Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today:
• Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of this violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned.
• Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing greatly to societal decay. Far too many people neither wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would much rather focus on some other (in many cases far less dangerous) kind of erotic abuse.
• Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for those who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution.
Rampant anorectal violence is caused by—and in turn contributes back to—societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
As of 2022/07/11 relevant English Wikipedia articles for many years have had major, inexcusable flaws. Among them:
• The "human anus" article depicts a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Biological human females normally lack an evident midline perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region; as the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them, embryologically it does not promote formation of an obvious, raised seam as it may in biological males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the "perineal raphe" article suggests otherwise involving fusion of urogenital folds, which normally doesn't occur in biological females[1].
• The "simple columnar epithelium" article explains neither its fragility nor (at least in the anorectal region) absence of somatic innervation.
The "anal sex" article …
• lacks neutrality; it gives the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions by omitting any _scientific_ opposing perspective, e.g.: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short- and long-term health risks to a receptive person.
• fails to mention the normalization of injurious anorectal violence in pornography featuring real people.
• does not disambiguate "hemorrhoid(s)," which can refer to pathology or normal anatomy. Anoreceptive activity can both cause hemorrhoidal disease and worsen an existing case.
• contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable.
Those contribute to rampant anorectal violence along with misinformation facilitating it. Their persistence for far too long calls into question both the factuality and the impartiality of everything on the site.
1. Clinical Anatomy. 2013 Jan; 26(1): 134-52. doi:10.1002/ca.22177. (PMID 23169570)
Two noteworthy Spanish studies:
"The aim of this article is to argue for the need and urgency to open an interdisciplinary debate on the goals of critical sexual education. From a philosophical and gender approach, the consequences of generalized online access to pornography, a profitable business, are analyzed as a school of sexuality for youth. The article deals with the violence and misogyny of many of the most visited contents and poses two hypothesis to debate. Firstly, pornography is subject to a process of erotizing violence, which may become a new space of legitimization of inequality between female and male teenagers. Secondly, a mismatch exists between the expectations of female and male teenagers regarding what a good sexual life is. Movements such as Me too and Cuéntalo as well as social polarization over trials like that of "the herd" would confirm such a mismatch. The conclusions reflect on the contradictions in societies, committed to equality, which increasingly tolerate less sexual abuse and aggression and at the same time are becoming more tolerant towards pornographic contents freely accessed by young people as a school of misogyny and violence. Some of the most serious consequences of those contradictions are dealt with by way of three current examples."
"[On pornography and sexual education: Can "sex" legitimate humiliation and violence?]" Gaceta Sanitaria. 2021 Jul-Aug; 35(4): 379-382. PMID 32173052. doi:10.1016/j.gaceta.2020.01.001. Epub 2020 Mar 12.
"Background: The viewing of mainstream pornography can in some situations be detrimental to the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents. This consumption generates gender inequalities by distorting the image of women. The aim of this study was to review the existing literature on the effects of mainstream pornography use on sexual and reproductive health in adolescents and university students."
"Methods: A scoping review was conducted to examine the existing literature on the sexual and reproductive health effects of mainstream pornography use in adolescents and college students. The purpose of this review is to explore the evidence on this topic by assessing a wide range of articles and study designs. The proposed scoping review has been conducted in accordance with the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology (JBI)."
"Results: We identified 14 studies showing that mainstream pornography consumption may have a short- and long-term impact on adolescent sexual health. Adolescent exposure to a sexualized media environment is associated with stronger beliefs that females are sexual objects."
"Conclusions: Pornography viewing influences adolescent sexual and reproductive health. The sexual misrepresentation of women caused by viewing mainstream pornographic material is a serious problem that can increase gender inequality. Mainstream pornography should be addressed in sexual education programs in schools, as well as in the different Public Health institutions."
"[Sexual and reproductive health effects of mainstream pornography use in adolescents]." Revista Espanola de Salud Publica. 2021 Aug 4; 95: e202108102. PMID 34267175.
