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File: 1658027072856.jpg (20.88 KB, 300x250, What is nothing.jpg)


What is nothing?




Can you prove there is "nothing" anywhere?


the object of anxiety


Can you elaborate?


"Innocence is ignorance. In his innocence man is not determined as spirit but is soulishly determined in immediate unity with his natural condition. […] In this state there is peace and repose; but at the same time there is something different, which is not dissension and strife, for there is nothing to strive with. What is it then? Nothing. But what effect does nothing produce? It begets dread. This is the profound secret of innocence, that at the same time it is dread. Dreamingly the spirit projects its own reality, but this reality is nothing, but this nothing constantly sees innocence outside of it." (Kierkegaard)


isn't that still something?


What is something?


Everything except nothing. The real question is, what is nothing?


Anything except something then, by your logic. QED.


Tis the void-chan


The conceptual opposite of something, described by absence in a context of concepts or phenomena rather than discernible presence.


Void, vacuum, space, emptiness




Nothing is merely the absence of something, pure non-existence.


there is a hole in your soul…. what do you want?


The lack of everything.






Void ~ ponder on nothingness


The absence of distinguishable features compared to an established concept of something.


A bad Zach Hadel bit


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But answering the question would make nothing into something, wouldn't it?


you will always be something, even if you dont believe in god, you can never be uncreated, it is something that can never be taken away from you


Cool but that was not the question


it seemed like he was talking about death without afterlife
if you just ask what nothing itself is then there isnt really an answer, it has no capacity to ever be part of something that can be described
and its possible that a "nothing" doesnt even exist, given how everything is altered by gravity


Is nothing part of everything?


I mean, even the concept of nothing is something.


yes and the map is not the territory so how is that related?


Enter the VOID


Can the territory really be nothing if it's externally aknowledged via a map?



The question itself is fundamentally meaningless. Nothing 'isn't', asking 'what is' it is meaningless.


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