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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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At least where I live, there are fewer and fewer people even thinking about decorating or even celebrating Christmas (not to mention that I heard a few days ago: "Christmas trees are diabolical"). Maybe I'm missing a global news story about Christmas trees being soul-sucking and throat-ripping.

Or that I'm not a child anymore. How unexciting it is to grow up.


Sounds like a crappy place to live


Xmas is coming…


Meh as long as I get my <div> snow it's all cool.

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Not sure if this is the right place to post. I'm looking for a specific image that is a comic. I'll describe it:

>Long image with more than 8 or 10 panels

>Western style but not cal-arts
>Two characters: a girl with punk hair in underwear and a bald guy, both are a couple
>No walls of text
>There are predominantly cold colors (blue, purple…)

The story:

>night time, the girl is chill on the bed with her phone

>guy comes home to sleep, he's got a bad day at work
>girl tries to lighten the atmosphere "wanna do sexy things honey?"
>"no, I'm not in the mood"
>girl is shocked for a few panels
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You managed to remember way more about this than I did.


Can anyone help me find an illustration of a Catholic schoolgirl tieing her shoes for the day in front of her mirror in her pink room, and in the reflection is a goth version of herself wickedly or righteously smiling at her with goth periphenilia and AR-15 scattered about. There was text saying something along the lines of be yourself.


That's a highly specific request, man.


It's at least a decade-old too.


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Man and I forgot I made this thread.

Yes, that's exactly right. It's the exact comic I described. Well done anon, and thank you for your efforts, you have my gratitude. It means a lot to me.
I chose to ask spefically in this imageboard for a certain yet wholesome comic. So take something from that if you will.
>You managed to remember way more about this than I did.
I remember it well because it resonated with me in a big way when I read it nearly a decade ago, that's why I was detailing the comic as much as I could to make things easier.
Again, thank you. You turned my shitty day into a good day.

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So, sometimes this happens. This is the second time someone from a Chinese domain name registrar has contacted me this way about a domain name I own. Maybe some day there will be a bar of soap called "Uboachan" or something.
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Hail to the king, baby.


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Oh yeah…


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Hail to China & the CCP….


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China obeys international law.

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I been feeling lately like a lot of the interest that normalfags take in Asiatic culture is somewhat disingenuous. In an attempt to appear more, "cultured", people have started moving away from European stuff and focusing on more, "exotic", cultures to seem more well-rounded. To me, it seems like they're forcing themselves to take appear like they've taken an interest in something to put on airs. A lot of what they focus on and glamorize were also at one point mundane, normal parts of life to their original practitioners. And now these people are coming in and treating it like some kind of high art. Even though they supposedly moved away from traditional European traditional culture, they still change their subjects of interest to better fit that mold of treatment. A good example of this is how the Michelin Star guide, which is almost entirely made up of indistinguishable, massively expensive French restaurants, randomly decided to throw in one Dim-Sum place. These people also completely ignore more contemporary Asian culture in favor of an obsolete version of ancient traditions, which have actually been updated for modern times by the people who made those traditions. You don't see these people try to emulate an eighteenth century English tea party. There's just something off-putting to me about the image of a bunch of snobbish, old, white people sitting around in Kimonos and obsessing over all the intricacies of a tea-ceremony in a class they payed to take and attend once a week in between golf games. Is this all just in my head, or does anybody else feel the same way?
There's people who pull far thinner noodles in totally inconspicuous street food just to make a living, but you don't them parading it around to the whole world.
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Systems of belief can cause people to do things they wouldn't have done otherwise.
>You're literally the same as modern atheists but without the fedora. You both feed on lies and half truths, have a fetish for slave morality and pathological altruism and believe in universalism.
That both does not accurately describe modern liberalism specifically or is in any way related to my first post. You ran out of things to say pretty quick after you went through your laundry list of talking points. You can't actually address a point directly, you have to always side-step to regurgitate something somebody else already said.
>lies and half truths, have a fetish for slave morality and pathological altruism and believe in universalism.
And you're getting all of that from me thinking that Jews aren't responsible for everything wrong in western society now and Christian culture is more important, relevant, influential and complex than pagan cultures such as the vikings'. Wow.


>Nobody is taught anything about white culture in their formative years

People are taught Christianism is the right religion to follow in most 1st world countries (except for asian 1st countries obviously), people are taught white people are more trustworthy basically everywhere including asian countries and 3rd world shitholes, USA and Europe public schools' teach mostly aspects of white history (check the curriculum of each country if you are curious). I don't know where you live but the majority of people are favorable towards whites except a few niches in big cities and internet. You seem extremely sheltered.


>You seem extremely sheltered.
That's what you can expect from a libertarian anarchist.


