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Daily reminder for all you ああfags to join our Facebook and Steam groups:




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What would Uboa play on his account


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Social media is for losers.


As opposed to imageboards which are obviously for winners




those hooligans on their "tick tocks" and "snap chats", their "dice cords" and "read its" could never even begin to compete with intellectual titans such as ourselves (i am infertile from eating scented candles)



i joined the steam group, but i dont have facebook.


Or we just talk here?


Hi, how's your life going


Going fine; it's stable. Want a holiday but the price of everything has gone up. Maybe a stay-cation will work.


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I use this site to anonymize myself for a reason. I also rather we just use the site instead of splintering into social media. Steam is fine and discord I'll allow so long as it doesn't overtake the actual board it's based off of in terms of usage and popularity (even though I think uboachan's discord and most discord servers are a cesspit in general) but I think Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. etc. should be strongly frowned upon and discouraged

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