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Has the internet affected your perception of time?


Not that I'd like to admit but it probably has a tiny bit. But it usually returns to normal once I take a break for a week or two.


Oh probably. Things seem to move too quickly when I'm extremely online.


The net is an incredible time sink for me. When I stay offline, daytime crawls slower than sin, I become really angry and unsatisfied with everything, until I eventually go to bed to sleep the bad feelings away.


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I think we definitely perceive it faster in this day and era. Information is more readily available, and each year seems like a bunch of highs and lows marked by an insane number of publicized (non-personal) events. Where as the media portrayal of previous decades pre-00s have been rather consistent, there seems to be no big collective thought about what the 00s and 10s were. You might remember the 00s as the last gasp of media moguls, MTV, Nirvana ripoffs/emo projects, and the popularization of the Internet, but that's by large doing it a disservice, and someone else probably remembers it for something different. Information overload and analysis paralysis has struck every corner, and who knows what other big news might be in the other end of the spectrum. For that matter, we still seem to be stuck on the same time loop. People still call back to the 80s even though people that lived through the 80s as a child/teenager are probably in their 50s-60s now. Retrofuturism and faux-nostalgia is more popular than ever. On the other hand, I've spotted people on the Internet who are already nostalgic about the 10s, and it's fucking weird. Nostalgia usually hits you on stuff that happened some ~15 years ago.
I think we soon may be hitting a big temporal gap or schizophrenia of sorts in the future. Like the Mandela Effect but at large. For one small example, remember YouTube annotations? Remember Flash? I'm already unsure as to what annotations certain videos had. And most Flash content in this day and age is by and large gone outside of survival bias. Nobody is invalidated, and nobody is right.

On the side, a worrying trend I've spotted that's been picking up traction in the mainstream sphere of the Internet are so called "internet historians" who recite shit from KYM/ED, do some two minute search on web archive, and just overall reek of faggotry and do History majors a big disservice. It's the beauty of the internetz, you can lie and get away with it. And maybe in the future we'll recall a lie too.


I'm not sure to what extent it has affected my perception of the real world, but in regards to online acquaintances and events, it feels as if it all simply pauses when I'm not there. I'll talk to some online buddy or group chat, leave for 2 weeks and return as if nothing happened, and then be surprised at them lamenting my absence because it feels like I was just there a moment ago. With running online trends and the like too, I just can't bring myself to give a shit about staying relevant, so when I finally get to it, everything feels like it just happens in huge bursts. I suppose this is why slower image boards like this suit me more.

Interesting perspective. I know a person who is seemingly nostalgic for 2016 for whatever reason. Also note that your view of these eras and generations might be a bit americentric and doesn't necessarily apply to the population outside your sphere, even considering how globalized culture has become. The 90s, for example (though you didn't directly mention them), being a golden childhood era is a pretty consistent meme on the internet, but meanwhile my own country was war-torn and fucked during most of this period.


I'm nostalgic for the mid to late 2000s, it depends on the person and how their life was at the time.


Things that were less than a decade ago feel longer ago now. I blame how quickly things have changed online and the hostile corporate takeover and sanitization of various platforms like youtube.


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Days seem to be blurring together…


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Time to hunt


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Feels like Groundhog Day


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This unfortunately. I try and curb the feeling but to no avail I feel bored as time slips by me.
I pretty much feel the same way as this post. With shit being online now, dumb trends are being highlighted even more than ever, it seems. The nostalgia shit only seems to be there because of how corporate the internet has become.
This as well. With youtube it just feels extremely terrible remembering the site when normalfags didn't completely run it into the ground. I guess everything being online now really messes with the fact that real life has become the escape for the insufferable shit seen online these days.


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No. But the fights last far too long.


No, what affected my perception of time was neetdom


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Yes, my perception of time is unstable. Sometimes, when i'm very comfortable, i'll just browse the internet until i get tired. Only to realise that i spent up to 4-7 hours of my life seeing useless stuff.
The modern day life sure is a thing.


Can relate, there's even a lot of productive things I could be doing on my computer itself. But, mindlessly browsing is the perfect drug for not feeling any of my mental health issues it seems. No progress when I spend days like that, but at least all is still.


I read an article which interested me.

Here are some key quotes:
"Citing influential 20th century German philosopher Martin Heidegger, they note that there are likely two types of boredom: superficial and profound.

"When superficially bored, “We are held in limbo by a situation that restricts us from doing what we want to be doing, while simultaneously being left empty insofar as the situation does not satisfy us.” Think of being stuck in a useless work meeting or trapped inside on a rainy day."
When repeatedly exposed to superficial boredom, we can reach profound boredom, defined as “a deep state of indifference towards oneself and to the world” leading to “an existential discomfort in which people struggle with their sense of self.”

"Modern society tees us up for superficial boredom, the study’s authors say. When we are always connected technologically, previously segmented social, work, and home lives blend together, bringing constant disruption and leaving little time to focus on a single activity."

"At the same time, the pace of life is accelerating, imparting a “sense of busyness and rush amidst compressed time, and the corresponding desire to escape these feelings,” the authors add. This confluence of factors leaves time for brief bouts of boredom, ones that are now swiftly assuaged through social media or other internet pursuits, thus preventing us from reaching profound boredom."

"As painful as profound boredom can be, it can also lead to reassessment of one’s life and spur action to remedy the ultimate causes of one’s boredom. As part of their research, the authors interviewed 15 subjects aged 20 to 60 in England and Ireland about the experience of lockdown during the COVID pandemic. Invariably, they spoke of boredom and being in limbo, and mentioned frequently turning to social media to pass the time, an act which many said left them feeling empty."


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So what I think is happening is that the Internet has basically removed all gaps in stimulation. Movies, TV, Music, Art; you want it, you got it.

Lets look at the 1970s as an example; There is no 24 hr news, You've read all the books in your house,youve got no video games,youve got no money for records or movies, there's nothing good on TV, the comic book store is miles away…You can't just 'pull up something new' as is constantly possible today. This is the world where entertainment costs money and investment, apart from being sparse. (I think Ive heard people say that stations would 'sign off' at night and stop delivering content? Imagine if the Internet did that.) I think people underestimate how many 'unstimulated moments' people had before the Internet. (Although, the 20th Century was an informational deluge too, compared to earlier eras.)

Today you can get all the news you want, all the games you want, all the music you want, all the movies and TV…

There's not enough time in the day to get through it all, so it feels like time is moving very quickly.

Youve probably heard an older person talking about how back in the day they 'made their own fun'. That was totally true, I think. Staying inside could get boring quick. Home entertainment was finite. You could feasibly read all the books in your house, listen to all your records till you got sick, and see everything worth watching on TV. At the same time you might not have any money for outside entertainment. No drinking or clubbing.

What the hell do you do all day? God only knows– but I think it would make time move quite slow.


They played solitaire.


And Othello/Reversi.

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