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is Ohio as kawaii as it makes out to be ?


File: 1458052633655.gif (51.06 KB, 500x376, tmp_17549-1457515041596-in….gif)

Astronauts and weed.


Is this you fatty anon?


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I can confirm this seeing as how I am from Ohio and also immensely kawaii


post feet


Hey, Ohio has some really nice gun laws. Ahh, I my country had gun laws like Alaska…


columbus is a pretty comfy city. I visted to see the kizumonogatari movies.


if you look close at the image you can see ohio is making that cute face because canada is teabagging it's territorial waters




Ohio HAS to have tight gun control laws, the land is as flat as a johnnycake. You could be out hunting on your own property and accidentally shoot someone in the neighboring town.

Jokes aside, Ohio is a great state. I have family up there, so I visit two or three times a year.


>someone obviously hasn't been to the se quarter of the state


Nah mate, I'm a Dayton man.


ohio-chan is n-not flat!


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Don't worry, Ohio, I like flat-chested states.

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