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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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 No.8376[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Trans Mega Thread!

So, let's try something here.

Frequently a trans-related topic comes up in a thread here in /hikki/, and the thread will quickly get derailed by malicious comments or by the diversion in topic just taking over. There is clearly a lot of interest in discussing trans topics, as well as a lot of unwelcome interest in shutting them down. But they do tend to take over threads either way. So, while we figure out how to handle this from a moderation standpoint, I am going to make a trans discussion mega thread here to contain such conversations. This might end up being permanent. If you find that a thread makes you want to discuss a trans-related topic, make a post here instead.

Rules 6 and 7 are strictly enforced in this thread, and violations will result in longer bans. However, uncomfortable questions are also allowed within reason.

Also if a trans topic starts to derail a thread from now on we may delete those posts.

Also Sei is trans. So I might make some posts in here as well.

Update 11/04/2024: When the conversation in the trans thread veers into whether transness is even a thing that exists, that will be considered an attempt at derailment. This thread isn't for you. It is specifically a containment thread for people who want to talk about transness from the starting assumption that the topic itself and the kind of identity it discusses is valid. Please keep that in mind.
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are you retarded? are you one of those miserable fucks from discord that thinks anything you find out of place is bait?

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From now on, the >>>/rec/ board should generally be used for conversations about recovery from NEETism. This is not a hard rule but you are likely to have a better experience.

Seeing as absolutely everyone misread the /hikki/ rules sticky and used it to draw apocalyptic conclusions about the death of all that was good about /n/, here's a less flippant sticky with less room for ambiguity, in the form of a Q&A. We've also made some concessions based on your feedback in thread >>13, which was moved to /sugg/ for being meta.

What is allowed on this board? What is its purpose?
On this board you can discuss and request or give advice regarding NEETism, Hikikomoriism, anxieties and social or mental issues arising from these conditions of living, and things closely related to these topics. If you're content with being a NEET at this stage in your life, that's ok, and you won't get in trouble for saying so. The board's primary focus is self-help and advice regarding these issues. Despite rumors, threads looking for help with suicidal feelings or drug addition are also allowed.

What is not allowed on this board?
* Encouraging others to become NEET.
* Attacking or discouraging others for being NEET.
* Giving or requesting advice on how to enter the NEET lifestyle.
* Encouraging or showcasing drug usage.
* Announcing your planned suicide.
* Helping others to plan or commit suicide.
* Topics not related to the purpose of the board. Such topics will be moved.
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how do you guys cope with paranoia? I don't usually struggle to talk to people too hard online, Like I have friends that I can play games with and stuff, but even then I have these straight up delusional episodes and huge swaths of paranoia that causes me to struggle, even in seemingly favorable circumstances. Really close friend? I'll lose sleep for weeks thinking up all sorts of insane shit. Finally forced myself to leave the house? Every single car is someone who is gonna stop, get out, and attack me or kidnap me or something. God Forbid if the car has tinted windows, My body will just straight up have a fear response to completely innocuous things! It keeps me locked up inside, I barely wanna leave my room cause I'll get paranoid over the people I'm living with. It's unbelievably mentally isolating, Sometimes I just wish the isolation was a purely physical state that had no baring on my mental - but we all know it's not that simple.
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Since you feel good than I wouldn't worry too hard about it right now, in the short-to-medium term nothing super bad can happen anyways, and you might be on something that doesn't have major adverse long term effects. If somethings working that could be a good thing.

I can talk more in depth about my experience taking an antispyche for 2 years if you want to know, but in short I had negative experiences within weeks, that only got worse overtime. This is in contrast to you having good experiences so far!

If I were you I would search online to see what long term studies say about the drugs your taking, even just checking the wikipedia page can be helpful for getting an idea. Not all drugs are dangerous, antipsyches as a rule tend to have a higher risk profile though which alongside my personal experiences, is why I made my original comment.

To try to answer your other question, psychiatry is focused around the chemistry of the mind and mental health conditions. Psychiatrists seek to solve mental health conditions with chemical solutions, medication.

Psychology is the study of the human mind and all the nuanced aspects of it, a chemical understanding can still be used, but it won't be the whole picture for a psychologist.

