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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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 No.19921[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's back, but this time on /ot/ instead of /hikki/. I don't really know why it was on /hikki/ in the first place. Please welcome our new, site-wide Chats & Communities Thread.

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here. Ads are not allowed elsewhere on the site.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never.

If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted.

Posts to this thread do not appear in recent posts on the front page.
106 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Maid Thread
Post the best maids you have


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Midnight Post
Kenta Kobashi with Alice Margatroid
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I think the same.


Why is this one just a picture of the ring ropes


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Afternoon post
Vampiro Canadiense with Elis
Happy new year all!!
I'm not american


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Good night all
Bryan danielson with Kasen Ibaraki


>Bryan danielson

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hate to be a complainer lol but internet is not fun anymore. so many cool chans dying like 420chan and dreamchan and I dont think they will ever comeback. Discord used to be cool but now is just people's ego fighting to see who is better and attract the opposite sex the most, almost all of them is just a com copy.
Am I just paranoid or in the wrong places and someone does feel like that too?
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You picked the wrong urn to cry into. Uboa's Discord lives its own life and the majority of the board users do not even interact with it. With a few notable exceptions.


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I agree with you except on the uboacord part, that place is cursed and something else entirely different in both userbase and feel. I think a lot of the actual userbase here just moved onto adjacent boards/sites since yume nikki you can only discuss so much what hasn't already been said. That and fan games have been kind of grinding to a halt. YNO and the adjacent projects have keep a match lit, even in the jp side of things (I see JP streamers and vtubers play 2kki online constantly). I do unforunately agree that discord and chat apps kind of ruined the internet alongside other consolidations like twitter, instagram, tiktok, etc. but I think we're on the brink of a web revival soon since these sites like twitter keep fumbling and fucking up (especially in regards to pushing AI trash nobody wants) and people are starting to realize the answer isn't more social media alternatives like bluesky or rednote but small forums and communities. I see a lot of small forums and imageboards springing up lately and gaining success and it brings me a small glimmer of optimism and hope. and god i hope the rw irony/com/sharty/edgesphere shit dies out because that shit has worn out its welcome eons ago and to be honest I've never welcomed it at all just got used to it. death to irony


>people are starting to realize the answer isn't more social media alternatives like bluesky or rednote but small forums and communities
Who exactly? whenever a social media site fucks up people threaten with moving to a clone of it like the two you mentioned. And even then the majority stay on the original site, all of the artist i follow on Twitter have a Bsky but they either rarely post on it or posted like 3 drawings back in 2023 and went back to Twitter.


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internet died in 2012 or about that time
just kidding
you have been around bad places i guess
i think that it is in fact evil
both posters and communities there are something else
i blame the corporation for doing something wrong heh


the web had more "soul" back when everything was decentralized. Gorgeous pic btw

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This is a month late, but Lain just turned 20 years old. What was your first viewing experience like and how do you think the world and internet's changed since then?
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That ominous and foreboding atmosphere in the show is taken further in the visual novel. I think what can describe it best in both the VN and show is the inverse of that corporate computer office computer aesthetic that was part of the optimism camp of the 1990s. Bad descriptor so I hope you know what I mean but it encapsulates that lateral biblical apocalypse and whirlpool to the end of time and space. What I also liked about it is that it's anti-tech message or warning of the trajectory technology is going like any good cyberpunk explores but it seems the fanbase ignored this or missed the point as I never see it brought up except in explaining the plot, not to dismiss the enjoyment of the computer technology and Wired but that wasn't the real point of it all.


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I <3 Lain


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the internet may have ruined lain but lain has never ruined the internet. remind yourselves of this quote every day and live free

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Does anyone know what happened to desuchan? It's been down for half a month
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bumping the pedo spam off the top


RIP ;_;


Found this: desuchan.org
I dunno what's this, looks like its owner is from Futaba or something.


Unlucky page#13 for some…


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still want to know whats up with desuchan.moe

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 No.22863[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Black to play
D Malla vs W Kobese
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White to play
Pablo Vargas vs R Bassan Noriega

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What are the best (FREE) language learning services available on the Internet? Couple of my relatives speak Korean and I was wondering my options so I could actually talk to them. And yes, I'm trying Duolingo as I speak. Doesn't look great.
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The elites allowed Americans to have cars, airplanes, straws, and stoves and then they banned them.

Why do you think the globalists will allow you to keep the Internet?

Prisons and North Korea don't have the web for a reason. Ideas and communication tools are dangerous.


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the heck are you talking about?

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Searching for imageboards is hard, because there is no convinient list with imageboard. I mean, why would you want to visit something you don't like? It would bad for everyone, imageboard users, because they would be pissed off by your behavior, and you, because you don't really like the place.

This is why I've made an imageboard list, which allows you to describe common acitivity and things you would like to have on your board, and decribe activity and things you don't want to see on your imageboard.

Also, I've updated my imageboard list.

Now you can see all imageboards we have in the database.


Consider adding your imageboard there. It is free.


Fuck off, shill, you already made this thread >>20527


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buh?? guh??????

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This is a general thread for imageboard discussion.

What other imageboards do you use? What is your favorite imageboard? And what imageboards did you used to use?
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1. just 4chan and uboachan
2. uboachan
3. a few that are long gone.

he's not spamming jakks or posting CP so he's alright with me.



Crystal Cafe and Lolcow Farm both have literally the worst jannies on the internet. They are, ironically, even worse than the Reddit tranny jannies that they claim to hate so much.


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>>What other imageboards do you use?
I lurk on Futaba Channel's nijura boards, a couple textboards, and sometimes 4chan [s4s], although I generally avoid 4chan. I guess I'll try out Wapchan and Kissu and see how things go. I avoid imageboards now. Too much racism, rage, drama and repetitive posting. Japanese ones can be better even if they are often dead. Futaba can be cancer sometimes but the average poster is less unhinged. I'm guessing Americans are just more brain damaged and retarded than Japanese.

>What is your favorite imageboard?

Not sure I wanna advertise it here.

>And what imageboards did you used to use?

4chan and a few niche ones. I tried Heyuri for a while and it was good at first because of rule 8 but it just sucks overall and is fake as fuck. Lainchan suffers from more and more stormfags and jakposters so I abandoned that place.



Even if they're obscure, name them. I archive small altchans regularly and I would like to know what they are.


Let's hear it

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