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I been feeling lately like a lot of the interest that normalfags take in Asiatic culture is somewhat disingenuous. In an attempt to appear more, "cultured", people have started moving away from European stuff and focusing on more, "exotic", cultures to seem more well-rounded. To me, it seems like they're forcing themselves to take appear like they've taken an interest in something to put on airs. A lot of what they focus on and glamorize were also at one point mundane, normal parts of life to their original practitioners. And now these people are coming in and treating it like some kind of high art. Even though they supposedly moved away from traditional European traditional culture, they still change their subjects of interest to better fit that mold of treatment. A good example of this is how the Michelin Star guide, which is almost entirely made up of indistinguishable, massively expensive French restaurants, randomly decided to throw in one Dim-Sum place. These people also completely ignore more contemporary Asian culture in favor of an obsolete version of ancient traditions, which have actually been updated for modern times by the people who made those traditions. You don't see these people try to emulate an eighteenth century English tea party. There's just something off-putting to me about the image of a bunch of snobbish, old, white people sitting around in Kimonos and obsessing over all the intricacies of a tea-ceremony in a class they payed to take and attend once a week in between golf games. Is this all just in my head, or does anybody else feel the same way?
There's people who pull far thinner noodles in totally inconspicuous street food just to make a living, but you don't them parading it around to the whole world.


Sometimes fads ape subcultures, sometimes fads ape national cultures. Like /pol/ with their shitty Viking fetish. Wasn't too long ago that Harry Potter got everyone in Murka rock hard for Anglophilia nonsense, that was the lead up to the Faux Emo boom of 2006. A lot of those posers made sure to conspicuously name drop the books and the characters, in interviews and onstage. Somehow there was a pop culture link between these things, I would place the blame on Lemony Snicket I guess.

It will be kind of cool to see what this mutates into and why. Maybe the next big rape of a subculture will be a Japanese one, maybe the Zentai scene, or Onkyo-Kei will be dragged kicking and beeping into the spotlight


Being interested in white culture is taboo since quite a long time ago. If you haven't noticed, mass media is all about "other" cultures. Nobody is taught anything about white culture in their formative years (except about how whites are the devil incarnate and how they invented war, raped and enslaved every human and invented the patriarchy, you know, the new religion's gospel).

Since traditional white culture is associated with racism and other big meany evil things consciously or subconsciously due to the brainwash experienced at an early age, people look out for another cultures. Some put on some dreadlocks and pretend they are jamaicans blasting bob marley 24/7 and smoking le weed, some get big on rap and pretend they are true niqquz from the creepz, some become fond of japanese culture and its tradition (anime is a big catalyst on this particular case), some convert to islam and become white ISIS members. Such is the plight of white people who are taught since birth that their history is taboo and they have to feel a certain way about it (negatively of course).

And about the snobs, of course, since white culture is not socially viewed as "cool" and those who are fond of it are stereotyped as unintelligent, violent or whatever boogeymen exists for it. Then people who want to fake being cultured and intelligent focus themselves on other people's high culture, asians for instance. They would rather larp as japanese nobility in a tea ceremony than learn about their own people's ancient customs.

This really contrasts with japanese media which is full of references, and even emulates western high culture, i.e. the shitload of baroque anime, manga, western themes, etc. Which ironically your picture displays. And don't get me started on korean stuff. It is always horrifying to me how whites are trying their hardest to run away from themselves in self-hate with skin browning cancer booths, orange spray tans, disgusting music and disregard for their own kind in general while asians can enjoy it with no qualms or guilt. But hey, these are the times we have been given to experience.

You've clearly never been to /pol/, because their fetish is christian medievalism. You couldn't really miss your chance to name le pol boogeyman eh? Even if you don't know shit about it. And why would a fetish for vikings be shitty? Looks like white guilt yet again, sort of proves my reply to OP.


