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I don't even know what kind of meme is this. This imageboard is slow as fuck, and practically a walking body. Then some heat developed on the yndd board and everybody is losing its shit over it. Even sei said to tone it down, over literally nothing. And you have this shefedora complaining about him not being censoring enough.

What's the deal with this site? It's even more of a safespace than tumblr at this point.

I feel like what you guys want is just a board of Yes-Men that won't even dare to raise their tone even a bit.

(This was a response to this thread >>18938, but it's locked.)


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The thread in question on yndd, as well as various threads in ot and sugg have several posts saying "kill yourself", general insults, and just bad behavior that we don't want, all that break rules 5 and 6. You must be new here if you think we're going to let that slide now that we've realized how little Sei has been doing to moderate the boards.

Uboachan is a yume nikki fan site, not a replacement for /b/ or a place for hatemongering. We don't want wizchan in here, we don't want racism, we don't want hatred, but with all that said we definitely don't want to create a "safe space", we just want to purge toxic and tone it the fuck down in here. We have rules and we intend to enforce them.

If you want /b/, go back to /b/.



You should have posted this on /sugg/, the defined board for meta discussion.
>over literally nothing
frogs, greentexting, incels and "kill yourself" running around on the board isn't exactly fine, and I don't think anyone is really complaining about the discussion of transtsuki
I do agree this is pointless "drama" though, there's no need to publicize it to that extent.


There's a difference between wanting yes-men only and not wanting overly abrasive faggots. This isn't a place to circle jerk over some ideology or shit post incessantly. A bunch of anons aren't capable of constantly spewing out actually good posts, so they just spew shit. Fast boards are literally unbearable to me. It's for people with ADHD. I
Ubuu is about discussion with as few toxins as possible. Mainstream politics and all of that shit is toxic for example. Hearing about it is annoying and it really gets nothing done. Ubuu goes out of its way to remain non-polarized and enjoyable. I do disagree with maidnaut's approach and stance on guro though.


>The thread in question on yndd, as well as various threads in ot and sugg have several posts saying "kill yourself", general insults
Oh no! Now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.
>and just bad behavior that we don't want, all that break rules 5 and 6. You must be new here if you think we're going to let that slide now that we've realized how little Sei has been doing to moderate the boards.
So what you want is a safespace in which you need to proofread and self-censor anything your going to say so it isn't offensive or anything, but guess what, that's reddit and tumblr, there's no need for this to become a facebook replacement. How detached are you that you can take someone saying kill yourself, faggot, nigger or whatever ocasionally? I'm not even talking about epic /b/ tier spam, just casually saying these things, there's no need to censor it. And people who come here are used to that anyway, imageboards in general are like that

>Uboachan is a yume nikki fan site, not a replacement for /b/ or a place for hatemongering.

Everything you dislike is /b/? Because all the things I mentioned are used on the regular on many boards in 4chan.
>We don't want wizchan in here, we don't want racism, we don't want hatred
>but with all that said we definitely don't want to create a "safe space"
Absolutely contradictory
>we just want to purge toxic and tone it the fuck down in here. We have rules and we intend to enforce them.
"toxic" is a meme buzzword, nobody is doxxing anyone or being life-threatened, these are just fucking words and thoughts, and ideas shouldn't be censored, they should be considered or discarded according to the individual reading them, whether they are arguing for white supremacism, for rabid feminism, etc.
You saying things you don't like are /b/, /pol/, wizchan etc. Is just saying "stop typing things I don't like".
>If you want /b/, go back to /b/.
If you want reddit, go back to reddit.

>You should have posted this on /sugg/, the defined board for meta discussion.
True, I didn't think much of that.
>frogs, greentexting, incels and "kill yourself" running around on the board isn't exactly fine
Is it giving you nightmares? Got PSTD or something? Triggered?
>I don't think anyone is really complaining about the discussion of transtsuki
Well, you need to read the thread again.
>I do agree this is pointless "drama" though, there's no need to publicize it to that extent.
It's pointless censorship to fix non-issues.
Imageboards shouldn't be policed strictly, they kill their culture and prevent it from developing. These things are what make the site. I stopped going to /a/ because of this shit, the mods even repudiated their own culture not even sparing the "every day until you like it" threads.
>There's a difference between wanting yes-men only and not wanting overly abrasive faggots.
No, there isn't, both achieve stopping people from posting things you don't like.
>This isn't a place to circle jerk over some ideology or shit post incessantly.
I'm not defending spamming or any other annoying shit. What constitutes shitposting is subjective.
>A bunch of anons aren't capable of constantly spewing out actually good posts, so they just spew shit.
i.e. things you don't like
>Ubuu goes out of its way to remain non-polarized and enjoyable.
Non-polarized=Yes Man Hivemind
Of course it's not polarized, if you even dare to have a contrarian opinion, enjoy the warning or ban.
>I do disagree with maidnaut's approach and stance on guro though.
>let's make an exception for this thing I like
Gets me every time.


I know you're the soyboy faggot. Literally nobody uses that term unironically outside of the poltard/alt-right circles. "Mongoloids", are the ones who believe in pseudo-science. I can't even tell any of you apart.
If you don't like the site, get out already and stop poisoning the well. You should know something about wanting to expell a toxic group of people from the place you want to protect. Remove yourself.


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I sincerely cannot give less shits about people telling others to kill themselves or to try to look edgy.

Fucking frogposters trying to pretend they belong in here with their incel bullshit and reddit pseudo speech, looks like something to complain about to me.

You said it yourself, the admin and mods have spoken, and guess what, the users agree, Uboachan has always been about chill and hikki, frogs go in the frog can, and that can is outside.


