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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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I have made this imageboard database as my first PHP project.
It would be really nice if you consider adding your board to the database.

Thank you very much and sorry for shilling. Have a nice day


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Such lists of imageboards are where spambots and CP salesmen check when doing their rounds. Boards should be word-of-mouth only, catalogues like this only invite outsiders.

Also, it seems anyone can add any tags to any board. This just makes it easy for people to troll existing boards by misleading others in to thinking ubuu allows pictures of animals in human hats, which it doesn't

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I will soon be out of high school, I want to go to university because it would give me better job prospects, and graduates are statistically shown to earn more on average than people without a degree. The thing is, I seriously don't know what field to choose. The only thing I was ever mildly passionate about is programming, but I have a weird love-hate relationship with it. When I was in middle school, I would play around with gamemaker, unity, and the minecraft mod computercraft, nowadays I occasionally make simple browser games in javascript. While I do enjoy programing when things are going smoothly and my code works the way it should, if I get stuck and I can't figure something out it can get extremely frustrating. If there's a bug in something I'm making and I can't figure it out within an hour I usually just drop the project. I don't code often though, I'm pretty bad at it, and I only do it about once a month. Maybe if I got good this problem would fix itself. I'm thinking about going to a university related to AI since I find the topic interesting, but I would have to code a lot and I'm afraid I would start hating it over time. How do I choose what to do after high school? I seriously have no idea what I will do once I'm done with it. Sorry for the poor English, it's not my first language and I've never read a book in it.


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Just do drugs instead.




longwinded, self-centered blog posting is the same as doing drugs, cocaine is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor.


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Heavy topic, OP.

First of all, this is something very important that needs time and a lot of thinking.
Therefore don't pressure yourself.
Take your time but make sure to uphold daily tasks so you don't go full hiki.

I would simply ask myself what you like, what you are good at and what you are interested in.
Search around if jobs in these fields exist, if you can study such things.
On the other hand think about things you dislike, things you are really bad at and things that don't interest you at all.
It's important to scratch fields that contain things like that.

Furthermore I advise you to keep the following in mind:
Your satisfaction is the most important thing. High wage, cool benefits, well regarded jobs and such are nice and all but this is not what matters.
You should like what you do, or at least make sense of it, so you see a purpose.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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what does uboachan have to say on the topic of recent developments with respect to hotwheels?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


The answers to that are in your hand, perhaps you should take a look at it


everyone knows that fattie nolegs got his start in the imageboard world when steesatsu helped him found wizardchan and that they stay in touch and than both maintain a longstanding grudge of more than a decade against newggers. it seems so probable that fattie fled to cali because he knew that his good friend steesatsu would be there to help. i wonder what the potential penalties are for aiding and abetting a know fugitive cybercriminal are in california, i bet they're quite severe.


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No one likes a turncoat, but he did host anons that fled from 4chan and at that time it was very important.


Fattie nolegs bought 420chan from Kirt for $4200
That was over 3 months ago, but 420chan still has no content and no boards. Fat Freddie is apparently too busy smoking weed and tweeting to make anything of the URL he purchased.


Fred stopped smoking weed and switched to fentanyl

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Vomitive shithole indeed I guess If all imageboards are as retarded as the big ones the whole point of them is just beign that place were loosers an idiots unites just to shittalk, having pointless arguments to see who is the most retard and in general just a site for those who are socially inadapted but hey, at least there is actual good shit from then sometimes like random ass memes lol
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Yeah it's still better here. I liked lainchan too for a while but all the toxic political ramblings and general hostility killed off the vibe for me.


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The politics drove me away from Lain too. Not how they usually do though, but because namefag mods were locking slightly political threads leaving a wall of text 'disprooving' the op and other posters, abusing their power to get the last word and push their particular idealogue. Have never seen that on any imageboard before and it leaves me to believe some of the mods were hired not because they were native IB users with a desire to help, but instead just clique members of whatever discord/irc the head staff were part of. Big assumption but it does come up a bit in other discussion site formats.


>Have never seen that on any imageboard before and it leaves me to believe some of the mods were hired not because they were native IB users with a desire to help, but instead just clique members of whatever discord/irc the head staff were part of
420chan has been like what you describe for at least a decade, i'm sure most sites end up like that.
if the people on super exclusive irc channels were really as clever as they think they are then there would be great masses of wonderful genius amusing original content spilling out of the algonquin round table irc channels, but there never is. it takes exactly 0 creativity or brains to run an imageboard, just follow the instructions in the manual, nevertheless those people who manage to rtfm and run imageboard server software on the interrbutt in real irl life always also credit themselves as having accomplished something when the end users of "their" board come up with something novel and worth looking at.
the fact is that if you want to make a website and have other people generate all the significant content on that site then thats like admitting you really have nothing at all to say.


