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/ot/ - Off-topic

Best board

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Dear STIsatsu,

     I'm uploading these classic 4chon.net banners for your use when you make the new /4chon/ board. As you already are aware, 4chon is a long established internet culture that is currently homeless due to aggressive mass censorship from the corporate world and in order to help preserve diversity of culture and thought on the internet it is imperative that 4chon have a new and reliable permanent home. Uboachan has been fantastically stable over years of tested performance, its a wonderful website with highly skilled technical backing and thats why it's been lucky enough to be picked at the new home for /4chon/.
Congratulations! All you have to do to convert on this fantastic opportunity for yourself is to whip out the mkdir and create the new /4chon/. So easy, its your lucky day! Before long the accolades and affection will be rolling in for you.


I actually want Uboachan to have nothing to do with 4chon in the long-term due to its alt-right leanings. The /ot/ refugee thread is a mercy, not an invitation. Please stop making new threads requesting a board. I'm sure one of you can whip something up; a server that could handle your whole userbase costs like $5/month. Uboachan isn't your home, it's a stop along the way which I've allowed you to use a thread in temporarily mostly out of a feeling of nostalgia and because I used to hang out with you guys. This is a fansite for a niche genre of artwork and indie games and the people who produce and enjoy them, and not a suitable permanent home for 4chon's userbase. You are free to use the refugee thread for planning your departure to a more suitable location. Collect your wits, plan something out, and move on, and don't make me regret letting you stay here for a while.

Any further 4chon-related new threads will be locked or deleted.

P.S. I will however be happy to offer hosting advice if it is requested in the refugee thread, in order to ease your transition. I've been doing this for a long time.

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