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Op here. I feel like you're missing my point and projecting something on to my first post that wasn't originally part of it. The people i'm complaining about are the type who actively avoid the, "icky", and modern parts of Asiatic culture like anime while forcing what gets through their funnel through their prudish, milquetoast, western sensibilities despite claiming to be so open-minded. The demonization and stigma surrounding western culture is largely irrelevant to my post. Even long before pc culture came into full foce, people's interests in traditional european culture has been waning in favor of the materialistic, capitalistic, artifical one shoved down their throats. This effect extends to Europe which for the longest time has tried to emulate the, "cool americans". Go to any european mall and you'll see the fetishization of America run rampant. Before you, like a typical poltard, try to attribute this to some grand zionist scheme to undermine white people, it's actually the inevitable result of a society where superficiality and corporate interests run amok. If anything, the stigmatization of western culture may end up being what revives it as people always end up beng drawn to taboos. Pol's infatuation with vikings is obnoxious becuase it's both superficial and largely disingenuous. Don't bullshit me by trying to act like poltards are really embracing that culture when it's basically just a meme. Pre-christianity, heathen, western culture is far lesser anyway.
Also, anybody who unironically uses the word soyboy is a faggot. Lurk more newfag and stop contaminating ubuu with your wishy-washy, herd-like mentality.


I always find you guys funny, you go and say "Even long before pc culture came into full foce, people's interests in traditional european culture has been waning in favor of the materialistic, capitalistic, artifical one shoved down their throats. This effect extends to Europe which for the longest time has tried to emulate the, "cool americans"." But when it is time to show who is responsible for this you go all "OH NO, NOT THE JEWS!" Yeah, the jews couldn't have possibly influenced this cultural subversion when they occupy all relevant media positions on the first world right? But, if they own the media, and the media created this subversive trend, aren't then they guilty of this and purposely sought it? How many layers of mental gymnastics are you guys on? Do you even deny this when the information is out in the open?

White society wasn't like this before, a sudden change occured after WWII and has been escalated until the madness of nowadays with SJW mindbroken schizophrenia. This change hasn't occured by itself, this change has been created by the media. But who owned and owns the media? Who led the lambs astray? Or do you mean to say that after thousands of years of sane white people suddenly, magically, out of the blue and from ~1960 onwards they, by themselves, decided to put every fucking little thing upside down? There is a retard here, my friend, and it's you.

It's so funny and deranged, jews own media and the whole banking system, but they couldn't have ever had any say in what people think, believe, behave… It's like you guys are literally mentally ill. Or perhaps you choose to turn a blind eye.

>Pol's infatuation with vikings is obnoxious becuase it's both superficial and largely disingenuous.

In case you missed it, I said:
>You've clearly never been to /pol/, because their fetish is christian medievalism. You couldn't really miss your chance to name le pol boogeyman eh? Even if you don't know shit about it. And why would a fetish for vikings be shitty? Looks like white guilt yet again, sort of proves my reply to OP.

You are the one with wishy-washy herd-like mentality yourself, with your poltard boogeyman bullshit and your willful inability to locate the obvious culprit of modern western decadence regardless of having the evidences in front of your own eyes.

>The people i'm complaining about are the type who actively avoid the, "icky", and modern parts of Asiatic culture like anime while forcing what gets through their funnel through their prudish, milquetoast, western sensibilities despite claiming to be so open-minded.

They are probably pretentious faggots like you. I don't know how you can't figure this out. They leave out the "icky" parts because those parts might clash with socially acceptable behaviors of belief in nowadays western society.

>Also, anybody who unironically uses the word soyboy is a faggot.

But it describes current day phenomena which can be backed up by science. I think it's many tiers above using "poltard" unironically.

Also, I didn't project shit, you were talking specifically of white people and I gave you an honest answer about why whites do that.

>Don't bullshit me by trying to act like poltards are really embracing that culture when it's basically just a meme. Pre-christianity, heathen, western culture is far lesser anyway.

Because pretending to be an epic naturo traditional ninja and imitating the customs of people who had actual fart fights is way above paganism and germanic spirituality.

You're being the same pretentious retard as those you criticize by judging another culture as something less "cultured". You're a joke.


