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 No.19921[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's back, but this time on /ot/ instead of /hikki/. I don't really know why it was on /hikki/ in the first place. Please welcome our new, site-wide Chats & Communities Thread.

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here. Ads are not allowed elsewhere on the site.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never.

If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted.

Posts to this thread do not appear in recent posts on the front page.
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Read the rules and you'll find out.

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This is a general thread for imageboard discussion.

What other imageboards do you use? What is your favorite imageboard? And what imageboards did you used to use?
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I used to post on crystal cafe too but the daily CP spam and the insane janny banning everyone for no reason ensured that I would never go there again until it hopefully gets competent management somewhere down the line. Thankfully soyjak party has managed to shut down the CP with a media pending approval system.


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1. just 4chan and uboachan
2. uboachan
3. a few that are long gone.

he's not spamming jakks or posting CP so he's alright with me.



Crystal Cafe and Lolcow Farm both have literally the worst jannies on the internet. They are, ironically, even worse than the Reddit tranny jannies that they claim to hate so much.


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>>What other imageboards do you use?
I lurk on Futaba Channel's nijura boards, a couple textboards, and sometimes 4chan [s4s], although I generally avoid 4chan. I guess I'll try out Wapchan and Kissu and see how things go. I avoid imageboards now. Too much racism, rage, drama and repetitive posting. Japanese ones can be better even if they are often dead. Futaba can be cancer sometimes but the average poster is less unhinged. I'm guessing Americans are just more brain damaged and retarded than Japanese.

>What is your favorite imageboard?

Not sure I wanna advertise it here.

>And what imageboards did you used to use?

4chan and a few niche ones. I tried Heyuri for a while and it was good at first because of rule 8 but it just sucks overall and is fake as fuck. Lainchan suffers from more and more stormfags and jakposters so I abandoned that place.



Even if they're obscure, name them. I archive small altchans regularly and I would like to know what they are.

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 No.22863[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Black to play
D Malla vs W Kobese
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Nostalgia 90s-2008s thread:
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I don't like obsessing over the past but looking at old anime and video games from the early 2000s really calms me in a way nothing else really does. The world was so different yet in a sense, strikingly similar. I don't remember it being much better politically or socially, but the media and the entertainment sure was. It felt like we were at a grasp of something truly new and innovative but it all just slipped through our fingers and we lost touch. For music, I blame the rise of hip hop in the mid-2010s being pushed by the fantanos and the pitchforks of the world. Poptimism too. It felt like it was a crime on the internet to like niche music and genres around that time and for what? A vague sense of social justice? Wouldn't it be more of a "social justice" to listen to the truly niche, struggling artists who defy boundaries rather than stay inside them? I hate the constant meddling in culture for these vague, grandoise but never fully fleshed out ideas that are entirely full of nothing and counter productive when you truly examine them. And the mid 2010s was full of that sort of ideology. I think that's part of the reason why 2000-2011 feels so pure and why it resonates with many a zoomer: it was free of the confinement and art was allowed to be expressive and niche on a grand scale because none of these entertainment mediums had fully grasped what exactly we were doing in the new digital age nor did they have any conceptions of what we should be doing as a part of social responsibility. It was purely free-flow, stream of conciousness lead by several entertainment powerhouses that dominated the online culture and were not afraid to take risks or alienate a few people for the sake of making something truly beautiful.


Feeling the same thing, I miss how pure internet was, everything had more substance to it, now is a bit souless but we still can access some good stuff


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I treasure the fact that I can still access good things from a time long gone as well as some new good things that slip through the massive irony and edge barrier on the internet.

It feels nice to have something truly devoid of modern day politics, partisanship, and aggressive agendas. Particularly aggressive from the right wing "let's make 'gemmy' hate pieces" edge sphere, but also the left wing overtly inclusive "lets make everything black" bullshit that can be just as annoying.

Having something that just stands on its own and presents its own world views and own insights rather than tailor made pandering is nice and actually stimulates my preception rather than try to force me in alignment towards it. Hamfisted messaging has honest been kind of a deathknell on truly creative and exploratory works.


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You people managed to make a chill 2000 nostalgia thread political.


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they'll always find a way.

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am i bi?
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How do the sleeves stay on?!?


I made them stick to her


Sock glue.



