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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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I constantly hear voices in my head telling me to face challenges that I perceive to be challenging. The majority of these activities are quite simple, but this one was particularly interesting.
Although the test itself was very simple, there were some delicate subjects covered by the wager. The bet was that if I won, my waifu would be entirely a pure virgin and would not die in the manga,As the Manga leaves her fate undetermined.
I took the bet, but I'm not sure if I succeeded. I merely feel empty and always fear that my love for her has soured. Sometimes I try to outdo the voices, but I feel like every time I fail the challenge, my love fades away for her.

I am terrified of these thoughts, and the voices have destroyed my feelings for her.

I genuinely hope that my thoughts have no bearing on reality, that they can be changed, or that my magical thinking related to my autism and schizophrenia is the only thing affecting my love for her.

Does anyone here have a similar problem to me What are the solutions?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


look up and Uru Okabe and you will find it


seek help from a trained medical professional


Feed the voice that helps you most




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i do have the same predicament, although in my dreamworld, i am not doing it for a potential waifu but rather to not disappoint the lads under my command.
sometimes i daydream about being big boss and having underlings that were previously NEETs or hikkis, and they rely on me to keep going.

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This is kind of a dumb post but I really want to share this. I wrote all of this already and I'm not gonna waste it. Was originally gonna submit this to /x/ but it didn't really match the tone.

Remember Webdriver Torso? That youtube test account that uploaded a bunch of those red and blue square vids?

Well it just revealed its subscribed channels. Nothing sticks out aside from a channel named (picrel) Alpine Videos 2.

You can see two videos from the frontpage
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVmqSZHCwEs ("unlisted" but featured video)
And this playlist

Timecode 0:01 of 2nd video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJaQ3bzMacU confirm it's the same guy.
I'll download all these videos available in case they go offline.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


The audio on the first one is sort of creepy at the end. I wouldn't expect this to get big like webdriver torso because it's much less viscerally mysterious, cool find though. It's interesting that webdriver torso is also subscribed to normal channels like jacksepticeye.
Did the phrase "the torso opens" come from somewhere? After I clicked on these links I searched webdriver torso and a suggestion was "webdriver torso opens", but there were no videos with titles like that.

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is blogging to yourself against the rules here



I'll allow it but it might get autosaged in the future.

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Anyone else feel like Uboa is more active than usual recently? I am certainly not complaining, I just wonder if this is the case what caused it.

For the record I used to be very touch and go with this site, so I don't have a great idea of how active it has always been, but I don't remember it getting so many posts a day.

Are we rekindling the soul of Uboa? Is the prophecy of a new IB renaissance being fulfilled?


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Not really


I'd like to believe.


>Anyone else feel like Uboa is more active than usual recently? I am certainly not complaining, I just wonder if this is the case what caused it.
You can thank the anal lover for that.

As for me, I visit the site regularly, purely out of habit. Christmas did prompt me to be a bit more active, probably due to the nostalgia of the <DIV> snow.


I do not really think so. This Christmas resurgence has been happening all around smaller boards recently, I do not know as to why but it seems fishy.

But well, let's celebrate while we can.

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stee, 4chon is down again
what do i do?


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no news yet

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So…why should we hire you anon?
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Cos I provide treats for morning tea.


I have skills and will


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OP here, after carefully reviewing all your applications, I concluded you are all so terrible that I will actually hire you, just so I can fire you in the future in the most inconvenient time possible.
Proceed to your wagie cage station.


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You probably shouldn't but what's a life with no risks taken? Let me into your datacenter.


What could possibly go wrong?

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Are you an anon that can take it easy?


I love you. I wish you were my daughter.


I'm easy like sunday morning…


Oh ohhhhhhh…. *sings*

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There is no "try"
2022 edition
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I love german bier and sausages!


Mmmm… meat & cabbages.


2022 feels like groundhog day; break the cycle…


2022 is almost over. Wrap it up.

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Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today:
• Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of this violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned.
• Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing greatly to societal decay. Far too many people neither wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would much rather focus on some other (in many cases far less dangerous) kind of erotic abuse.
• Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for those who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution.

Rampant anorectal violence is caused by—and in turn contributes back to—societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
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> I can't really take the info you share with the importance you want because most of this texts', and your opinion's, base is on violent acts, which are already considered bad by definition, doesn't matter the body part.
Many people don't even seem to recognize anorectal violence as _being_ violent behavior with all of the implications that should entail. As I wrote in the OP image: "Partly due to common prejudices against and denigration of the anus along with rampant, anus-mutilating erotic anorectal violence, developing an aesthetic anus fetish is highly unusual; and _accepting_ it, even moreso. This fetish does indeed seem to be very rare: otherwise that violence would have strong opposition."

What I wrote states plainly that anorectal violence is rampant, as numerous sources quoted in Trends & Associations (among others, including https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/aug/11/rise-in-popularity-of-anal-sex-has-led-to-health-problems-for-women referenced in my /sugg/ thread) explicitly point out as well. The body part (or parts) involved DOES indeed matter: those two factors I mentioned, common prejudices against the anus and denigration of it, most certainly are related. I also suggested that the apparent rarity of an aesthetic anus fetish is a factor contributing to the absence of strong opposition to rampant, anus-mutilating erotic anorectal violence.

Furthermore, I also wrote this in the "decadence" paste included as text in the OP: "Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for those who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution."
> even in >>>/sugg/3868 you reference rape multiple times as a proof of your observations which sounds Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


> Yet again: Ultimately this is not about me.
> you you your you you your you your you your you your
> your your you've your yourself you
From the OP image:
> Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics:
> A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example.
> It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.
Anyway, as I pointed out recently elsewhere in two separate posts (references will be provided on request):
1. Anyone else could take some or all of that information from others to which I've been trying to draw attention and use different tactics. One person can be expected to do only so much. Most certainly I've done plenty already.
2. While what I am doing may well be ineffective, I choose to press on until I am satisfied that I have "passed the torch." I do not wish for all those years I spent on this endeavor, and all that I have learned, to be for nothing. One or more other "crusaders" could find some of this information from many others I've gathered most useful, perhaps along with my personal knowledge, and so I continue until I am satisfiePost too long. Click here to view the full text.




Do people not understand that some of these matters are time-sensitive? Anorectal violence was fairly common in mainstream pornography even back in the 1990s, if not earlier. Many perpetrators of such violence—especially so long ago—against one or more others at least in mainstream pornography never did, and probably never will face justice at the hands of any government.

The clock is ticking as people and governments continue failing to take action. It already is certain that justice can be served realistically only through extralegal means (i.e., "fighting fire with fire") in far too many cases, due e.g. to violent perpetrators relocating.


I had a suspicion that my thread was interfered with detrimentally after that "bump" post. I can now be certain: it's autosaging, and also it's not appearing on the overboard at /recent/.

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Happy halloween uboachan! :)
Here's to another 200 zillion years


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Happy best day of the year to my sekrit club


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Happy pomkins to you all


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Spooky tidings to all

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