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this triggers the Varg fanboy


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Lol watching you sperg out because I reject your conspiracy theories, scapegoating, and childishly simple world view which was entirely shaped by other people despite you thinking you're such a red-pilled free thinker is funny.
>But when it is time to show who is responsible for this you go all "OH NO, NOT THE JEWS!" Yeah, the jews couldn't have possibly influenced this cultural subversion when they occupy all relevant media positions on the first world right?
Jews aren't responsible for it. A large amount are taking advantage of it now, but they weren't responsible. A multitude of factors which fed into each other created an environment that Jews could easily take advantage of, but even now, it's not just Jews making things worse. What you also don't get is that Jews don't have secret committees to scheme against the white race like we're living in fucking GI Joe. Western Jews are just as much a victim of the vicious cycle of materialism leading to even more superficiality as anybody else. Pick up any Jew newspaper for Jews and you'll see that it's full of liberal propaganda. The vast majority of Jews aren't, "in on it". None of them are. They are all just as self indoctrinated as whites. It's easy to point your finger at some evil group of bad guys, but the fact of the matter is that Jews are just good at making money and building careers. That's what they do. They're just good at it. It's not a conspiracy, it's a self-forming ideology.
>White society wasn't like this before, a sudden change occured after WWII
No, you dumb fuck. This trend of cultural abandonment was apparent as soon as the industrial age started. WWII accelerated the process by fucking Europe up. When shit gets fucked up, people are more easily influenced and less likely to cling onto things, especially things that they have become disillusioned with. Obsessing over nationalism and traditional culture is obviously not going to be popular after a devastating war was started by people who acted like they held those ideals.
>Who led the lambs astray? Or do you mean to say that after thousands of years of sane white people suddenly, magically, out of the blue and from ~1960 onwards they, by themselves, decided to put every fucking little thing upside down?
For those thousands of years, technology has been developing at a crawling pace compared to again, the 1920s and beyond, when it really started. Technology sped up the exchange of information and gave companies an iron-clad grasp on that information. It allowed them to push for an alternative, artificial culture that benefited them. The first soap opera was made in the 1930s, before the war. Do you think that shit is high culture? People didn't resist that. They let it happen. People always notice that these bad things are going on and also that Jews are benefiting from it, like they always do because they're not stupid, so instead of getting to the root of the problem, they lazily attack a scapegoat while failing to acknowledge their complicitness.
>your poltard boogeyman bullshit
I don't think poltards are a boogeyman. I think they're delusional and stupid.
>They are probably pretentious faggots like you. I don't know how you can't figure this out. They leave out the "icky" parts because those parts might clash with socially acceptable behaviors of belief in nowadays western society.
Projecting. I have no problem with guro or loli.
>Also, I didn't project shit
The point of my first post totally flew over your head because being in an echo-chamber for so long makes you deaf. That makes you the retard for having such shit reading comprehension.
>Because pretending to be an epic naturo traditional ninja and imitating the customs of people who had actual fart fights is way above paganism and germanic spirituality.
When did I say it was? All of that shit is primitive compared to what Christianity brought to the table. Without Christianity written music wouldn't exist and neither would the Renaissance. Enjoy your primitive Viking hymns frogfag.


>from ~1960 onwards
Also, it's funny how you think the 50s was in any way good culturally. Some good books came out at the time, sure, but everything else was unabashedly capitalistic, superficial, milquetoast, conformist dog shit. You only don't have a problem with it because it's not considered to be politically correct now. That's doesn't mean it wasn't terrible. It's when sitcoms really became a thing.


>Lol watching you sperg out because I reject your conspiracy theories, scapegoating, and childishly simple world view which was entirely shaped by other people despite you thinking you're such a red-pilled free thinker is funny.

Conspiracy theories? Sure thing mate. L fucking MAO. The info is out in the open, you can check it out, jews own the banking system and amass the greatest fortunes of the earth thanks to lending fictional paper money that wasn't backed up by anything and getting interest out of it back in the day when someone figured it out, you are so stupid it hurts.

