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I love you guys. I love ubuu. You remind me of something I was in the past, something that I dearly miss, something that I will always remember.


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>something I was in the past
oi fuck right off, mate
seriously though, this post comes off as extremely condescending. You're not better than us just because you changed for the better or whatever. Quite projecting.


Maybe you should stop projecting too. It's very possible anon meant that in a positive way.


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Stop treating me like a kid!



Truly the real projection was the assholes we met along the way

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A couple days ago, I found an old printed copy, all the way back from middle school, of the login info for some online databases. I thought it'd be funny to see how much info they have on nip stuff. Instead it was sort of depressing, but a bit informative. Newer articles seem to focus entirely on live action remakes or whatever's airing on netflix, older ones from the early 2000s have this air of confusion and disbelief that's painful. The few 90's articles seem the most genuine. Here's some choice quotes. This is how it's perceived by outsiders.
TV Overdose for Kids- 2009
>I still get nostalgic whenever I come across kiddie shows on television.For example, I pine for old good carrot-munching Bugs Bunny and perky Woody Woodpecker. The fast-paced Japanese animated shows called Anime, in my book, are too realistic and mere imitation of violent adult action movies.Some of the casualties of modern animation were characters that my generation grew up with.
>harsh-voice Donald Duck, Tom and Jerry and Mickey Mouse with his merry gang of Minnie Mouse, Pluto and hare-brained Goofy, truly kid stuffs. These wholesome shows of my childhood have now been replaced by Astro Boy, Voltes V, Mazinger Z and other androids battling mechanical monsters out to take over the world.As always, the shows always end up with the hero and the villain trying to annihilate each other in a flurry of lights, colors and grating synthesized sounds. Great for kids, but unfortunately, bad for their education.
>Research shows that exposure to this type of programming increases the risk of aggressive behavior and at the same time, desensitizes children to violence. Studies on links between TV overdose and child development and value formation also reveal that these kinds of shows can muddle children’s understanding of the world and get in the way of their learning what’s right and what’s wrong. All this is according to LimiTV, a United States organization that advocates little-to-no TV viewing for children four-and-under.
>TV can also cause depression in a child who eventually feels like a “loser” if he or she does not get to possess the product being advertised.
Opening Today- 1997
>Limited Runs- Ghost in the Shell (1995), the anime future thriller that had its debutPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Anime in America: Japan's animated movies have risen from cult status to cultural force in the US. Next up for the moviemakers: winning approval from Mom and Dad- 2003
>An abandoned theme park. Temples, lakes and food fit for gods. It's a cartoon, but a beautiful, stunningly realistic one that leaves the audience hushed at this dinky art house theater in South Florida. Most wait until the last credit leaves the screen. The movie is Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi in Japanese) and it's the latest anime hit in the US. Anime in America is winning more sales and fans than ever before.
>Hard-core anime fans are not surprised by the film's success. They've grown up on TV shows like Voltron and Power Rangers, so the brilliance of Miyazaki and other anime directors is nothing new.
>Japanese anime, a genre once reserved for the TV dens of Star Trek-types and reclusive teenagers, is now super-hip in the States.
>typical anime fans used to be predominately male, techie types, 70-80 percent college educated and between 25 and 30 years old. Today the US audience is 50:50 teenagers (mostly 14- and 15-year-olds) and adults, according to a recent survey at an SPJA expo in New York.typical anime fans used to be predominately male, techie types, 70-80 percent college educated and between 25 and 30 years old. Today the US audience is 50:50 teenagers (mostly 14- and 15-year-olds) and adults, according to a recent survey at an SPJA expo in New York.
>Like other anime fans, Innes has his own Web site, AbsoluteAnime.com, where anime followers post their own bios and profiles. It's for fans to keep track of which character is which, he says.
Still exists.
>To save paying $100 plus per tape, fans would drive for miles to the paltry number of stores stocking anime. They'd tape it, duplicate it, then send it back. It was Gunbuster's success that triggered a flurry of releases, Tatsugawa says.
>More Americans got excited by anime in 1993, when the Fox Channel Network aired a remake of the Power Rangers, says Innes. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was an instant hit and created an anime frenzy.
>What might hold all this back is pornography and violence. CoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Anime vs aid - 2015
>Japan has typically seen Africa as a basket of problems to be solved with aid. It should see it as a big media market.
>Japanese culture is a very serious matter when it comes to this passionate group of South Africans, and although the idea of manga fanboys and fangirls in Africa may seem a little incongruous at first, it shouldn't be a surprise at all.
>Tokyo's dominant perception of Africa can arguably be summed up in the words of Makoto Ito, Japan's ambassador to the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), Japan's central forum for aid to Africa: "Africa faces challenges such as income disparity, overreliance on natural resource trading, infectious diseases, political instability and recurrent conflicts," he said. "International support is essential to tackle these issues."
>But this manic creativity hasn't always sat well with the Japanese government. Throughout most of the 20th century, the Japanese government viewed its pop culture industry as trivial and embarrassing at best. It was only after the end of the bubble economy in the early 1990s that the government grasped its global popularity. Diplomats then had to catch up with foreign fans that knew much more about Japanese works than they did.
>What followed was an uneasy alliance between Japan's creative industries and its government, with the latter trying to use global fandom as a gateway to public diplomacy. This collaboration came to be known as the Cool Japan campaign
>The presence of China in Africa is nothing if not controversial, but both its supporters and critics agree that China is in Africa to do business. Whether that business is ultimately to Africa's benefit is hotly contested.
Can a Nerd Get the Girl?- 2005 Kay Itoi
>Pity the poor otaku. Obsessive-compulsive recluses, they are the diehard fans of Japan's world-famous subculture hobbies–anime (animated films), manga (cartoons) and videogames. More comfortable in a virtual world than the real one, they are notorious for their lack of social skills and even less fashion sense. The general rule is that otaku can't get dates.
>So why, suddenly, are they hot? Chalk it up to the new "Densha Otoko" phenomenon. Last spring a (Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Facet Analysis of Anime Genres: The Challenges of Defining Genre Information for Popular Cultural Objects.- 2018
>Anime, as a growing form of multimedia, needs a better and more thorough organization for its myriad unique terminologies. Existing studies show patrons' desire to search and get recommendations for anime. However, due to inadequate indexing and often con- fusing or inaccurate usage of terms, searching and acquiring recommendations remain challenging. Our research seeks to close the gap and make discovery and recommendations more viable.
A New Golden Age for Western Manga. - 2018
Something something globalism, diversity, blah. It's polished looking I guess.
Black Women in Sequence: Re-inking Comics, Graphic Novels, and Anime.
Text not available, funny title though. The narrow-sightedness of these people never stops being amazing me.
>While many librarians are familiar with Japanese anime adaptations from popular manga series, such as "Naruto," this roundup will focus on stand-alone feature-length films. Whether your library is looking to expand its anime selections or trying to start one from scratch, you'll find the titles below useful.
Half of it is Ghibli. Satoshi Kon only gets Tokyo Godfathers. No mention of Ghost in the Shell and that type. Guess i'm not surprised.
Magic, Shōjo, and Metamorphosis: Magical Girl Anime and the Challenges of Changing Gender Identities in Japanese Society.
>It is argued that the genre developed in close connection to the culture of shōjo (female adolescence) as an antithesis to adulthood, in which women are expected to undertake domestic duties. The paper then incorporates contexts for male-oriented fan culture of shōjo and anime aesthetics that emerged in the 1980s. The recent tendencies for gender bending and genre crossing raise critical questions about the spread of the magical girl trope as cute power. It is concluded that the magical girl genre encompasses contesting values of gender, and thus the genre's empowerment fantasy has developed symbiotically with traditional gender norms in society.


