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/rec/ - Ex-NEET / Recovery

Board for recovering NEETs and Ex-NEETs who are trying to reintegrate.

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Since it's sometimes difficult to have a conversation about trying to exit the NEET lifestyle in /hikki/ without it getting derailed, I have created this new board for such conversations.

If you are trying to go back to school or get a job, or if you've exited NEETdom a while ago but are still having problems, this is now the place to talk about it.

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I think it's deeply ironic that the kind of person who overanalyses things and is less likely to take SSRIs because of reported inefficacy and withdrawal symptoms is the exact kind of person who should be taking SSRIs

They are very effective in people with ruminating anxiety and neurotic fixations, not people with anhedonia from losing their job or partner or whatever. The success rate vs. placebo is like 20% in this population compared to like 3% for everyone else, what works for the majority is something that stimulates glutamate receptors a la ketamine

The reason they're the first line treatment for everyone is because rich people are neurotic and they were most likely to get them when they came out

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Ex-NEET/Hiki general thread, how long has it been since you got out of it? What are you working on right now? Do you feel like going back to that life sometimes?

I got a job and started going outside 6 years ago, after 2 years of being isolated completely, sometimes I feel tempted of just staying at home playing videogames all day, or to stay in bed doing absolutely nothing, I am still depressed, recently something bad happened, and I felt the need of going back to those habits, close my social media and be a full time anon again.

An important part of my recovery was the people around me, and volunteering at hospitals and hostels for the bed, working still feels kind of weird though.

Now I work as a programmer and web designer, not the best job for someone like me, but it's what I learned to do.

It's hard, but like an anon told me here, if I got out of that mentality once, I can do it again, and so can you.
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about 30% through learning calculus. Predictably, trigonometry is tripping me up, so I need to spend more time studying the identities. I haven't studied for a minute because we've been moving. We moved somewhere a bit nicer, I've been on a couple walks, I need to try to make them daily. I will do one today. I'm also cooking more and baking for my family which feels really good to contribute / make people happy.

On a side note, I'm really reluctant to continue to study because I've been really consumed by self hate for a while, and I see working/being a provider as a way to kind of, redeem or create self worth. I really feel like this is the end of the line. I am a bad person in a lot of ways and I've made a lot of mistakes and I'm in one of those periods where I seem to make a mistake every day. If I can't make up for it by succeeding at this (and continuing to succeed at it, forever, until I die) then I really feel like I'm net-negative on those around me. In some ways living like this is more comfortable. Right now, I'm a terrible failure, but I have the potential to be something else. If I fail, then all I am is a terrible failure, worse than before. I know I have to push forward because time will make that decision for me, so I have to at least try, but it's so hard to risk, I guess, the last possible shred of self worth and hope.

I think of this comment when I am struggling, thank you. It helps.


hi uboachan, I am just here to announce i will be renouncing shitposting for at least one month do stave off insanity for a little bit longer


Cutted my wrist for the first time a few hours ago, now I just want to die more


My contract is ending soon and I'm having trouble finding new work for once it ends. It's making me incredibly scared I'll fall back into being a NEET/hikki. I know its probably irrational but does anyone else get that fear?


I haven't completely recovered, but I'm still doing better than the years I was a full NEET, I'm in my mid 30's and have been very slowed getting better since my early 20's, I still feel depressed now and then and I don't have close friends other than family, but at least I can take care of myself.

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Hello lovely people, I just wanted to make this thread to remind you that it's all going to be OK.

Can you share some positive improvements that have happened in your life recently? Personally I am working on getting more professional help for my issues and it's working out well. I'd love to hear some positivity of you people.
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well, i shower, for one. 2024 was the year i showered the most in my entire life. we don't have a hot-tub anymore, though, which saddens me. maybe a hot-spring would fill the jacuzzi-shaped void.
i used to be severely underweight and anorexic. my 'feminine' features are returning, and my face is no longer gaunt. i can stand up to fry an egg without fainting. i can dress down without freezing to death in late spring/summer.
and i'm about to start going to therapy again. i don't know if i'll get much out of it. best that could come out of that is something that'd lessen my lethargy, or another reason to get up in the morning.
we've significantly downsized on pets. now, we only have four. there's a black cat we've had since childhood who walks into my room and nuzzles me. very soft and warm.