"The current study sought to quantitatively assess what young Irish college students report learning about sex from watching pornography. This research is important given the growing body of literature, which shows that many young people use pornography as an informal educational resource (Dawson, Cooper, et al., 2018; Dawson, Nic Gabhainn, et al., 2018; Litsou et al., 2020; Tanton et al., 2015; Wright et al., 2018, 2019). This study identified several aspects of perceived learning from pornography. The current study did not measure objective learning from pornography. Therefore, findings may speak to what students seek to learn from pornography rather than their actual learning. There may be significant discrepancies between what young adults try to learn or think they are learning versus what knowledge they gain. We did not assess students' perceptions regarding the value of the information they reported acquiring from pornography. Several studies have highlighted that some young people report learning inaccurate and unreliable information about sex from pornography, while others report acquiring helpful information (Arrington-Sanders et al., 2015; Davis et al., 2017; Dawson, Nic Gabhainn, et al., 2019; Dawson, Tafro, et al., 2019; Litsou et al., 2020)."
… "Considering youth often report that their school-based sex education leaves out important information that they want, pornography may fill this knowledge gap concerning sexual behavior, body aesthetics and sexual exploration. Although some pornography may provide accurate depictions of these concepts, the variability in pornography means that it is unlikely that all depictions will provide accurate or reliable information. Pornography may set sexual norms about behavior and functioning, particularly if there is no available information about the realities of some practices. This is particularly problematic for youth who may choose to engage with non-consensual and violent pornography. Although many young people may see non-consensual depictions in pornography, for example, Davis et al. (2018), in their study with 517 Australian young people, found that 18% reported seeing pornography content that depicted non-consensual violence toward a man, and 43.5% reported seeing non-consensual violence toward a woman, in the past 12 months. However, much smaller percentages show a preference for coercive and violent content. Landripet et al. (2019) found that only 5–8% of male Croatian adolescents preferred aggressive pornographic content. Several studies have identified preferences for violent pornography as a predictor for sexual violence (Dawson, Nic Gabhainn, et al., 2019; Dawson, Tafro, et al., 2019; Wright et al., 2015; Ybarra & Thompson, 2018)."
"Improving sex education, which focuses on the identified factors, is therefore essential. Sex education, which discusses pornography, the realities of sex, realistic depictions of a variety of genital and body types, and which focuses on sexual pleasure, are paramount to the sexual wellbeing of young people (Albury, 2014; Bengry-Howell, 2012; Dawson, Nic Gabhainn, et al., 2018; Dawson, Cooper, et al., 2018; McKee et al., 2010). However, such programs are not widely accessible, and many are based on policy guidelines and recommend educational initiatives that focus predominantly on sexual risks (Mayock et al., 2007). Therefore, the findings may help sex educators and those who develop sexual health interventions by highlighting the critical areas for improvement in sex education programs. Providing information about real-world sexual experiences and allowing youth time to explore these topics in individual and group settings may reduce the need for young people to use pornography as an educational resource."
"Development of a Measure to Assess What Young Heterosexual Adults Say They Learn About Sex from Pornography." Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2022 Feb; 51(2): 1257-1269. PMC8888499. doi:10.1007/s10508-021-02059-9. Epub 2021 Nov 10.
"In seeking to understand both the formation of risky sexual scripts and the acceptance of sexual coercion, previous research has identified the use of pornography as a significant predictor of risky sexual scripts, with downstream effects on both consensual sexual behavior and sexual aggression. Pornographic material typically contains features that are considered risk factors of perpetration and vulnerability factors of victimization, such as noncommittal sex, the use of violence, and stereotypes about “token” resistance of women, that is, their tendency to reject a sexual offer despite being willing to accept it (e.g., Dines, 2010). There is plenty of evidence that exposure to pornographic media contents affects users’ sexual scripts, attitudes, and behaviors (as summarized by Coyne et al., 2019; Rodenhizer & Edwards, 2019). Furthermore, pornography use has been linked to sexual aggression perpetration, as shown in the review by Wright et al. (2016). Our studies have shown that pornography use increased the acceptance of sexual coercion (e.g., Tomaszewska & Krahé, 2016). In a longitudinal study with Dutch adolescents, Peter and Valkenberg (2010) showed that more frequent use of sexually explicit material on the internet predicted more instrumental attitudes to sex, as reflected in endorsement of statements such as “The main goal of sex is that you yourself have a good time”. These authors further showed that the association was mediated by higher perceived realism of pornography."
"Changing Cognitive Risk Factors for Sexual Aggression: Risky Sexual Scripts, Low Sexual Self-Esteem, Perception of Pornography, and Acceptance of Sexual Coercion." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2022 Feb; 37(3-4): NP1377-NP1400. PMC8793298. doi:10.1177/0886260520922341. Epub 2020 Jun 6.