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Anime's Brave New World
This one is also good.
Anime, mon amour.
>The article focuses on "Forget Pokémon," a Japanese animation that explodes with gay, and lesbian themes. The woman who challenged the heroine for the emperor's affection turns out to be a man. A young hero's attempt to impersonate a princess collapses when her female lover climbs into bed with him. In Japan animated features, television shows, and direct-to-video series include every genre and type of character — including gay men, lesbians, and transvestites. Perhaps the oddest use of gay characters in anime is "yaoi" - romances between young gay men that are created by women for female audiences, especially adolescent girls. INSET: Ten DVDs for anime beginners.
The Role Of Visual Novels as a Narrative Medium
>New visual novels are released (almost) daily, but often with more than one release per day (with 23 releases on 12-Sep-2014 alone: four in English, nineteen in Japanese). Three out of all 23 were not classified as\ 18+, and reasons for this include sexual content, an area of visual novels I will not be discussing for
several reasons (such as barely any focus on a story at all, but more on that when I briefly discuss ‘eroge’, ‘erotic games’), and other 18+ games include violence and other graphic themes. For example, the first two games discussed this chapter are both rated 16 by PEGI (‘Pan European Game Information’), an official European organisation concerned with games and age rating. Illustrated by the 23 releases on one day: the genre is big, but this includes all visual novels that are made by amateurs or are otherwise poorly developed.
>In a sense, as there are many people who write short stories and upload them to the internet, there are also many people who write visual novels and upload those to the internet. For this reason, I will limit myself to a few examples of visual novels: famous series from large developePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I just became a Quora partner. I ask questions and depending on the views/ad revenue, I get money, no strings attacthed. I'm not getting my hopes up too high, but it's nice. Any questions suggestions?
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Who cares about the alphabet and secret societies, what I care about is knowing the maximum amount of Tang one can drink before dying of stomach explosion or worse.


