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I've lived in America for my entire life and I'm really starting to get fed up with some stuff about it and I don't know to do except vent about it. I just want to know what other people think about these grievances.
1.Puritanical society: America was founded by puritans and other such zealots and even today that's readily apparent in common culture. An obsession with not just the preservation of some archaic, arbitrary moral code, but also with the status quo is ever-present in just about most of the people you meet here. Preconceived notions and lessons beaten into people command day to day life. Take the typical American. Their head is filled with handstand logic and back flip principles that they don't even consider for a second might be wrong. What's more annoying than what people believe, is their insistence on its rightness and exepectation that others conform to it.
2. Society of slaves: America has always been carried by the labor of exploited people and it has only prospered either when a source of people to exploit was readily available or everybody else was screwed up. Every point in history, everything. Colonial times, blacks. Industrial Age, for a short time, actual Americans. Railways, the Chinese. Today, Indians, Chinese and Mexicans. You could say this about pretty much every society, but only America is obsessive about their being the best while having citizens who are unwilling to labor in a farm because they think that they are too good for that. Everybody just has to spend a fuck load on college so they can get a liberal arts degree and drown in debt.
3. Everything is shit: The airports, the cities, the public transportation, the schools, the roads, every other part of infrastructure, they're all filthy and and horribly out-dated and in a state of disrepair and decrepitude. Even in the oldest parts of the country, the architecture is drab and done with as little care as possible. Every house is just a block thrown together. New York has a few nice, gothic buildings, but the rest is either the same boring, modern fare , or a rotting stack of bricks. Look at the subway!
4. Nothing ever changes: Look at the sprawling mass of emptiness, the endless, lifeless suburbia where children are sheltered and locked up in the most literal form of a physical and mental bubble as they could be. Look at all the small, shitty towns. Look at the bizarre mountain people who may or may not be inbred. Look at the shitty food filled with chemicals that the FDA doesn't care about because it won't immediately kill you. It's just a little frustrating. It makes me want to vomit my intestines out sometimes. Why, why do things have to be like this?


I already commented in that incel thread that I think most of americans are one way or another nuts. It can't be pure casualty that all these retarded fads come from there; I think that a few of the points you mention may be part of the problems. It's like people snap out of it/into it really hard.
Take wizards, /pol/ and anything any leftie would call "alt-right"; they are the embodiment of a "politanical Society", "Society of Slaves" and all that stuff that basically embellishes the power of the eagle and the history behind it. Yeah, really.
Then you have all-left faggots that get so fed up with that shit they snap the other way around: SJWs. It's mind-blowing how retard they get, that they go against ANYTHING that represents those things they hate in their head. Jesus christ, women are stoned to death in some arab countries and YET they can yell with a straight face people is being oppressed because the stop light silhouette doesn't have a skirt? For me it always seemed like they have SO much free time and such an inflated ego they can't even see that they don't have it that bad. It's sickening.

About 3., you may say that, but don't think the rest of the world is better than America. Where I live we still have dirt roads in half of the city, and we're considered a "touristic spot". Anything that is public falls into pieces. Hell, it's like people actively seek to destroy public things. I've been told that the architectural style of our capital city is french and that some parts even look like Gotham or something like that, but other than it, most cities are also pretty boring.


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Can we please stop discussing political stuff? It really drowns out the quality of posting because it leaks into other boards like /n/ has already proved.
And nobody will ever reach a consensus because it's like arguing what's the better religion.


Some of what you said is absolutely correct, but some of it is simply your own depression or negativity bleeding through. I live in a "shitty small town" but there are a lot of things to like about it; for one thing, since there is a small risk that any given person will at least know who you are or recognize your face after a while, people tend to be nicer to you than in a larger city. The sidewalks are ugly and several buildings need a lot of maintenance work, but the population is generally pretty pleasant to deal with. Most of the shit I see like SJWs isn't near me and that's nice. Granted, there are a lot of religious nut shitheads, but most religious people here are not looking to shovel that shit off on people that aren't interested.

I don't see political discussion here; I see discontent with surroundings and probable depression. I think it's helpful to air grievances like this and discuss them. OP may just need to move and see more of the country; most people never leave where they are due to a feeling of comfort; the devil you know is better than the devil you don't and whatnot. I live in North Carolina but I've been to Kansas, California, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Georgia, and I can definitely say that all of those places seem objectively worse than where I live after visiting them. I'd rather live in Raleigh, NC than in Boston or San Francisco or Atlanta or KCMO, but I'm open to finding a place that might be better. Maine, perhaps? Hahaha, we'll see!


