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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General


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Originally suggested some time ago, the idea has finally come true and is official now.

Uboachan is currently and actively working on the translation of Manga, Doujinshi and other fanworks related to Yume Nikki. The group behind the translations is Patchy Illusion Team. For those who don't know, we were originally a group oriented to game making/help. The team was disbanded, however, and I decided to take the reins and use it for this project. The name may ring a bell in some users.

We decided to create an all-purpose thread where we will publish new releases, post announcements, answer questions from the users and take suggestions. If you have something to say, this is the right place.

That being said, here's our first announcement: We are currently in the need of more people. If you want to give a hand, please, make sure to check the about page in our site and see what would you like to apply for:


You may also post in the thread, or send me a mail (hover over my name in the post).

More hands working on this means faster and better translations. This is a work done by the users for the users. And, as much as we all would love to translate manga as fast as possible, it is a rather time-consuming process prone to error. We're all human and we need to use our time for other things, such as work and/or college, or other people pointing out what we did wrong.

Please, notice no prior experience in any of these fields is needed at all. I personally don't have any problems with teaching people how to use gimp and what's the difference between a good and bad translation. Ultimately, we're doing this for our own enjoyment out of our own free will, so don't feel discouraged to give it a try if you want to participate. We don't bite.
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Most of the scanlated doujinshi were by one author, who later demanded takedown, wiping out most of our entire project. We did not continue going for long after that.

The reader has been broken for a long time, so I finally removed the links. I can poke around the backend though and see if I can find the downloads and put them somewhere else, for the ones we can still distribute.

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 No.513[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

here we post "WHY IS THIS NOT WORKING" and then someone else posts "THIS IS WHY AND HOW TO FIX" yay

helping the YN/fangame community, ONE HELP THREAD AT A TIME.

Previously solved problems

add LC_ALL=ja_JP@utf8 before the line to execute wine on your terminal.

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The creator himself said he confirmed that he does not have it, apart from that, according to what a Spanish-speaking commentator sent, the following is known:

Greetings, to add.
There is a Japanese mugen database that has the following referenced about madotsuki
In the threads that are archived from 4 ch to n on the video game board. There are several anons who mention that they have found strange characters (they demonstrate this with a webm or by posting the links if they are asked) and mentioning that they find them by searching purely in Japanese.
Searching as mugen+[character name in Japanese] on niconicoduoga was also mentioned. But in this case it won't work because of what was mentioned in your video.
I can think of several ways to find the character
IBS (f u t u b a chan, where the mugen full game Nijikaku came out) and Japanese forums (the latter focused on mugen)
Users who commented on eiten's madotsuki video
Other people you interact with on your social networks about mugen
It could also be that it is uploaded on b a i d u, I think the b a i d u search engine no longer works but you need to check.

The IBS options will need to speak Japanese and in forums it is likely yes or no like niconicoduoga users or people related to mugen with eiten.
I hope you have new information about madotsuki.
P.S. Youtube gave me a lot of trouble posting this.
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Apparently there is a reason why this Mugen character is missing, it's our fault.

translated on google:
People who were looking around for madotsuki character data (which is no longer available to the public).
It seems that when he saw the resumption of activity here, he started to move again…
I started making this character with Kikiyama's permission, but I stopped posting it after confirming that I had altered the points and made it a brutal character overseas, but he didn't understand when I told him.
If you get involved in any way, I recommend muting (I blocked because I was verbally abused.


I'm so sorry but why are Japanese people like this lmfao.


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Not the anon you replied to. I understand cultural differences but I feel like some Japanese people just go out of their way to be a dick and then just go "cultural differences!!!!" to handwave it away. Notice this a lot with artists on twitter especially and it kind of makes me sick thinking about. I am a creative, and I'd be honored if people were interested in archiving my work so I really don't understand why artists would even want to be like this towards others, especially fans. Normally, I'd just go okay whatever if a Japanese artist does this but its getting to a point where western artists are starting to mimic them on social media like twitter and being 200x more annoying. It's kind of how I feel about koronba at this point, at first I thought they were just a troubled artist but the way they acted towards other after looking more into just makes them seem like possessive/controlling brat.


