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It's back, but this time on /ot/ instead of /hikki/. I don't really know why it was on /hikki/ in the first place. Please welcome our new, site-wide Chats & Communities Thread.

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here. Ads are not allowed elsewhere on the site.

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If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted.

Posts to this thread do not appear in recent posts on the front page.
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The fediverse is the new image boards.


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>L is British as grew up in England (in the Wammy's House) and has mixed ethnicity. When asked about his ethnicity, the author said he sees L as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian and a quarter French or Italian.

Dios mio

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Swedish meatballs

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Terrarraarrirarria Calamity Mod
Stupid jewtube let's players
Bohren and Der Club of Gore
Finished Blood Meridian and looking for a replacement; great book, recommend it to anyone who isn't a woman or a faggot or a ninja
Alternating Coffee, Beer, and Water as needed
Summer Clover, thanks /hgg/
Pretty good, wanting to write more in my short story


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Final Fantasy VIII (1999)




The Beatles - Eight Days A Week


The Eight
AuthorKatherine Neville
The Eight, published 1988, is American author Katherine Neville's debut novel. It is an adventure/quest novel in which the heroine, computer whiz Catherine Velis, must enter into a cryptic world of danger and conspiracy in order to recover the pieces of a legendary chess set once owned by Charlemagne and buried for one thousand years. A sequel, The Fire, appeared in 2008. Wikipedia


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Friday off for a long weekend. Yeah!


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Just another lazy weekend…


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Final Fantasy IX


Alien 9


9 (Nine) Movie Soundtrack


9 -Nine- Series



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 No.16798[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Press ctrl+V. Whatever prints is what you post.

>EAT YOUR own ass

Ok then.
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2xCamarilla's Iron Fist


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I prefer Magic: the Gathering. Black, please.


“Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called ego.”



Ghost in the Shell (2017) - Shelling sequence clip with original choir


Most of those countries such as Canada made certain markets like health insurance public, where it was deemed for the publics benefit not to be run for profit as there's far too many externalities and moral issues. We made the same choice with police and public attorneys. Sometimes, in very rare cases usually invoking peoples health and safety, it makes sense for it to be public.
What doesn't make sense to me is that massive meddling western governments do to prop up these monopolies. Copyright is a perfect example. Or just look a Boeing in 2024 or many Wall St orgs after 2008, special treatment and artificial barriers to completion is a huge and ever growing problem.

And these debates always just dismissed and downplayed because all context gets thrown out and it turns into vague gov regulations vs markets fights, as we see here in this thread.

The cyberpunk future of megacorps ruling the planet will be the result of gov interference in the vast majority of cases. And only a small amount due to lack of any monopoly antitrust enforcement. But both have the same root cause of forever expanding gov technocracy->megacorps define the rules and buy politicians->no one wins.

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Hello. We are playing Civilization 4, Realism Invictus mod. We need one more person. We communicate by voice here https://soobbotnyayakonfyeryentseeya.anon.fm/SoobbotnyayaKonfyeryentseeya/. We speak English and Russian. Who will? There are already three of us.


Remember -"No Russian"

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ITT: Innocent/innocuous characters and things ruined by the internet.
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I don't care she's still cute.


Who are you? Who? Who? Whoooo? Who?


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I want liru chocolate


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Leave tanks alone…

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A recent gem from my inbox.


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Wow, that's pretty funny.


Everybody needs a smile

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Can we please, for the love of everything, turn off the sun? It's too hot now and my body can't take it anymore. In the cold you can at least cover yourself very comfortably and drink something hot. But with the heat, unless you put ice cubes on your balls, it's horrible, you sweat a lot, everything sticks to you, you're wet, you smell like an ape

it's hell.
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Spent a month in Japan, got back not too long ago. It was so hot, am glad to be back. Spending more than 5 minutes outside guaranteed sweat, even at night…


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we need to nuke the sun. wait, you know what? fuck it. let's make nuking legal worldwide.


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If you hate the sun so much just move to Neptune its a nice cold -214°C and so far from the sun that there's almost no light anyway.


..maybe something less expensive man

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Black to play
D Malla vs W Kobese
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this ai? faggot


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If you were able to find out how you die, would you? Or would you rather live your life, unknowing of when where and how it will happen?
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Death never ends….


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Live. Love. Prosper.


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I'm gonna live forever….


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