I'm not trying to talk about politics, i'm trying to talk about day to day life.
Yeah, I definitely don't think America is the worst place out there. But I personally don't ascribe to that kind of mentality. There's some people who have it so much better than me, so why should I be glad about what I have just because a lot of people have it worse? Some people have it better and they didn't do anything to deserve it.
A small town might be nice, and I was always envious of people who lived in them, but a village would be a even better. You're right about a lot of this being personal, that's why they're my complaints. Growing up in a suburbia, I neither had a friend who would actually stay interested in me for more than a year like I was some kind of entertainment device to be thrown away, before that pattern totally pettered out, close family ties, or a tight-knit community to fall back on. A tiny, isolated place where every person knew every other person and every means of existence came almost solely from the village itself always sounded amazing to me. America doesn't have villages, neither does it have a strong, rich, traditional culture that is still prevalent today or any sort of feeling of togetherness. I always was watching shows of kids around my age at the time going around and doing stuff that I never could like something as simple as going to the supermarket. The car ruled supreme. Even the car itself represents how isolated people chose to make themselves and by consequence, their children. my neighborhood was just a pretty little waste land so I came to resent everything that that it represented in my head. The unwarranted aloofness, the naïveté and self-centeredness and callousness and closed-mindedness of the people who live in them. It all just seemed so toxic. The cinder block walls and the ugly cheap ceiling tiles and the lack of any real wood in my school seemed so toxic. All of the crap that they would waste money on, the ridiculous schedule. Making acquaintances who wouldn't talk to me outside of our class together and disappear after the year was over again and again. When I would go to NYC through port authority, the filthy parking lot and grey faced adults and an overwhelming sense of cheapness compared to what I've seen abroad overtook me and suck in my head like a pin. The weird creepy people on the bus and the city itself and the revolting sub-way did not improve my impression of the whole thing. There just seems to be something so strangulating and poisonous about the land beneath my feet.


Not to mention how ugly and fat the people in the shittier suburbia next to us looked like to me as a kid. They were like malignant tumors on a rotting, "developed", corpse.


I think you'd like where I live a little more. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of complaints about not having a mall or bar or large chain sit-down restaurants, the people are a very mixed bunch, and downtown is depressing in some ways, but the misery of a crammed city is nowhere around unless you drive an hour to downtown Raleigh and it's a perfect place if you want to bounce between doing your own alone thing and doing things with other people. I usually do my own thing; I like to ride my bicycle down the dirt road by the cow pastures and take night photos of downtown.


Wait, I think I actually visit d Raleigh for a day while on a road trip to Savannah. It was all right, albeit a tad forgettable. The comparitevely low population was a plus. Maybe the country side is more right for me. Further down south I remembered the echo of frog croaks coming through open windows and the tiny shacks inhabited by god knows who. That was as strange as a, "neighborhood", could get to me. In my view, any good community has a common area of some sort. Some kind of open space. A row or tiny houses lined up parallel to a swamp in a straight line doesn't fit that picture.


I prefer not to be TOO rural, but I can drive there when I want. There's a place 15 minutes from me in southern Chatham County called the "Devil's Tramping Ground." You can read about it online but the thing that makes it creepy isn't the lack of growth in a circular pattern but the combination of very eerie silence and strange animal sounds you otherwise would never hear because of the background noise of civilization nearby.

I made a music video https://youtu.be/RWUz0EFCKiY?t=44s that uses footage of me walking from the center of the Devil's Tramping Ground to the road if you'd like to see a piece of it.

Oh, Raleigh kinda sucks. It's too spread out. Cary/Apex at various points off US 64 has a ton of stores and places to go out to. I live in Siler City which is far more forgettable than Raleigh and that's how I like it :P It's literally one hour from everything, but there's a LOT of "everythings" in that one-hour radius.


Lol try living in britain. This place is trash with horrible disgusting people. America looks way more lively and happy in comparison


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What are you talking about? Britain has a lot of the things I think are missing from America. nice architecture, strong traditions, villages. While it's true that due to the nanny state, British people as a whole have been mentally and physically degenerating, that isn't fundamental problems with the place. One of my favorite stories is about how a pediatrician moved into a neighborhood, and all the chaos there started harassing them and spray painting their hoius because they thought they were a pedophile.
I watched the excellent documentary series kitchen nightmares UK(much better than the us counterpart), and I like quite a few of the places Gordon visited.


I fucking hate spell check
>isn't a fundamental problem with the place


Don't let television shows mold your opinions of a place too much. TV would have you think all of America is exciting and crazy and wacky and cheeseburgers and guns too. Doesn't mean it's true even for a large part of the country.


