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File: 1494883723155-0.jpg (20.57 KB, 355x355, thorvap 60w.jpg)


Any Vapers here?
What's your Hardware and liquid of choice?

I use pic related and prefer mostly fruity liquids, usually 12mg nicotine


File: 1494885863213-0.gif (3.66 MB, 288x360, furfag.gif)

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File: 1494885863213-2.jpg (6.17 KB, 200x200, vap nation.jpg)

File: 1494885863213-3.png (400.55 KB, 500x500, fag2.png)

Pretty obvious choice.


File: 1494885879658.jpg (160.24 KB, 849x1202, cigar.jpg)



Would you please contribute in a meaningful manner or hide the thread? thank you


File: 1494914677346.jpg (38.18 KB, 600x369, CeHKMxSW8AAy-PC.jpg)


I know it's just shitposting and I shouldn't care one way or the other but seriously

>sucking on burnt carbon and literal poison insyead of straight fucking vapor because one of them might make you look like an idiot based on associations with some autist who posts online

>when the ones making that comparison are also autists on the internet

so would you rather be an idiot but not look like one? Well, arlight


I wouldn't do either, but I had to choose, yes.


You want 420chan.

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