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Yesterday I find some "compact mechanical keyboards" while passing through components shops and they look really nice. They are comfortable to use for gaming or just general use? My desk would love this for their size, mostly cuz I use a graphic tablet and my current keyboard take some space. Well, my desk itself is a Pluto wannabe.

Would love to know if anyone here use or have experience one of those


yeah, i like them.


I have one but I don't use most of the time because it's too damn noisy, I only pull it out for precision platformers and danmaku


I like the sounds they make, but being so noisy can be a issue too


Personally I like the sounds too, my flatmates not so much..


After searching it, yeah they sound delicious

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Are traps gay?


If they're sexually attracted to males, then yes.


It's a trap
-Admiral Ackbar


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Frame trapped


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I've been reluctant to post here despite my deep love for the game mainly just from the idea of sheer anonymity being somewhat scary to me, mostly just from the idea that I could never really know if I was speaking to the same person again twice. Not knowing if I'd ever be able to see them again, or how long they've been here, not unlike the feeling you get seeing someone offline for several years. I guess I'll have to move past that now, since I don't really know where else I could go. Social media is shittier than usual now and Discord doesn't feel worth all the crap you have to deal with. I spend all my time in bed and more time watching gameplay of stuff in my library since I can't spend more than a few hours at my PC before wanting to lie down again. I've been dealing with OCD for almost 7-8 years now and with shit everything outside has gotten, the symptoms have been getting worse. I love this game, and this place seems to really love it too, it makes us feel together being alone. I just want someone who understands that I can really talk to.


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most of ubuu will of course talk about yume nikki given the opportunity, with what little is left to talk about
just remember that you're not talking to people, you're talking to anons


Such nostalgia; so good.

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Hi dreamers, I have an odd request. I'm looking for artists that draw erotic/explicit stuff, but only on occasion, so that it doesn't dominate their body of work. Know any?

Pic related
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Thanks a ton! vuluhappy and pc-yaruhito are easily keepers, and I'll be following the others with interest too.

Just for future note, YN-unrelated artists are very welcome as well


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Oh, I forgot to mention heimantahei. He doesn't draw anything erotic, but he has a handful amount of body horror/guro.
I don't follow any artists that doesn't draw YN stuff, sorry.


does tkmiz count? they sometimes draw loli doujins but thats not all theyre known for.


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heimantahei's nice! As for erotica, apparently he draws some Patreon-exclusive light smut nowadays, I doubt it's anything within your area of interest (YN) though.
Oh, absolutely counts, I'd say they're an ideal example of this sort of thing. Though I must admit I'm only aware of two of these doujins, are there more?


>are there more?
im not sure, tzmiz is an enigma.

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Dead site
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scandalous thread, I will post it on tiktok and reddit so we can make some new friends




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Only one image per post, which isn't that one 90's arcade game???


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East to discard
Shibukawa vs Sonoda vs Kobayashi vs Katsumata


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If you see this, I invite (You) to tell me about your day


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Starting to embrace time with loneliness playing and watching things, and also completed BRC. Feels good


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It was fine. Things are getting more peaceful in my life.


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It was very nice. I mostly lazed around in bed doing nothing, watching nature out the window or snoozing while listening to music.
The temperature is starting to cool down a little bit, I went for a walk and it was actually a little chilly. Very nice.

Peace is good, happy to hear you're in calmer waters.


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I've had an alright day so far. I finally cleaned up my office because of a rush of blood, and I'm gonna get to writing something in a second. Considering the summer is where my lazing about is at its worst, I think I've done alright.

I had surgery a couple of months ago, and I'm nearly fully healed as well! So that's quite nice.

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I'm real curious, what do you guys personally like to do when you feel down? Not 'work tired' when you go to relax or whatever. I'm talking tired tired, sick of being tired type tired. I'm sure everyone had they way of dealing with it. Making yourselves feel better after sulking. DONT SAY JACKING OFF IM TIRED OF DOING IT IT SUCKING FUCKS!!!!!!
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Sounds like a burnout. If you feel tired about feeling tired, eventually you are gonna feel tired about having the feeling about feeling tired and is gonna reset your mind to not feeling tired again cuz is gonna be too tired to ever think about the idea of feeling tired, ended up being too tired to feel tired again

Or force yourself to watch/play new things


i said smoke AND vape.


I sleep; perchance to dream


Walk around aimlessly while listening to music really loud and silently screaming to myself.


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Guess I'm not the only psycho doing that

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There some video games, anime, books, etc. have you turn down to try it or lost interest just because their fandom/community?

It sad when something independently if is good or meh, is most of the time ignored just cuz the community around it can give it a bad image by his toxic environment, annoying people or for some average internet dumb drama around it. Think about how many things you may actually enjoy if you separed or ignored a part the community from the product itself.


When something gets too popular I instantly get turned off and drop it. I don't know why. Its like you have a comfy niche but suddenly the clubhouse is crowded and everyone's talking about it. I'm dreading the Ranma 1/2 remake because I know it will bring in an influx of new fans who'll ruin the spirit. Cowboy Bebop isn't as good as the fans make it out to be, I actually found it kinda boring. Dropped Evangelion because of the fandom. Generally, any anime that gets huge with normals isn't worth watching.

Religion have the worst fandoms. I get turned off Buddhism because so many self-righteous white dudes who drink kale and do yoga are into it. I'd love to explore it more, but I don't want to be associated with that crowd. I hate how insufferable and arrogant they are. You can have a religion with an awesome history and interesting beliefs, but most of the fanbase are just nuts.


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it… already was bad? using self harm to get white women to soyface at their computer screens is gay and cringe

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Hello fellow people of the chan

I propose a new weekly thread

Random characters

Debate completely unknowable information about them. Politics, home life, sexuality, favourite pieces of media, etc.

For this week:

Colorado Senator Steven Armstrong


I dont think he really has that level of education

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Greetings good anons. I would like to present an origami thread for any topics related to origami, such as diagrams, models, or questions.

Here are some origami books I liked, at a range of skill levels:

Love Origami! by Ross Symons - kind of westshit but he has some nice designs and the diagrams are fairly cohesive.
Tomoko Fuse's Origami Boxes by Tomoko Fuse - very good, slightly fiddlier techniques but still beginner-friendly
Practical Origami by Rick Beech - decent recommend, diagramming is mid but has lots of designs from many different cultures

Sites: https://origami-resource-center.com/#gsc.tab=0

Feel free to contribute!
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May gonna try this one


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fuck yeah Ubuu origami thread. Kind of Curious do you guys design you're own origami or do you just fold what you find online frens?


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Started practicing the many techniques and base folds from the Rick Beech book today. I didn't realize you could do so much with paper even on such a basic level. It's really really fun so far, thanks OP. I'll stick around


Depends. Sometimes it can be rewarding to fold something from instructions, other times it's enjoyable to simply fold paper.


Not sure, but can maybe scan designs in? definitely no promises though

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