>Jews aren't responsible for it

>Jews own both the media (thus behaviors, thinking patterns, morality) and the banking system
How can you even hold both of those contradictory statements in your fucking brain? This shit always amazes me.

I didn't even say ALL jews are in it, I didn't even say they have secret committees or whatthefuck ever you pulled out of your ass. I'm just stating facts. Jews both funded and spread antiwhite mentality and a refuse of white culture, while promoting race mixing and demonizing whites overall. I couldn't give less of a fuck about if there are jews that aren't "in it". In fact I wouldn't have any problem with jews at all if they fucked back to their land and stopped amassing positions of power through NEPOTISM.

Because that's what it is. They only hold power because of nepotism and money. You say "they are good at making money and building careers", holy fuck you're naive and retarded. Of course you'd be good at making money when your people is basically an infinite golden egg hen that will fund whatever the fuck you want to make because of their tribalist mentality. But it has no merit whatsoever since they did it through nepotism, infiltrating power structures and appointing other jews to those positions. It has the same merit as me owning a big multinational and putting in some down syndrome guy as CEO.

>Projecting. I have no problem with guro or loli.

Who is talking about you, you giant retard? Weren't we talking about the people you bitch about in OP's post?

>The point of my first post totally flew over your head because being in an echo-chamber for so long makes you deaf. That makes you the retard for having such shit reading comprehension.

Your question was answered with utmost precision and correctness, it is just that you weren't looking for that answer.

>All of that shit is primitive compared to what Christianity brought to the table. Without Christianity written music wouldn't exist and neither would the Renaissance. Enjoy your primitive Viking hymns frogfag.

Funny since the first musical instrument was born in northern europe.

I'm going to fix that for you:
>Without whites, written music wouldn't exist
Christianity didn't create written music, whites did, white ingenuity is credit of whites no matter if they larp as jewonastick worshippers or buddha's true chosen. Christianity is a shit death cult that would have never been relevant if it hadn't been for whites.

The renaissance wouldn't have even needed to exist if christianity hadn't taken hold in europe you literal dogshit for brains ape, renaissance was about the revival of grecorroman pagan heritage which wouldn't have even gone away had christianity never existed.

Has your little ape brain ever considered that maybe other peoples didn't see the need for having a written culture and had an oral one instead such as celts and germanics and that that is the reason they appear to have nothing cultural going on at all? No, you don't. You're too busy being a self-hating cuck shittalking other whites and becoming the embodiment of what you bitch about in your OP post.


The 50s were shit. I'm not american. The real "counter-(white)culture" degeneracy started to show its fangs from the 60s onwards.