i now have obligations outside of the internet, too; however, i still struggle to socialize. i speak too slow, and too quiet, and nobody notices me when i'm talking to them. my interests are too obscure and/or technical to discuss with others without them getting bored, and my speech is monotone. despite this, people still put up with me. i don't know how.
i struggle to socialize with my parents, too. not as much as strangers, but there's nonetheless a frequency difference. i have a girlfriend, but ever since we moved it's been long-distance. she's the most i've ever clicked with someone – we're both on a different frequency than everyone around us, barring each other – she's still a full-on NEET, though, so i can't just mooch off of her (she also skipped high school completely).

i like to read. i think 2024-2025 have been the years i've read the most. i'm also horribly inattentive in my reading, and will typically alternate between ~5 books at once, but that's all good, i think..? i also want to invest in an e-reader for all my legitimately obtained PDFs.
and i'm brushing up on various programming languages (rust in particular is very fun). i think i'll work a temp job at a local antique shop, then try to find a more long-term job. my primary ikigai is that i want to further the field of meteorology. it's grandiose, but it keeps me alive.
where we grew up, it was very hot and wet (however landlocked it was). we got lots of T-storms, and, since we lived right at the western edge of dixie alley, even a few tornadoes. now that we've moved up north, it's all cold and dry – we just don't get events like december 10thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


i shower too much. always afraid of being too moist or smelly or sticky. i can't wait until i can be a brain in a vat.


I graduated high school in 2018 and almost immediately became a neet since I didn't really have any plan or goals after high school, only taking a temporary break in the first half of 2021 to study a field I have no interest in but both my parents really insisted I should pursue it. We're not rich and they spent a lot of money, but I never ended up succeeding due to flimsy medical reasons, and thus continued being a neet for the next couple of years.

Just started my very first day at college studying a degree I have no interest in but only pursued because of the ease of landing a job; since I'm a neet with no work experience or skills, even landing a part time job at the shittiest of places is nigh impossible. I haven't really spoken to my high school friends since graduating and almost every single one of them is successful; two even graduated from the same college I'm currently attending (one graduating in 2021 and the other in 2024). It's pretty lonely here since everybody else seems to already have established friend groups, and I hate how all my classes are in the late afternoon.

Seeing the absurd costs for just one year at college is making me think twice about enrolling here due to the student loans and not wanting to financially burden my parents any further. But I know if I quit, then there really isn't future for me other than the rope, so it seems like I'll continue to study at college. The problem is whether I'd be able to successfully study or not, considering that the obscene amounts of studying (about 14 hours per day) that I did during my small break from neetdom I had in 2021 made me constantly day dream about doing a murder-suicide (though not seriously). Fingers crossed I'll be able to pull through these next three to four years by myself.


Nothing worth doing is easy anon, thaf's what makes being a neet so appealing.
I found the best way to meet new people is clubs (like school clubs) and volunteering.

It's going to feel awkward as hell the first time you do it but truat me when I say it gets easier. A little psychology trick here is that people
A.)Love to talk about themselves
B.)Join clubs for things that interest them
C.)are generally very excited when people want to learn about something they're passionate about.
This gets them talking to you and generally makes them predisposed to liking you.

I'd suggest you keep with school for now, even putting
>some higher education but no degree
On a resume is helpful for some jobs. I'm also sure your parents want you to get in a better spot so for god's sake take the help they're offering.

>t. Former socially retarded, neurotic neet who went to ATC school, washed out, then went from volunteering at an anime convention (because I couldn't afford the ticket) to being one of the volunteer coordinators because I played too much OpenTTD and got good at scheduling I guess.

