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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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Comfy /gon/dola thread!


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8ch.net tried to have a gondola dedicated board, i think is dead by now

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Thoughts on tvtropes. I think it's shit. None of the page titles make any sense or suggest what they're talking about. All of the articles are mostly just made up of referring to other tropes by their confusing, made-up names so the whole thing is just nonsense and worthless.
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The worst part about tvtropes is that I actually like the concept. Patterns and cliches do exist in ficion and I do think that that could spawn an actually interesting encyclopedia. Maybe the history of the trope and how its origins and development were affected by the real world could be discussed to add some more substance, or maybe instead of just describing a trope, there could also be an explanation of the motivations writers have for using that trope and how it could be done better or worse. There's a million better ways to make a better tvtropes, but to make them you have to actually rub two brain cells together so it doesn't become a lazy clusterfuck.
>literally going on TVTropes and picking out trope pages that fit your premise
Oh, god, people actually do that? That is hands down the worst way to write a story that I have ever heard. I heard once from somewhere that good artists borrow, and great artists steal; they force their accumulated influences through their own creative process. Picking out tropes to make some fanfiction tier garbage is like imagining that you're asking somebody else to ask another guy to borrow something for a quick second.


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I agree with a lot of this. Good characters are three dimensional, well-written, and complex. Their personalities should not consist of jargon that makes up a basic, overdone archetype. In my opinion, tvtropes is good if you want to read a quick summary of a work, but not much else. People shouldn't be applying tropes to real life.


>There's a million better ways to make a better tvtropes, but to make them you have to actually rub two brain cells together so it doesn't become a lazy clusterfuck.

Tvtropes was actually worse a few years back, when Fast Eddie ran it. Recently, the site was revamped to get rid of shit like troper tales. It's a lot better than it used to be, but still has godawful pages like the ones posted here. Personally I wish the YN article would be rewritten and the WMG page done away with. It would be much better in that case.

>Oh god, people actually do that?

I feel like only people who use tvtropes would do that. Competent authors actually put effort into writing their cast.


If you don't already know of this, you may be interested in the Aarne-Thompson classification system, it's specifically for folktales and groups them together in stuff they have in common. I think you're onto something, folklorists and other areas of study might already do this, without the tropey autism and rambling. Yeah, I personally 'wrote by tropes' myself once and nothing came of it because it didn't magically gel into a plot like I was expecting. What I ended up having was a genre written down, character -designs- (not even characters) and a shitload of tabs open on tropes I wanted to include or 'subvert'. Didn't even have a synopsis from start to end, any chapter summaries or even a single event down. I genuinely thought what I was doing was part of the process of writing but it was procrastinating at best, delaying the birth of whatever trope-infested spawn I envisioned at the time.
>good artists borrow, and great artists steal
Funny you mention that, I was going to say something like that in the post you replied to but I wasn't sure how it went. I thought it was like "good artists steal, great artists get away with it" but maybe that's a tongue-in-cheek warped version picked up from somewhere.
>I feel like only people who use tvtropes would do that. Competent authors actually put effort into writing their cast.
Definitely. Well, I would've said I was trying as a troper but it's seriously misguided effort.


I haven't heard of it before, but it seems very interesting. It's definitely not perfect, but it's miles ahead of tv trope's cluster fuck approach. The longer, but more descriptive names are a lot better than something short, but made up. I prefer Cruel mother-in-law plans death of daughter-in-law to the dobbly foobly. I find it interesting that there's no index for character types. I guess that might fall under motifs. It still has problems like looking at stories on a macro-level instead of delving into deeper analysis and stories being grouped into one tale type despite having having a lot of differences. It's also just an index system, so I don't think there's any articles attached to the index entries. It could definitely work as a model for how things should be done though. Thanks for sharing.


^ This is what tropers look like when they're writing.

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I am excite


please dont call me slut, thanks.


