Uboachan, sushi, I sometimes go to lain and see if anything good pops up, same with tohno. I occasionally visit krautchan and I used to check wizchan but the place's beyound salvation aready.
Once a 4channer, always a 4channer. Tho I hardly ever actually go there anymore. /g/ & /trv/ are my jams. /vr/ sometimes tho the level of snobbery in there usually has me leaving right quick. Usedta browse so many more boards, but over time they went from good, to humorous, to simply irritating. I miss old /x/.
Beyond that I've stopped off at 420chan occasionally and 7898chan before its namechange. I've also poked around in futaba because know your roots etc.
Anymore tho, mostly just here.
sushichan, 8ch/a/, 4chan /trv/ and /vg/, lainchan
I only really lurk here, I visit and post sometimes on SaOVQ, kakashi-nenpo and sushichan, and sometimes 4channel.
>>16203Oh. I Forgot lainchan, yeah, lainchan /tech/. Though thats still mostly lurking, but sometimes posting.
I go on /b/ once in a while to have a good laugh and weep for humanity.
>>16250>we wont cum in your eye!Jeeze, wants me to go there, won't even bother to cum in my eye.
4chan 99chan 3chan 8chan aurorachan 7chan desuchan Tohmochan 2chan i use all of these.
>>16242Tell my special friend I said hi.
I was using, but there is too much cancer, so I left it and started browsing small boards, both Russian and English.
I used mainly Karachan, as it was main chan in my country but I can't post there anymore and probably I couldn't be able to do this in quite some time. Many things have happened there through these - almost - 7 years. It has been getting worse and worse and I was feeling drained out of energy just by looking at posts full of shit recently. Or maybe I have expected help from anonymous people of internet and didn't receive it. And now I'm wandering, looking for place where I could stay longer and enjoy.
4chn only /k/ and /r9k/ /thou.
>>16351Fucked if I know. It's weird how people who spent highschool being treated as the human equivalent of insects one finds under a mat and shudders at feel the need to reproduce the same kind of circlejerky, shitty atmosphere online. I've resigned myself to groups being shit and some individuals being okay. But where do you find those?
It's funny. I can't exactly say I was ever PROUD of identifying with imageboards, but anymore I actively regret growing up on them so much. There's this self-fueling elitism and negativism to them.
Here's a pretty good vid on what I mean: 420chan's lit is pretty cash.
>>16099Other IB are shit.
This. 420 is a shit, with losers.
Only Uboachan. Growing older I've begun to come to the conclusion that imageboards are a caustic and overall negative influence on productivity, happiness, and general outlook on life. I'm trying to quit using them and focus more on learning skills, reading books, writing in my journal, etc.
Social media and imageboards both neglect our ability to learn how to think critically and write properly, too. At least in my opinion. We're rapidly getting ourselves into a position where nobody knows how to accurately express their feelings or their thoughts.
4chan only /k/ and /lit/
>>16474>I only know /b/Others IB are good, but not that it have lots of anons.
>>16476The modern web is the noosphere, and when you're plugged into it it's like being plugged into a global consciousness (or the English-speaking portion of it) and having your head constantly filled with everyone's thoughts. Many people lose themselves in the noise and are essentially brainwashed and zombified (imageboards perhaps make this even worse by eliminating identity), becoming walking buzzword and meme dispensers. There's not enough distance between people and communities, and not enough time to think. On Twitter there isn't even enough space to express yourself properly, so a sound bite will have to do.
Social mediafication also has other bad effects like destroying your ability to concentrate and making you completely waste your time. It's easy to spend the whole day on 4chan and hard to stop doing it.
4chan is particularly toxic, and Hiro is in full-blown "fiddling while Rome burns" mode as the site sinks deeper and deeper into a vortex of increasingly unmoderated lunacy, inanity and shitposting. Having 4chan go out of business would be like plugging an oil spill. 8chan is not much better.
This is the only site I use No.16522
>>16351I think part of it is that that's what anonymous, loosely moderated imageboards offer that places like Reddit and Tumblr don't.