I still think it's sussy. With furry stuff, a furry is inherently fantastical and removed from reality; there's not really a real-world parallel. Whereas a shotacon or lolicon character is literally just a child???? but animated???? I guess there's at least SOME plausible deniability; like maybe you can claim that it's not the age-related characteristics that appeal to you, it's the naivety, the proportions etc, in which case you get a very tentative pass, but it's still very telling. Just see a psychiatrist dude. I think if I was into that sort of thing I would commit sepuku desu


I want to watch her grow old, I will die to see her live past 40

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What is nothing?
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Enter the VOID


Can the territory really be nothing if it's externally aknowledged via a map?



The question itself is fundamentally meaningless. Nothing 'isn't', asking 'what is' it is meaningless.


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playing tf2 with my friend
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tomnorrow i shall go to burger king


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i finished the sopranos and had lentil soup for dinner


have you seen the wire?


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dangit i wanted to play san andreas multiplayer to relax but i rembered that i broke it so it wont open
i also broke the stalker mod i wanted to play immediately after getting it running so

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hate to be a complainer lol but internet is not fun anymore. so many cool chans dying like 420chan and dreamchan and I dont think they will ever comeback. Discord used to be cool but now is just people's ego fighting to see who is better and attract the opposite sex the most, almost all of them is just a com copy.
Am I just paranoid or in the wrong places and someone does feel like that too?


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sure, though I would place that date a few years earlier, around 2018? maybe even 2016
and yeah, I would blame Discord for a lot of the degradation of the internet
before Discord, forums and other communities were much more popular, each with its own unique soul
now everything has a Discord, and even if each server is different, it's still the same platform, with the same layout, same features and options, just different emotes
you know what I mean? a forum was different from a text chat, was different from an imageboard, was different from an in-game meta chat
and each forum was different from each other forum, had different aesthetics, its own memes and history, etc., again each was unique
the saddest thing was seeing forums slowly die as members moved to Discord, forming in-groups and even mocking users who stayed on the original platforms
hell, even uboa has a Discord, and I bet it's not as active as it used to be because I'm sure much of the activity has shifted to the Discord


You picked the wrong urn to cry into. Uboa's Discord lives its own life and the majority of the board users do not even interact with it. With a few notable exceptions.


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I agree with you except on the uboacord part, that place is cursed and something else entirely different in both userbase and feel. I think a lot of the actual userbase here just moved onto adjacent boards/sites since yume nikki you can only discuss so much what hasn't already been said. That and fan games have been kind of grinding to a halt. YNO and the adjacent projects have keep a match lit, even in the jp side of things (I see JP streamers and vtubers play 2kki online constantly). I do unforunately agree that discord and chat apps kind of ruined the internet alongside other consolidations like twitter, instagram, tiktok, etc. but I think we're on the brink of a web revival soon since these sites like twitter keep fumbling and fucking up (especially in regards to pushing AI trash nobody wants) and people are starting to realize the answer isn't more social media alternatives like bluesky or rednote but small forums and communities. I see a lot of small forums and imageboards springing up lately and gaining success and it brings me a small glimmer of optimism and hope. and god i hope the rw irony/com/sharty/edgesphere shit dies out because that shit has worn out its welcome eons ago and to be honest I've never welcomed it at all just got used to it. death to irony

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What are your favorite oldfag memes, /ot/?

Since I was born in 1995 (which is often cited as the first year of generation Z), I am just barely old enough to remember many oldfag memes from when I was a kid (yes, I was on imageboards when I was a preteen). "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" is, of course, my all-time favorite. To this day, I still ask people that in person and still laugh my ass of at their bewildered responses. The "HURT FEELINGS AND BUTT RANGED" autism macros always made me kek as well, along with the goofy-looking baby picture Babby and all of the edits of it.
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All your base are belong to us


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I shamefully admit I really like classic 9gag memes like trollface, rage guy, advice animals, and so on
also pown.it and newgrounds -era memes like imma firin mah lazor, they see me rollin, nyan cat
it's quite a wake up to remind myself of these, and to see that none of them have survived, yet they were so popular once


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Bruce Lee

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In three days, I start the quarterly exams… and I don't start to study XD…

Who know a study method?


well, i passed my exams using chat gpt. I doubt that this information may be useful for you. Buuut, if you have distance education, (for whatever reason) i'd try chat gpt.


retarded faggot(Hey, this wasn't nice of you to say that!)


we got chat gpt shilling on ubuu before gta 6 :skull:



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