>>22724>>22815Watch happy sex pr0n?
• Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, a girthy penis/object, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide. It is impossible for resultant anal and rectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology.
• Widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, misinformation, and disinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are facilitating rampant anorectal violence.
• People with (self-)destructive inclinations, some affiliated with pornography companies, are having a field day with anorectal violence and spreading disinformation. This is contributing greatly to societal decay, aka decadence.
• Watching violent pornography can have numerous effects on some viewers (including inspiring them to the point of emulation, even using coercion).
• Pornography is being used as a substitute for sexual education in many cases.
• There are, or most certainly should be, criminal implications for people who perpetrate anorectal violence against one or more others.
"In this article, we call for a more concerted effort to understand the ways in which pornography might be used in, and contribute to, intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV). We seek to address this through an overview of existing work and the introduction of data from an Australian-based project on women's experiences of IPSV, where pornography use was an unexpected finding. Furthermore, we argue that there is a pressing need to address such issues now, given the increasing mainstreaming of pornography. Our findings contribute toward a better understanding of the context and dynamics of IPSV for women and suggest that pornography ought to be a greater focus in prevention efforts."
… "We contend that the mainstreaming of pornography is an important cultural shift that must be accounted for in studies of sex and sexuality, including studies of IPSV. The trend of “pornification” has seen the normalization of pornography consumption, particularly for younger men (Lim et al., 2017; Rissel et al., 2017), and, arguably, has also increased the legitimacy of such consumption. At the same time, and as the next section discusses, this shift has coincided with an increase in, and normalization of, “hard core” and/or “gonzo” pornography, which frequently features various forms of aggression, abuse, and violence against women (Dines, 2010; Jensen, 2007; Tyler, 2011). We therefore argue that, in moving beyond a simple cause and effect model, it is important to attend to these trends to understand the cultural context in which heterosexual relations, including IPSV, take place."
"The mainstreaming of pornography in much of the West, since the turn of the 21st century, has generated a lot of popular and academic interest (Boyle, 2018; Dines, 2010; McNair, 2002; Paul, 2005; Rich, 2001; Tyler & Quek, 2016). Although there is significant debate about the meaning of this trend, there is widespread agreement that it is occurring. This process is often captured under the term “pornification.” A synthesis of existing conceptualizations of pornification shows “an acknowledgment of the encroachment of pornography, and imagery like that promoted by the pornography industry,” into everyday life and the ways in which pornography and pornographic imagery are “fragmenting and blurring” into traditionally non-pornographic forms of culture (Tyler & Quek, 2016, pp. 1, 5)."
"Recognizing Connections Between Intimate Partner Sexual Violence and Pornography." Violence Against Women. 2021 Nov; 27(14): 2687-2708. doi:10.1177/1077801220971352. (PMID 33227222) Epub 2020 Nov 23.
"Overall, this meta-analysis demonstrates consistent and robust relations between media exposure and sexual attitudes and behavior spanning multiple outcome measures and multiple media. Media portray sexual behavior as highly prevalent, recreational, and relatively risk-free [3], and our analyses suggest that a viewer’s own sexual decision-making may be shaped, in part, by viewing these types of portrayals. Our findings are in direct contrast with the previous meta-analysis, which suggested that media’s impact on sexual behavior was trivial or nonexistent [4]. The previous meta-analysis used 38 effect sizes and found that “sexy” media were weakly and trivially related with sexual behavior (r = .08), whereas the current meta-analysis used more than 10 times the amount of effect sizes (n = 394) and found an effect nearly double the size (r = .14)."
"First, we found positive associations between exposure to sexual media and teens’ and young adults’ permissive sexual attitudes and perceptions of their peers’ sexual experiences. Second, exposure to sexual media content was associated with greater acceptance of common rape myths. Finally, sexual media exposure was found to predict sexual behaviors including age of sexual initiation, overall sexual experience, and risky sexual behavior. These results converged across multiple methodologies and provide support for the assertion that media contribute to the sexual experiences of young viewers."