Any culture that rewards skills over social networking is fine by me. Meritocracy, HO!


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European culture is better anyways…

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Tell me about interesting things that happened when you were in school. In elementary there was this one kid who was always swearing and making dirty jokes. He one time asked a bunch of other kids if they would rather watch their parents have sex one thousand times or join them one time.
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>in elementary school
>be retarded
>constantly causing problems and struggling
>new school year
>get amazing teacher
>eventually coddles my retardation into straight A's
>teacher's best friend goes missing
>teacher's best friend is later found… in various garbage bags
>occasional breakdowns mid-class ensue

I've got a lot actually, far too many centering around me though… Here's another I sometimes think about which is semi-school related:

>in elementary school

>school houses one particularly special student
>student has numerous problems resulting from severe childhood injuries
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perils of fatherless families…


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went to an all girls school that wanted to be a private school so so bad. once watched a fight between two 13 year olds where one of them kicked a languages teachers head. Another one I saw had a girls religious headwear get torn off. I had to go to a physics test just after that which was fun. all of this and they still try to make their image look all nice and fancy, it’s pretty funny. I left a while ago but I still get updates and it seems they’re still somewhat down the shitter. deserved honestly I hated that place.


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>Go to school
>Never had girlfriend


for some fucking reason in like second grade i had a phase where i was like the horniest 7 year old in the world. i was making out with girls in the bathroom and humping on boys to the point where i got in trouble? something along those lines but all i can kind remember is that i was basically dragged into the classroom during lunch and asked by my young stacy teacher “what is love? :)” to which i couldnt answer because i was fucking 7. i guess she told me to stop being a little slut and then i was afraid of anything remotely sexual until i finally jacked off for the first time at 16

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Where do you see yourself in five years?
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either one of two extremes:
doing well in med school and getting ready to start a lifelong career
or dead by suicide


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Working on getting MUSCLE


Hopefully drawing for a living by that point and with a college degree, maybe with plans to move out of my city with a girlfriend.


probably married to my gf. hopefully getting her parents house in our names when they retire. hopefully not working the same desk job but doing my own thing for less money but more time to draw.


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Enjoying life; recharging batteries

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serve trash and juice
a dress these mats now
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Yes it's me Britney how can I help you my friend


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can you help lick the cake frosting off my face? almost got in my eye…


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No because you dared to post AI art. This thread is about butt-man.


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We don't need to waste any more words on him, just report his threads when you see them and be done with it.

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 No.16397[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post em'
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Vtuber handle


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Can this site take mp4 files?


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I wish this site took MP4. It takes a long while reencoding stuff to VP8.


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anything that itself is depressing or has the context of something depressing
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Why are these images depressing to you?


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its art for a band called watashi no koko, the eyepatch girl is the personification of the vocaloid they use (the same one in the webm i posted), and in every song she's singing about things like suicide or praying to god
the other two images without the eyepatch girl dont really look happy either


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whats the context of the image on the left


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So uboa explain this to me, why are we creating virtual prison worlds for lower beings? Is this still about the pursuit of knowledge? Or is it some kind of a cosmic play of abstract intelligence already exploiting the less intelligent ones even without being artificial? Do yu think they are doing this to humans in China? So much to "learn" by throwing sentient beings into a matrix-precursor!



For the anons that don't want to click on links:
>Headline: Rats have an imagination, new research finds

>A team from the Lee and Harris labs developed a novel system combining virtual reality and a brain-machine interface to probe a rat's inner thoughts.

>They found that, like humans, animals can think about places and objects that aren't right in front of them, using their thoughts to imagine walking to a location or moving a remote object to a specific spot.

>The project began nine years ago when Lai arrived at Janelia as a graduate student with an idea to test whether an animal could think.

>the labs worked to develop a system to understand what animals are thinking, a real-time "thought detector" that could measure neural activity and translate what it meant.

>Once they developed their system, the researchers had to create the "thought dictionary" that would allow them to decode the rat's brain signals. This dictionary compiles what activity patterns look like when the rat experiences something—in this case, places in the VR arena.

>In the second task, the "Jedi" task, the rat moves an object to a location by thoughts alone. The rat is fixed in a virtual place but "moves" an object to a goal in the VR space by controlling its hippocampal activity. […] The researchers then changed the location of the goal, requiring the animal to produce activity patterns associated with the new location.

>The team found that rats can precisely and flexibly control their hippocampal activity, in the same way humans likely do.

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Also, this is just a pet peeve of mine, but please don't like to a website that wants to tell me the "consequences" of using "Enhanced Tracking Protection". You're not getting my infos. Thanks for reminding me to re-enable NoScript.


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Zero clue why do you get that, works for me with NoScript + like 10 other extensions.

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