For example, if a patient were highly depressed due to having an abusive parent. A psychiatrist would just give them an antidepressent and call it a day, because their whole understanding of the condition is confined to the patients brain chemistry. In contrast a good psychologist would try to help the patient build the state of mind needed to get away from the abusive relationship, help them process what happened through therapy, and then only recommend medication if therapy wasn't working or if the patients condition were so distressed that therapy wasn't possible at the moment.

Clinical therapists tend to fill both roles in a clinical setting and can lean more in one direction or another depending on the needs of the patient and or the therapists training and their practices methodology. It's a challenge finding a good one, but if you do they can be very helpful.


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I'd love to hear more of your story.

As for me, I am so conflicted about this medication because pretty much all my paranoia has gone away, the visual stuff I've been calling Hallucinations has also been completely absent, I feel very grounded in reality overall! Although I have been getting a lot of brain fog, and what feels like a constant passive headache, and some other random bullshit. I'm not sure how I feel about that trade off, the brain fog kinda sucks but not being crazy paranoid all the damn time is kinda huge. Weirdest part is that its been easier for me to focus? but I also feel like I've become stupider at the same time?? like I'm less aware of my intelligence? its so hard to describe

On the note of doctors and shit, I really don't know what I need clinically. If I need a therapist, if I need to see a psychologist, if a psychiatrist is the right call… It gets my head so spun up man.

I really do wonder if I was struggling with some sort of Schizo-disorder type thing my whole life without realizing this whole time, or maybe I developed it at some point? Or maybe I'm just bipolar or something? I don't know how this works, I will keep this thread updated if you anons care though.


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OP here again, The side effects on the meds I was taking got super severe and I ended up having a bit of a meltdown, I must've gotten sick or something but I had one of the worst nights in recent memory. I totally broke down, Got wrapped up in genuinely insane delusions, yelled at a friend a bunch, my whole body felt cold, it was proper FUCKED. I decided to give it a couple days but recovering from that sickness at the same time as the side effects getting worse combo'd me into oblivion so I purposefully missed my dose yesterday, as I write this I'm experiencing withdrawals.

I called my doctor and they swapped it for a different medication, I'm hoping for the best on this new one, The last one tackled the problem at hand but fuck man those side effects were intense. The brain fog alone was crippling especially near the end, Going cold turkey felt like "Waking up" mentally in the strangest way.

I got some benny for the withdrawals and I'm gonna start the new med as soon as I hear back from the doc, maybe this time it'll fix me.


wow this is just like the underground cult classic indie game yume nikki from 2004 produced by kikiyama now available to play on steam


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Hey oh, I'm
When I have the energy I'll write more to you here soon. Good luck and wishing you well, sorry you're having such a rough time.

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It sound faggy, but I wish I lived in the world of DELTARUNE. I hate my shitty little life here in Australia. My only actual friends are the faggots the government pays to tolerate me to make sure I don't sperg out and kill myself. I've tried to go to social events, like Magic and Pokémon TCG tournaments, but the only people there are megaspergs who I can't be next to without wishing that they get shot, or they're unfriendly zoomers. The few nice people are too distant. Nothing gives me joy any more. If I was a DELTARUNE character everything would be so much easier. I love the colours of Hometown, I love the people there. I don't want to come across like one of the autists soying out about how great it would be to live in the Avatar universe, but does anybody feel the way I do? I hate how close my cucked lib parents are to me. I wish they didn't care so that I could have an actual excuse to be upset. I wish I lived in Canada or even a shithole like America or the UK. I hate being stuck in the shitty weather with my ugly stupid fucking parents and their stupid fucking gen x faggotry. I almost want to cut myself just to have something to cry over but I'm scared. I wish I had some friends but because I live in such a fucking shithole the only people around are complete fucking retards with fucking ugly haircuts and subhuman levels of intelligence. I hate this. I wish I had different parents. I'll never be able to buy a house, or live on my own. If only I had just a few close friends that weren't complete fucking autismo cunts. But that's too much to fucking ask for in a fucking era of "neurodivergency" and "self expression". I want a fucking friend. I want a room that isn't in a complete fucking shack owned bu some fucking faggy pacifist christian group. I hate everything about my life. I wish someone would rape me to death so that I could at least go out without it being my fault. I wish people would mourn me. I'm so bored. I'm so alone. I hate my stupid fucking parents so fucking much. I wish they had abused me as a kid so that I actually had something to cry over. I'm stuck. I had one friend. I liked her so much. It was entirely platonic, but that didn't make it any less of a break from the stupid faggotry that this shitty fucking world keeps flinging at people. I hate feeling sorry for myself because I have things that people would die for but I'm such a pathetic little faggot. I want to troon out because I'm so sick of being a man, and being a girl seemsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You're a disgusting "back in my day" faggot. "Oh, you little daffodil, you don't know how good you've got it!"