"Although the meta-analysis demonstrated significant effects of sexual media exposure on sexual attitudes and behaviors across all variables of interest, these effects were moderated by a few variables. Most notably, significant effects for all ages were apparent; however, the effect was more than twice as large for adolescents as for emerging adults, perhaps reflecting the fact that older participants likely have more comparative, real-world experience to draw on than younger participants [36,37]. In addition, the effect was stronger for males compared with females, perhaps because sexual experimentation fits the male sexual script [18] and because male characters are punished less often than female characters for sexual initiation [38]. Finally, the effect was stronger for white participants compared with black participants. This finding aligns with expectations of social cognitive theory [6], which anticipates that black youth may identify less strongly with the predominantly white characters of mainstream media."
… "These findings have significant implications for adolescent and emerging adult physical and mental health. Perceiving high levels of peer sexual activity and sexual permissiveness may increase feelings of internal pressure to experiment sexually [39]. In one study, exposure to sexual media content in early adolescence was seen to advance sexual initiation by 9—17 months [40]; in turn, early experimentation may increase mental and physical health risks [37]."
"Contributions of Mainstream Sexual Media Exposure to Sexual Attitudes, Perceived Peer Norms, and Sexual Behavior: A Meta-Analysis." Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019 Apr; 64(4): 430-436. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.11.016. (PMID 30691937) Epub 2019 Jan 26.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim. Fermentum odio eu feugiat pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl. Sit amet venenatis urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra. Pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit. Non arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id. Aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere. Sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper. Ac turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique. Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin sed libero. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna. Quis vel eros donec ac odio. Urna nunc id cursus metus aliquam eleifend. In vitae turpis massa sed elementum tempus egestas sed. Urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. Sodales neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna. At varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor.
Ac turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique magna. Ante metus dictum at tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus. Lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor nec. Vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci. Senectus et netus et malesuada. Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut. Felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id. Duis at consectetur lorem donec massa. Enim tortor at auctor urna nunc. Sed elementum tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium quam.
Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus. Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh mauris. Vel pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque. Ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius vel pharetra vel. Ut sem viverra aliquet eget. Vestibulum sed arcu non odio. Nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque. Nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor. Nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla. Arcu non sodales neque sodales. Massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis vel eros.
If people here don't appreciate my sharing of pertinent studies I've found due to "wall of text" aversion, then I suppose I can stick to tradition:
Anyway, I recognize that not everyone out there has the reading comprehension level and/or attention span necessary to completely understand material that I'm posting. One goal of my effort is to motivate highly-intelligent and highly-literate people to educate many others about matters I and others have covered; perhaps they can get through to those I can't (or will no longer try to*) reach, e.g. with shorter and/or differently-worded summaries and "tl;dr" statements.
* Some "tl;dr" people are simply trolling: they don't care regardless. That is why, after far too many years of being on this "crusade," I am increasingly unwilling to spend time that ends up being wasted. Had many—if not all—of those "tl;dr" types that I genuinely tried to reach throughout years past NOT been trolls, then I would have long since ended this endeavor: surely some few of them would have listened and taken serious and effective action with effects significant enough for me to notice. (And speaking of wasted time along with past experience, I probably will not respond to replies pertaining to what I wrote. As I've pointed out countless times before: Ultimately this is not about me. I spent time writing all of this because I may choose to reference and/or reproduce it elsewhere in the future, so it's not entirely pointless.)
I think the problem is that you're posting stuff on a thread with seemingly no specific goal, which may as well go in some sort of blog. You're not really trying to get people to discuss any topic, but rather just info dumping things. I legit thought this was a thread where people were copy&pasting random stuff into, for whatever reason.
This, being the off-topic board, is probably a good place as any to do whatever you want (as long as it follows the rules of the site). But since there's no much room for debate, I'm afraid the chances of getting any meaningful reply are extremely low.
>>22944> a thread with seemingly no specific goalThat is not the case. See the thread title: Please address rampant anorectal violence along with factors facilitating it.
The OP image contains details on those topics along with some suggested courses of action. Potential courses of action include addressing the very long-standing flaws in the English Wikipedia articles covered by the Wikipedia critique in
> You're not really trying to get people to discuss any topic, but rather just info dumping things.Instead of repeatedly posting something like "bump" I'm quoting pertinent studies that are not currently part of the references compilation embedded within the OP image and also posted as individual named quote collection images (Trends & Associations, Anorectal Risks 1, etc).
> I legit thought this was a thread where people were copy&pasting random stuff into, for whatever reason.Perhaps you didn't spend time to actually read through the OP image then.
