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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1738162190808.png (966.19 KB, 852x960, 2.png)


anyone still active here?


Was kinda curious about what this imageboard is, so it's my first time using it


File: 1738166376639.jpeg (251.5 KB, 1920x1280, 1380020.jpeg)

Kinda, but yeah.


File: 1738166449313-0.jpg (105.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1592812760151.jpg)

You can expect exactly one post per day. You can increase this number by posting here more often.

It's a 4chan in the world of Yume Nikki fandom, nothing special. Except not a full-on 4chan due to more strict rules. That's pretty much it.


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i like this imageboard which is nwhy i come here still, though i didnt find out about it until it was already kind of dying. still fun to look through the old threads ig. even 4chan is dying too just at a slower pace which makes me sad


May people are too shy (include myself) to post sometimes. Still not that bad.


i see. Well, thanks for reply, y'al




no, i'm a figment of your imagination


ive been lurking around for 2 years now, havent posted anything tho.


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i mostly lurk, but yea.


Hello there, stay awhile and listen.

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