>>20443>Have never seen that on any imageboard before and it leaves me to believe some of the mods were hired not because they were native IB users with a desire to help, but instead just clique members of whatever discord/irc the head staff were part of420chan has been like what you describe for at least a decade, i'm sure most sites end up like that.
if the people on super exclusive irc channels were really as clever as they think they are then there would be great masses of wonderful genius amusing original content spilling out of the algonquin round table irc channels, but there never is. it takes exactly 0 creativity or brains to run an imageboard, just follow the instructions in the manual, nevertheless those people who manage to rtfm and run imageboard server software on the interrbutt in real irl life always also credit themselves as having accomplished something when the end users of "their" board come up with something novel and worth looking at.
the fact is that if you want to make a website and have other people generate all the significant content on that site then thats like admitting you really have nothing at all to say.