> since there's no[t] much room for debateThat is true at least. Many facts are presented backed up by many good sources. This isn't about debating settled facts; rather, it's about getting those facts out there to educate people, making use of them to e.g. combat disinformation, promote justice, etc.
> I'm afraid the chances of getting any meaningful reply are extremely low.That may well be true, but not for any reason you provided. Rather, far too many people just do not wish to think about matters relating to the anorectal region. This all-too-common reticence is, of course, one major factor facilitating the rampant anorectal violence that was mentioned.
>>22948> The OP image contains details on those topics along with some suggested courses of action.Rather, the original post does. I'm too used to posting variants of TAKE ACTION containing the "decadence" paste included as text in the OP or my "justice" paste (the first two paragraphs are included below).
Pornography industries worldwide have normalized violent crime. Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant in pornography and far too common outside of it as well, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3].
Violent pornography can have numerous effects on a substantial proportion of viewers. Those include inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and promoting development of related (self-)destructive mental pathologies including sexual sadism disorder and sexual masochism disorder [References: Trends & Associations]. People with such inclinations are having a field day spreading disinformation and engaging particularly in anorectal violence, unrestrained hedonism contributing greatly to societal decadence.
>>22943Consider, anon, that 'wall of text aversion' is not the primary factor discouraging people from taking you seriously. Consider, perhaps, that it is the fact that you are seeking justice for anal sex and general societal 'decadence' on a discussion site that evolved around an indie game about dreams and hikkikomori.
In addition, please be aware that posting large amounts of data is not always an effective means of persuasion, even to so called highly-intelligent and highly-literate people, particularly if that information challenges what they consider to be generally held beliefs or consensus. I would recommend reaching out to more active communities, such as reddit, where people can be eager to discuss contentious issues, and doing so in a style that focuses more on rhetorical argument, with your data as a device to be taken out once the discussion has begun and people request sources or information.
I wish you luck in dealing with your anorectal troubles.
>>22950> you … you … your … you … your>>22712> A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example.>>22950> a discussion site that evolved around an indie game about dreams and hikkikomori.When censorship and worse aren't factors, it doesn't seem to matter where this material is posted. Too many people simply do not want to listen.
>>22948> far too many people just do not wish to think about matters relating to the anorectal region. This all-too-common reticence is, of course, one major factor facilitating the rampant anorectal violence that was mentioned.>>22950> please be aware that posting large amounts of data is not always an effective means of persuasion>>22943> One goal of my effort is to motivate highly-intelligent and highly-literate people to educate many others about matters I and others have covered; perhaps they can get through to those I can't (or will no longer try to*) reach, e.g. with shorter and/or differently-worded summaries and "tl;dr" statements.>>22950> I would recommend reaching out to more active communities, such as redditBeen there; done that. Probably never again. And speaking of Reddit, the image is very much related. The zipped text is once again embedded: dd bs=1k skip=881 if="reddit bullshit & omission.png" of=""
> I wish you luck in dealing with your anorectal troubles.Happily, I have no such troubles. Yet. Anorectal problems do however tend to arise with age even amongst people who refrain from engaging in anoreceptive idiocy. And that is more than enough information about me. Once again: Ultimately this is not about me. Do keep that in mind, as I may in the future decide to completely ignore anyone who likewise ignores what I wrote especially in the text covering logically-fallacious diversionary tactics.
>>22951ok then. I apologize for associating you with your posts, and thinking that your unique interests and methodology are reflective of you.
In the meantime, I have a genuine question. How often (and where) do you get a positive or interested response in your campaign of posting this information? Would you say you have reached or found agreement in many people? I am just curious. Certainly, you have made it clear it isn't the common response.
Thank you for posting
>>22952Positive and/or interested responses are indeed very uncommon. Regardless, even when people seem to be positive and agreeable: still nothing changes for the better from what I can tell. The significant issues I've covered in those English Wikipedia articles, for instance, have persisted pretty much constantly for many years now. And I've been posting about them for far too many years as well, seemingly ineffectually unless there is more going on (e.g. Wikipedia mods/admins abusing their power to make edits or reversions that don't show up in the edit history: I've seen no evidence that anything of the sort has occurred, however; a much more likely explanation is that people simply are not paying serious attention to—much less trying to effect change as a result of—anything I've been posting).
>>22953You're welcome.
