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New Year's Eve Resolution Thread: What's it going to be this year? For me personally, i'm going to try harder at learning a second language, developing ambidexterity and sleeping a decent amount.
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No, no, noooooooooooo!


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Get more physical. *grunt*


Revenge again


Best served cold…..

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I don't know if I'm getting old or internet horror has been increasingly awful in recent years. I'm not saying the 2000's and early 2010's era was good, it wasn't. A lot of the popular creepypasta from that era is only remembered for the imagery associated with it rather than the story itself (you can't tell me Jeff the Killer was a "good" story). But at least there was some gold among the pile of shit, like Candle Cove. I don't understand the appeal of all this ARG, digital horror and analog horror stuff the zoomers seem to love. I think the only recent internet horror thing I liked was I can't sleep.
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All horror is like this though. It goes through a phase where what was new becomes a trendy fad and the mainstream sucks it bone dry and eventually people move on to something else.


vibing leaf is very good


Trendy youtube stuff is ok, what kills me is all the shitty lore that people added. Like, all the async stuff is fine, because it doesn't detract from the horror of the backrooms, but all the bullshit with the smilers and partygoers and whatnot is so irritating to me.


There's nothing new, everything turn to shit when a brilliant niche idea becomes mainstream. The Backrooms, SCP, every meme that come from the depth of 4chan and pretty much everything else get ruined when too many people try to hop on the hype train.


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I feel like one of the reasons creepypasta died is simply because the target audience grew up. Most of the people who were into creepypasta a decade ago were either late millenials or early zoomers who are now between the ages of 20-30. There's that and the fact that datamining videogames in the 00's - early 10's wasn't as accessible as it is today unless you were into romhacking. Also good video editing wasn't common so hoaxes like Ben Drowned could easily fool a 12 year old. It's the same reason GTA myths were such a big thing in the early 2000's, people had a "this could be real" mindset.

Also what >>27230 said.

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whats the story on the seisatsu dick pic episode?
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>but at this point I don't really care anymore
so that means we can post it without getting b&, right?


Californication does that to you



I feel sad…


Depends on who you hang around. You can either have a really chill life with good community surrounded by beautiful mountains, redwoods and the coast, orrrrr you can be losing your mind doing meth with crusties around the Arcata town square

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What piece of fiction best portrays the life you want to live?
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Good night, y'all


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Is animal crossing an acceptable choice?
It feels so laid back


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exploring tons of different cities, each with their own unique nature sounds comfy.


Netherlands; is it ok that it's not fiction?

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Post games you are waiting for a release/sale (steam haloween sale started today).

For me I'm waiting for a better price on Rain World, Aliens: Fireteam Elite and Prey.
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ED dlc in SF6



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For democracy!


Marvel RIVALS looks good.


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>tfw banned from another yet another altchan
at least i still have this place.
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Personally, I prefer MTG.


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I was of the mind that bluesky was the optimal place of discussion for wizardly topics?


I thought you guys were joking, but you really are that new.


Same man, jesus

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At least in my case, until not too long ago, I started to actually have the balls to talk to those that I found to be interesting;
Before that, i was all alone and i usually thought that most people on any kind of image board where somewhat in the same spot as I, but now I really don't know; I'm wondering, do you have any irl friends? How are they like, if so?

Think of this as a sort of census.
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I wish the best for you my frend.

For me it was really hard to feel comfortable with my friends, mostly because of my own insecurities.

I've made mistakes and it took me quite some time to accept that I am a better person, and that I've changed


I'm an ex-NEET going back to school in my late 20s. I can talk to people casually and even ask for their numbers at the end of the semester to text as acquaintances, but this does not a friendship make.


This is how things used to work in much of the first world too. I've noticed that many older people in my area will just talk to you about anything randomly in public, people under 40? Forget it, it's like everyone forgot how to talk to people if they don't have some social connection through work, school, family, etc are already.


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I have friends, never a relationship sadly but various friends throughout the years. All of my irl friends stem from primary school connections in the distant past at this point. None of my childhood friends are around anymore but some of my teenage years friends still are. It's a shame watching them all split off from each other and my world get smaller. I seem to be the only one who would be totally fine if we all just bummed around at the ice rink and corner store together for the rest of our days.
I have one really good online friendgroup too, but I don't really hang out with them as much as I'd like because one guy in that group drives me nuts even though I love the rest of them.
What ever happened to lan parties anyways?


This is true for sure. Neo-liberal ideas of individualism and the fetishisation of freedom and independence have completely destroyed most of the western world, all in the name of "progress" and "capital". Clearly, looking at countries like Mexico and Norway, with the former having an almost universal sense of community and family and the latter having a welfare state and mixed economy, there are solutions to this, but why would the ruling class apply them? Individualist, secular thought was never supposed to make things tangibly better for the common man, they were designed to make product easier to shift.

tldr this shit sucks balls, we need less individualism and better senses of community

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Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of
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Time is what you make of it…


Please wakeup quick and do your daily work!


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Wakeup reversal shoryuken!


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May rains; pray for no tornado.


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Finish the year!

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what does it mean to be ethereal? it means to possess dreamlike qualities. do you remember your dreams? not often. the skill of fading into the obscurity that is the backs of everyone's mind doesn't seem to highly coveted i've noticed. is becoming ethereal something that interests you?
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Doing my dailies.


Taste the rainbow


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this can become a lifestyle mindset I think. it could start with some self care including mental mindfulness, hygeine, and health consciousness, and then be furthered by genuinely cultivating hobbies or interestests, and eventually personality through personal taste which will naturally begin to reflect on the outside through living your most honest self. activities or interests that are be niche or lost to the greater world could probably take you closer to "ethereal" than people can tend to be. you'd definitely be otherworldly to more people this way at least.


Be a ghost?


Time to ascend.

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Guys, it's Ray Park.
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Oh my….


This has to be the worst porn I have seen in a while and I've seen really bad porn in droves before. This just feels extremely off


im finding john aftereffects (guy who invented adobe aftereffects) and sodomizing him with a brick


Is this a animated gif or webm thread?


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