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>Not wanting your specific kind of cancer in a site equals creating a safe space.


Not the other Anon but literally nobody mentioned Soy Boy or Mongoloid


>implying maidnaut even made the theories or posted in the thread
You're really reaching to craft a narrative on this.


Would you cancer keep your cancer discord drama in discord?


I agree. I think it's really lame that when the goal of a website is the discussion of something, the discussion is overly micro-managed with thousands of specific rules controlling every little thing that is said. There is a limit to how much you can shut people up or put words in their mouths before the quality of the site goes down.

Another side-effect that comes with this is it creates an environment where circlejerks develop between the mods and the few brown-nosing users who chat them up and follow all their ridiculous rules (sometimes even getting a free pass if they break them), so much for trying to not be "toxic". (This thread is a good example of that, the reason this thread wasn't locked or moved to /sugg/ is because of the that circlejerk came to brown-nose the mods)


There's 16 rules, 2 about not mistreating other users, and they haven't been enforced. People have spoken up saying they don't want your shit on the boards, and you're going to have to deal with that. The reason why, is that the opposite of what you said is also true. When you let people run their mouth, vile shit starts getting spewed everywhere and you tend to circlejerk with your alt-right opinions and call everyone a faggot that disagrees with you. This isn't pol, no one's telling you what not to think, we just don't want to hear it, but the good mods have graced us with a bump-locked thread and allowed you to keep running your mouth, so no one's shutting you up.


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How sheltered are you? Soyboy is almost mainstream at this point, it's used in practically every 4chan board. It's been even added to the filters. It's a synonymous for faggot, effeminate, push-over, etc. Get the fuck over it and stop pretending everything you don't like is your /pol/ boogeyman.
>phytoestrogens being hormonal disruptors is pseudoscience
>get out already and stop poisoning the well.
Nobody is poisoning anything you spastic retard, I'm just asking for more freedom to speak one's mind. Fuck off with your delusions and persecution complex.
I don't know what kind of mental disorder you need to have to see a picture of a frog and get triggered. And no one is implying that these people belong here. Speaking one's mind freely doesn't mean you belong here. And behaving like a triggered safe-space snowflake like you doesn't mean you belong here, in fact I'd place people like you in tumblr.
>reddit pseudo speech
Good job, now back to r/twoxchromosomes
>not wanting to read things you don't like is a safespace
That's exactly what a safespace is, do you have brain damage?
My thoughts exactly, at least someone gets my point.
These policies turn an imageboard into a regular forum popularity contest and mod asslicking.

Everyone that likes this game and wants to discuss it belongs here, regardless of how they express themselves with trigger words or trigger pictures. And the fact that some of you want to make exceptions with things you like such as guro is admitting you just want a safespace with only things you like.


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Who cares about the silly Discord drama? At this point everyone knows it's containment.

Seisatsu or the mod team issuing warnings or bans to people that post frogs or /pol/ tier stuff isn't really anything new. Uboachan (despite it's name) was always separated from *chans in it's unorthodox attitude and style of posting.

We all know excessive slurring or insults (even if ironic) can result in rather unsavory folk dominate the boards. This doesn't mean dark humor or being called a faggot is bannable, ubuu isn't a safe space. if your post is all but composed of /pol/ tier hate speech and doesn't try to give any sort of reply other than insults then it deserves to get nuked off the landscape.

And to all the newfriends, if you're trying to assimilate at least try to do it correctly by not bringing AIDS and silly drama from other platforms, breaking rules and complaining when the established userbase or staff cracks down on it.


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>in fact I'd place people like you in tumblr.
The cancer newfag sending users to tumblr, how ironic, the staff and userbase disagrees with you, get over it you oversensitive fag.

>That's exactly what a safespace is, do you have brain damage?

You don't seem to get the point, regardless of freedom of speech, there is this thing called common sense, I don't go to Wizchan to talk about my girlfriend and feminism, then react like a pussy shouting "muh freedums" when they tell me to gtfo, I simply don't belong in there with such topics.

If you go to a funeral, you don't dress in pajamas, you disrespectful frog.


The fact I have no clue what that is and you do says a lot.


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>if your post is all but composed of /pol/ tier hate speech and doesn't try to give any sort of reply other than insults then it deserves to get nuked off the landscape.
No, sorry, take a look at /sugg/ and see how people are reporting posts that contain no frogs and no racism, it's just pure cringe at this point. That's the problem.

>pls sei ban dis hurt me feelin :((( le ebul frogs r invaded n r gonna postrape n imagerape me ;_;

>le newfag
since 2009
>sending users to tumblr
But you are just like them, you can't handle certain pictures and posts and want them banned. And yet you call me oversensitive. Pathetic.
>the staff and userbase disagrees with you
Just because you're asslicking the mods in its current policy doesn't mean there aren't people here that want to change things. See >>18969
>You don't seem to get the point, regardless of freedom of speech, there is this thing called common sense, I don't go to Wizchan to talk about my girlfriend and feminism, then react like a pussy shouting "muh freedums" when they tell me to gtfo, I simply don't belong in there with such topics.
There are posts being reported that contain none of these things and is ridiculous to report them. They stay in topic and the only problem is that they made someone butthurt. Stop strawmanning.
>If you go to a funeral, you don't dress in pajamas, you disrespectful frog.
Exactly. If I'm arguing with a c*ckmongling mentally disabled fag0t such as you, I want to be free to call him c*ckmongling mentally disabled fag0t without having to be censored or banned. You should understand this since you used that analogy.
>still talking about frogs
Are you OCD about frog pictures or something? Have one.
>The fact I have no clue what that is and you do says a lot.
You surely know they words such as "incel". And that's how I know you're a woman.