>>22951> reddit bullshit & omissionSoon, instead of posting "bump" or pertinent wall-of-text quotes, I may provide details on said bullshit & omission for included URLs. That, at least, is not something I've done before; for some reason nobody has ever asked for those details. I might as well provide them regardless.
>>22954> I might as well provide them regardless.I've changed my mind about that. In many cases I'd be repeating the same things over and over, especially when omission may well be the greatest issue even moreso than false and/or harmful information (due to the mentioned /r/sex enshrinement of the "sex positive" bias into the posting rules, "sex factual" posts may not be made in the first place by people who otherwise just might post them [self-censorship], or may be censored by moderators because the posts are seen as being insufficiently biased toward the positive, reality be damned). So, if anyone has questions about one or more specific included URLs, then feel free to ask.
>>22943> I recognize that not everyone out there has the reading comprehension level and/or attention span necessary to completely understand material that I'm posting. One goal of my effort is to motivate highly-intelligent and highly-literate people to educate many others about matters I and others have covered; perhaps they can get through to those I can't (or will no longer try to*) reach, e.g. with shorter and/or differently-worded summaries and "tl;dr" statements.Here is a work-in-progress summary paste that still may be considered "tl;dr" by some people:
Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive criminal violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have gone completely unpunished despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What should easily be considered incriminating evidence worldwide not only proliferates unchecked, but also serves as an example to be copied in far too many cases. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.
>>22951> reddit bullshit & omissionThe lone /r/SexWorkers URL will be dropped in the future, and the wording adjusted as every URL will then be from /r/sex alone.
Anyway, I stumbled across and archived this recently: top comment is interesting. doesn't get past Reddit's "over 18?" NSFW check, so the archive site behind CF will have to serve.
This is an interesting post.
I can agree that this whole "anorectal violence" thing is a real problem.
When you use terminology like "please address rampant anorectal violence", people won't understand what you're talking about, and they will just dismiss you as crazy, partly because the terminology is too technical for them.
I think you would get further by calling it sodomy, and pushing for sodomy as a whole to be de-normalized. People have a natural tendency to be against sodomy, it's only through centuries of nonsense that they have accepted it.
I honestly love this guy.
I don't care enough to read any of his posts, but you gotta admit he is dedicated. according to - the earliest post from him I could find, he's been doing this since 2017! Good on him, honestly.
>>23088> I can agree that this whole "anorectal violence" thing is a real problem.Indeed; there is an abundance of evidence suggesting as much.
> I think you would get further by calling it sodomyI disagree. "Sodomy" has religious connotations and can be ambiguous (technically it also includes oral erotic activities and even bestiality). I try to refrain from using the term myself.
> When you use terminology like "please address rampant anorectal violence", people won't understand what you're talking aboutSome people will, particularly those who are more literate and/or willing to consult a dictionary for unfamiliar terms. Such people arguably are better to target specifically anyway, because they can understand more of the material to which I'm trying to draw attention and maybe in turn try to make things easier to comprehend for others.
> they will just dismiss you as crazy, partly because the terminology is too technical for them.1. Even _if_ that is the case for a significant percentage of people (which has yet to be demonstrated — the burden of proof rests on the claimant, but I'm not sure one really can prove such a thing), "sodomy" is not an acceptable alternative in my view.
2. By using the term "anorectal" among other potentially-less-common terminology more frequently, perhaps people's familiarity with them will become more widespread. That may be well the avenue by which many terms once considered esoteric became more common.
> People have a natural tendency to be against sodomy1. How many people? Some? Many? Most?
2. The term "natural tendency" makes me think of a logically-fallacious appeal to nature.
3. Again, the burden of proof rests on the claimant. Considering how prevalent anorectal eroticism has become nowadays, somehow I doubt that is the case for any significant percentage of people at least in the western world; it'd be more plausible for, say, bestiality.
>>23089> he's been doing this since 2017!I've been going at this for much longer than that, actually.
> Good on him, honestly.I appreciate the praise, but I'd be more appreciative if you (among others) were paying attention to what I've been posting and taking up the cause. One person can be expected to do only so much, and certainly I've done far more than should be expected of any one individual.