Fuck you cunts. Am I not allowed to get angry at anything?



>Wow, maybe I've tried this, too. I've applied to eight different locations, and gotten nothing so much as a response back. Your stupid, cucked, bootstrap advice pisses me off more than my own state of living ever could.

knew this fat polynesian ex-gang member in his mid 20s who moved from NZ to "begin a new life", had a wife and two kids, one in AU and the other in NZ. needed the money to fight custody (criminal record, that's not going to happen). if that guy can jobhop while needing to support a family despite not having any qualifications then you must just be an uber 'tard. just do warehouse labor and mete our your small brain under a cement roller, faggot.


>a board that doesn't talk like this
I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I don't care for the rest of the site. I'm only here because there are not exactly a lot of options for hikki discussion.
>clearly being underage
We were all underage once. I for one believe myself to have more in common with someone who's underage and on my life path (though they may drop out) than a failed normal my own age.
>having parents that fucking love him
Lots of people have people that love and care about them, but that doesn't prevent them from getting into dark places. It's not about intent but results.
>living in one of the nicest countries
This is just classic thirdie seethe.


I've tried. I just genuinely don't know how far I'm supposed to go. Also, your story about the ex-gang member? petercapaldi_thisdidnthappenactually.jpg


Finally, somebody who actual sees the total faggotry being shoved in my face for what it is. I don't appreciate the hugboxing, but at least there's some sort of recognition. Also, do you people automatically assume anybody who doesn't adopt your cigar-smoking, brandy-sipping airs is underage?

I've tried so fucking hard for so fucking long, so can you imagine that I might, perhaps, be angry when some fat fucking squeaker cunt says "oh, actually, it's all your fault and you're doing something wrong, everybody else is fine, you're simply lazy and have an aura of unlikeability, you need to improve yourself by doing these things that you've either tried or are already doing"?

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What's even the point anymore? I've basically given up. I've lost so many opportunities; some of them my fault, a lot of them pure circumstance. But how much more do I have left to give?

People are unfriendly. All of those that share my interests are either autistics or just plain rude. I got called "terminally online" for asking for some normfag's discord handle (a site that I hate).

There's nothing to do around the city. Everything costs money. The streets are grimy and filled with the homeless. Housing costs keep going up. Nobody cares. The footpaths are choked with hideous invasive flowering weeds. The concrete is cracked and dirty. The infrastructure is accessible only to cars.

Why bother? There's not much point in leaving the house. But it's not much better inside than out. I try using mainstream socials, but everybody there is either unable to take criticism unless it goes with the flow of the community's zeitgeist, or is an American retard. And decent sites move too slowly to keep me occupied.

Why try? I'm enrolled for a once-a-week college course, starting this following week. But I don't see why I should care. I'll either do something stupid and get myself kicked out, or somebody else will.

I remember getting really sad a few years ago about the realisation that everything is ephemeral. Everything will eventually decay into entropy. I try to think about it every so often, but it's hardly motivating. What difference does it make if I try or not? Nobody will ever remember me either way.

It rained for a few days a little while ago.

I miss the petrichor.
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dw man we'll get a rip of reload eventually, much like every good thing in life, it is inevitable and worth surviving tomorrow for.


There's something so beautiful about the samples used by the music. I tried Portable, but the washed-out colours and lake of overworld models for the hero made it feel surreal and hard to connect with. Same with FES. But Reload feels real. And the theming of the water, the feeling of endlessly falling upwards, is beautiful.


Dropped out of uni AGAIN


i feel for you… do you want to talk about it?

t. persona 3 guy


It's hard. Sometimes I'm strangled by loneliness. I understand where you're coming from, and if there was a remedy I'd be all for it. I guess we just need to bank on the hope that everything washes out eventually.

