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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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Anyone know what to do about not being able to get into the Discord chat? I am new, and I'm sorry if that's why, but every time I use the "!join" command, It won't go through. Anyways, thanks in advance!
(The name's JD by the way, although my Discord should read TheKappyKaptain)
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I hate all of you


Oof look at these fellas go! I hate


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Fuck you.

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How are you celebrating, broskis?


The fireworks outside my window are really loud. I was planning on going to sleep early today…


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Pew pew pew
We're not so american?


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I feel bad for you then. You can't tap into my FREEDOM ENERGY.


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Don't worry, I won't. I will just keep watching you down there from my zero.

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I don't feel so good mr. kikiyama

I was looking for old things and I found this in yume nikki's manga

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I don't even know what kind of meme is this. This imageboard is slow as fuck, and practically a walking body. Then some heat developed on the yndd board and everybody is losing its shit over it. Even sei said to tone it down, over literally nothing. And you have this shefedora complaining about him not being censoring enough.

What's the deal with this site? It's even more of a safespace than tumblr at this point.

I feel like what you guys want is just a board of Yes-Men that won't even dare to raise their tone even a bit.

(This was a response to this thread >>18938, but it's locked.)
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Social interactions=//=Society

Just that makes your whole tryhard dishonest wall of text worthless.

I was talking about social interactions and treating them as such, as in how capable you are of interactions, societal problems, politics and which race commits more crimes is a completely different thing.

You changed your script by talking about why the crime rates matter, and accuse me of doing the same thing, do you want to be racist that badly?

This isn't the place for that, whatever you do, please struggle a lot, try very hard, in the end of the day that is the truth and won't change, you still lose friendo.


Alright you seem to be having some difficulties following this conversation. I'll walk you through it.
You implied it wasn't acceptable to be racist since it would be having the same level of reasoning for social interaction as a donkey.
Then I showed you that it is not only acceptable, but a good thing since it can statistically save your life due to current day crime statistics.
Then you started to try to move the goalpost and focus the debate on whether I was refering to society, social situations or whatever.
Then you had a mental breakdown and kept ignoring everything else and declared every other argument worthless because in your little brain you're pretending it still was unclear whether I was refering to social interations, society, or whatever. As if that was relevant to the debate of the validity of racism as a whole.
Keep up the strawman.


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Alright, you know what? In Sei's honor, you win, this is the kind of arguments we shouold be avoiding, try to be racist here and see how that goes.


I'm already being racist and it's fine, nigger.
You must be the autistic animeposter ITT that was arguing with OP.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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Lock this thread please. The creation of this thread was already pointless as it is (and it's on the wrong board), I haven't seen OP reply in a while & these pointless unhealthy arguments that end in nothing good are spawning up despite the original reasoning behind these threads presumably being solved under the new owner. Yes, the board has gotten some tumors there and there but chemo was thankfully applied, end of the story. Just please don't spread more stuff when the issue was already discussed and (solved).

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Why does she hate Sei so much?
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It's bad because it's a fucking pointless restriction. Restrictions should only fucking exist to fucking preserve site integrity, not protect people's delicate fucking sensibilities.


>>18949 maidnaut is a girl i've seen her vagina


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I wonder if there's a specific thread that might be pissing them off. HMMMMMM

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>lock this thread
go away leddit


Lurk more.


youre a faggot


Lurk more


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chemo this place

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I set up a Minecraft Lost Cities modded server to play around with. Take a look. It's a mapgen mod, so the world is an auto-generated abandoned city in all directions. If there is enough interest for me to find donors, I will add some more features and plugin support. Currently it is otherwise vanilla, with 12 player slots.

There are skyscrapers, highways, bridges, tunnels, subways, and other structures. Forever. Treasure boxes and mob spawners are scattered randomly about, making it a very hostile world with infinite exploration value.

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It's actually very configurable, but I'm keeping the default configuration for now. I don't want to reset the map. I may investigate the possibility of generating multiple worlds with different settings on the same server.


I'm more just curious as to whether it's actually possible, and when I say a crazy level of generation I mean completely removing terrain generation and replacing everything from ground level down with extremely densely packed city structures, enough to create a mostly solid surface


Someone complained earlier that since mobGriefing was disabled on the server, villagers can't farm or pick up / share food. I looked into it, and I was able to re-enable mobGriefing while specifically disabling creeper and enderman griefing using plugins. So villager stuff should work now.


Yes, looking at the configuration files, I think that might be possible.


Moved to >>>/og/5142.

(Oops forgot to unsticky.)

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is Ohio as kawaii as it makes out to be ?
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Ohio HAS to have tight gun control laws, the land is as flat as a johnnycake. You could be out hunting on your own property and accidentally shoot someone in the neighboring town.

Jokes aside, Ohio is a great state. I have family up there, so I visit two or three times a year.


>someone obviously hasn't been to the se quarter of the state


Nah mate, I'm a Dayton man.


ohio-chan is n-not flat!


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Don't worry, Ohio, I like flat-chested states.

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Good guess, but what really happened what that i was stoned out of my brain and listening to Hawkwind and daydreaming about space travel when the familiar phrase "tachyon impact" entered the area between my ears somehow and I had no idea why it was familiar and I thought about it on and off for a day or so before I remembered that it was connected to one of the chon chiefs and you're the only one who still publicly operates a website so I posted it here strictly out of nostalgia, hoping that it would ring a bell with someone.

anyway I was just looking through my hard drive (stoned out of my brain and listening to Armageddon) trying to find and image to post and I found this one and I have no idea at all why its there, does anyone recognize?


Nobody cares.


Reverse image search brings up nothing


Seisatsu is a faggot




It's the bodybuilding forum.

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