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Wow you're wiz as fuck, and you must be a little brainlet because insults are all you can understand. Did we say we wanted to ban bad words and censor them? No, we just want you to get the fuck out because you're a cancerous incel faggot and we don't want you here with your poltard shitsmearing attitude.

You can have free speech.

Somewhere else.


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>since 2009
Liar, you wouldn't be so clueless about how this imageboard works, it has always been like this, why did you choose to commplain now in your many years as user? Fucking poser.

>But you are just like them, you can't handle certain pictures and posts and want them banned. And yet you call me oversensitive. Pathetic.

I know you enjoy lying for the sake of your fragile anonymous pride, but if you look closely, you'll notice my first post said I don't give a shit about that, but outsiders likee you wanting to dictate how this imageboard should work, as if you knew shit about it, pathetic liar.

>There are posts being reported that contain none of these things and is ridiculous to report them.

I never said they did, I guess you don't even know what Wizchan is in the end.
Strawman? Projecting much? That's exactly what you have done here mister poser.

I don't want you to ignore this so I will make good emphasis on it:
If you post things that don't belong to the place you're posting, you'll be rejected, EVERYWHERE.

Post your gf in Wizchan and you will get shit.
Post tech service requests in Lainchan and you will get shit.
Post personal army requests in /b/ and you will get shit.
Post as a girl in your incel subreddit and you will get shit.
Act like pol in leftypol and you will get shit.

It isn't even the internet and it's not about free speech, but common sense, the world works like this son, not every place needs to adapt to your tastes, you dishonest needy snowflake, grow balls ffs, how will you even get a job like this?

>Are you OCD about frog pictures or something?

Thank you for the file, it's very appropriate.

>You surely know they words such as "incel". And that's how I know you're a woman.

I'm not a woman, but if it triggers you, I am, whatever makes you more uncomfortable. Also, if you're an incel, poor of you for being such a baby with such pathetic non issues.


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Compelling arguments. You almost ran out of assumptions and ad-hominems.
>Liar, you wouldn't be so clueless about how this imageboard works, it has always been like this, why did you choose to commplain now in your many years as user? Fucking poser.
I haven't posted here regularly, in fact, I'll have maximum around 10-15 posts. It has always bothered me but now it's just gotten ridiculous, moreso with /yndd/. I'm just a very infrequent user.
>I know you enjoy lying for the sake of your fragile anonymous pride, but if you look closely, you'll notice my first post said I don't give a shit about that, but outsiders likee you wanting to dictate how this imageboard should work, as if you knew shit about it, pathetic liar.
I'm actually arguing for more freedom, you are the ones wanting to dictate if posts, pictures, words, arguments and stances that hurt your feelings are allowed.
>I don't want you to ignore this so I will make good emphasis on it:
>If you post things that don't belong to the place you're posting, you'll be rejected, EVERYWHERE.
I don't want you to ignore this so I will make good emphasis on it:
There are posts that belong here and are on-topic, and are just being reported for disagreeing with the person reporting them.
>Post your gf in Wizchan and you will get shit.
>Post tech service requests in Lainchan and you will get shit.
>Post personal army requests in /b/ and you will get shit.
>Post as a girl in your incel subreddit and you will get shit.
>Act like pol in leftypol and you will get shit.
None of these equivalences apply to what I'm arguing.
>the world works like this son, not every place needs to adapt to your tastes
You are the one trying to adapt it to a certain demographic while I'm arguing about making it for everyone.
>I'm not a woman, but if it triggers you, I am
I actually hope you're a woman for your sake. Because if you are seriously male and trying to insult other men calling them incels, I have very bad news for you.
>grow balls ffs
Said the one that has a mental breakdown over pictures of frogs.
>how will you even get a job like this?
Bringing this out of the blue. What was this called again? Ah, I know, projection.
Don't worry, go to /hikki/ and they'll try to help you.

Calling people incels is okay, calling people soyboys warrants mental breakdowns and reports >>18960

Double standards.

Keep posting animeme pictures as a placeholder for an actual argument though.


Soyboys aren't real, soy isn't a derogatory term yet you keep trying to hamfist it and the outside world just finds it hilarious how uneducated and limited your mental capacity is. Incels are real though, you're proving that right now you fucking faggot.


Incels aren't real, celibacy isn't a derogatory term yet you keep trying to hamfist it and the outside world just finds it hilarious how uneducated and limited your mental capacity is. Soyboys are real though, you're proving that right now you fucking faggot.


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>I haven't posted here regularly, in fact, I'll have maximum around 10-15 posts. It has always bothered me but now it's just gotten ridiculous, moreso with /yndd/. I'm just a very infrequent user.
Okay, I'll correct myself, you're some kind of casual summerfag then, it explains how you don't know shit about Uboachan.

>I'm actually arguing for more freedom

If freedom to you is acting like an outsider, that's not going to work, anywhere.

>you are the ones wanting to dictate if posts, pictures, words, arguments and stances that hurt your feelings are allowed.

So your complaint is that us Uboachan users and staff want to have our site like we want it? And that it must be like you, an(according yourself) casual summerfag want?
Are you aware of how delusional that sounds?

>None of these equivalences apply to what I'm arguing.

All of them do dumbass, because you and the recent wave of frogs, incel, and overly agressive users don't belong in here.

>You are the one trying to adapt it to a certain demographic while I'm arguing about making it for everyone.

Uboachan is not for everyone, and definitely not for you. The use of this website is a privilege, not a right, the servers are private, the users made it what it is, and the staff decides the rules. This will never change, you're outnumbered and have no support from anyone whatsoever, things are like this, if you don't like it get out and find a place that adapts to your special kid needs.

