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File: 1537118535314.jpg (203.86 KB, 800x800, 1486818100274.jpg)


I'll miss ubuu when its finally gone for good.


I'll make sure ubuu always exists in some form, even if that means having an ai talk to itself and make it look like actual people.


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What, you mean never?
Not flood


Nah, Ubuu won't disappear, there are too many people willing to recreate it even if the admins die.


I'll make my own Uboachan, with Secret Societies and hookers!


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don't worry, ill keep pumping sei's out of the cloning machine


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Long live ubuu


I don't think so. As soon as the hangover of the new YN game is worn out, it'll go back to the same circlejerk of 10 people, with maybe the occasional returners.


>10 people
Wow, that's five less than the last headcount.


Considering my time at UC was around 2011-13, I can safely say that the circlejerk will continue to get smaller until it's the admin and his sockpuppets.


>implying other imageboards aren't circlejerks


True. In conclusion, every imageboard - Ubuu included - are run by the same circlejerks, albeit in convincing disguises.


Are all circle jerks equal though? That probably depends on a person's priorities. Regardless of whether there's thirty, ten, twenty or one person here, ubuu has a its own value that should be preserved for as long as possible.


Nah you're just mad cool people enjoy cool things.


People aren't allowed to like things anymore, don'tcha know?


If you want to believe it's worthwhile, please consider that this chan might have just been paid for, and will continue to be so, at least until Sei or Writer decides to pull the plug.

It's gonna happen, guys.


It depends on its users, Ubuu's history is being slowly documented in the wiki too.


UboaChan will never die.


Never say never.


Make it look like Madotsuki


What you say?


You miss things when they are gone


UboaChan died in 1989.


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Don't go. Stay awhile and listen to my song.

3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

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