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I confessed to a girl to be my girlfriend, since we were on really good terms and enjoyed each other's company. As for our relationship prior, we were good college friends and had a lot in common. She was a near perfect definition of a girl that fit my preferences from physique and character, not to mention interests; that were interlinked with my own.

During the start of our new relationship, I had done my best to change myself to be more productive and talkative, like she was and even done my part in buying some admittedly expensive gifts on various events (an art book on her birthday, a switch videa-game during valentines… etc).

Just about two months in, she had been ignoring me and stopped talking to me face-to-face and on the web. I had no idea if I did, or said something wrong and apologised on multiple occusions, but to no avail. She eventually began hanging out with another guy, who I assume is her boyfriened now and barely acknowledges me anymore.

I was and still am dumbstruck by everything that happened. It hurts just seeing her everytime I walk pass her to class, or when she is also happly talking to her boyfirend and making new friends, all the while I have to sit there and endure it. I tried being stronger by getting over it and deleting our chat logs, social-medias and such, but it does not help. She never even openly said that she whats to break-up with me, which only leaves me more confused. I sucks that I am in this position, it sucks that I spent my hard earned money on her and it sucks that I had even met her.

Hopefully, I subside these feelings with time, but I am just not feeling optimistic about anything, at the moment. What do I do?

(The picture is a Koishi figurine that I had gifted to her. She was in to Touhou, just as much has I was.)


that sucks real hard anon. i don't know what to recommend except finding new interests, something to help you move on. It might take months but recover but it'll happen


Time heals. You are probably idealizing her right now but just try to step back mentally for a moment, if not right now then in a week or a month in a year and look back. She was technically in a relationship with you and just dumped you without even saying a word. I'm 99.99% sure nothing good would have came out of this anyway.

It's easy to be caught up in emotions when you find similar interests and such, but a relationship (even friendships) are about personality dynamics, and always takes two - it's work.

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