People engage in polite, thoughtful discussion on the latter two and then go on the chans to call other people shitdicks. I think there's a pretty good correlation between the rise in popularity of Reddit and the decrease in quality of 4chan.
It's sad, really. I will never feel at home on Reddit and I can't spend more than a couple of hours there before I start to feel nauseated with the place, but the posturing and tryharding on 4chan just kills any attempt at communication.
Wizchan and sporadically 4chan's /v/, /out/ and /asp/ (airsoft general).
Unfortunately 4chan went to shit, it's not even amusing anymore, I don't even keep up with /asg/ and it was my favourite general.
Wizchan is slow, too.
>>16522/pol/ taking over 4chan was what ruined the place for me. I mean yes it was always a racist shithole, but now it's nothing BUT a racist shithole.
As social media grew and spread, 4chan just became so much more hostile and serious.
Also the stupid new image limit and OP bump rule killed a lot of storytimes and image dumps.
Anon is my name;
4chan is my nation.
/m/echa is my dwelling place;
And death's my destination.
I usually go to Lainchan and (chilean image board), and just sometimes I go here.
No.16548 /b/ /r9k/ /pol/ /tech/ /λ/ /sci/ /b/ /p/ /int/ /bbs/ sometimes
>>16541Hail choroy
/jp/ and /lit/ regularly
/e/ and sometimes /u/, /h/, /d/, or /aco/ for porn
/vr/, /x/, and Lainchan from time to time
Since I'm learning moonrunes I try to read Futaba Channel and 2ch, but they're still too above my skill level to understand everything on. Futaba Channel has enough non-sequitir shitposts to still be fun though.
>>16593>Otaku leftistLife must be hard in 2016/7
>>16595it's a laff riot how many impoverished no-life anime dweebs voted for a trust fund baby who puts their wellbeing below literally anyone/everyone else's, but then again the entire election was reactionaries railing against PC culture instead of anything even remotely related to policy
>>16596Most of us are against any elected leader and are against pc culture, we need a revolution. Also, its an imageboard so of course its going to be full of anime dweebs.
>>16595Yeah the fact that I can stream anime makes my life a breeze.
No.16607 because I miss old 4chon.
tinychan because textboards will always have a place in my heart because it's the only state-specific chan I know of for where I live.
>>16607What's he point of Isnt it just but 100% shitpost?
>>16609Basically, yeah. I just couldn't really get on board with 8chan since so much of the initial userbase came from reddit.
I havent been on IB's in over a year probably…
After i removed myself from 8ch I tried with a small group of people to go to start a small chan, but like expected the posts slowly trickled to a halt and we dispanded. I declared IB's dead and vowed to leave them forever.
Yet here I am, back again. I never used uboachan too often but it always held a spot in my heart due to my love for YN… glad to see posts have been improving a bit since ive been gone.
I just want a good /x/ bored… i feel homeless (lol)
>>16631I did the same thing except I was running my own. It had a decent community and then I left it alone and never checked on it and then I came back after some time and it hadn't been active in quite a while. Then I tried to post on it and saw that something had caused a problem and you couldn't post anymore and I couldn't fix it so I just shut it down.
I'm starting a new one again but I got rid of the old domain like an idiot and don't want to spend the money to get it back. I'm having to build my userbase up from scratch now and it's a real pain in the ass thing time.
>>16633Ive actually been on the userbase of two failed upstart chans… one moved to a different website and dropped the IB format, now they have usernames and everything. I guess if it works for them…
But out of curiousity, what was the name of your site?
>> It's themed for my state but I don't have any ip ranges filtered or anything and probably won't. You can come be my friend there if you want.
It doesn't have any unique culture to it yet, so you can take it in whatever direction you want.
4chan has reached the point where anime threads on /tv/ get deleted no matter what, while /co/ threads and the usual shitposting and spam are left alone. This is fully sanctioned by the site's administration, whoever they are. Also the mods for some reason crack down super hard on "spam," i.e. saying the same thing repeatedly (which doesn't amount to much due to the cooldowns), and they do this site-wide. They otherwise completely ignore reports on all boards.
