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I remember reading somewhere a while back that a lot of the, "unanswered questions", in SEL were actually answered in Digimon Tamers. Both were directed by the same person and DT is notable for it's darker tones and bizarre themes. Do you think there's any merit to this, or was it just some guy looking too deeply things and seeing something that isn't there? What do you think the parallels are, if any? At the very least, both have sentient digital beings.


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Nice thread.
Well I'm not certain if there's a legitimate connection between SEL and DT, but I do agree there's definitely some influences. I guess a possible example of this is Jeri's character whose apparently supposed to be based off Lain. Both personalities and the way they're played out throughout the plot awfully resemble each other.
(Pics related)


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I'm not finding Ryuutaro Nakamura's name on Digimon Tamers, but I will add that I do think there is correlation among his work. I know Kino and Lain shared a lot of similar themes, although I will argue that those two shows were already similar in tone to start out with.


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Nakamura did not direct Digimon tamers. The director is some other person.
Interesting enough, Nakamura directed Sakura Taisen, a series for who Yoshitoshi ABe drew the manual of the first game.


Why are you talking about Nakamura? I'm talking about Chiaki J. Konaka. I guess, "scenarist", it different from director, but he was a writer on both too.


Well ya dingus, you said "director" in the OP but didn't provide any name.
He's got an interesting repertoire though.

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