>Because if you are seriously male and trying to insult other men calling them incels, I have very bad news for you.

I dare you, tell me what the news are, that you're butthurt because you can't get laid? Big lack of balls. Incels don't belong in here, period.

>Said the one that has a mental breakdown over pictures of frogs.

Sorry mister "Every place must adapt to my feelings"

>Bringing this out of the blue. What was this called again? Ah, I know, projection.

I'm not a hikki nor NEET, the fact you think this board consists of them only futher shows how you know nothing about this website.

>Calling people incels is okay, calling people soyboys warrants mental breakdowns and reports

>Double standards
Yes, maybe because users here don't accept incels and soyboy is a shitty anti SJW righty buzzword, not that SJWs are any better.
Also, it was one of you invaders who came here implying support to incel fags, so it's more than justified.

>Keep posting animeme pictures as a placeholder for an actual argument though.

And you dared to accuse someone of strawman, there were plenty of argumments if you need to counter them, but sure, here ya go.

Look man this is simple, the site is like this, it has always been like this, and even the rules state we don't want certain laguage to prevent certain type of users to come. It won't change, don't like it? Just go.


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>it explains how you don't know shit about Uboachan.
No, I pretty much got it down. It's a site about tumblrinas with a persecution complex having a yume nikki themed safespace to hide from the evil invading frogs and incels.
>If freedom to you is acting like an outsider, that's not going to work, anywhere.
You can act like an outsider in every 4chan board. Looks like it works at least somewhere.
>Uboachan is not for everyone, and definitely not for you. The use of this website is a privilege, not a right, the servers are private, the users made it what it is, and the staff decides the rules. This will never change, you're outnumbered and have no support from anyone whatsoever, things are like this, if you don't like it get out and find a place that adapts to your special kid needs.
You are a truly enlightened gentlesir, this site is only for those who have seen the light and developed a frog phobia, I humbly tip my fedora in your name.
>I dare you, tell me what the news are, that you're butthurt because you can't get laid? Big lack of balls. Incels don't belong in here, period.
Well, you're pretty much using a woman insult that most men don't even bother saying because of the ridiculousness of it. It's their most used insult because that's the only thing these women can provide a man, sex. So might aswell LARPingly threaten them with wishful thinking about them not having sex. You must have a really female brain, soyfriend.
>incels don't belong here
Well, since the term incel is an oxymoron, I'm not really worried about that.
I still don't get how can someone be involuntarily celibate when hookers are 5 dollars away, so if you aren't having sex, it is certainly voluntary. So this pretty much doesn't even exist.
>Look man this is simple, the site is like this, it has always been like this, and even the rules state we don't want certain laguage to prevent certain type of users to come.
I'm sorry you have paranoid schizophrenia, but I'll tell you something. Allowing people to post frogs and say certain things won't make /polr9kboogeyman/ migrate here since they don't give a fuck about yume nikki. This site is intended for fans of the game, my qualm is that only certain types of fans with a certain mindset are allowed to express themselves. And that's pretty /pol/ of you, you seem to have more in common with them than I do.

The frogs aren't out to get you son, calm down.


>It's a site about tumblrinas with a persecution complex having a yume nikki themed safespace to hide from the evil invading frogs and incels.
Then leave?


That's not for you to decide, sorry. I'd actually like to know sei thoughts on this after having read the thread.


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So you'd be willing to stay in a website you dislike so much unless the admin tells you that's a completely dumb thing to do?


Soy boy is not mainstream. I said poltards AND similar circles. Nobody outside of that uses it. It s a passing meme at best. There's a difference between something acting as a hormonal disruptor in middle aged woman and something turning otherwise healthy men effeminate. You know nothing about chemistry. You only regurgitate talking points.
>nobody is poisoning the well
There's such a thing as chan culture. Coming in here and infecting ubuu with alt-right shitposting culture is poisoning the well. You might as well be spamming furry porn. You are a cancerous faggot and freedom of being a faggot is not a guaranteed right. There is no law saying that private websites have to accommodate to you.
>Everyone that likes this game and wants to discuss it belongs here
No. You don't get to say who belongs here. The actual users do. The users want you to fuck off, so you don't belong here.
>There are posts being reported that contain none of these things and is ridiculous to report them. They stay in topic
If somebody went on a wizchan thread about how stupid it is to have girlfriends, and started arguing about it, or if they started calling everybody a misogynist, they would be told to fuck off.
You don't use the site often and you aren't invested in preserving it's culture. You're a summer fag. You probably only came back because of yndd. If you hate it so much, go on 8chan, start a yn board, and fuck off. You wont get your way by bitching anyway. All you do is spam and shit post and break rules. You are cancer.


I have seen the opinion of irrelevant faggots. I want to see his thoughts and if he could consider changing some policies on bans and warnings. Such as when he changed that rule in which you couldn't even say your age.
>and similar circles
So /ck/ is similar to /pol/?
/diy/ aswell? /o/, /fit/, /lit/
Woah, those evil polfags sure know how to do a lot of things. Get the fuck over it.
>There's a difference between something acting as a hormonal disruptor in middle aged woman and something turning otherwise healthy men effeminate. You know nothing about chemistry. You only regurgitate talking points.
I won't bother debating this again, read here https://uboachan.net/hikki/res/4346.html