I wish the site would just go under already. Just let it end. Please. 8chan should go too.
>>16639The mod team is the absolute worst with no quality control because it's too big at this point and Hiroshimoot doesn't even care.
I was appealing a ban in irc and stuck around after it got overturned to talk with people. The conversation found its way to politics before the mod kicked everyone who didn't agree with him and then banned everyone who continued to talk when they rejoined. On top of that, the 4chan community in general has long since been flooded with edgy teenagers trying to prove that they can do le epic troll and be as hostile as possible to strangers online. It's not that I can't handle it. It's just a worn out gimmick. I'd rather just have nice conversation with people on more obscure imageboards.
8chan as well as any other infinityboard needs to die because it's reddit-core. Imageboards don't need to be flooded with as many boards as there are people. It just divides up the community a lot and then ends up in a lot of inactive boards.
>>16642>>16639>Just let it end.Are you guys me? I feel the exact same way, anons
;-; No.16644
>>16643I think a lot more people feel the same way than you might think.
>>16643At this point ive declared chans dead twice lol
>>16548Why do you visit the most cancerous boards on 4chan?
As for the other Chan sites, it would be lainchan and 8ch.
I go on 4chan purely for /c/ to increase my Akari Akaza collection.
>>16647/pol/ is really shit. I wish I could have a /pol/ board that was more in line with classical liberalism than white supremacy, but nobody is interested in debating policy so much as just circlejerking about why their social ideology is better than some other social ideology.
Do you guys know of a /b/ that isn't infested with porn?
>>17482You're posting in one.
>>16228you should probably check out 99chan again, there's only one board now so we can all drunkpost together
>>16593Just went there and got 404'd, you might want to claim it (or get the BO back) and tell fullchan to get their shit together. That whole hack deal was a fucking mess of epic proportions.
>>16649Such is the way of an echochamber. /pol/ going full edgelord nazi was one of the worst events to happen to imageboards. The next worst was their autism spilling onto other unrelated boards.
As for my set of "other" IBs (this is my first time actually posting here after scoping it out for a bit) I'm mostly on 4chans /v/ & the /v/ spinoff boards, as well as /x/ and 8chan's /cow/, /late/, and an occasional jaunt to /imouto/.
I'm also present on desuchan but that board is so goddamned slow.
>>17573Also, forgot to mention I'm involved with lolcowchan, but some mod and admin drama is fucking things up there recently.
>>16598That's more of the assuming that Trump is the objectively worst option that comes from leftists a lot. I genuinely feel that he's better than Hillary. While I don't like his policies, I at least like the general direction that he's trying to head in and that has nothing to do with a dislike of pc culture. Leftism supports a mentality of over-giving and compensation for people who don't deserve it. Leftism also discourages nationalism. Personally, I think Bernie would have been the perfect candidate if he was anti-illegal immigration, pro-nationalism, and advocated for less welfare for people who are capable of work. That's all hypothetical though. Where's my board, huh?
>>16596Also it's pretty funny how when somebody who likes anime is a leftist they're an otaku, but when they're a Trumpette they're a, "impoverished no-life anime dweeb". Typical leftist elitism.
>it's a laff riot how many impoverished no-life anime dweebs voted for a trust fund baby who puts their wellbeing below literally anyone/everyone else's, but then again the entire election was reactionaries railing against PC culture instead of anything even remotely related to policy
Did you not see the post I was relying to? It's obvious that the trust fund baby they were referring to is Trump. He also said that the election was a negative reaction to pc culture. Hillary was the face of pc culture. Since they're not talking about Hillary, and they mentioned somebody who was anti-pc culture and their supporters being "no-life anime dweebs", it's easy to connect the dots. The post was also negatively responding to somebody who was disturbed by the idea leftist otakus.
>>18106>>18107>>18108Don't come here to complain about it, that board has caused enough shit in this thread as it is.
I sometimes lurk /magic/, but its the kind of place where all the anons knows each other by name and I have no idea how to start postng there in an acceptable way.
>>16099didnt 4chan go full botnet just recently?