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>Conspiracy theories? Sure thing mate. L fucking MAO. The info is out in the open, you can check it out, jews own the banking system and amass the greatest fortunes of the earth thanks to lending fictional paper money that wasn't backed up by anything and getting interest out of it back in the day when someone figured it out, you are so stupid it hurts.
Yeah, every banker on the planet is a Jew. Weren't we talking about culture? If you weren't a frenzied poltard you would stay on topic and stop going into MUH ZIONIST PLOT mode.
>How can you even hold both of those contradictory statements in your fucking brain?
Owning something, which they don't, isn't the same as creating it. How are you not able to separate the two?
>I didn't even say ALL jews are in it, I didn't even say they have secret committees or whatthefuck ever you pulled out of your ass.
Then why do you place the blame solely on them? As I said, it's not just Jews, so your whole, "it's da jews", point is moot. Okay, Jews contribute a lot to it. What's your point? They didn't do it in a concentrated effort and they don't have no ulterior motives besides being indoctrinated themselves. You didn't even say Jew in your first post, but I was able to tell that you blame them from your blatant poltardism. Forgive me for making another assumption after being right about my first one. Even if you don't want to call it a conspiracy or a committee of jews, you still believe in a deliberate undermining of whites as pushed by the concentrated effort or Jews solely. This is nothing but a delusion. It's what you want to see. An easy explanation.
If you don't think literally everybody practices nepotism, you really are retarded. "Back to their land". I though you poltards hated Israel?
>You say "they are good at making money and building careers"
Building careers through nepotism is 99% of modern capitalistic society. If you think that is restricted to Jews, you are clinically retarded. Whites hire whites they know and Jews hire Jews they know. Being able to get in in the first place is a skill in of itself.
>Who is talking about you
>They are probably pretentious faggots like you.
>like you
How are you this dumb?
>Your question was answered with utmost precision and correctness
You misunderstood the type of character I don't like. There's a difference between a self-hating white and a white that pretends to like something, but forces it through a white lens. Reading comprehension.
>Christianity didn't create written music, whites did, white ingenuity is credit of whites no matter if they larp as jewonastick worshippers or buddha's true chosen. Christianity is a shit death cult that would have never been relevant if it hadn't been for whites.
Lul. You. Dumb. Fuck. Christianity, that death cult, is the cradle of modern civilization. Written music was invented because priests wanted to find a way to make all church goers sing hymns the same way regardless of location. If you think something as complex and intricate as the western style of writing music was an inevitability because of how great white people are, you know nothing. There's an infinite number of things that haven't been invented because the necessary circumstances haven't been achieved. Christianity is also the reason why little boys aren't castrated and used as sex slaves anymore. Common moral sensibilities(like not being a sexual deviant) as we know it were fundamentally shaped by Christianity and helped grow civilization to the state it is now. The destruction of high roman culture was largely due to Rome's destruction. People didn't have the resources to make complicated sculptures. If you know anything about art, you would know that the Romans were also quite shit at it compared to people in the Renaissance, who did have resources. There was no Christina crusade against high culture by the way. Lots of pagan traditions were also preserved by Christianity and without that strong new base, they might have been washed away by the tides of time.
>The renaissance wouldn't have even needed to exist if christianity hadn't taken hold in europe you literal dogshit for brains ape, renaissance was about the revival of grecorroman pagan heritage
Lul, no. That heritage didn't extend into all of Europe. Pretending that there weren't any benefits to Christianity is moronic. It wasn't all good or all bad. In many respects, it heightened culture in the end. Look at Portal of the Last Judgement and tell me that Christians totally obliterated Roman culture.


>Has your little ape brain ever considered that maybe other peoples didn't see the need for having a written culture and had an oral one instead such as celts and germanics and that that is the reason they appear to have nothing cultural going on at all?
How culture is recorded is a massive part of culture. It is yet another thing Christianity contributed. If you don't think that's important, you have an ape brain.
>The real "counter-(white)culture" degeneracy started to show its fangs from the 60s onwards
That's the thing. I was never even talking about counter-white culture. You just started flapping your arms and screeching about it. How can you say that I am self-hating white when you're the one you rejects white's true cultural legacy in favor of some obsolete, irrelevant shit? I never claimed to like those cultures, so no, I am not like the people I was talking about in the op. If you had two brain cells to rub together instead of spoon-fed talking points, you would have realized this by now.


>If you know anything about art, you would know that the Romans were also quite shit at it compared to people in the Renaissance
By that I meant actual paintings.


Not really going to waste any more time on the jew issue with you. You will believe whatever you want to believe.

>blablabla cucktianity did this and that

No, sorry, metaphysical entities cannot create or invent anything, people do, and the things you are describing were invented by white people. Or do you mean they were brought by god by divine inspiration or something? Wouldn't be too far fetched seeing how mentally deranged you are.
>dude without christianity we would go killing ourselfs and castrating little boys n shiet
Not gonna bother.

>How culture is recorded is a massive part of culture. It is yet another thing Christianity contributed. If you don't think that's important, you have an ape brain.
>Being remembered by people from the future that are irrelevant to you is something very important
Ah, now it makes a little more sense, I pity you.

>How can you say that I am self-hating white when you're the one you rejects white's true cultural legacy in favor of some obsolete, irrelevant shit?

>the foreign jewish tale of a subjugated jew that wasn't even liked by their own kind is da truu 100% WHITE cultural legacy and the original customs and spirituality of white people that went on for millions of years is obsolete irrelevant shit
Woah, really made me think.