too much xenoestrogen = feminizing hormonal imbalance = effeminate boy
Do as many mental gymnastics as you want.
>There's such a thing as chan culture. Coming in here and infecting ubuu with alt-right shitposting culture is poisoning the well. You might as well be spamming furry porn. You are a cancerous faggot and freedom of being a faggot is not a guaranteed right. There is no law saying that private websites have to accommodate to you.
Calling someone a soyboy is alt-right shitposting culture?
Holy fuck how sheltered are you? I've seen fucking /cgl/ girls call someone a soyboy. It's normal, it's a synonym for effeminate man, deal w/ it.
Next you'll tell me calling someone a whiteknight is /r9k/ shitposting culture conspiracy stuff.
>No. You don't get to say who belongs here. The actual users do. The users want you to fuck off, so you don't belong here.
Not how it works, sorry. You can't do shit and have no power to make me stop posting, I don't know what delusions of grandeur you fermented in your little brain.
>You don't use the site often and you aren't invested in preserving it's culture.
You think being a triggered tumblrina extremely politically correct is some kind of cool unique culture? Oh, you're going to love facebook.
>You don't use the site often and you aren't invested in preserving it's culture. You're a summer fag. You probably only came back because of yndd. If you hate it so much, go on 8chan, start a yn board, and fuck off. You wont get your way by bitching anyway. All you do is spam and shit post and break rules. You are cancer.
AFAIK, the only rule I've probably broken is not posting this in /sugg/. I don't come here exclusively in summer, and I posted on uboachan before yndd was even a thing.

See? Every retarded assumption you make is wrong. You just want to project your scary boogeyman on me.

Also, the icing on the cake, I've never in my life posted in /r9k/ or browsed it more than 10 seconds, and I've never even seen wizchan.

You should go see a doctor about your boogeymen obsession.



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>Staff members
>A bunch of users including oldfags
>Irrelevant faggots


That's literally the definition of mental gymnastics. X Y Z + 7, conclusion. That's not how science works. Unless an experiment has been done which shows that the specific kind of the specific kind of xenoestrogen in soy products, both natural and processed, has that specific effect on that specific group of people, you cannot make the conclusion. Do you even remeber the scientific method from third grade? Do you know even a fraction of how meticulous the process is? You don't have the studies to back it up. It's pseudoscience. You are an ideologue.
>how sheltered are you
I don't spend all of my time on internet shitholes. Most image boards are shit now. It's not part of uboachan's culture and it's not widely used irl. It's a meme.
>Not how it works, sorry.
How does it work then? If you go somewhere, and you post shit nobody wants, you get told to fuck off. That can be furry porn or anything else. You are cancer. You are entitled.
>You think being a triggered tumblrina extremely politically correct
Ubuu isn't extremely politically correct, nigger. It's apolitical. All politics are cancer.
> I posted on uboachan before yndd was even a thing.
Never said you didn't, faggot. I said you probably came back because of yndd. Before that, when was the last time you posted? Even if you don't use r9k or wizchan specifically, you spew the same rhetoric and you use the say buzzwords. You sound exactly lthe same. You are cancer.



>Calls people tumblrinas
>has a problem with, "bix nood", pics
here's some more, snowflake


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I fail to understand what your issue is. Dude, you can literally post almost about anything here, being cp the exception. Just because your posts get no answers doesn’t mean you’re being censored. Have you ever considered that this site’s other users just don’t generally care about what you want to post about? It’s not that they want to take your freedoms away, they just couldn’t care less for sharing anything about it.
And if this is because you’ve got mean responses back, they still don’t mean anything. The subject is being discussed, you’re not being censored, it’s just people that don’t agree with you talking.
You only assume that the liberties are in danger when you have another user opposing you in a subject but then we have this retarded thread, and have plenty others more, and a bunch of people discussing bullshit everywhere and no one that is not an asshole is being censored.

Are you the same dude that around once each month creates a new thread complaining about how much ubu sucks and is censoring you? If you are, is this the only way you know of getting attention by whining? Or are you unable to express yourself through other means besides spite and complaining?

Just finally stop this thread and create a new one, about whatever subjects you want to talk to us about, go ahead, but then accept that there is always the chance of getting opinions that aren’t similar to your own and that there is nothing wrong with that and neither with yours. It’s just people talking.

I miss that phase when the biggest cringe we had was that fox furry Kibbles’ posts. They always made me fricking angry each time, but at least he was so cute and upbeat so it still made me smile.


I don't even know what you're going on about. If things were as you say, I'd have no problem with it. I'll try to be specific about things I have a problem with.

>the fact that sei stickied a warning in /yndd/ when there was LITERALLY nothing wrong with the board or its behavior, which is absolutely tumblresque

>maidnaut's discord psychotic episode about literally made up non-issues and wanting EVEN MORE harsher moderation
>the fact that you couldn't even say your age in this site before (which speaks volumes about its grade of extreme policing)
>the fact that seisatsu tells everything to stop arguing out of the blue in harmless on-topic discussions such as the weather thread (if this is not censorship I don't know what it is)
>the fact that posts of mine and posts of others are being reported in /sugg/ by crybabies when these posts are on topic and their only crime is opposing the views of the reporter, which leads me to believe it is normal for people to bitch about posts to the admin and get them banned
>I've seen people wanting other people to get banned just by saying "nigger"
Well, this really looks the opposite to what you said, are you in some kind of alternate reality?
How would you even know if that post is mine? And even then, there's a difference between telling someone they have poor taste than to have a mental breakdown and ask for the admin to ban him and going on a rant about why they don't belong here.


Stop bringing Discord drama into the boards you vulgar 4channer.


