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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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falling asleep in the midsts of a pure-o ocd episode is an interesting feeling. it's like being cradled in the arms of impurity and evil itself. i kind of see hina as a symbol of the thing that you touch in that moment, but she's also a moefied version of it.

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What is this?




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It appears to be a four-wheeled vehicle of some sort.

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hikki-chan documentary.


I just skipped around because I'm biased against these kind of youtubers, it feels like a riajuu exploiting places he doesn't belong for money. But I noticed something I've seen in other videos too, he has no idea how to investigate a dead link. He puts it into archive.org and calls that confirmation that it's gone forever. These "investigative" youtubers have no investigation skills. It makes me think I could do better videos than them, but the things that require digging aren't graves I'd be happy to disturb with publicity.
Not really trying to shit on the video I'm sure it's good if you like this stuff.


eh, i was more shocked that anyone remembered her, let alone took the time out to make a documentary length video about her.


I see 4chan I skip the content.



How do people investigate dead links, anyway? I'm too much of a normie to notice there's more thorough ways than just the internet archive.


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Isn't it sad?

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So I made a thread around December 2014 about secret folders and there was a file called tips for life, does anyone know where I can find that file?(this was the image I used for the thread)
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


bacon bits.


Good job finding the thread, but the file OP's talking about wasn't archived.


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Archiving is cool.


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What's going on here?


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Thank you for being a friend

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Show off your wheels. What's your preferred mode of transport?
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Armored Fighting Vehicle


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Do you prefer a Lucid Air or a Rimac Nevera? - FortNine


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Here comes the BOXER


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Zoom zoom

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I fucking hate minimalism with a passion. Just thinking about it drives me nuts. Minimalism everything from interior design to technology is a cancer. It feels sterile and it has no room for personal expression of the designer. It is conformist in nature. It confuses simplicity with meaninglessness. Take Window's 10's blue screen. It gives you practically no information on what actually went wrong with your computer. It insults your intelligence. It's not sleek, it's nothing. Minimalism is supposed to be a means of compensating for modern distractions, but it's actually just an extension of modern empty-headedness. There is nothing in minimalist design to appreciate or think about. It's cold and incites no warm emotions. This conformist, lazy aesthetic is constantly being pushed on people all the time. It's like a form of brain-washing. It eats away at you and makes you just as empty as it. Design exists to look good, make you notice it, and give you a specific feeling. Minimalism does none of those things. It is the anti-design.
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>thoughts on circle profile pics?
Really reeks of faggotry. Square is objectively superior to circle in displaying images and space, and if someone wants to use a for-circle profile image, they can always just go on paint and draw a circle border around it. Options matter.


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Yeah, nobody cares about options anymore. It's all about forcing their shitty aesthetic down people's throat. That really reflects on their entire mentality if you ask me. The first thing that put me off from vid.me wase the circle profiles. When youtube rolled out their newest, superfluous design change, I actually used adblock to neuter the site just to make it less of an eye sore. The first thing I got rid of was the new subscribe button. I only mentioned that one example because I use it the most.
Again, I can't really think of any positive examples. Traditional Japanese interior design is simplistic and purposefully avoids decadence and unnecessary complications, but it still has a unique style and feel to it that goes beyond that. Japanese houses look quaint and cozy to me. It looks like home, unlike what describes itself as minimalist, which does not go beyond being as plain as possible. Really it's apples and oranges. Japanese houses having a lot of color in them is the most obvious difference. Soothing beige and vibrant orange and brown.


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Minimalism is fine


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You are describing a different type of "minimalism" than (what I consider to be) actual minimalism.
Taking the bluescreen as example: it isn't "minimal", it includes useless graphics like the smiley and, as you noted, the utterly unhelpful text.
Compare with the other bluescreen: it includes some actual instructions and technical information to help troubleshooting. It also doesn't try to be fancy, it's just plain monospaced text on a plain blue background.

Same with modern UIs: they're not actually "minimal", they're way more complex than old-style UIs and includes lots of useless animations. It's especially apparent with many websites includes tons of JS garbage when just writing some HTML manually (or using pandoc to convert Markdown or whatever) is plenty for presenting static information.

Another related thing that bothers me is "simplicity", like how GUIs, "visual programming" or whatever is supposedly better than plain text shells/editors when the actual issue is that people fail to grasp how their tools function. No amount of bandaid can fix lack of understanding.

It bothers me how terms are applied to things that are anything but what the term describes. It makes it hard to communicate. I'm digressing though.



This post predicted how idealist soylennials and teenage Friday Night Funkin' fanboys would talk about minimalism in the 2020s.

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in popular art, the "anime girl" has become the blueprint from which many artists worldwide derive inspiration from, redefining the canons of visual arts and more precisely of body proportions.
in ancient greece a man called lysippos redefined sculpture by setting new standards of body proportions (tiny heads, 8 heads figures).
this new set of standards which reshaped the world of sculpture in the ancient world is known as the cannon of lysippos.

every era of anime has it's distinct standards of body proportions or "style" (pic related).
now i have a question for the weebs; who are the key artists that redefined the standards of body proportions from each era?


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Which one of you is an enemy stand user?

(and what do you think of the part 5 anime so far)
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Imagine having only one stand…


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Jo Jo


Golden Wind is the best Jojo theme ever.


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ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

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The prime movement of humanity is superheated plasma of cosmic background radiation, puppet stringing along blood pressure and the 4th-dimensional potential of water consumption.

Horsepower alone can be derived as a dimension of life through pressure dynamics alone.

But my real secret is most of my family has been saved by surgery and medical science. I never touch a hospital bed. I have other secrets.

I am just happy to escape as a Zen monk on fire.

I am Ra. We are not happy with our Venusian scientist claiming he is not helped by any here for this. :)

All are free to share in my "not a cult." Test subjects may apply for their food allowances per day. And a share of life insurance for their families.


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Why is windows 8 so fucking shitty.
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I don't see a problem with bumping old threads instead of creating new ones that are about the same.


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Try Windows 12. Wassup /ot/, just installed arch for the first time in six years today. Feelin pretty comf


I'll wait for Windows 13 at this rate..


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Is Windows OS spying on me?


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