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File: 1713973409337.png (2.52 MB, 1210x1613, sunny_omori_and_something_….png)


you will not post about tea! you will not post about wanting to fuck characters from omori.
just let the site stay stagnant ammirite.
bunch of crybabies, what is this wizchan? no fun police everywhere?


File: 1714234938309.jpg (210.12 KB, 1250x833, t e a.jpg)

we won't post what now?


I welcome the tea invaders, they are harmless


File: 1714242147898.webm (84.36 KB, 1280x1182, arle_death-stare.webm)

I see…


File: 1714244777008.jpeg (644.07 KB, 1170x1158, IMG_5622.jpeg)

I’d rather people post tea than dodgy cp links


we need less dodgy and more proper cp links

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