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/ot/ - Off-topic

Best board

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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1626912716647.png (1.05 MB, 1184x938, pxls.PNG)


Hey there hikikomoris
Check this out. https://pxls.space/
Pixel placing board, 5-20 sec cooldown per pixel, new canvas every month or so. Most people just come in and draw in their own thing. If you know what /r/place was, you probably know what this is.

Any ideas /ot/?


We could get together in a IRC (or maybe even the Discord since that's what people seem to be using now) and plan something out that way. I'm sure some artists would help us out too in the Discord


File: 1627176727005-0.jpg (462.77 KB, 1578x2048, C9.jpg)

File: 1627176727005-1.jpg (487.56 KB, 1456x2048, C10.jpg)

Sounds like fun

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