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/ot/ - Off-topic

Best board

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1601395007793.jpg (10.69 KB, 225x225, 1601383408773.jpg)


Bune, Bune, Bune!

Wehl Melan Avage Bune Tasa


Is this Italian?

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Given that this is a fan site for self inserting as a jap girl, how many uboachanners have gone full trans, either transitioning to jap or girl?
This site has been around since forever so I can only assume that a lot of the long term uboachan denizens are really dedicated to self inserting as a jap girl, so I figure at least a few must have transitioned by now.


There used to be fair amount of trans people back in 2012-2013. The people who proposed the trans theory were, in fact (and unsurprisingly, I might add) trans.
I'm not aware of anybody transitioning into jap girls tho.


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File: 1582869729566-1.png (819.28 KB, 1280x738, realplayer2018-12-15-23h46….png)

if you want to stay young looking and cute forever you need to transition to vampire. even the highest class of japanese girls age eventually (left pic) while vampires are cute forever (non left pic)


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> jap or girl
Both at the same time or don't bother.


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This thread is POISON-ed


>trans """people"""(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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Love Live Tennoji Rina
Very cute girl


Post her


File: 1623110634843-0.png (2.68 MB, 2894x4093, rina1.png)

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Gonna post her. Also started playing allstars today
Wish i could be excited getting back into love live idk

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28 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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You better have a sauce to this


this isn't reddit


This is a cyberpunk thread, we already have no standards here.

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>germany  has never won a war
<israel has never lost a war
9 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You know that's completely irrelevant in this thread's context, right?


>/ot/ - Off-topic


File: 1493323517037.gif (1.09 MB, 540x587, 1488708566001.gif)

Okay argie-chan, I hope you cure your depression while eating chipa in your house next to Villa 1-11-14 as your dad screams like an autist because his shitty soccer team didn't score a goal.


ISRAEL was a bad idea, mmmmkay?


you know, even if I can't be a 'femboy', perhaps I can have that sort of pleasant dykey aesthetic I'm seeing on THCM

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Anonymous vs Q

Who wins & whats the finishing move



Whoever wins, we lose


Nuh-uh, you're just a little sheeple faggit


Go back to Facebook where this garbage topic belongs.

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Sometimes, when I'm stressed out, I like to look at violent pictures. I want to see what's the worst people can come up with. Every post should try to one up the last. I'll start with something really tame.


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I know decapitation is not a theme exclusive to the story, but the painting you posted reminds me of Judith beheading Holofernes.
Though I suppose this isn't really that much worse than your picture.


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Reminded me of David and Golitath, also by Caravaggio.


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>Hey Seisatu, guilty conscience about your part in inspiring and supporting terrorism after all those dead folks in NZ?

lmao guilty conscience much, sei?
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File: 1703511112700.jpeg (46.52 KB, 680x629, F-kghaGWoAAQ80J.jpeg)

Here's some advice, people will be more interested in your product if you don't sound like a desperate car salesman. Adjust your pitch to blend with the community you are targetting.


File: 1703512855371.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1063x864, B8AB502F-671D-4A47-93FD-3….jpeg)

dead thread resurrected by a literal bot you cannot make this up


Please do the needful and uninstall yourself.



File: 1609448002606.png (205.01 KB, 510x405, a31.png)


You have less than 24 hours to do something useful this year.


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Sometimes people send me these advertising requests.

This is a mistake.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1586659286912.png (94.34 KB, 1268x617, 2020-04-11_19-39.png)




I need a Seisatsu massage


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Have a merry xmas, Seisatsu


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