The second part is pretty harsh, I'm pretty sure that at least when someone starts such a project they don't treat it like that. With time though it surely changes.


Moderation on that board bothered me a bit too. Seen too many threads there with moderator comments disapproving of the format or length of the OP. It gave those threads a very uncomfortable atmosphere.

I don't lurk that site enough to tell if that is still going on tho.

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I've made somethings that might be of interest to uboa and the admin(s). Feel free to add to the site if there's something in there you like. I've been improving vichan on kissu.moe and have a version which fixes a large selection of bugs and adds various other tools. https://github.com/ECHibiki/Kissu/releases/tag/Original-Kissu-v6.0.0

something included in there is a banner program that can be found at banners.kissu.moe. It basically generates banner ads on a rotation that people are free to submit. you can see at kissu.moe/qa, download for yourself at https://github.com/ECHibiki/Community-Banners/releases/tag/1.3.1v2

if you have any questions make a post on kissu, github or ecverniy@gmail.com.

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Around the same time that I wrote my Undertale review, I also wrote a review on Touhou Project. I know that some people might hate me for this, but the review is somewhat negative. There might be some grammatical errors still, but I think that overall, it's better than the Undertale review. Please give me your thoughts.
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>Not really a manual per se, you have the background of the characters and sometimes the background of the setting of the game
Game manuals in the 80s and 90s had a lot more to them than instructions of controls, so I would say that they're comparable.
>I'm not saying ZUN is good, I'm saying that they are pretty good for a 1996/97/98 doujin game, and actually better than some games made by companies.
All right, but that doesn't really explain the windows games. It's like how I said. Improvements should be made if the means to do so are available. If the means didn't exist in the 90s, they do now.
>I have jedi somewhere, maybe I could upload it so you can see how ridiculous it is?
That sounds interesting.


I just thought that it was worth comparing the final and only boss of Arkanoid with the final boss of Highly Responsive of Prayers.
It's kind of funny.


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>Game manuals in the 80s and 90s had a lot more to them than instructions of controls, so I would say that they're comparable.
Yeah. Pics are how things look in windows. The first one being the background setting for touhou 8, the second being the character introduction of the same game. Of course, these weren't included in the translated version of any game (so naturally nobody has ever seen the damn thing). And this is how PC-98 manuals looked like. Most people don't even know these exist (I translated the index and and asterisk was added to show where the important bits are). https://pastebin.com/1BQEQMgr

It's worth nothing this method of including information in readme's is standard in japanese gaming (at least in doujin) so it's not like zun is just being autistic. Also, kinda hard to fit all that text into the games, too.

>All right, but that doesn't really explain the windows games. It's like how I said. Improvements should be made if the means to do so are available.

Oh yeah, I agree on that, but getting somebody to draw his things would ruin the spirit of the game, somehow. At least I see it that way. Nothing should stop him of learning that a hand isn't a ball with bananas sticking out of it though.

>That sounds interesting.

Not on my computer right now, I'll post it later.

Sariel feels more alive somehow. Then again, there are 10 years of difference between rei'iden and arkanoid.


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>It's worth nothing this method of including information in readme's is standard in japanese gaming (at least in doujin) so it's not like zun is just being autistic. Also, kinda hard to fit all that text into the games, too.
meant noting*


It's like with MLP, nobody watches the series except for a few turbo-autists, but everyone loves the characters. In this case, nobody plays the games but everyone loves the characters.

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Hello /ot/ boys

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is STI and seisatsu rly the same person?


yes, obviously

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What does Uboachan think about the new 4chon so far? Its been around for a couple weeks or so already.
Also how about this new logo, do you liek it?

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this shit is gay → https://www.4chon.me/meta/res/112.html
uboa faggots need to stay off 4chon if you know whats good for you
4chon will unleash the whirlwind on you furry faggots, we will go ass to mouth on your mom, don't try and start shit with us


Ungrateful cunts.


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please stop trying to stir sh*t up between our sites for no reason (especially when a gentle breeze could probably take our website out permanently at this point heh)


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Chill out dude it's just some shitposting. Nothing meant by it.


Fake post from fake mod. I don't care about the buttpregnant thread.


nice attempt at damage control, but the seething behind this post is plain to see for everyone.

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