win+R "msconfig" and "services.msc" + google should be half of what you need. The guide posted also doesn't mention anything about the windows scheduler service, which is absolutely necessary to tweak. So much shit phones home constantly, and needs to be deleted/disabled from there.
>>18812thats exactly the image i was looking for, tysm
>>18813ty for the tip too, ill keep that in mind
I can't help but feel optimising or debloating Windows is a waste of time.
If you're interested in tinkering with your computer and running a lean system you should consider installing GNU/Linux instead.
>>18831I have a shitty laptop that barely run anything with windows 7. I debloated it and managed to lower the memory usage to an average of 650mb and it could even play 720p properly. When I installed arch on it the memory usage went as low as 120mb but intel mesa drivers are fucking shit and barely managed awesome with one or two programs open. So even if it actually ran well on the fucking terminal it was practically useless because I couldn't do much other than write code on it, play hack variants and dwarf fortress. And I don't even want to talk about the problems I had with wine to run VNs.
>>18833That sounds like something going wrong, more than slow drivers.
I use Linux on a 2006 laptop with Intel graphics without any problems. It plays 720 video fine.
As for VNs, that's the unfortunate reality it seems. I keep a WinXP machine around for that purpose.
CrowdStrike BSODed my work pc.
>>26721I hate USA software
>>27691I hate Adobe and Microsoft…………
>>27716Japanese cars have sucky software UI too. Ugh.