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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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Following this dog crypto recently. It embodies a hard-on anti-CCP mentality which I find refreshing, since many of the people in my country seem to not give a shit about human rights or genocide.

The coin itself is based on Chaofen the Corgi, who was beat to death in November by Chinese health workers :(

It has a cute meme version of Winnie the Pooh with a bunch of different logos for different targets of China (Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Uyghurs)

If anyone else wants to check it out just search up Chaofen Coin. It's neat to see some crypto 'with meaning' instead of the usual pump-n-dumps hiding behind clip-art turd logos.


ok cryptobro


You have to be real desperate to promote your crypto doges in a dead anonymous imageboard themed to gather suicidal NEETs and gamedev LARPing.



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unde esti Laura? :(

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what if i told you that i could give a woman an orgasm simply with my voice? Check out my 5 minute voice guided meditation video for healing women's sexual energy

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


i support your dreams op lol


These spams are getting weirder and weirder


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>Implying anyone in this site will ever have sex.
Lurk more OP


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I had sex once and it was weird, condoms are messy, the expectations are messy, relationships are messy, just let me dwell in my fantasies and let me have peace.

Picture unrelated.


gal's got a lotta sole

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I can't say I didn't deserve it.


You and those mods suck


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Don't bring your discord shit here. Just for doing this you're as bad as them.




OW sucketh


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You're nasty

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>Be me.
>Be poor and trans in America.
>Read rabid and dumb anti-Cuba propaganda from 2009 that is supposed to be an intelligent smear of Castro's pro-LGBT daughter's intentions.

>"Yet it’s difficult to point to any tangible benefits that Espín’s activism has accrued, other than a decision last year by the Cuban government to dispense free sex-reassignment surgeries."


>I'm sitting here knowing my government won't pay for my SRS so I'll never afford to get one, but at least Cuba is doing one thing right. I keep reading…

>"This is a policy of dubious merit that affects an infinitesimally small number of people, and is better understood as a propaganda tool rather than a genuine sign of concern for the plight of gays."

I feel my rage boiling over. I dropped my phone and laughed out loud at that out of touch U.S. loving writer who thought it's ok to downplaying trans issues as only affecting a few people while claiming moral superiority over Cuba. Laugh with me because it's the only therapy I can get.



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>Politics in Ubuu

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Most people have a particular transformation fetish. I don't desire to apply makeup as a girl, or to be treated like one by society. I like being the guy in my current relationship, and asking my girl about how her body feels to know how she feels.

But I'm still a switch, and when I read erotica I can insert as the dom who takes advantage of a confused ex-man, or as the sub with new body parts. Transformation and intercourse get me off, but not the trans lifestyle.
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Va-va-voom VEGA


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Naruto or Naruko?


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There be monsters…. musume.


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Maybe you just like trans-girls and haven't gotten to the point you can admit it yet.

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I confessed to a girl to be my girlfriend, since we were on really good terms and enjoyed each other's company. As for our relationship prior, we were good college friends and had a lot in common. She was a near perfect definition of a girl that fit my preferences from physique and character, not to mention interests; that were interlinked with my own.

During the start of our new relationship, I had done my best to change myself to be more productive and talkative, like she was and even done my part in buying some admittedly expensive gifts on various events (an art book on her birthday, a switch videa-game during valentines… etc).

Just about two months in, she had been ignoring me and stopped talking to me face-to-face and on the web. I had no idea if I did, or said something wrong and apologised on multiple occusions, but to no avail. She eventually began hanging out with another guy, who I assume is her boyfriened now and barely acknowledges me anymore.

I was and still am dumbstruck by everything that happened. It hurts just seeing her everytime I walk pass her to class, or when she is also happly talking to her boyfirend and making new friends, all the while I have to sit there and endure it. I tried being stronger by getting over it and deleting our chat logs, social-medias and such, but it does not help. She never even openly said that she whats to break-up with me, which only leaves me more confused. I sucks that I am in this position, it sucks that I spent my hard earned money on her and it sucks that I had even met her.

Hopefully, I subside these feelings with time, but I am just not feeling optimistic about anything, at the moment. What do I do?

(The picture is a Koishi figurine that I had gifted to her. She was in to Touhou, just as much has I was.)


that sucks real hard anon. i don't know what to recommend except finding new interests, something to help you move on. It might take months but recover but it'll happen


Time heals. You are probably idealizing her right now but just try to step back mentally for a moment, if not right now then in a week or a month in a year and look back. She was technically in a relationship with you and just dumped you without even saying a word. I'm 99.99% sure nothing good would have came out of this anyway.

It's easy to be caught up in emotions when you find similar interests and such, but a relationship (even friendships) are about personality dynamics, and always takes two - it's work.