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I don't know how much of a false impression it could have given me. The series pretty much just had Gordon go from place to place and try to help a restaurant in whatever way he could without carrying the whole thing.The impression I got is that the United Kingsom has a large variety of different types of places in a samll area. Some have better economic situations than others. Some have a lot of people with a lot of money. All of this is taken into consideration when giving advice to the restaurateur. A lot of places there seem pretty cozy and charming with lots of old fashioned architecture and a comfortable vibe. The people aren't the best, but the locations seemed nice from what I've seen.


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I have literally every (Ramsay's) Kitchen Nightmares episode in a disc case somewhere and have watched them all. I've also watched Hell's Kitchen, Hotel Hell, and Gordon Ramsay Behind Bars. (You should watch that last one, it's done in Britain and he teaches criminals in prison to cook.) You have to understand that the places these restaurants are aren't necessarily representative of the entire country; they're in places that have enough population and pop density to sustain a sit-down restaurant, which means at least some minor degree of wealth and a suburban or urban area. If you go to a rural village or very small town you'll find that things are very different. A lot of tiny towns may have one single diner within 10 miles that everyone eats at, may not even HAVE a town hall, may only have a single policeman, may not have high-speed internet, may have a population below 100, and so many more things that would seriously jar your average suburban or semi-rural dwelling American.

Pics semi-related: it's a very small town called Goldston, North Carolina, and that's almost all of the "major buildings" in the town. Yes, I'm serious. Drop by Rufus's Restaurant sometime, there's not many more options down there.


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Villages by definition have a high population density for a very small area. Stuff like modern conveniences haven't made me happy, so the lack of easy access to them is not deal-breaker. The differnce between the town in that picture and any village is clear. Those few buildings not only make up the town, but entirely encompass its meaning. There is nothing but those buildings. A village has history, is has customs it has people whose families have know each other fo decades. Within families everybody actually gives a shit about each other. A tiny, shit town hasn none of that. It is barren of significance.


Think what you will. I think you are greatly romanticizing these villages. It's classic "grass is greener on the other side." I used to think other places were magical and cool and wanted to live in them until I actually visited some. I have newfound appreciation for what I have here thanks to places I wanted to go instead of here.


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Romanticized indeed.
>A village has history, is has customs it has people whose families have know each other fo decades. Within families everybody actually gives a shit about each other. A tiny, shit town hasn none of that. It is barren of significance.

Man, writing this response is a pain, I keep changing my opinion as I remember different facts and places that I've visited.

Basically, in my place you've got the picturesque idyllic villages with cozy apartments and vine cellars and views of pretty landscapes - things that the inhabitants have arranged for tourists in order to make money. Living there is indeed not bad at all, though it might be a boring kind of lifestyle for some people.
You've also got the villages that aren't based on tourism. What you'll find there is 3 families (or rather, what remains of them), their houses, barns and farmland; maybe a tiny cross or a chapel somewhere nearby.

None of these really have any sort of interesting historical or cultural background that you seem to be talking about. Even in the quite pleasant tourist village the houses that you might marvel at are actually newly built, or at least expanded, while in regular ones they're just blocks of brick with a balcony. The old houses crumble and are replaced, the people do their best to live comfortable lives and don't bother too much with tradition. It's all for show, in a away. All that shit about how much they can't live without their donkey and playing their traditional bagpipe is a farce in the same way in Britain as it is here. In reality they live in the same way as in towns, they drive cars, buy groceries, watch TV and tend crops alongside all of that. The most interesting history that you'll find here is usually some personal story related to WWII. In fact, towns are way better in regards to stuff like this, actually having folklore societies, museums, medieval churches, castles and older residential buildings, since more people are willing to preserve them. Everything is within walking distance, the shops, the school, the coffee places… Villages, on the other hand, are somewhat isolated; they're close, but you still have to use a car.

It's true that families in villages are more knit-together than in towns, but I'd say it's simply because they have no other choice, no other person to talk to (and nothing interesting to talk about). In a town you'll become familiar with everyone's faces sooner or later, but to actually build closeness with them you'll have to force yourself to interact with them and be a likeable person, because they already have a wide choice and their own old acquaintances. There's also no reason why families there wouldn't have known each other for decades.

What I'm trying to say is whatever image you have conjured up of a perfect village doesn't exist (or is at least extremely rare) and if history is what you want, living in a town would probably be more fulfilling.

Ah, but if you're from the US, what I call a town you would probably consider to be a village either way…


Can we just all listen to NiN


my nigga




USAians suck

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