>>18279Yeah. People think that Hiroshima built in a some shady script that allows him to mine crypto on the user pc. It was just some /g/ paranoia I think.
Still, don't visit the site without scriptblockers like noscript or ublock and don't use mobile.
>>18279Man, every page on that chan has been routed through google for years. It's why I don't go back. Something is very deeply wrong with that site.
But to answer the OP, I visit ernstchan, endchan, hispachan, and desuchan. I used to post on KC but I am currently permab&.
>>160994chan and reddit mostly. Wizchan won't let me post images randomly. The moderation there is extremely gay.
>>16596>4chan and reddit mostlyrevolting
>>19732>mewch diedGreat, now they'll stop leaving their spam here.
I used to visit and post on a lot of other imageboards but lately I have been feeling less at home on them.
I post a lot on It has live posting and typing which is pretty cool. I think some people here already use it.
It was really active until some server updates caused it to lose a lot of momentum. there's a big kpop community there, and its at like 200k posts in under a month of being online
I post on this one I used to browse on 8chan but I got sick of it and decided to move on. Which was strange because I was really into that /pol/ crap for a while but it change quite suddenly I think it's mainly because I realised that they are basically advocating socialism + I was reading the bible and 8/pol/ loves to hate on christianity.
>>16099Depreschan, Sportschan, Meguca
>>19942sportschan is good
Diochan is good, I recommend it.
>>19946You can’t post outside of Italy. IP ranges are gay as fuck.
>>19944This is the first time I've visited. I'm guessing that the opinions written there are representative of what most girls on the internet are thinking. It might even be what my girlfriend is thinking when I talk to her.
It makes me kind of sad.
I wonder if gaming or the internet in general gives rise to a sort of pathological condition.
>I'm guessing that the opinions written there are representative of what most girls on the internet are thinking. It might even be what my girlfriend is thinking when I talk to her.
I wouldn't be so sure. Wizchan was certainly not the representative of what most guys on the internet are thinking (just a tiny, but very obnoxious part of it); and I feel this is exactly the same case. I am not sure how many of the anons there are legit women, but most of the hardcore users that claim "men are no better than objects" or have extremely negative opinions regarding humans with a dong between the legs make me think of reverse wizards. And that's, I agree, kind of sad.
There seemed to be sensible people there too. So I wouldn't be too worried whether your girlfriend thinks like this or not. If anything, I think that if you have a good communication with her and are willing to understand her views, you'll be fine.
>I wonder if gaming or the internet in general gives rise to a sort of pathological condition.
The moment people got access to echo-chambers where they bitch about stupid things like these, toxic communities arise. Before wizchan, ubuu's population contained wizards and we got some drama in /n/ about people posting about having friends/partners back in 2011/2012, but then they migrated and things calmed down. Ever since then, most of our dramas were exclusively related to the RPGM community, before dying out.
Now things are too calm, like a lake without waves. It's good and bad at the same time; activity in ubuu is slow, but chill, and occasionally good things are posted (although I wish we had some more activity). Since we aren't a community centered around common topics (i.e. politics, sex, religion, etc), we manage to stay outside the shitfest.
So yeah, I blame echo-chambers.
>>17573>/pol/ going full edgelord nazi was the one of the worst events to happen to imageboardsIts really really ironic that you're posting that sentiment here, on a board run by the founder of Seisatsu is individually responsible for keeping /new/ going after moot killed it. 8ch wasn't around back then, /new/ would've have had nowhere else to go and their group would've died if Seisatsu hadn't taken advantage of the situation to use them to populate
>>19938I don't get how anyone can stand /pol/ on half chan but on 8chan? Jesus, you must love toxic bullshit.
sushi, here, 8chan, 4chan /jp/, tohno, dreamchan every few months. Mostly the first 4.
cc, arisu
>>160994chan, sushichan, lainchan, tohnochan, 8chan only for /christian/.