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>the fact that sei stickied a warning in /yndd/ when there was LITERALLY nothing wrong with the board or its behavior, which is absolutely tumblresque
Many users bitched a lot about /hikki/ so sei made up special rules for the special kids. In fact, /n/ should have stayed dead, many of us actually want /hikki/ nuked because it's a cancer containment board at this point. I don't even know why maidnut or whoever suggested to remake it thought it was a good idea.
On a related note, sei likes the idea that ubuu helps people, because years ago it actually was a chill place (something you should know if you were an "oldfag" as you claim) where people who were under extreme pressure or suffering found some support here and it helped people to cope with their problems. That, however, is a thing from the past, nowadays when somebody requests help it is either
a) Some sort of hikikomori/extreme NEET who later bitches about how the site is full of "armchair psychologists", despite he asking for psychiatric advice
b) It doesn't receive much input and somebody gets their butt upset about some silly thing (i.e U R NOT A HIKKI FUCK OFF NORMIE!!) and a shitstorm starts

If you ask me, you should nuke that shit. If hikiko's want a board to circlejerk, let them create it.
On the other hand, it's already part of the culture of this site so I don't see that happening.

>maidnaut's discord psychotic episode about literally made up non-issues and wanting EVEN MORE harsher moderation

Most users agree with you.

>the fact that you couldn't even say your age in this site before (which speaks volumes about its grade of extreme policing)

Almost all chans have as rule 1 to be "over 18 years old", and guess what, an innumerable amount of underage retards actually admitted being underage in those "age" threads. Sei was just enforcing this because he doesn't want to get involved in any legal problems. I personally think the possibility of that happening is extremely unlikely, but it's his site, so hey, complain with him. Personally, I think it wasn't policing as much as preventing retards from fucking up.

>the fact that seisatsu tells everything to stop arguing out of the blue in harmless on-topic discussions such as the weather thread (if this is not censorship I don't know what it is)

We're a chill board, as I said before. Sei wants it to stay like that, I want it to stay like that, and many users want it to stay like that. In my opinion, /ot/ is free to get as dirty as it can because it is our equivalent of /b/ (in the "derail" facet, not the retarded one), but you should understand that we don't like people bitching and derailing a thread. In other words, you can bitch, just don't complain when people get annoyed.

>the fact that posts of mine and posts of others are being reported in /sugg/ by crybabies when these posts are on topic and their only crime is opposing the views of the reporter, which leads me to believe it is normal for people to bitch about posts to the admin and get them banned

Again, users want the place to stay chill; if you want to "discuss" politics go to /int/ or /pol/ or some other shithole. I also don't like those report threads (there is a "report" button, after all), but hey, that's freedom too, whether you like it or not. Basically, just as you cringe at that, we cringe at people sperging outsider culture here. Just don't do it. You can, but nobody will like it.

>I've seen people wanting other people to get banned just by saying "nigger"

Care to point out the posts? There is no rule preventing insults; notice there is a rule against destructively attacking or provoking other users. If you don't like this rule, go discuss it in /sugg/; I find it justified because it's an extension of the "this isn't your personal blog" unwritten rule.
Also, you can call people faggot, nigger, autistic, and whatever is your retarded flavor of the month insult, just don't get overly-autistic about it you fucking nigger. That's the whole point of "chill board", faggot.


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Also, expanding on a few points because I can already see how that could get misread by outsiders

>We're a chill board, as I said before. Sei wants it to stay like that, I want it to stay like that, and many users want it to stay like that. In my opinion, /ot/ is free to get as dirty as it can because it is our equivalent of /b/ (in the "derail" facet, not the retarded one), but you should understand that we don't like people bitching and derailing a thread. In other words, you can bitch, just don't complain when people get annoyed.

Yes, Sei stopping arguments is a bit excessive, I'm not defending it, I was merely pointing out why that happens. We're a small chan, as said in the OP; we don't feed on shitposting and discussions, we prefer when our activity is constructive and worthwhile. I don't know if you noticed, but the frontpage was full of crap with that silly discussion for 2 days. Some people are too dense to notice they're fucking over so sei pops out of the blue like that from time to time to chill things, because we're a chill chan. You can discuss, don't get stupid about it.

>Again, users want the place to stay chill; if you want to "discuss" politics go to /int/ or /pol/ or some other shithole.

The "politic discussion" part wasn't directed at you, but I'll expand a bit: If you discuss, play it smart, we're not 4chan. Call other faggots, but don't compare your dicks sizes please, it's fucking disgusting and we don't need this thing here.
Directed to everyone who got autistic on /hikki/ and that wheather thread, by the way.


>maidnaut's psychotic episode
She was actually in there the other night explaining why she looked so stupid and blew it out of proportion. It was apparently a stunt to spark more discussion, and this has happened before actually if I remember right. Apparently they've got enough to work with in this thread to rewrite the rules though, if that's anything. But it looks bad out of context.


I don't know anything about context because I have decency and I am not part of that discord, but I know madnuts enough to know how retarded things can get when the complains about Sei start.


>many of us actually want /hikki/ nuked because it's a cancer containment board at this point.
God forbid hikkis or neets have a place to discuss matters here, we should make the safespace more of a safespace by removing boards!

>If you ask me, you should nuke that shit. If hikiko's want a board to circlejerk, let them create it.

Why stop there?
If people want off topic discussion, let them make their own site, remove /ot/
If people want literature discussion let them make their own site, remove /lit/

See how that plays out?

>Almost all chans have as rule 1 to be "over 18 years old", and guess what, an innumerable amount of underage retards actually admitted being underage in those "age" threads. Sei was just enforcing this because he doesn't want to get involved in any legal problems. I personally think the possibility of that happening is extremely unlikely, but it's his site, so hey, complain with him. Personally, I think it wasn't policing as much as preventing retards from fucking up.

AFAIK most porn sites don't even ask you if you're over 18 when entering, I don't see how that get him in trouble. Even so, it'd be easy yo just make a prompt appear upon entering the site asking "Are you 18 or over 18 years old?" and a yes and no button.

