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/ot/ - Off-topic

Best board

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1462334052121.png (114.27 KB, 294x194, meme.png)


post sei memes ehre


File: 1462335169210-0.jpg (140.91 KB, 474x446, RIP_Seisatsu_1965-2013.jpg)

File: 1462335169210-1.png (187.23 KB, 520x417, Sei_clones.png)

File: 1462335169210-2.png (104.82 KB, 351x241, Sei_Make_it_rain_bitches.png)

File: 1462335169210-3.png (153.9 KB, 353x438, Sei_presul is a sei clon p….png)


File: 1462335282527-0.jpg (235.64 KB, 396x1988, Sei_Seisatsu gives up on u….jpg)

File: 1462335282527-1.gif (64.13 KB, 640x400, why sei.gif)

File: 1462335282527-2.jpg (303.01 KB, 936x1901, DIV_it was saya btw.jpg)

File: 1462335282527-3.jpg (64.29 KB, 630x330, DIV_The DIVing.jpg)


File: 1462335398724-0.jpg (331.78 KB, 476x3128, DIV_sei1.jpg)

File: 1462335398724-1.jpg (449.04 KB, 592x5000, DIV_seiIII.jpg)

File: 1462335398724-2.png (77.01 KB, 664x860, DIV_Look_at_your_DIV_.png)

File: 1462335398724-3.jpg (164.22 KB, 958x1000, DIV_Seisatsu_is_gonna_give….jpg)


File: 1462335599586-0.gif (238.66 KB, 480x271, Jesus Christ Seisatsu.gif)

File: 1462335599586-1.jpg (45.64 KB, 374x374, venezuelan ubuu2.jpg)

File: 1462335599586-2.png (24.32 KB, 500x250, Ubuu_more_seis.png)

File: 1462335599586-3.gif (907.22 KB, 500x364, UB_meanwhile at Ubuu's HQ.gif)


File: 1462335938592-0.gif (257.44 KB, 640x487, JESUS CHRIST SEISATSU!.gif)

File: 1462335938592-1.png (26.01 KB, 525x483, DIVangelion.png)

File: 1462335938592-2.gif (52.58 KB, 768x576, secret_society.gif)

File: 1462335938592-3.gif (2.82 MB, 415x309, sei is busy.gif)


File: 1462372144536-0.png (219.77 KB, 397x493, endofubuu.png)

File: 1462372144536-1.jpg (99.09 KB, 620x349, sei.jpg)

File: 1462372144536-2.png (1.08 MB, 900x1145, snowsatsu.png)

File: 1462372144536-3.png (422.37 KB, 725x313, meanwhileintheboards.png)


File: 1462372261230-0.png (2.1 MB, 1504x900, SeiMakingFriends.png)

File: 1462372261230-1.png (490.35 KB, 618x332, uboachanseisatsu.png)




File: 1462419667763.jpg (45.42 KB, 450x300, cirnobar.jpg)

Cirnoget trips security bar, be careful with the post count.


Placeholder. . .


Placeholder again!


Support placeholder




4 to go.


It's coming


necrobump. now this thread will live 2 more years


File: 1630312532822.gif (98.6 KB, 131x233, 20210009.gif)

Necromancer's touch.


File: 1711544694490.webm (1.4 MB, 1124x2200, sf2duel.webm)

Who is this?

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