>>19968Again, that was STI. I was a moderator on for a couple months and then quit. While I'm flattered that people seem to think I'm the guy who wrote the Tinyboard software all by myself, I didn't, though I was one of its first alpha testers, and Uboachan one of its first test platforms. I've known STI since around 2009, and we even met in person once, but he lives halfway around the planet from me. For the record, he feels awful about what he did. We all thought it was a big joke back then. Everyone did. None of us are laughing now.
As for the imageboards I frequent, I mostly only use Uboachan and Sushichan these days. Sometimes I take a peek at 4chan/a/ to see what people have to say about what's airing, and sometimes I drop in on Lainchan or Arisuchan for a few minutes.
What is the point in having all these different websites if the SAME PEOPLE are browsing every one of them? Just pick one, retards. I guess there's no logic to autism.
>>19991Shut up STI
>>19919The total posts hit a million. Impressive.
>>19994its that type of shallow attitude which leads people to artificially inflate post counts on their boards. as if a million bland shitposts from the live chat crowd makes it a good site.
Uboachan, some 8chan boards, and occasionally 4chan I like to check out and lurk. I do like to dig for others though.
>>20009Hello! I feel more at home already now that you are here.
>>20016yeah, I know they copy/pasted the rules. I stuck there because I liked the community.
>>20016anonib was before any of those other places, i think it predated reddit too as far as the "make your own internet community" thing goes. anonib was some disgusting mashup of 4chan and myspace gone wrong. no good content, just board after board filled with stolen porn and download links. i always wondered why people put so much effort into spamming porn links, but i guess they must have been making money at it somehow.
>>20023>lolcow.farmMan, it's been quite a while since the last time I heard someone else talk about that place.
This thread did not age well as most of the chans mentioned plus 8chan and kruatchan shat itself and died
The only good thing 4chan has going for it is that it doesn't take 2 days to recieve a reply to your post
>>20023isn't that site full of women who love to start drama?
>>20030It is. Please excuse me, I have a scientific interest in them and sometimes they post funny content on their /ot/(off topic) board. Still better than 4chan and 420chan imo.
Something has to fill the void that 8ch left
>>20044theres like 5 or 6 "bunkers" already
>>20046Links? This site is fucking slow as shit
>>20050what for?
it was 90% cancer anyway
there are groups scattered around:
Endchan (some 8chan users hate em because reasons)
Spacechan (but people claim is filled with goons and or a honeypot)
Theres a board on zeronet, very unestable (but is mostly goobers and Q followers)
Leftypol has its own bunker (dunno the name)
8/v/ has its own bunker (with tv it seems) dunno the adress
8/a/ has its own adress with like anotehr 5 boards (they still enforece their rules just so you know)
a chunk of 8/pol/ is on some pony IB
also theres a /cow/ bunker
thats all i have heard til now
>>20051/v/ went to
/pol/ got split apart, some went back to 4chan, some went to, some to another place i don't know.
I'll miss /late/ and /film/, those were already dead boards, but i enjoyed looking at their bodies.
any new 8ch bunkers pop up? it was awesome being able to create any board
>>20060Can confirm, but do your own research.
Been wandering in other imageboards but…
Whats is going on? The honeypot imageboards are disappearing and the others are in some sort of chaos
Its really impressive how this place has always such a healthy atmosphere. No spammers, shitposts or other types of cancer
>>20054I think /pol/ is kinda on hiatus, some dorks got doxxed for playing with tor, and no site would dare to host it
Is the influx of 8 users really a thing or am I just paranoid about the sudden rise of low quality posts lately?
>>20079No the refugees are a real thing, scattered across every imageboard you can imagine
>>16528once japmoot gets too much flack for /pol/ there’s going to be an exodus, they’re already planning and looking for new chans, with infinity chan and 8 chan are RIP’d at this point they have been looking at wiz and 420 chan to migrate to. Can’t wait for /pol/ to die, it used to have some unique and funny shitposts, but now it is just depressing
>>20085420chan is barely an imageboard these days and wiz is so shit that it being filled with 4chan retards could be an improvement.
>>20085420 will refuse them. Kirt nuked his pol already when they tried to take it from the native inhabitants consisting of stoned libs and commies.
