humans
Have you ever wondered of rooster onomatopoeia? Because the English version of rooster crow is so utterly fake! Just compare the audio of crowing rooster and the "cock-a-doodle-doo". Neither English "cock-a-doodle-doo", nor German 'kikeriki' or Russian /kukarʲe'ku:/ manages to achieve the faintest semblance of rooster crow. The only language I've found that does at least the rhythm(prosody?) right is Turkish: ü-ürü-üüü /yʔyryʔyː/.Discord Problems
Anyone know what to do about not being able to get into the Discord chat? I am new, and I'm sorry if that's why, but every time I use the "!join" command, It won't go through. Anyways, thanks in advance!Minecraft Lost Cities Mod
I set up a Minecraft Lost Cities modded server to play around with. Take a look. It's a mapgen mod, so the world is an auto-generated abandoned city in all directions. If there is enough interest for me to find donors, I will add some more features and plugin support. Currently it is otherwise vanilla, with 12 player slots.ITT: stupid shit you spent way too much time on for no reason
i’m guilty of this heavily, so i’ll just use one example.