Things are looking quiet this month. Another morning slouching toward Gomorrah.

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Does anyone feel fundamentally different from other people?

Like there's an insurmountable wall separating you from everyone else that you won't ever be able to overcome. Even with all the riches and a perfect life on the surface there would still be distance.

Ever since I was a kid I was the "weird kid." At home I was an unwanted child. It really just feels like I'm not supposed to exist, but do anyway, as some glitch in the matrix. And all the forces in the universe are desperately trying to bug fix my existence.

I feel very little loyalty towards the world, humanity, or society.
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Can't quite put my finger on it but yes. I've always blamed it on being an immigrant even though I speak the native language without an accent and all my friends were natives growing up. I'm not able to articulate myself how I would want to. Writing is the closest thing I have.

In the end, although I'm not the dumbest in the world, I'm not smart enough to figure out what the underlying mechanism to this great problem with belonging is.


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Yeah, people just conclude I'm strange with minimal interaction but it's whatever, I'm at a point in life where being social is very tiring so I just don't try anymore.


This is called anderssein.


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It's more as if I understand that they have the capacity to sniff out intruders on the same limb that they enjoy in strangling outsiders with overwhelming indifference, so I play into my end of the bargain and steer clear of the tracks. I don't need to incapacitate myself with the writhing hivemind and their flesh-eaten orgies, and they don't feel noxious at the thought of being simpatico with me.

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 No.19[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

hi /n/, im curious about the NEETdom and wondering if you could answer some questions?

how long have you been a NEET?
was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
what do you do all day?
what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
how often do you get outside, if at all?
do you live independently or with parents?
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>how long have you been a NEET?
5-6 years, fuck me
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
It first started when i was going to college then i had a constant panic attack that lasted a month or a couple of weeks. In which i had spent most of my days sleeping then if not having an anxiety attack. It obviously eventually ended in me being kicked out because i wasn't showing up and i just never tried to go back.
>what do you do all day?
I basically waste my life away playing games, I do read once in a while but most things are quite boring or unfun.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Not much i don't have any friends anymore both real life and offline, i mostly just talk to my sibling once in a while. It isn't enough though so i mostly just suffer and endure with playing games.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I used to go outside a lot but now it is once in a while when i have a bit of money saved.
>do you live independently or with parents?
With family sadly, holy shit i wrote my life story.


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i hope the best for you and that your life can get back on track, especially with the 3d blender art. the world is a cruel place.


Technically I'm not a neet anymore as of today due to finally enrolling into college and having my first day, but I might return in the future.
>how long have you been a NEET?
End of 2018 up until the start of 2025. The first half of 2021 had me studying a field I had no interest in but I couldn't continue due to the government saying I wasn't healthy enough. $10,000+ dollars down the drain.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
No idea what I was going to do after high school. No goals, no interest and no skills. Couldn't get a job because of no skills or work experience.
>what do you do all day?
Video games, movies and anime.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
None. Not online or in person, aside from occasionally speaking to my parents.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Once a week to do the groceries. I felt like I needed to be "useful" to my parents.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I still live with my parents. We're not rich and there's no way I could afford to live by myself even now that I'm in college and saddled with debt.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
From 12-19, then again now from 22 until 27. 20-22 was a failed community college attempt, I'd like to go back but we're 5 years on now so who knows if my credits even still count.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

I come from a broken family, am autistic, have a brain injury, school system failed, family failed. As Ricky from Trailer Park Boys would say I don't have my grade 10, really I don't even have my grade 5, and people who don't have their grade 5? Well they're really screwed.

>what do you do all day?

Play online games with friends, mindlessly browse the net, when it's summer I ride my bike on a nearby trail and get ice cream. Winter really keeps me in and I hate traffic so I don't drive anywhere usually.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

For regular social interaction just one friend that meets me at the local games shop where we play tabletop. I have two online friend groups, I didn't go to high school or middle school but I made friends online in skype group calls and teamspeak back in the 2010s. Somehow I still have those friends and somehow one group of them still uses teamspeak in 2025.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

I go outside once a day or I go insane, not to shops or work or anything, just to mull around in the woods/park/trail and in the summer to the ice cream shop that's on the trail.