>>20135the native inhabitants left long ago. Kirt turned it into an sjw safe space and everyone of value left
Dude the original userbase is either gone and doing better with their lives or still around and still prob just going drugs and jerking off irl
this is the kind of place that people tend to grow out of over time, it tends to represent a VERY particular time
that being said i've been around on and off since like uhhh
prob 2010
anyway the chans as a whole have become kind of cancerous and circlejerky, it went from everyone being kind of anarchic and snarky and edgy to being a lot more circlejerky with the influx of people overall
esp noticeable in 4chan/former 8chan
but as for other chans ive always LIKED uboachan, 420chan and gurochan
also fit is always good
Everything people mentioned in this thread and more. I don't browse anything regularly. I have dozens of forums and imageboards bookmarked and every few days I pick one or two from the list and catch up on them. I don't like to stick around one place for too long.
I browsed wizchan for the past week. So many retards there, man. People who, by the way they write and how they respond to others, seem to be on the low end of ASD. It's pitiful.
>>20067>some dorks got doxxed for playing with torsauce?
Created a personal issues board No.20243
i use 4chon
>>20311Why do the staff from m*ewch us proxies to spam links to their site on every other chan?
Just dropping in again to say I'm still a lone wanderer. I have seen spam dumps just outright kill smaller imageboards. So sad.
Live boards really excite me, they bring back the magic ib's held for me when I first found them. Too bad I'm not browsing any.
>>16484No it's pretty easy to quit in my opinion or at least moderate browsing unlike social media unless it's one of those mongers who keeps shit posting on every thread to get attention
>>16528With all the stupid shit they did I don't blame them, The youtubers milking the hell out of them are. It attracted so much underage to that site.
bunkerchan, /biz/ and /g/ on halfchan, here and whatever random alt board/bunker I find myself on for the day
Full disclosure, it's mine.
I recently started working on improving OpenIB and plan to release a new fork at one point.
It's a completely SFW board. No.20375
>>20374>9. Do not attempt to advertise your own website, business, community or similar.What kind of admin advertises her own site on other boards while she has this rule?
>It's a completely SFW board20% of your boards are for discussion of abnormal sexual identity and actions.
Another "improved" IB fork that will be spammed to death with Pepe before springtime. Unless your imageboard has a particular target audience (like uboachan's) to invite a particular style of posts, it will be disregarded in favour of older, faster non-themed imageboards that actually allow posts and topics in line with the conventional shitposting and "unsafe" attitudes that make up the general imageboard userbase.
Tasteless use of Cirno.
>>19729He's a redditor guys, point at him and laugh
I use Xchan mainly, and poke around other places, less frequently. I use it mainly for the db8 board, which is kind of like a civilized /pol/, but with more variety. The anons there are pretty cool and it has somewhat of a lainchan vibe.
Links: No.20470
>>19993Nobody knows who browses what because we're anonymous, and the set topics or themes that were created for them are to attract people interested in them i.e. Uboachan being for Yume Nikki fans.
I use, it doesn't use any javascript
>>20614Every bunker/alt board seems to be getting quieter. I'm really really starting to miss old 8ch
8chan, it was nice while it lasted.
>>20763What has 8chan been replaced with? Could you link the URL?
>>209908kun is pretty much dead at this point since Jim Watkins just milks Qanon for money.
The webring had replaced the original 8chan community. is good for vidya discussion as /v/ is the only active board on that site.
To answer the OP's question
I browse lainchan, 8moe, kissu, and some webring boards constantly.
I browse uboachan sometimes but not often, due to how dead uboachan is nowadays.
Halfchan quality is literal garbage and could include malicious ADs anytime like they did before. Here is an archived KiwiFarms post of hiroyuki including malicious ADs in halfchan back in late 2017: No.20995
Mostly i've been hanging out at:
>>20995Forgot about:
>>20992There was also that decentralized darknet or something imageboard /pol/ supposedly went to, but i have no idea how populated it is or if its even still online, i can't be bothered to go through all that techy stuff just to check.
>>20996But says:
Comments from male users are not desired
and says:
You must be a male virgin
>>20997Like i give a fug :DDD
>>20995How do you keep up with cc? That's like 4chan, just a huge pile of shit.
