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A distant relative just died and for whatever reason you inherit their private island and the boat to get there. Only you know about this besides the guy that informed you. What do you do?


That's my dream. I've actually looked into buying islands but most near me are uninhabitable or you'd have to build your own house and that would be incredibly expensive.

I'd immediately move onto the island and start an online business so I don't have to go back to the mainland, maybe I could grow something to sell. I'd adopt a pack of dogs because I'd have the space for them, plus I'd feel safe at night knowing I'm surrounded by good boys. I'd use the boat to go back to the mainland and buy supplies every now and then. I'd grow lots of tropical fruits. Depending on how big the island is, I might build another little house on the beach and I'd go for little hikes with a packed lunch and flask. I'd probably get into painting on the beach or writing novels to both pass the time and make money. It's my absolute ideal situation.


>you'd have to build your own house and that would be incredibly expensive
You realise that prices for even the cheapest islands are in the order of millions? If you can't afford to build a house then you can't afford to buy an island.


Uh, maybe where you live. I could get one for 100k. The house would be triple that or more. So yeah, the house would cost more than the island itself.


Sell it.


>Only you know about this
Okay, well, this scenario didn't happen then. Because governments keep track of things like this.

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