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/o/ - Art / Oekaki

Oekaki is back!!!

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Give me ideas for what fat furries to draw


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wrong picture hang on

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 No.5388[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I know, IA generated content is controversial and many don't consider it to be art, but i feel depressed just by looking at this one.

Prompt is embedded in the picture if needed.
95 posts and 143 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Jesus christ you should all be shot. Go back to twitter if you want to soy out over your faggy algorithms(USER WAS FED TO AI MODEL FOR THIS POST)



ComfyUI is harder to master, but its shit tons of available nodes and the control it gave you over the models is unparalelled.

SD webui is perfectly fine for generating "simple" pictures, but once you step into complex productions, this is another story.

There's a lot of workflows available on the net you can use as bases.

Anyway, happy new year, hope this year we'll get even more tensor power and VRAM.


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you are all failures. every movement you make is an insult to the human spirit. you shall all be smote by the fires of the kami


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Uboa in the superior Minecraft version


speaking of, is the ubuu server still active? seems cool but i haven't seen anyone


It's very cool :0


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Sometimes I go there but is always shine for real people ausence.

Gracias señor doge.


Nobody other than notch and ez ever played rd-132211 until it was added to the official launcher in 2013, around 4 years after it was originally compiled on may 13 2009
Nobody grew up with rd-132211. It was a private dev version.
The only people who know of the minecraft's existence at that time was notch, ez, some people on some gamedev IRC, and the few people who watched that cave game tech test video


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whats the best minecraft version then?

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A sleepy Madotsuki on my napkin.




Napkin artists, and use as a canvas is underappreciated in general.

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can I post commissions on here?
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This one is really cute


don't forgot to bookmark this thread


this is going into my "artists that have no names" folder. good shit, anon.


personally, i don't like the style, but i can appreciate your talents nevertheless

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I thought it would be interesting to open a Yume Nikki-themed Drawthread here. Please reply to this post with your requests or drawings, fangames are allowed and references are appreciated.
37 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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thank you for the well wishes… hope your 2024 is good so far!
going fine, just been busy hehe. how about you?
super cute!
i just saw this today so here it is!

i'm still going to do all the requests i haven't gotten to yet. i've been really busy with life stuff this past year… forgive me (*_ _)人


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drawings from the last couple of months


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game boy madotsuki


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nice shapes, mayb thicken up some of the lines a little and add cross-hatch shading? also if you wanted some dull colours could look good with the grey paper :3

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I wanted to do something cute for Halloween, hope you enjoy!
10 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I love this a lot! Happy Halloween!


happy halloween


I hide in my apartment everytime trick o treaters come around. They see me turn out the lights and know I'm pretending I'm not home. So they keep knocking and knocking as I cower in the darkness. It feels like a horror movie. Spooky.


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I've been posting these annual doodles for the last four years (through my four years of high school)! I'm a Senior now, and I'm currently applying for college. Yume Nikki and Uboachan mean a lot to me and have brought me a lot of comfort so, thank you.

Happy Halloween Anons!(´• ω •`)ノ



That's pretty neat, Happy Halloween to you Anon.

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i dont know. I feel like it's over completely. i feel so low. i want to draw, but I don't feel any happyness or fufillment anymore, I'm just pissed that im not good enough. someone else would have made a bigger impact if they had what i have. why do i have it? I make shitty use of my shitty ability. I don't know why i feel this way. I'm just so sick of failing and not being enough. I just wish I could be proud of what I make


i feel defeated, im too tired. im so sick of this. i feel like crying because that's how pathetic i am


i used to think that if i tried hard and practiced a lot, i could be proud of my art, and i could make other people happy. im not going far anymore, i dont find the joy in it. i havent spoken to any of my friend in months, i feel like i dont deserve it. i dont have the dedication to improve. How am i supposed to improve? i wanted to get better for their sake. but now it's just a waste. I know people who wish they could do what I could do. the world is so stupid. why give me this? why this? Now I know it's not possible to be good anymore. I know now that it was just a stupid childish dream. I'll never reach the levels of the artists that I admire. I was never supposed to do anything great. I was doomed to mediocrity. i dont know what to anymore but it doesnt matter. i'll just give up everything because everything was all for nothing in the end.


Are you self taught? Maybe it’s good to take some time out to clear your head?


i wanted to learn how to draw so i looked at some tutorials and practiced. right now, i can't help but feel like i'm not cut out for it. i'm nowhere near where i want to be.
I think i really do need some time to clear my head, but i dont know how. I just obsess over drawing and make myself do it when im tired. i can't not think about it.
when i look at a nice artwork, sometimes i'm excited because i think i can get to that level someday, other times i'm depressed because i'm not at that level yet. Every piece of media i consume, i can't help but think how it would be if i did something like that, or if I made it. I can't do anything without thinking of art. I can't play games without thinking of making games of my own, i can't read manga without thinking of creating something myself. I can't watch yt videos because i feel like they're pretentious? Why am i like this??


Well there you have it, you just looked up some tutorials, that's not where it ends, you need to consume more educational material to improve, practice alone won't take you there, you're not "doomed", you simply need to learn what you don't know.

tl;dr watch more tutorials

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I can't help but have these insane expectations for my art, only to get upset that I can't meet them. I've gotten so much support and praise from so many amazing people. I wanted to study and improve, but I can never reach where I want to be. I feel like a fraud? So far, I just went silent on all of my social media (just watching Jerma vods for what feels like months lol). People have tried to message me, which is nice and it's something that has never happened to me before. But I feel like I'm doing is not enough to earn their praise.

I've had thought of rejoining twitter and posting again, but i dunno. Do you guys have any advice? Have you guys ever "ran away" from things like this?


I get your feeling.

Back in the days, i enjoyed drawing and it was pretty much the only real hobby i had for years. I had a lot of support from my friends and family.

Then i met a girl and we started going out. She was way better than me at art and already won several prizes at local and even national drawing contests. I feeled like a huge fraud, but this alone wasn't enough to make me quit.

One day, i showed her one of my latest work and she laughed. She told me to quit already, to stop trying doing a thing i wasn't made for. We stayed together for nearly two years then we broke.

17 years later, i've yet to use a pencil again and my old Wacom tablet is still stored in its box.

Sometimes, when i doodle for my 5 years old son, my wife says "hey, you're good, why aren't you drawing more often ?".

Sure, wanting to improve yourself and setting high goals is a good thing, but if you love what you're doing, just don't mind what the others think about it as you may lose something important to you.


So, let me reformulate in a less TL;DR way : if you're really passionate and honest about what you're doing, you're by no means a fraud.


This made me feel a lot better. Something I do know is that the fear of rejection comes from a desire to change and be better. That desire is not something the everyday person has, and I think it's beautiful(?) in some weird way.

Thank you for telling me about your art too. It sounds tough being with someone who tells you off for following your passion. I hope I can do the complete opposite. Maybe one day I can inspire people to draw or follow the things that make them feel complete. I just want to make people feel… things in the end.



The irony is that i finally gained a little bit of notoriety (not in art, though) when i stopped caring about what the others could think about my work and published things i just wanted to share.

Even if you're not the best artist out there, be honest and inspiring, i think it will be more than enough (even if unfortunately, social media like twitters are full of toxic people wanting to hurt you just for sport).

That's the first time ever i confessed this story to anyone other than a few close friends, i'm really happy if the experience i've drawn from this old wound can help someone feels better.

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