>>21004Are you implying that 4chan isn't a huge pile of shit that's filled with normies and newfags? 4chan today is just a low quality porn website, anyone who wasn't cancer-blind and actually cared about free speech abandoned it in 2014.
>>21005Not that anon, but he did say "it was a huge pile of shit" and never implied 4chan was any good.
Honestly, the only imageboards I visit nowadays are chill ones like this, kakashi or sushi. Although it's mostly out of nostalgia and not so much to post anymore.
>>21006Yeah, alright. In that case to answer question
>>21004 asked, i'm going to crystal cafe for the same reason i go to wizchan, basically i'm doing research to better understand this divide between men and women from both perspectives, i think that loneliness and unhealthy resentment towards the opposite gender is becoming a real problem in society.
>>21007As someone who genuinely bears the resentment against women, I can say that my loathing comes from intense social anxiety and embarrassment during my formative years. We make our judgements of groups of people based on experiences with individual people, which I have done. I know that you shouldn't apply traits to entire groups of people but alas. I don't know the case with, but I think that there are more people that post both on there than there are posters on just wizchan because trying to enforce something identifiable on an anonymous imageboard attracts other people for some reason.
I (and probably others) am just looking for a safe space where I don't have to feel anxious and bad for doing the things that I enjoy
>>21007Interesting. Although most people don't use such sites. Therefore does it really help to understand and recognize that divide? Wiz and CC are just the bottom of the barrel that is society, so are they representative?
>>21006Thank you for covering me, anon. It is as you said, I never wanted to imply that 4Chan is good. On the contrary, it is possibly the worst out there and exactly that is the impression I have from CC. It feels like a 4Chan that only wants female users.
Anyway I drift from small ib to small ib too, looking for a home, denying the fact that the good years are gone. Nostalgia is becoming poisonous but little exchanges like that one keep me going.
>>21010>Wiz and CC are just the bottom of the barrel that is society, so are they representative?Sure they are representative. What would be the point to look at happy, well adapted people when my goal is to understand the troubled ones. Its easy to simply dismiss them as scum of society.
>>21011May I ask about your motivation? Why do you want to understand them?
>>21012Its not that i care a lot about society's problems, just like most people i mostly care just about myself, but i have an inquisitive mind, so researching random things is what i do for entertainment and i don't care if i don't get to use that knowledge in my advantage, but mostly things i learned become useful at some point in life.
I was an excited user when it first launched spinning out of's /g/ – I was excited just to interact with other women anonymously without the baggage of the surrounding toxicity, and it genuinely began as an extremely cozy imageboard. Haven't been on it in forever, though. Last I checked, place was in shambles, full of bad attempts at bait and looking to become an r/gendercritical parallel, which made me wish I never posted there at all.
I use lainchan consistently. Also always visit 4/vp/ every time a new mainline Pokemon game comes out because it is honest to god peak hilarity every single time.
>>21011For what it's worth, I still think evaluating wiz and cc as a sample of the bottom of the barrel is misguided. You are researching imageboard users with a strong attachment to their gender. It might be interesting to see what you identify as "the bottom of the barrel" on 'normie' websites and compare their userbases.
Even if that's the case, she isn't wrong.
>>20763>I'm guessing that 8channel or 8kun or whatever substitute site isn't as nice as the original 8chan?I am 50% sure that I made the post you are replying to. The substitute site I use is one of the webring ones, primarily about anime, and I find it adequate.
>>16099Wizchan, 8chan. I have used 4chan in the past but those cunts have IP blocked my whole country and they also block Tor exit nodes.
No.21046 has a weird-ass rule about being too 3D, even 3DCG is disliked. Otherwise chill but slow.
>>21046>weird-ass rule fuck you
Can't post on ?
I use 22chan almost primarily, pretty comfy and the people are friendy. Heavily moderated but it's not like their trigger happy to ban people, only blatant rule breakers/cp, porn and shit.
A bunch of ex users raided the site, and activity slowed down and now things are picking up again. i hope that board stays alive for a long time.
