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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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If there are an infinite number of natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two fractions, does that mean that there are not only infinite infinities, but an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And…(infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And…) continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And…(…)…

How do you define the natural numbers without infinity?


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The accepted answer to those questions is yes, it's a whole subfield of study in contemporary math.
There are more meaningful types of "infinities" than is possible to immediately conceptualize, probably more than a human can conceptualize at all

As for natural numbers, it's just induction right? For each there's always one bigger by one, no need to invoke infinity. For a finitist, this will just mean that any number you think of, you can think of one +1 bigger than that. No need to concern yourself with infinity here I think, if you don't want to.


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YUME NIKKI BOOKS COLLECTION PDF.zip 14342339520235009509235 GB download


holy shit do u know the artist of the OP pic?



thanks bro. i want to give you kisses and hump your leg.

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can we ban frogs please please please pleaaaaaasee????
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


How does it feel?


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Hmmmm I don't know, I'll think about it.


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Looks like they won


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They have almost won this war. We have done nothing against them, and they are close to achieving a crushing and humiliating victory.

YOU must destroy them! The Earth is counting on you.

Good luck anon

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>L is British as grew up in England (in the Wammy's House) and has mixed ethnicity. When asked about his ethnicity, the author said he sees L as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian and a quarter French or Italian.

Dios mio


This show was so shit. Interesting concept. They could have done a lot of fascinating things with this premise but it just turned to shit and the animation sucked.


Show would have been shit but the music elevated it to firmly non-shit


>the animation sucked.
it was, sort of, the standard.

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ITT: Innocent/innocuous characters and things ruined by the internet.
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Who are you? Who? Who? Whoooo? Who?


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I want liru chocolate


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Leave tanks alone…


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Hello. We are playing Civilization 4, Realism Invictus mod. We need one more person. We communicate by voice here https://soobbotnyayakonfyeryentseeya.anon.fm/SoobbotnyayaKonfyeryentseeya/. We speak English and Russian. Who will? There are already three of us.


Remember -"No Russian"

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A recent gem from my inbox.


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Wow, that's pretty funny.


Everybody needs a smile

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Can we please, for the love of everything, turn off the sun? It's too hot now and my body can't take it anymore. In the cold you can at least cover yourself very comfortably and drink something hot. But with the heat, unless you put ice cubes on your balls, it's horrible, you sweat a lot, everything sticks to you, you're wet, you smell like an ape

it's hell.
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File: 1725124047251.png (139.23 KB, 878x233, reimu.png)

Spent a month in Japan, got back not too long ago. It was so hot, am glad to be back. Spending more than 5 minutes outside guaranteed sweat, even at night…


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we need to nuke the sun. wait, you know what? fuck it. let's make nuking legal worldwide.


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If you hate the sun so much just move to Neptune its a nice cold -214°C and so far from the sun that there's almost no light anyway.


..maybe something less expensive man

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If you were able to find out how you die, would you? Or would you rather live your life, unknowing of when where and how it will happen?
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Death never ends….


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Live. Love. Prosper.


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I'm gonna live forever….


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I just woke up.
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Don/t wake up guys it/s not worth it


Good morning.


I just went to sleep.


I'm going to wake you up!


With the power of my… double consecutive trips

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