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Why are you excite? Is it because we are sluts?


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What do you want?


I want a Nanachi. Please hand me your Nanachi!


Please get your own Nanachi.

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There's a legend that the violinist Giuseppe Tartini kept himself in a room to practice almost constantly for years. When he reconnected with the world, it's said that it was hard to believe how much better he had become. If you could lock yourself in a room for a year to practice a single skill with zero social or economic repercussions, would you do it and what skill would you choose? Here's the rules: All of your living expenses are paid for, but you can't leave your room for any reason other than to use the bathroom, you can't opt out once you start, you cannot have access to any form of entertainment other than, you must spend as much time as possible practicing.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Okay additional rule. It can only be something that you can do by yourself.


moon runes


So, sex.


solo masturbation =/= sex


Ok fine, I guess I'll stop shitposting. Although I had a couple Pornhub videos I could have posted if I was feeling snotty.

Fuck, I want to say Krav Maga or Jeet Kune Do but any fighting stuff really needs another person. I guess I would choose carpentry. Solid skill to have, good economic and household applications, makes a nice hobby, too.

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Shit, Ubu, you really scared me this time. Good to have you back. Really missed this place even though I don't post much.


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I haven't seen this much activity since 2013 or somewhen back then.
I'm very pleased.


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You're welcome!
t. newfag/Krautchan emigrant


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Long live Ubuu



Glad to see u back UBU!

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Happy belated birthday, ubuu!
I wish I wasn't the only faggot who remembers.
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Nah I do remember, but I just got the site back up. I'm going to be a little late this year.


Very nice. Thank you :)


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Uh, I also am interested about your wedding anniversiry or whatever. Can I have a song now?


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sure thing here you go
i hope u like it


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Somewhere around August of 2009 (I think it was around the 10th). It's a shame I can't remember the exact day.
Here's your song https://youtu.be/rNuQ_KzxKZ0?t=1320 or a whole album, actually.

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Worst board. Everybody always says /hikki/ is the worst board, but now i've realized that it's obviously /cos/. I never connected the dots before because I kept forgetting that /cos/ exists. Anyway, give me a status update. How do you feel ubuu is doing?


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I agree on that one, the thing with /cos/ is that cosplayers don't like how they are treated here, and even the most oldfag of them stops posting at one point.

Sei enforced the rules with his powerful sticky, but it's too late.

Even if that can stop the spontaneous anon being a dick for no reason(or envy), I believe it's impossible to stop creepers to be retarded when they see a woman.

I think everyone says it's /hikki/ because the autism there is continuous and /cos/, even if worse, is hardly relevant.

>How do you feel ubuu is doing?

I felt a huge activity boost after this Steam release, I think this has been a comfy place until now and I don't think that can change much, we will obviously have newfags, but we've been having those in big numbers for some years and no one died, except Sei.


I don't know about everyone else, but compared to maybe a few months ago, the amount of daily posts here is astounding. We were at maybe 5 posts a day, if that. Now, the Recent Posts are completely new every time I come back. I'd say it's doing very well.

Wasn't aware YN got a steam release. Cool, I guess-though can people not figure out how to install a game outside of Steam in this day and age?


Yeah, it's hilarious but apparently people are becoming more and more stupid and can't do basic shit. Better for me, more people calling me to fix their computer because they can't.

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i had to reboot to get my filesystem to reflect the year change in searches, i lost like 4 months of uptime. this has never happened to me before, i remember distinctly watching the new millennia turn over with no issues on a SunOS machine and that was decades ago. anyone have an idea what i did wrong?

← weev 2017


weev is out of jail?

Dude I thought he was doing double digits for that goatse security deal. Hard time.


weev doesn't know how to computar
the guy is a literal ret
man pages are way over the dude's dead
skiddies laff at him

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I got
Most Bad Sin
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wtf is this nigga saying


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Manipulation black magic


I just want to see what 'Log' could mean.

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