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Appreciate the advice anon. On my second week and I'm already exhausted by it, haha. The carpark's always full so I have to park far away from the campus and all my classes, at the very least, end some time in the afternoon so I've been finding it difficult to find a job since all the part-time ones are either way above my league (eg. being an experienced or educated in a field/skill) or clash with my classes. It's also summer right now where I live so making the trek from campus to my car makes it even more exhausting, so I end up coming home too tired to do any homework or any of the required reading. I'm just glad that the workload isn't as bad as I had it in 2021 (at least not right now…)

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Who else is in this situation? Or maybe you used to be, but you got out? I'd really like your story if you did. This is the recovery board so let's help each other and formulate escape plans. If you like you can use this thread to share lessons/tutorials our parents didn't teach us too.

I know what I should do, I should get on a train and disappear into the world. But I don't have the cruelty to do that to them and I'll never muster it just by sitting here thinking.

Let's you and me learn what it's like to ride a train alone.
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>What I really need is to physically get away from my family, and at that point whether they want to accept stuff or not isn't my problem, but I'm not capable of working a proper job so I don't know how I'll ever do that
bro if i'm reading this correctly she's helping you from becoming a homeless drug addict yet you want to move out despite not having an income. you need a good smack on the head for being ungrateful. get a job THEN start thinking about moving out


I don't want to get into an argument about this but I'll address it because what I sound like to you is probably how everyone with the same problem sounds to those with different experience. Yes my parents are the reason I'm not homeless or dead or something. They're also the reason why without them I WOULD be homeless. From day 1 I was conditioned to be incapable. There's so much shit from the past which I thought was just unfortunate at the time but looking back is extremely abnormal and bad. You can say oh it's easy to blame your parents, but they're your entire reality from when your brain is hot playdough until you start going to school, and after that they stay about half of it. It took me a long time to understand how much that means. I'm really trying to get stronger, grow the bits that didn't grow and change the bits that went wrong, but it's not easy at all, and I know I won't be able to do enough while I'm living here. You're asking me to be grateful for being forced to someone's mercy.


You're right, this happened to me, my mother raised me to dependant and ineffectual, it's a terriblee thing to do to a child.




I wonder if you got away from your family…

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Why does everyone want a job and social life in the city you live? Is your home not a trap for the greater world or a greater prison??
I enjoy aspects of the city but as someone who has had many jobs, relationships, and social groups, successfully and then bored of them, or sabotaged for some sense of freedom that I time and time again find blocked in…. I want to be free of the very world I logically hide from in the only domain of autonomy available to me…

Are YOU seeking respite from a world you know is hostile to you, or are you just learning what it is to live?? I know many here are reentering the world rather than just starting but I am curious about this….

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Hey everybody, I hope you all had happy holidays. Remembered this board while playing through .flow again. I've never been a NEET but I sorta became one during my first semester of college and I think prolonged NEETdom may be in my future if nothing changes.

I'm a 20 year old compsci major at a good university. I did my first year at community college and transferred to the university this year. I'm on winter break right now, and I go back to school tomorrow.

I know that there's a lot for me to be grateful for but I'm still unhappy and have been ever since leaving high school, and honestly before then too. It feels like despite having loving parents and despite never having any real traumas I'm still such a weak and ungrateful person. Reading the struggles on this board and /neet/ kind of make me realize how lucky I am in terms of finances and health. But realizing that doesn't really provoke any sort of true gratefulness or relief in me.

In fact, I've been thinking that if God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers then I must have such a weak and ugly soul to have the abundances I do and still hate my life this much, and that because of the weakness and ugliness of my soul I'm eventually destined for hell. I don't know if any christanons can relate. I think about God a lot, read the Bible, and consider myself Christian but not saved yet.

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>Not everything you do has to be in the pursue of money.



What's this angel cat art from anon? Unique style I haven't seen before, would make a good game.


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the low-res textures being contrasted with the high-fidelity uv maps is really cool. i've been wanting to get into modelling for a while. what do you guys think of my birba?


I'd say you're already pretty into modelling! You're birba looks great.


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A bit of an update:

Thanks all for the kind words and advice. I cringed pretty hard rereading my epic self pity rant here lol. Thanks uboa for the advice and taking the time to read my slop lol.