>Again, users want the place to stay chill; if you want to "discuss" politics go to /int/ or /pol/ or some other shithole. I also don't like those report threads (there is a "report" button, after all), but hey, that's freedom too, whether you like it or not. Basically, just as you cringe at that, we cringe at people sperging outsider culture here. Just don't do it. You can, but nobody will like it.

Regarding posts of mine that are being "reported" in /sugg/ they are on-topic and replying to someone who already started discussing the matter, political or not. The only thing I did is challenging their view. So it would be them who started to discuss "politics". The why report me and not himself?
I don't start it, I just reply.
>Care to point out the posts? There is no rule preventing insults; notice there is a rule against destructively attacking or provoking other users. If you don't like this rule, go discuss it in /sugg/; I find it justified because it's an extension of the "this isn't your personal blog" unwritten rule.
Also, you can call people faggot, nigger, autistic, and whatever is your retarded flavor of the month insult, just don't get overly-autistic about it you fucking nigger. That's the whole point of "chill board", faggot.


>Yes, Sei stopping arguments is a bit excessive, I'm not defending it, I was merely pointing out why that happens. We're a small chan, as said in the OP; we don't feed on shitposting and discussions, we prefer when our activity is constructive and worthwhile. I don't know if you noticed, but the frontpage was full of crap with that silly discussion for 2 days. Some people are too dense to notice they're fucking over so sei pops out of the blue like that from time to time to chill things, because we're a chill chan. You can discuss, don't get stupid about it.
Why would the recent posts being filled something bad? Maybe if more people posted here you'd have seen something else other than that specific thread replies. I don't see how that's a bad thing. What would've been the difference between the recent post page being still with no changes and the page reflecting the weather thread's discussion? Is not like you're mising anything.
I hope something good comes out of this thread.

Also what the fuck is up with "your response looks automatic, post discarded", fuck off with this retarded filter shit.


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>God forbid hikkis or neets have a place to discuss matters here, we should make the safespace more of a safespace by removing boards!
So, do you realize that /hikki/ is not for hikikomori/NEETs but for "self-help", right? And that the only thing that doesn't happen there is self-help, right? And that people who isn't hikiko/NEET gets "shamed" (for a lack of a better word), right?
People on /hikki/ want it to make a NEET safespace anyway, it's only fair. Why shouldn't "normies" post in /hikki/, huh? If a board doesn't contribute in any way to the site then get rid of it, we already have an annex.

>Why stop there? If people want off topic discussion, let them make their own site, remove /ot/. If people want literature discussion let them make their own site, remove /lit/. etc.

Strawman, I say we should get rid of /hikki/ because it doesn't work the way it's intended and even the people who use it complain about it. /lit/ has little activity but at least something good pops from time to time (like that anon writer), and even so it doesn't really bother anyone, unlike /hikki/.

>AFAIK most porn sites don't even ask you if you're over 18 when entering, I don't see how that get him in trouble. Even so, it'd be easy yo just make a prompt appear upon entering the site asking "Are you 18 or over 18 years old?" and a yes and no button.

Complain with sei. I already said what I think about it.

>Regarding posts of mine that are being "reported" in /sugg/ they are on-topic and replying to someone who already started discussing the matter, political or not.

Already addressed it wasn't directed to political discussions only.
>The only thing I did is challenging their view. I don't start it, I just reply.
So a dick size contest, you and other parties are at fault for not keeping it chill, but you specially aggravate other users because we don't like outside culture here, like any other chan, really. It doesn't justify faggotry like those report threads but now you know why you are targeted by many users as a plague.

>The why report me and not himself?

Good question. I would have reported both of you faggots if we actually had rules that enforced anything like that, but we don't, hence why I don't like those report threads and don't say anything about stupid dick contests.

The people banned in that /hikki/ thread were banned because they violated rule 6 AND it happened in the special kid containment board (AKA "destructively attack or provoke other users" + "this is snowflake board so pls don't say mean words 2 other users"), but that doesn't have anything to do with the word "nigger". This goes back to why /hikki/ shouldn't exist/why its the special treatment is retarded.

>Why would the recent posts being filled something bad? Maybe if more people posted here you'd have seen something else other than that specific thread replies. I don't see how that's a bad thing

It's not that the front page being filled is something bad, it's that it's 2 retards shitting on a stupid argument nobody really cares about. And most of the good users left exactly because of this kind of activity, hence why you don't see that much posting nowadays, see why we consider it's a bad thing?


>Possed as oldfag
>Can't even cross thread link


>mental break down
You were complaining about something that was not against the rules. I'm explaining to you exactly why you are a plague. You can't call people tumblrinas when you think, "bix nood", is in bad taste. You don't seem to get that quality trumps quantity. If the front page is filled up with retarded shit, that's not a good thing. If somebody is filling the board with retarded shit and constantly derailing threads becuase they can't help but spew talking points and argue about it, yes the site would be better without them and yes I would want them banned.
What is the point of site rules? Outside of cp, it's to keep cancer off of the site. When a person keeps spreading cancer, that's when the rules should come in. Pragmatic moderation makes for a better site. Is it a, "safespace"? Sure. It's a cancer free safe space. There's nothing inherently wrong with that despite whatever spoon-fed notions you have.
>are you 18 pop-up
That would be pointless. If the point of a pop-up is it to remove site responsibility, if a person says that they're not 18, that places responsibility back on sei if he doesn't ban them.
>spam filter
If you actually used the site often, you would know how bad spam can get. I'm just waiting for you to get bored and go back to your own, "safespace". Nobody wants you here and you can't be having a good time, so why stay? You literally never were invested in the site. Only now that you see likeminded faggots being told to fuck off are you having a hissy fit and demanding to be accommodated.