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I've lived in America for my entire life and I'm really starting to get fed up with some stuff about it and I don't know to do except vent about it. I just want to know what other people think about these grievances.
1.Puritanical society: America was founded by puritans and other such zealots and even today that's readily apparent in common culture. An obsession with not just the preservation of some archaic, arbitrary moral code, but also with the status quo is ever-present in just about most of the people you meet here. Preconceived notions and lessons beaten into people command day to day life. Take the typical American. Their head is filled with handstand logic and back flip principles that they don't even consider for a second might be wrong. What's more annoying than what people believe, is their insistence on its rightness and exepectation that others conform to it.
2. Society of slaves: America has always been carried by the labor of exploited people and it has only prospered either when a source of people to exploit was readily available or everybody else was screwed up. Every point in history, everything. Colonial times, blacks. Industrial Age, for a short time, actual Americans. Railways, the Chinese. Today, Indians, Chinese and Mexicans. You could say this about pretty much every society, but only America is obsessive about their being the best while having citizens who are unwilling to labor in a farm because they think that they are too good for that. Everybody just has to spend a fuck load on college so they can get a liberal arts degree and drown in debt.
3. Everything is shit: The airports, the cities, the public transportation, the schools, the roads, every other part of infrastructure, they're all filthy and and horribly out-dated and in a state of disrepair and decrepitude. Even in the oldest parts of the country, the architecture is drab and done with as little care as possible. Every house is just a block thrown together. New York has a few nice, gothic buildings, but the rest is either the same boring, modern fare , or a rotting stack of bricks. Look at the subway!
4. Nothing ever changes: Look at the sprawling mass of emptiness, the endless, lifeless suburbia where children are sheltered and locked up in the most literal form of a physical and mental bubble as they could be. Look at all the small, shitty towns. Look at the bizarre mountain people who may or may not be inbred. Look at the shitty food filled with cPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Romanticized indeed.
>A village has history, is has customs it has people whose families have know each other fo decades. Within families everybody actually gives a shit about each other. A tiny, shit town hasn none of that. It is barren of significance.

Man, writing this response is a pain, I keep changing my opinion as I remember different facts and places that I've visited.

Basically, in my place you've got the picturesque idyllic villages with cozy apartments and vine cellars and views of pretty landscapes - things that the inhabitants have arranged for tourists in order to make money. Living there is indeed not bad at all, though it might be a boring kind of lifestyle for some people.
You've also got the villages that aren't based on tourism. What you'll find there is 3 families (or rather, what remains of them), their houses, barns and farmland; maybe a tiny cross or a chapel somewhere nearby.

None of these really have any sort of interesting historical or cultural background that you seem to be talking about. Even in the quite pleasant tourist village the houses that you might marvel at are actually newly built, or at least expanded, while in regular ones they're just blocks of brick with a balcony. The old houses crumble and are replaced, the people do their best to live comfortable lives and don't bother too much with tradition. It's all for show, in a away. All that shit about how much they can't live without their donkey and playing their traditional bagpipe is a farce in the same way in Britain as it is here. In reality they live in the same way as in towns, they drive cars, buy groceries, watch TV and tend crops alongside all of that. The most interesting history that you'll find here is usually some personal story related to WWII. In fact, towns are way better in regards to stuff like this, actually having folklore societies, museums, medieval churches, castles and older residential buildings, since more people are willing to preserve them. Everything is within walking distance, the shops, the school, the coffee places… Villages, on the other hand, are somewhat isolated; they're close, but you still have to use a car.

It's true that families in villages are more knit-together than in towns, but I'd say it's simply because they have no other choice, no other person tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Can we just all listen to NiN


my nigga




USAians suck

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Focus on yourself, nobody else, king.
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British Broad Casting?


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i just want to be held. my last girlfriend cheated on me, she was also my first girlfriend. i cant imagine ever being loved again. ever being in a relationship like that again. im repulsed by it and yet i crave it so badly. to just be held and loved by another human romantically. my only comfort is my fictional boyfriend who i cant even admit is fictional because im so fucking delusional and heartbroken and i feel so broken that i resort to being loved by fucking characters. i just want to leave me house again. it all went downhill after her. i feel pathetic. i stopped showering regularly. i dont groom myself. i stopped seeing my friends in person. i pushed away everybody

when does the downward spiral stop?
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A few people are an awful control group. I understand this person in particular hurt you but their actions don't have bearing on everyone's actions.
Finding someone who has been through similar things and wants to heal and grow alongside you may work out well one day.
Moreover if the idea is so repulsive than you do need to take some time to heal. I had a girl who toyed with my feelings for two years before I gave up and then it took two more years before I was really ready for another attempt at it. That's ok, take what time you need if you need to. (But don't dwell for eternity either, the people who hurt you don't deserve to have your life's emotional effort dedicated to them.)
If you don't want to be with someone who's overwired than don't. My partner doesn't have any twitter or facebook services and I'm off social media entirely. Those sorts of corporate social status nonsense sites can't hurt you if you don't engage with them. For context.
I'm going on 3 years with person after having been a virgin and never dating anyone as a teenager. It can get better but you have to try and work on yourself while you try. You don't need to be perfect, that whole perfect yourself before looking for another person thing people push is nonsense, but it can't hurt to self-improve along the way either.


Having a live-in girlfriend just doesn't suit my personality. I can cook for myself, comfort myself, and I typically like to explore/travel alone. Not every girl is awful, but you have to remember, people change as well, be it naturally or mood changes from medications and illegally obtained drugs. Everyone is too damn predictably unpredictable.


Anon, I went through the exact same. Give yourself time. All wounds heal, sooner or later. For now prioritize your health (hygiene, diet and exercise), and getting friends or rekindling with older ones, those are way more important than a relationship and actually relevant to being in a better place. Don't try to climb the mountain of a relationship if you've just fallen and you don't even have the equipment nor the state of mind to try, you'll just be setting yourself up for failure and a worse fall. Health and friends, then the rest.


>that whole perfect yourself before looking for another person thing people push is nonsense
In a way yes, but most people i've dated and watched my friends date tend to shove issues on each other. Being able to handle your own issues without needing another person to act as a mediator/therapist seems very helpful.


>especially in the era of web 3.0 where everyone is connected, potentially documenting you with a phone, saved for blackmail when you're inevitably dumped

how common is this? seriously considering to just ignore women algother

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