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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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This board is for the discussion of paranormal and occult topics. Please treat the discussions at least a bit seriously and don't derail threads. Otherwise, the scope is pretty broad, so have at it and don't be a dick.

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It's just occurred to me a few weeks ago that if we ever witnessed magic, it would always just be explained away. Everything has a cause. Fundamentally, when you get down to it, a lot of modern-day technology IS magical; there's no reason that strange liquid crystals should react to electrical stimuli in a way that makes them suitable for displaying images, or that we should be able to transmit information through invisible waves, other than that our arbitrary view of the world explains it away as normal.

Even if magic did exist, we would just expand our worldview in a way that nominalises it as part of science.


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ok, but its interesting. unlike your bitching and moaning.
youre on the /x/ board whining about autism????


OP here. You are a special flavour of retarded. I never said "science is le magic", I said that if we did come across "magic", we would quickly change our worldview to accommodate it as part of scientific doctrine, meaning that it's forever out of reach. You are the autist here buddy. Go lick some bird shit off of the pavement.


you are so stupid you might honestly convince me of the ethical value of eugenics


ok this is ragebait glad we've clarified but really do mado yourself

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Playing ULTRAKILL made me want to become a christian convert.

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whats the best way to lucid dream? I want to experience and feel things that are impossible to feel in the real world, to reach a place beyond the physical boundaries


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I have chronic lucid dreams/night terrors. I'm not sure how I began having them, it might be a byproduct of my ptsd (i take medicine to make them less intense). But I noticed the longer I sleep the more lucid dreaming I have, so maybe if you have the time, try sleeping a lot longer than normal and maybe going to bed with something like music playing in the background.

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does anyone here understand japanese at all?? what is with this website here:


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I can only check the images, what was this website about?

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Not 100% sure if on-topic.
I am in a delimma where I met my soulmate and I want to do some sort of ritual with each other to confirm and cement our spirits together so that no matter where we go, we spend eternity forever.

I spend a lot of time thinking I need more time with him than is given on this earth.

I am not experienced with the occult and I was wondering if there is anybody who has experience in the sorts of steps you need to take to indefinitely intertwine your spirit with another persons.
I am really sorry if it is off topic.


if it's meant to be, you don't need to force it


That's called a wedding you dip


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Only would an uboanon make such a wondefully amusing and trivial thread.
In all seriousness I hope it goes well for you, always glad to see people from here having something positive happen for them, it doesn't for many of us but perhaps there's hope.


Get married in a church and accept jesus christ as your lord and savior and worship god together


I think the thing that most connect people is their own ideas and minds, so I guess creating something together, seuxal magick also work to increase the connection..

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So there's this girl (20) I've met. She wants me to cast a curse on her that will make her age way faster and become old and wrinkly. What should I do? I've looked around and couldn't find anything pertaining to this topic (of accelerating aging). How would you go about this? (I really want an excuse to spend time with her too and do stuff with her)


If you are serious, you could study Chaos Magic. Start with a book called "Liber Null and Psychonaut".


Onto it. Are there any essays I should look into in particular?


get her into smoking, anything, everything really… except dope, that shit gives you babyface


Your neurosis and paranoia will give her curse more power, specially if you are already paranoid about getting old.
You can easily banish cheap curses by simply mocking it, reduce it to a joke. Not believing is already a belief itself.

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One time i was laying on my bed sideways when suddently i couldn't move. I knew it was sleep paralysis but then i felt i was being touched right in my crotch where my balls are. I can describe the feeling like if a snake went pass your balls. I was really scared but then i started sensing something in my ears, as if something was fucking breathing right behind my ears. After that i just sat on my bed reflecting on how my own sleep paralysis demon groped me.


did you cum


no, i think i didn't even jerk off that day

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hey /x/ i started reading crappy pasta as video series on youtube, what do you think about it?


A little bland. You need a gimmick or something. Maybe you could draw shitty pictures to go along with the shitty stories? A lot of it feels anti-climatic.


thank you for constructive advice, i will try to make it more interesting :)


Why did you remove the video?



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Gaia is the goddess of wicca…
Any questions?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


yes. i havequestions


Can I have sex with her?




Wiccanism is fake. Why should I worship a fake goddess? Seems like a huge downside to me. It was made up by people who read Lord of the Rings. People who are annoying.

I have some objections to wicca. First, what are the gods/goddesses exactly? Since many gods and goddesses are born or created like Aphrodite morphing out of Uranus's balls, how can they really count as gods? What even does that mean?


The God's are just personifications of nature, Gaia is Greek for Earth and the Goddess is the personification of Earth

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