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Have you ever been into outdoorsy stuff? Either now, or at some point in your life, have you ever been into fishing or hiking or biking or camping, etc? I remember going on long hikes through the mountains and other trails with my dad. I always liked that feeling of adventure. Looking at abandoned houses, walking along-side roads, biking downhill the sidewalks of a busy bridge road, aimlessly wandering through densly wooded tunnels. The quiet of woods can really create an exciting tension. I'd like to do that more often.
15 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Outside is too sunny though….


Growing galangal in cold climates is a challenge.


Im remember when my first time cycling. pretty hard but it dint go well.


Cycling is fun, but my heart lives in the mountains on a trail far from the cities and roads. There is nothing like wandering past old miners camps with their picks and cans still sitting against rocks from when they were placed over a century ago. A certain sense of timelessness and persistence that few other places have.


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Cycling can be fun.

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>tfw no chubby gf

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So we have three new jannies, how can we make their lives worse in ubuu?


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Saying hi to them personally


Archive all their posts and argue with them when they contradict something they said ~10 months ago


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Please don't, i like this place cause it's /comfy/.


What are their names?

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Greetings. Major venting post here. For all my life, I can not say I had a friendship that sustained for more then three to four years. This is obviously not the crux on what I want to convey. Digging deeper, the reason these friendships even lasted was because I was the only one trying my best to maintain them. From bringing up various topics to build a discussion, getting into their interests, remembering and bringing them gifts for their birthdays, always being positive and friendly… etc. All of these efforts lead to a delightful and well spent time with the person I am interacting with, but eventually they just stop contributing and ignore me, in favor of being with someone else. Of course, it is not uncanny for people to want to interact with others, especially with firends, or people, thay have been with for far longer, but leaving me out of the picture entirely, despite my attempts to be an open and likeable individual, simply makes me feel cheated and my efforts; fruitless. Soon, they forget about me and mingle in with the next of kin, in that large insufferable pack I despise the sight of (talking about people in groups of seven, or more). In the end, I just let them be and move on to someone new, only for the cycle to repeat again.

To further explain my efforts to keep these friendships afloat, here is the basic interaction of talking. Be it in person, or on social media. The case that is always apparent, is where I have to be the one who starts and leads the conversation. None of these people have ever even brought something to talk about, let alone greet me. I always have to be the one who drives it. They begin just fine, but as always, they screech to a halt unless I bring up the second topic. Most of their contributions are either answering yes, no, or okay, sometimes replying in full detail to answer my questions. It does not feel as if they do want to talk with me and I end up wasting hours of my time I could have spent better elsewhere. What is worse however, is the fact that I could stop talking to them for months on end and the flow will still be the same, no matter what. I simply want a conversation that can last for hours and feel fulfilling at best, but it is sad that this never happens.

Another similar case is in hangouts. Anytime I suggest that the two of us visit a fun, or new location to tour around in, the answers I receive are either a flat out no, or a yes that leads to a sudden rememPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Hi Anon, take my comments lightly, I don't know what I am talking about.

I do not think these relationships ending are your fault, although I do believe you may be overlooking a more crucial step in friendship severance. I do not know your age, but life events (a partner, graduation, moving, etc) usually impact relationships like yours describe.
My only suggestion, which may fall flat from your omission of detail, is that you should make these efforts with the very most similar people you can find. Discord chats and subreddits, despite the air around the platforms, work well to find people with similar traits.
Hope this finds you as best it can, stay positive.

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My mood depends a lot on the the weather, time of day and season.
Time of day
Early morning is my favorite; it makes me feel fresh and clean, especially during the Summer. Something about waking up before most people, when the air is crisp, makes me blissful. Sunset somehow always depresses me. The sun slowly dipping into an orange haze reminds me that the day is coming to a close and that time has passed. The changing of seasons has a similar effect on me, but a summer sunset always feels the worst. Once night arrives I feel fine.
I love cloudy weather because it masks the time of day. You don't feel the slow, ceaseless crawl of time when it always looks the same outside. I also love rain and every type of storm. Hurricanes, blizzards, typhoons, they're all exhilarating. Compared to the daily monotony, they feel like an event. Sometimes I like to fantasize about massive, four story tall floods.
Fall feels melancholic. Seeing the world slowly decay into bareness isn't pretty to me; Halloween is great though. Winter makes me feel tired and sort of hallow. There's some nice things about it too. Spring kind of puts me in a panic. For whatever reason, when the temperature outside rises above a certain point, it makes my thoughts a bit hazy and erratic, this just becomes more intense in Summer.
How does weather affect you? Do you notice anything similar?
60 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


That's pretty uncommon. The changing of seasons usually leads to more suicide and death overall. Old people have a hard time adjusting.


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Autumn Falls. Winter is Coming.


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Starting to rain here.


Mood is usually sad and deprived in the afternoon. Oh and I hate the summers here with a vengeance. With an oily skin type, i sweat a lot and the temperatures really hit high(along with high humidity sometimes). I almost feel like a Jew in a gas chamber sometimes.


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I don't like it dark and cold…

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Hello anon! I assume you, like many of us, are 14 year old shitposters from Taiwan! You might be a bit confused, but here is my guide to sucessfully avoid the ban hammer and appear like a sucessful and interesting person on this board! Also included are some general tips for the Uboachan lifestyle. You cool yet, holmes? Aight hombre, time to start this guía:

Uboachan's best is composed of /t/, /neet/ and /ot/

You should listen to Linkin Park while playing .flow, it helps a lot with the atmosphere

Don't forget to help tumblr figure out YN/.flow/2kki/memetsuki by revealing the truth to them (Mado was raped/Sabi is a slut/Urotsuki has big tits and is a homofurry transhuman boy/memetsuki has a dark past)

Listen to BABYMETAL while studying Spanish, it will help your pronounciation tenfold!

Always have a folder full of Cory ready, you might just not know when it might be useful.

Getting PROJECT Yume Nikki merchandise results in some sick reputation around these roads.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


this thread is basically terrible,


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>Lastly, don't forget to sign up for our secret society!
No, we don't accept applications since patchy's death. Specially because the last time we tried something like that we only got parasites instead of actual members.

At least it's /ot/ and not other board.


you're not funny


Don't make Seisatsu angry; that is all.

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while doing nothing, i realized that this abbreviation is kinda funny because it sounds like a child tried to say "suck".


that's pretty funny anonymous


Now all we need is /fug/


and fuck

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Terraria server is up for anyone who's bored


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Anyone up for pixel combat?

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Hi /ot/

What do you think of my mystery snail? :-)


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Is the snail's name Escago?


They're pretty cute


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Here is my snail on top of my moss ball :)


Is it sleeping?


Thats adorable

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