One time I asked if nanomachines could replace exercise by manually creating micotears in muscle, and an ivy league man gave me a compelling, in-depth answer.


yeah but on my website not only can you get a $100% legit ivy league man giving you a compelling, in-depth answer, but you can get a SUPER legit ivy league man giving you a RIVETING, DETAILED answer.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


please try to stay on-topic, this is getting silly even for /ot/ standards


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Update: I've made 7 cents so far…

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What will ubuu do during the upcoming New Years Eve?
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Yep, happy new year anon. Russian people are pretty unreasonable. I had two glasses of champagne even though i'm not 21 yet. In your own house it's whatever, but this was a public place in a venue with like 200 people. Something about that is surreal. I'm back in my hotel room now becuase I wasn't in the mood for watching the second half of paranormal activity with a couple of wiggers. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but they're just very boring people with poor music taste. Good night.




>very boring people with poor music taste
My neighborhood had favela music playing until 3am, I'd take russian trashy music in a heartbeat


Nope. The party had Russian music. People, "my own age", just listen to rap when they're together though.


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>I never understood the appeal to celebrating the beginning of a new year, it's the most depressing "holiday" in existence.
It's the symbol representing the passing of time, the "ritual", what drives to celebrate these kind of things as holidays. It's like birthdays; they're there only to remind you that time passes and you can't do anything to stop it.

While I understand it, I don't see why everybody frets their shit so much about it. I mean, it's no different than a weekend. Monday always comes right after it.

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I can’t stand any more how much my social anxiety keeps blocking me away from what I want to do. I feel like each day I’m going crazier from the weariness and frustration it causes me. And I feel like my life is getting closer and closer to a situation where it is essential for my survival to be able to overcome this, at least enough to not end up starving on the streets.

So, this next week, I’m going to force myself to join at least one discord group I know about for people with anxiety. From there I’ll try to join some non-directed for my problem and instead to my interests. Yeah, I know how ridiculous it is that I can’t even join online groups without stressing out. This is how much social anxiety hinders me.

Through the suggestion of a friend, I’m also going to create an account on tinder. I know how stupid this is, but it might offer in some part what I need to be challenged with. Exposition, been identified, sharing personal information, being approached by strangers, having people manifest interest in talking to me. Where I live this app it’s still not a complete cancer container. And having to deal with the assholes proliferating there will, I expect, allow me to develop other social skills that are also needed.

Have any suggestion to my plan? Or want to tell how stupid it is and that I’m doomed to fail? Feel free to either, I don’t care. I can’t stand how things are anymore. Even if this experience kicks me to the ground, at least something happened, at least I’ll be out of this cycle, even if just for a while.

Have any of you ever done something similar? What have you tried to fight against social anxiety?


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You are doomed to fail, but so is everyone else.


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I believe in you, anon.
Go ahead but don't push yourself too hard.

Do you have any hobbies (like drawing, programming, making music)? If yes, I'd recommend you joining discord servers with the people doing things you do or like. Because if you join server just with social outcasts, it may be difficult to find a topic to talk about so it will be hard for you to start a conversation sometimes. BUT if you join server with people sharing your interests in case you don't know what to talk about you always can say something on the topic of this particular interest and you'll always be sure that everyone will be interested in this as much as you do.

And also if you feel uncomfortable in some particular group — it's always okay to leave. You can't like everyone in this world and that's pretty normal.