And yeah, you aren't like the people you were talking in OP, you're worse. You're the guy that's even more retarded than the transcultural snob and bitches about him thinking himself superior.

Cucktianity is so good it needed to genocide whites (great massacres and executions of unarmed men who refused to convert in britain for instance) to be put in place. Looks like great stuff for whites! Now go kiss some refugee's black feet as your pope does, because that's what true WHITE men of christian culture do, apparently.


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>No, sorry, metaphysical entities cannot create or invent anything, people do, and the things you are describing were invented by white people.
Yep. Christianity = God. How fucking retarded are you? A system of belief is not the same thing as a a metaphysical entity. Did you pass the fifth grade?
>Not gonna bother.
You do know that there's still child prostitutes in some parts of the world? If the great Romans and other pagans did it, why wouldn't we do it now? Tell me.
>Being remembered by people from the future that are irrelevant to you is something very important
Without shit being recorded, culture has less weight to it. New generations can't get as much from it. Culture is not a means to an end. It has nothing to do with wanting people to remember me. You're pulling that out of your ass.
>the foreign jewish tale
The tale isn't white people's legacy, what was inspired by it is you ignoramus.
>Cucktianity is so good it needed to genocide whites (great massacres and executions of unarmed men who refused to convert in britain for instance) to be put in place. Looks like great stuff for whites!
Greeks and Romans totally weren't just as violent about equally stupid shit. Before it was being killed for no reason or land, and then it was being killed for not converting. At least in one you can actually save yourself instead of being killed for living in the same place as a disliked group. I'd say that's a step up. If you haven't realized that pagans, especially the less advanced ones were far more brutal, you have no clue what you are talking about.
>Now go kiss some refugee's black feet as your pope does, because that's what true WHITE men of christian culture do, apparently.
Not a Catholic. Also, the current Pope is a joke. I never said they weren't. Why do you insist on projecting liberalism onto me just because I don't agree with your retarded meme philosophy and reddit tier anti-Christian rhetoric? You would fit right in r/atheism, so why don't you fuck off over there already?


>Yep. Christianity = God. How fucking retarded are you? A system of belief is not the same thing as a a metaphysical entity. Did you pass the fifth grade?
Okay, I'll fix it.
>No, sorry, systems of belief cannot create or invent anything, people do, and the things you are describing were invented by white people.

>Why do you insist on projecting liberalism onto me just because I don't agree with your retarded meme philosophy and reddit tier anti-Christian rhetoric? You would fit right in r/atheism, so why don't you fuck off over there already?

You're literally the same as modern atheists but without the fedora. You both feed on lies and half truths, have a fetish for slave morality and pathological altruism and believe in universalism.


Systems of belief can cause people to do things they wouldn't have done otherwise.
>You're literally the same as modern atheists but without the fedora. You both feed on lies and half truths, have a fetish for slave morality and pathological altruism and believe in universalism.
That both does not accurately describe modern liberalism specifically or is in any way related to my first post. You ran out of things to say pretty quick after you went through your laundry list of talking points. You can't actually address a point directly, you have to always side-step to regurgitate something somebody else already said.
>lies and half truths, have a fetish for slave morality and pathological altruism and believe in universalism.
And you're getting all of that from me thinking that Jews aren't responsible for everything wrong in western society now and Christian culture is more important, relevant, influential and complex than pagan cultures such as the vikings'. Wow.


>Nobody is taught anything about white culture in their formative years

People are taught Christianism is the right religion to follow in most 1st world countries (except for asian 1st countries obviously), people are taught white people are more trustworthy basically everywhere including asian countries and 3rd world shitholes, USA and Europe public schools' teach mostly aspects of white history (check the curriculum of each country if you are curious). I don't know where you live but the majority of people are favorable towards whites except a few niches in big cities and internet. You seem extremely sheltered.


>You seem extremely sheltered.
That's what you can expect from a libertarian anarchist.


Any culture that rewards skills over social networking is fine by me. Meritocracy, HO!


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European culture is better anyways…

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