>>21148It is. Currently my favorite IB.
>>20768there is operator chan while not military per se I think it's about as close as you can get
>>21286No? it's been up for a while.
Ubochan is perfect though…
Argh.. Kirt is using 420chan to boost his twitch streaming..
>>21598I think Reddit is fine for hobbies. I use it for fishkeeping and cute pictures of parrots.
As long as you stay away from the main and popular page I think it's fine. including meme pages
uboachan cause its one of the only chans I don't have to see constant slurs and hatred towards LGBT people
>>21598it's not as terrible if you only look for the exact shit you need, and avoid the comments unless necessary
otherwise you'd have better luck (and hygiene) rummaging through a dumpster once a week
>>21888Just go through the list of imageboards linked on this thread and see for yourself
Many of website that i visited, uboachan are better.
>>16099Does leddit count? Haha.
>>21928Yes but uboa is best for my purposes.
I don't really have sites that I use reguraly.
Nowhere fells like home, so I just visit here and there and then leave again.
Honestly I would be interested to hear what the few people left here are using.
Stay awhile & listen
I hope to make the answer to this "None." Imageboards, in fact all social media, can provide very little of value except a waste of time and very mediocre entertainment. I think I used them because i'm lonely, but there has to be better ways than actively decreasing my quality of life by browsing sites filled with nothing but shit opinions and people spamming the same things over and over.
I've used tons over the years. Right now I visit a few: Uboachan, Sushi, Zzzchan, Endchan, Lainchan, 4chan. Any others are visited very sporadically. I do like that they all have unique cultures, although I have begun to use imageboards less and less over time. There was… one imageboard I had used for years but left permanently as of recent because of some major revelations I had, mainly that it was an extremely toxic, cult-like place filled with close-minded, unhelpful people. Even though me leaving felt horrible (And I still feel bad sometimes), it was incredibly illuminating and has opened up my life to all kinds of new experiences…
Imageboards are incredibly cold places. Even in tight-knit communities people are still paranoid and hostile towards each other over incredibly petty things, and drama runs rampant, if you have any "wrong" opinions people pile on top of you and start labeling you all sorts of things. Its off putting to any potential new users and makes frequent users afraid to voice their thoughts and question things. It kills the site.
4chan honestly feels nice for hobby boards. There is A LOT of whining on other imageboards that 4chan is dead, its filled with "normalfags", etc. I've come to learn that they're all just idiots and that 4chan is just fine. Its an ever-changing place used by tens, if not hundreds of millions of people across the world. "Anonymous/Imageboard culture" is whatever people make it, and those who try to dictate its growth or try to control it are bound to be disappointed.
>>226054chan is dead from a spiritual, essential perspective
>>22606Hardly. Its an ever-changing mass of tens of millions of users. Big general boards are usually filled with trash but there are still fine areas of the site.
>>22547lainchan and nanochan.
I mainly browse 4chan and erischan.
Used to browse lainchan and arisuchan. Perhaps masterchan back in the day and a few obscure tor boards.
>>20026Im on lolcow all day tbh. Prob the easiest imageboard ive found to just be completely entertained by for hours
>>22627The way the lolcow community works is that one of them will wander into an argument somewhere, lose very badly (due to the lack of intelligence and mental stability that afflicts all of them), and then run back to the community so they can manufacture a "lolcow" out of the victor and gang up on him. Why you would find this entertaining is beyond me, but then again I don't have an IQ of 75.
>>22693People on lolcow communities are indeed usually pretty stupid, but that's really not how it works at all.
Imageboard chans are still popular?
>>22693this almost reads like you were posted or something but it's just too out of touch to even be that
>>19963>yakui.moeI cant believe its dead….
For me? UBOACHAN only.
>>23830Dreamch just went down without any announcements. I think it was because of the admin's health. Laguna's gone.
>>24238I agree with you, but there might be a chance to turn over a new leaf now that they're moving to trashchan since's shutting down.
Two must read books are “No, They Can't” by John Stossel and
“Ways to Influence People” by Andy Reven.