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It's halloween season again.
When I was a kid I used to scour around my school for a pumpkin a couple days before the 31st. Then i'd come up with some kind of plan and steal it without anybody noticing. After i'd carve a pattern in it at home and stick a candle inside. Didn't even put it outside. I just kept it in my kitchen and checked on it all the way through the night until it flickered out finally. Now a days I just buy one. What kind of tradtions do you have?

Also, this year i'm looking for a physiological horror movie to watch instead. I'm hopng people here can suggest something that's not entry level like The Shining.
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Op here. I decided on watching Akira since I never got around to it before and it seems close enough to horror. Happy Halloween.


My neighborhood is always totally deserted outside. It's like a ghost town compared to developments. I don't think even one person took from the basket I put outside…


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I finished it. Akira might be the best action film ever made. I'd say its sort of like The Matrix, in that its very high-concept, except its better in every way. It's action and visuals are more interesting and impressive, and it doesn't water-down its concepts to be more accessible. Akira gets praise more for its merit, while the Matrix is praised because it's different and dares to make the audience think in an environment of total schlock. The Matrix is also somewhat(very) unoriginal and derivative. Even from a character standpoint, Akira is superior. Despite having a large cast and having little time spent just talking, even supporting characters are more fleshed out and compelling than Neo or Trinity or Morpheus(Cipher's not bad actually). The few talking scenes were poignant and moved the plot along in some way, while the Matrix indulged in longish, repetitive speeches that only served as exposition dumps or to indulge itself despite being in a visual media and having other options for communicating information. Akira came out more than ten years before too. The Matrix being far better remembered in the public conscious is a poor sign to me.

I liked the Matrix when I first saw it and that was only last year, so nostalgia didn't play any part in that enjoyment, but it didn't even come close to blowing me away enough to make me write word vomit like this.


I'd also say Akira says a lot more about people, the way they perceive each other, and their relationship with authority and the government than the Matrix, which just alludes to the idea that what authorities tell people could be deceptive, and most people just extrapolate that the movie implied the government lies about so and so or just everything for nefarious purposes. The Matrix's 'best' theme of what reality actually means and whether it matters or not is hardly explored in a meaningful way(impacts characters and story). Again, most of the laundry list is only briefly touched on in some characters conversation. That's why Cipher and Anent Smith are the best characters and could potentially make for more compelling protagonists than what we got with the whole chosen one crap.


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hello, can anyone throw off yume nikki 0.10 not exe? For easyrpg on android.



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Thank you very much.


why are you writing this in off-topic? there is a Yume Nikki board for that


sorry, i thought /ot/ stood for on topic

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In the past I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and more specifically social anxiety disorder.
It was so bad I couldn't even look people in the eye and I would start shaking whenever I feel like I am looked at, I would run out of classrooms at university because of anxiety attacks.
I can't remember what I was on back at the time.

I have now started a new course ( which basically guranatees a job ) and it's back. It's more under control because I am more mature and have learned to breathe, try to calm myself and distract myself but it still doesn't let me function as a human being. ( + )

I am too poor to afford therapy but my cousin works as a nurse. I have access to: paroxetine, citalopram, sertraline, venlafaxine, regabalin, tradozone and alprazolam.

( + ) I'm currently anticipating social situations and taking 0.50 of xanax ahead with like half or 3 quarters of an hour but this will not last me long because I'm developing resilience to the drug ( I used to take 0.25 ).

I exercise using the bodyweight fitness app whenever I can. I do not drink coffee, alcohol or energy drinks. I used to drink tea but at some point I realised black tea unsettles me and I kind of stopped.

My concerns are anhedonia and gaining weight because this happened last time.
I plan on informing myself for a few weeks first and I am seeking help.
If you can and want please share this post to communities which you think might me knowledgeable.
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Moved to >>>/hikki/5262.

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Hopefully the right place to put this, but looking for a couple people to help play-test an upcoming game.

Best way I can describe it as a cross between LSD and Dreaming Mary. It all seems very randomy but does have an overarching horror element exposed late-game that ties it together. Very heavy exploration based with levels that change themselves as you progress.

Does require a decent gaming rig, and fully supports local CO-OP. The game is finished besides any last minute bug-fixes or additional hints as needed.


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A couple more pics


It looks very interesting. Kind of psychedelic.


this looks really cool. i'm interested!


I'm going to go ahead and move this to the indie gamedev board.


Moved to >>>/ig/946.

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I'm writing a very general paper on single parenthood for uni. Since some people here seem very passionate about that topic, I'm hoping they have something interesting to say about it. Could you guys help me out?

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