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>how long have you been a NEET?
3-4 years, few stints in between but nothing long-term.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET.

a distaste for everyday conduct, mangled repetitions of maladaptive behaviour leading me to become socially catatonic. after that, why bother trying? there's nothing more to do than amputate myself from the present. i had bad experiences in school, so that made me impartial to people. also easier to pin down my trajectory if there isn't a great deal of novelty in your life. it's as if i were looking at a map without any discernible features, just shapeless masses.

>what do you do all day?

i eat, i sleep, i conjure demons in my mind to wax politic, i read econ articles which i can't make sense of, i play vidya and watch porn, etc

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

mostly my parents every now and then, "are you alright?" and "the toilet's blocked" or something banal like that. there's a friend who i knew from highschool who seems to be able to tolerate my retardation, but i don't talk to him often. and we aren't that close, it's more as if he pities me (i've said that he's a "lifeline" of mine as a joke, followed by silence). but sometimes i don't talk to him for month-long stretches, and it's mostly a discord message out of the blue, not irl interaction.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
for walks. aside from that never.

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Hi anons, I'm a random dude from Russia, I don't study, I don't work, I sit at home and go out only to store. I was wondering, how do you people from other countries live now and how, do you have anything to share your experience?
I'm thinking of moving to Japan someday (I love Japanese culture and I'm learning Japanese on duolingo) and living my stupid life there, well, and of course buying “Yume Nikki” merch.


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Oh hey, another fellow Russian on this god's forsaken imageboard. What a pleasant surprise, truly an extra slice of joy.
> I don't study.
You should consider it.
> I don't work.
You should consider it.
> how do you people from other countries live now and how
Unpleasant, but I'm used to it. Waiting for certain improvements.
> do you have anything to share your experience?
If you even consider finding a job - don't go to the governance structures. It's just not worth it.
> I'm thinking of moving to Japan
Leave it be that way, and look for an opposite direction instead.
> and of course buying “Yume Nikki” merch
DIY instead. At least that's what I do to grow my Yume Nikki merchandise collection.

And you didn't have to attach your personal e-mail to the post. It is not necessary.


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Hello, friend.
>I was wondering, how do you people from other countries live now and how, do you have anything to share your experience
This is a broad question. If one lives in a shithole the experience will be bad, if one lives in a good country then it will be good. But for me is unplesant. I do not seriously consider to leave my country (unless thing gets really bad) because "you will never be one of them" and this fact really bothers me.


It is sad. Unfortunately despite trade between parts of the world being greater than ever cultural export and homogeneity has decreased, meaning that moving between countries feels like shifting between planets. I hope you find the country of your dreams. I, personally, want to move to Finland. I love ULTRAKILL, walking through the snow, and Finnish as a language.


teach me your ways


??? What are you meaning???

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I truly do not believe that my future has any light at all. it's made itself very clear over the years that my parents just don't love me. they don't care or listen to me. They say it's unacceptable for me to ever be a NEET/live in their house much longer. I don't know what i'm going to do next. I deeply resent society and I'm not interested in working or doing studies. i dropped out when i was 16 with no graduation. i turn 19 in february. i'm not good at talking to others in real life nor do i desire it. the thing is i'm very talented at multiple things, and i love making art, i share it online and am also part of online artist communities, it's truly one thing that motivates me to live everyday to create and also to help others. But seeing the state of this world and how people like me are treated, it feels tiresome and neverending. I don't want to waste my potential but i am just not made for this shit. Who ever thought bringing offspring into this shit world [school, work, maybe family, die, repeat] was a good idea? Sorry for the depressing post. I just needed a place to write out these words. I think i just need to isolate myself more and ignore them entirely. It's a waste of energy to talk to them.
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let it all out man

can i see some of your art (:


thanks. It's mostly just video collage/music, i don't really feel comfortable with linking my accounts though..
i'm decent at drawing but still trying to get better. Maybe one day i'll get back to this thread and post some.



its been 3 years…


I wonder if this pal is doing better now.


i hope so

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I feel like everyday I'm slowly regressing back to my hikki ways and I'm trying to stop it. I get burnt out and today I was supposed to have a meeting with my teacher and then go to my other class but I accidentally skipped both today because I felt too stressed to get out of bed, and I still have to go to my internship in about a few hours. I've also been on my phone a bit more than usual. Any advice on how to stop this constant wave of inactivity and stress?

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