For what it's worth, I'd much rather have people saying unsavory things over people going out of their way to police everything. At the least the former speak for themselves rather than try to force their way on someone else. And it's not like everyone else is endorsing them vocally, so they are literally a non-issue.


Unsavory people are always toxic and abrasive. They're always going to be spewing the same stuff and somebody is always going to respond to them unless they are driven off. Look at op. Their amount of actually meaningful contribution is null. They only say something when their brainforce ads are scrutinized. And they attract each other too.


>Unsavory people are always toxic and abrasive
So are the control freaks. We could argue for a while about who is the bigger poopoohead, but the notion that they both are is very much self-evident.
>They're always going to be spewing the same stuff and somebody is always going to respond to them unless they are driven off
And that is a problem – why exactly? Sure, newer users are more prone to engaging in otherwise pointless discussions, but it's unavoidable as long as we do get new users. Is that what you're objecting to? Having new users? At the end of the day you live and you learn, and no one exactly is stopping you from stepping in and explaining to people whenver their argument becomes retarded.
>Look at op. Their amount of actually meaningful contribution is null.
Okay, that's just not fair in the slightest. You may disagree with him, but you can't deny he made his case pretty clear, multiple times even. In no world that counts as "null contribution".

I hate to say it, but you sound exactly like one of those control freaks who just can't stand people doing their own thing, and whom I'd rather not have around here. Be honest with yourself, is this your angle in all of this?


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So, I don't know if I'm the only one who noticed this, but this is going nowhere.
We can't convince this guest that we don't want their ideals of imageboard here, and they won't convince us that we should convert to those ideals.

So how about we agree to disagree? I mean, Sei already said that this community needs a chill pill, going on with something pointless will only incite even more spicy arguments.

Nothing is lost anyway, I mean, yes, this person may stay, but they will be banned sooner or later as soon as they try to break a rule, excessive agression is not allowed, excessive slurs are not allowed, let's let the staff handle it.


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why did i come back to this shithole


What's so bad about racism?


Nothing, it's a natural instinct in humans and every other animal to stick to its kind.
Then you brainwash a child 24/7 with media and the public education system into becoming self-hating and xenophilic and he gets angry at people whose mind hasn't been tampered with. Then the SJW is born.


>My social behavior and standards are no better than a donkey's
I don't know about good or wrong, but the rules here are clear about it.
Slurs are not banned but not encouraged either, since the excessive use of those attracts people we don't want here.


>dude you're a donky lmao
I bet you'd call Darwin an ape if you were born in his time.
Sad how some people can't just accept reality.


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I didn't call you a donkey, you did, you said it's acceptable to have the same level of reasoning for social interactions than some random animal to be racist, and I do agree with you.
You may as well say you have the same social intelligence as a chimp or a goose and I would still agree.


Please, not everyone is an edgy contrarian that goes against his own nature for no sound reason. If you didn't notice, we are animals. Or perhaps you are one of a kind, an ascended gentlesir if I may say so.
It turns out these instincts are useful and in tune with modern day crime statistics, they perfectly align with reality.

Oh, you dropped your fedora.


Except you didn't say anything about society, you said it is okay to be racist because it's natural for animals to stick with their kind, then you compared yourself to one of the most influential scientists in history for some random reason.

I know you feel like changing your script, we can do it no problem, but you know, my point is, if you want to be racist in this website, go ahead and try, just tell me how well that works.


>Except you didn't say anything about society
So you acknowledged before that I was refering to social situations, but now you try to play dumb implying I was refering to another thing?
>you said it is okay to be racist because it's natural for animals to stick with their kind
That's one reason why it's ok. There are many.
>then you compared yourself to one of the most influential scientists in history for some random reason
He is racist aswell, doesn't look like a "random" reason does it? Since we are talking about racism.

"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes … will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla (Darwin 1887:156)."

Not only racist, but white supremacist. And he was sexist too. How triggered are you right now in a scale of 1 to 10?

You are a bit slow. Keep backpedaling and moving the goalpost.


Social interactions=//=Society

Just that makes your whole tryhard dishonest wall of text worthless.

I was talking about social interactions and treating them as such, as in how capable you are of interactions, societal problems, politics and which race commits more crimes is a completely different thing.

You changed your script by talking about why the crime rates matter, and accuse me of doing the same thing, do you want to be racist that badly?

This isn't the place for that, whatever you do, please struggle a lot, try very hard, in the end of the day that is the truth and won't change, you still lose friendo.


Alright you seem to be having some difficulties following this conversation. I'll walk you through it.
You implied it wasn't acceptable to be racist since it would be having the same level of reasoning for social interaction as a donkey.
Then I showed you that it is not only acceptable, but a good thing since it can statistically save your life due to current day crime statistics.
Then you started to try to move the goalpost and focus the debate on whether I was refering to society, social situations or whatever.
Then you had a mental breakdown and kept ignoring everything else and declared every other argument worthless because in your little brain you're pretending it still was unclear whether I was refering to social interations, society, or whatever. As if that was relevant to the debate of the validity of racism as a whole.
Keep up the strawman.


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Alright, you know what? In Sei's honor, you win, this is the kind of arguments we shouold be avoiding, try to be racist here and see how that goes.


I'm already being racist and it's fine, nigger.
You must be the autistic animeposter ITT that was arguing with OP.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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Lock this thread please. The creation of this thread was already pointless as it is (and it's on the wrong board), I haven't seen OP reply in a while & these pointless unhealthy arguments that end in nothing good are spawning up despite the original reasoning behind these threads presumably being solved under the new owner. Yes, the board has gotten some tumors there and there but chemo was thankfully applied, end of the story. Just please don't spread more stuff when the issue was already discussed and (solved).

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