I've realized recently how much of a fair weather fan I am when it comes to my own life. When I'm in the dumps I can't seem to get out (see the parent post), but when I'm happy I might as well be floating. I can't imagine thinking any of the stuff I did 4 weeks ago right now.

The spring semester has been going really well. I'm making new friends, exercising a lot, doing my HW and reading a ton, and praying/reading the bible every day. I also joined that self-defense club and it's been unexpectedly fun so far. Please send me ur positive energy /rec/anons, I really want to keep up what I've got going.

There's this cute girl who's friends with a new friend of mine. She's in the same class as us, but I haven't talked to her much even though we sit in the same area and have a mutual friend. I get pretty obsessive about the people I like and they start to take up like 10% of my waking thoughts, and the same thing is happening with this girl, but unlike the other times I think I might have Jesus encouraging me for this one, because something kind of crazy happened tonight.

I was at the dining hall sitting outside and for some reason I thought to myself "If that girl is in the dining hall when I go inside to put my dishes away I'm going to go talk to her one-on-one."

Sure enough when I went back inside she was there. No joke. I did like 5 circles around the hall before I steeled myself to talk to her. I literally mentally said to myself: "Come on dude, Trust Jesus, this is a gift, just do it, just go talk to her." and was finally able to drag myself over to her. We had a normal conversation about a shared class and she gave me her number and I almost had a nervous breakdown leaving the dining hall afterwards lol. It's been really long since I've had a real crush and I'm still kind of freaking out over it.

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happy new year /rec/, ive been a depressed neet for almost a year and its finally caught up with me. not only am i out of savings but my dad lost his job so now i have to cut my bed rotting time short and "lock in". im looking for advice on how to do interviews and pretty much how to conduct myself like a human being. tips on how to get over phone anxiety would be greatly appriciated as well considering im likely working as a receptionist


im so sorry about your situation. I dont know how to advise you about your depression and actual situation, but I can advise you about your phone usage. An app that really helped me to get trough my phone addiction is "Digital Detox" Its available on google play. Basically all it does it blocks your phone for a determined hour of time, so you can try to focus in other things. The app offers you some emergency buttons while blocked in case of an emergency (like calling someone or something) If you want to give up and unlock the phone before the determined amount of time, you will have to pay two dollars, or even more if you change the amount in the settings. Hope this helps, wish you the best.

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>you're the only one here
it's 2024 already


no you're not


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I'm an ex-NEET but I use the other board because there's more to talk about

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and if I do there's nightmares, and i try blocking them out..but it's also making it hard to find work. I have lost interest in a lot of things in life lately too.

Never went to college; always wanted to go for animation or illustration.
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Made in Abyss is one of my favorite series, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. Best of luck with everything dog.


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Made in Abyss is one of my favorite series, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. Best of luck with everything dog.

> It was one of the most tragically gorgeous things I've ever seen…even when I get deeply depressed I know it could always be worse…I think it's just recovering from the past few years; not to get too personal on here but I was hospitalized and immobile for a good part of last year and early this year and living in an abandoned house with a few friends..we all made it on to another place and everyone I know from that time is doing relatively okay. The world at large is just a lot of suffering…daily I see my friends and strangers going through it as Im sure you've experienced yourself. We can't give up, can we? or we SHOULDN'T i'll say…


interesting thread and pardon my autism but can you please be mindful of the way you use arrows for any anon passing by's sake? and you're doing it backwards too
>arrows like this >>>
are normally just for quoting other people, this thread's been hard to follow the conversation in because you're switching the perspectives like crazy
also you don't have to include your email in the email field, just letting you know as well. good luck in your travels and lack of!


yeah i dont care about grammar im sorry its bugging you but if its confusing you idk, scroll elsewhere? im talking about how i nearly died and was hospitalized my spelling / punctuation / perspective is fragmented have a nice day


I'm interested in hearing more about your stay in the abandoned building. I have been close to entering that kind of life to escape a bad family. Any survival tips would be good. Also you should read / watch the anime of shoujo shuumatsu ryokou if you haven't.

Almost everyone here has a tragic story. Anon was politely trying to help you intergrate into board culture. If there's some reason you can't format things properly that's fine, but don't be rude about it.

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