I wouldn't mind being fucked to death
>>23088>People have a natural tendency to be against sodomy, it's only through centuries of nonsense that they have accepted it.boy are you in for an anthropology surprise
>>22712I can't really take the info you share with the importance you want because most of this texts', and your opinion's, base is on violent acts, which are already considered bad by definition, doesn't matter the body part. yes, violence is bad, everyone knows that, but doesn't mean they care as you see with sociopathic people. even in
>>>/sugg/3868 you reference rape multiple times as a proof of your observations which sounds like a really innocent and sheltered view. yeah, rape is violent and causes irreparable damage that can lead to chronic conditions or even death. what did you expect, for the rapist to care about the victim not being able to poop right and have to wear diapers for the rest of their life?
this is where your ideas fail, because you set the target audience for your debate on the victims of anal violence, when it's pretty obvious and expected already people don't want to suffer violence, anal or other. there's really no point in informing possible victims that violence is bad, and most examples you give are of non-consensual violent acts
your debate would have more interesting ground if it was actually about anal violence from the point of the perpetrators
>>22712I don't question your cause, but I do question your methods, from just some google searches it's obvious you've been doing this for a long time, why like this? Spreading this information in anonymous imageboards and forums won't do much to your cause at all. Why not write some emails and go to podcasts, news channels, youtubers with a larger audience, take some interviews, maybe produce content yourself and advertise it through ads or something.
I can see a lot of people getting behind this if you open your mind to more mainstream methods.
>>23101> I can't really take the info you share with the importance you want because most of this texts', and your opinion's, base is on violent acts, which are already considered bad by definition, doesn't matter the body part.Many people don't even seem to recognize anorectal violence as _being_ violent behavior with all of the implications that should entail. As I wrote in the OP image: "Partly due to common prejudices against and denigration of the anus along with rampant, anus-mutilating erotic anorectal violence, developing an aesthetic anus fetish is highly unusual; and _accepting_ it, even moreso. This fetish does indeed seem to be very rare: otherwise that violence would have strong opposition."
What I wrote states plainly that anorectal violence is rampant, as numerous sources quoted in Trends & Associations (among others, including referenced in my /sugg/ thread) explicitly point out as well. The body part (or parts) involved DOES indeed matter: those two factors I mentioned, common prejudices against the anus and denigration of it, most certainly are related. I also suggested that the apparent rarity of an aesthetic anus fetish is a factor contributing to the absence of strong opposition to rampant, anus-mutilating erotic anorectal violence.
Furthermore, I also wrote this in the "decadence" paste included as text in the OP: "Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for those who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution."
> even in >>>/sugg/3868 you reference rape multiple times as a proof of your observations which sounds like a really innocent and sheltered view1. That is a misrepresentation. I pointed out that there can even be fatal consequences for a person on the receiving end of anorectal violence, referencing a case study documenting death following anal rape. I then further wrote that such an outcome may be possible not only from anal rape, but also from "rough anal intercourse that is so common in pornography (which may itself constitute rape if the possibility and/or actual result of causing an injury to another person with serious and even fatal consequences invalidates legal consent)."
2. Yet again: Ultimately this is not about me.
>>23104> Yet again: Ultimately this is not about me.>>23101> you you your you you your you your you your you your>>23102> your your you've your yourself youFrom the OP image:
>>22712> Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics:> A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example.> It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.Anyway, as I pointed out recently elsewhere in two separate posts (references will be provided on request):
1. Anyone else could take some or all of that information from others to which I've been trying to draw attention and use different tactics. One person can be expected to do only so much. Most certainly I've done plenty already.
2. While what I am doing may well be ineffective, I choose to press on until I am satisfied that I have "passed the torch." I do not wish for all those years I spent on this endeavor, and all that I have learned, to be for nothing. One or more other "crusaders" could find some of this information from many others I've gathered most useful, perhaps along with my personal knowledge, and so I continue until I am satisfied that doing so is no longer serving a purpose. Besides, there may be some societal value to willingly thinking about and discussing matters about which far too many others are reticent.
Do people not understand that some of these matters are time-sensitive? Anorectal violence was fairly common in mainstream pornography even back in the 1990s, if not earlier. Many perpetrators of such violence—especially so long ago—against one or more others at least in mainstream pornography never did, and probably never will face justice at the hands of any government.
The clock is ticking as people and governments continue failing to take action. It already is certain that justice can be served realistically only through extralegal means (i.e., "fighting fire with fire") in far too many cases, due e.g. to violent perpetrators relocating.
>>23124I had a suspicion that my thread was interfered with detrimentally after that "bump" post. I can now be certain: it's autosaging, and also it's not appearing on the overboard at /recent/.