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*comes out of his grave*

you're not the only one, once I had to deal with that idiot funerafl, as if I had modified his edit of nanaya making me look like a forger, when in reality his character was leaked on a page where they leak private chars, that Japanese guy dedicated a forum to me throwing hints making me look like my videos falsified his character when I had only downloaded the leaked version, the problem with these people is that they distrust foreigners, but the mere fact that people like that don't just listen to other people, I've seen people who have had problems with him without permission from other creations published on AK1, MFFA, Mugen archive, etc. I can understand those people, but I will never understand those people if they are not reasonable with me. At the end of the day, we live in a society where the world of the foreigner is not adapted to our customs, especially when they see you as a stranger or a stalker so to speak.


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well, I guess now it's my turn to make my own version, if there's no problem of course.

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I decided to translate 0.04 to English for anyone who's interested.
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Is there something special about the 0.04 version?


the only special thing about it is that it's the earliest version of yume nikki we've found so far
once we find 0.00 then it's obsolete


Oh I see!




bruh it's an invalid link

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The hug thread is gone >>>/c/1313. But I want to keep reporting about it. It's been eight years since the original thread. Would be against the rules to start a new one here?
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sucks, but nice to hear an update. if you've got a lot of time to kill in hospital, you could maybe try mnemonic induced lucid dreams (MILDs). Its pretty much just get into the habit of doing reality checks often, but read about it first if you try it. it doesn't hurt to have more control over your dreams.

anyway, i still believe. get better soon huganon (eat lots of food to stay strong). and post your diary or something.



It's good to hear from you. I'm sorry things have gone awry and that the advice wasn't helpful. Please find it, please be happy, please be strong, whether you're where you are or wherever.


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Happy new year buddy. I hope you make it, but in case you don't, I have sincerely loved reading your posts over the years. I'll be there at your billionth birthday party eating cosmic cake once we're all free from this dumb world.



happy new year, good luck solider


I hope to god there comes a time i can read another post from you, but if i can't, I'll have to make an uboachan in whatever afterlife awaits us so i can. Godspeed.

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hi, new here. i noticed each door in the nexus has an opposite. is this significant?
>number (concrete) — mural (abstract)
>neon (cheerful) — snow (sad)
>shield-folk (bright?) — dark (dark?)
>candle (small fire?) — puddle (small water?)
>eyeball (spheres) — block (cubes)
>graffiti (man-made?) — forest (natural?)

also made an extended ver of nexus bg
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Neon world being "Cheerful" and the Snow world being "Sad" are very different from my experiences.

The Neon world feels crowded and over stimulating to me. The Snow world is cheerful and calming, maybe with a hint of melancholy.

Notably, calming/overstimulating can still be seen as opposites in my interpretation


To me, it's:
snow world = asleep
neon world = awake


tbh i get the opposite vibes


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Is it because of their colors?
For me it's:
Snow World:
- mostly still
- winter, nature is asleep
- one of the five beds
- Kamakurako, asleep
- sane (unawakened) Toriningen
Neon World:
- music is much more lively
- most populous (real) world in the game, all of the NPCs are moving around, a lot of movement onscreen


op necroposting. whatever are your subjective visions, the opposing worlds are clearly contrasting, even though some have a bit of atmosphere in common.

huh, is it all? opposites seem to me an important cue in understanding yume nikki.
also, 12 is divisible by 2, 3, 4 and 6, so you can group worlds by these numbers (distribute doors evenly).
the triadic worlds are
And these word combinations can evoke definite images.
Groups of 4 don't make much sense to me. They are opposites interweaved.
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
I want to ask you.
Can you give me ideas for Yume nikki's videos?
and Who want colaborate or help?
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bro, drop the link so i can subscribe.


i have no clue whats happening ITT, but its been making me laugh.
keep up the good work.


okey, I go but this spanish channel, in the future, I go to make a english videos.
you're welcome, user


In one week, I'll make a yume nikki's video. the legend of the guy editing for the eternity is done.


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am 21, first time in ponikos house, turn the light off 2 times, get ready for torture. 3rd time I get uboa. I have not been spoilered on what happenes. I have not gone in yet. This is fantastic, my joy is imeasurable


nvm this boring.


3 times is crazy

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hello, ladies and gentlemen.
how're you?
I'm fine.
And, I want to show this community to youtube :D


Dude, why the fuck do you keep making new threads? Just one is more than enough.


The habit


Ok, well try to keep it to 1 thread please.


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merry christmas., ladies and gentlema.
I'm a cojntent creator and now…
I', stream yume nikki


Escribi bien webon

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