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My grandpa died a few months ago. He was a fairly prominent choreographer in the USSR. The last time I saw was when I still in a crib, so I have no memory of him. We don't speak the same language, so I also didn't get the chance to talk to him even once. I was sad about not being sad. My grandpa was very… eccentric. Since decades ago, both him and my grandmother obsessed about his health. Even while my mother was growing up, him and his physical well-being were always the top priority. Every time he so much as had a cough both of them would start worrying about it and go to the doctor. There's a saying that goes something like this: you shouldn't have a complicated relationship with your doctor. Well, he did. He at one point was a shoemakers apprentice, but after being drafted from some war he gave up on that. He actually left the draft by faking appendicitis. After that he decided to be a dancer, and he was pretty good. I'm nobody to judge him, but he wasn't what most would call a good person, and neither was his wife. For a while, my mother, her mother, her father and her aunt all lived in the same place, in some tiny shack. My mother and her parents shared a room. Sometimes, during winter nights, my grandmother would nag him incessantly for hours on end about absolutely nothing. He's eventually get so fed up that he would strangle her while she called for her sister to help. This didn't just happen once, and it was all in front of my mother. Normally my grandfather wasn't abusive or anything. He never harmed my mother. Other than those times nothing else would really happen to my knowledge. My grandfather was actually pretty cowardly. They eventually moved to an apartment closer to where everything was going on. One time, at night they heard a woman screaming outside and my grandfather was absolutely terrified. Pretty weirdly, when my grandmother shouted at the voice to go away it suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Pedophiles would try to lure my mother into their houses while she was walking to her home in that neighborhood sometimes. My mother had a half-sister on her father's side as my grandmother was his second wife. My grandparents, especially my grandmother, treated her awfully and that could best be described by one event. When my half-aunt's mother died, before the funeral her body was kept in my grandparent's apartment for some reason. No casket, no nothing. An exposed dead body. They forced my mother's sister to sleep in the same room asPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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My grandad was a really prominent doctor in my hometown in Siberia, a lot of the doctors there still remember him since they were his students, his portraits still hang on the walls of the city's main hospital.

He really liked money and was a serious capitalist even before the 90s, he would often sign up for risky jobs that paid a lot, like working in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan.

When I was 2 he took me and my parents to a third world country where he was offered a high-paying job as a foreign specialist and then he just passed away unexpectedly. My whole life was basically ruined right from the beginning because my idiot parents decided to remain there instead of going back to Russia or at least some first-world country.


>My whole life was basically ruined right from the beginning because my idiot parents decided to remain there instead of going back to Russia or at least some first-world country.
Those are some top-notch maternal instincts. Seriously though, that really sucks.


>my idiot parents decided to remain there instead of going back to Russia
In hindsight, not moving to Russia might not have been the worst choice after all.
Also how do you sage here, am I doing it right


Why sage?


because he's posting in a 5 year old thread, nearly 6

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im halfway through my end of year, life defining exams and its so exhausting, especially since all of them are over 3 hours long (essay subjects)
i have three more to go, two this week. Just wanna ask, if anyone else here's been through that, how'd you all cope?
im personally going for the 'pretend its not as bad and distract myself constantly' method but i nearly threw up on the bus home and there's only so many times i can 100% psychonauts 2 before raz's voice becomes an integral part of my psyche


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>if anyone else here's been through that, how'd you all cope?
dropping out

obviously can't offer any advice but good luck with your exams anon, i believe in you!


I'd sit down to cram through my essay, and every time my brain froze up and words stopped coming out for too long I would take a walk outside to refresh. I found it easiest to write essays in the early morning when I've just woke up.


i hope you did well op, but when i have to write essays i usually just get drunk and come up with a bunch of ideas then string it together later.
for math tests, i just binge study guides.
this combined with a bit of luck, gave me a 4.0 gpa

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I really should not be here, this pc has become a glowing hotspot for some reason (i.e "friends" and "family"), Zuc doesn't want me to delete my meta account and google is fucking mad at me for some reason, also someone has become obsessed with me and does whatever is in its power to sabotage my efforts to live my life outside the machine, they literally had to take away my body just so they could delude themselves into believing that i can still feel fear after all the shit they have put me through. honestly i can't even enjoy my books because some subhumans that work printing books keep changing the words to include personal data of people i don't even know, this is a ridiculous psyop to try and make me into some kind of shooter i tell ya, also i am now working and having my own salary but i don't really enjoy buying anything nor saving money like i used to, i can't even enjoy food, work, study or anything else for that matter, i guess sexy women are still relevant for me somehow but i see in them nothing but sadness behind their glittery personas.


dude chill the fuck out man


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what went wrong?
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Taylor Swift came out with a shitty album titled '1989'. Which made it such that you could not search for the year '1989' without getting info on her bullshit album.


Fucking kill yourself. /srs


Another offender is George Orwell, and his piece of shit novel, 1984.


The Who?


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back when i saw the gooonies


Last I heard y'all niggas was havin' sex, with the SAME sex.


gotta strange magic


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where are the mushrooms?

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Dear professionals, how could I make this look more YN-like? Sincerely: Me
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Dear professional uboachan users, thank you for the comments. I don't want to be blamed for Advertising so I hid something on this image. Sincerely: Me


Dear anon, I am not a professional but I can try

The biggest thing that makes up something that is YN-like is atmosphere in my opinion. Stuff like the music and the lighting and the mad shit that happens, it’s what made LSD dream emu so great as well. What you have is really good, I love the look and the isometric style is something I’ve not seen too much of. If you want more YN-like vibes, it’s more in the music and the events. You’ll do great!


Dear not professional uboachan user, thank you I will focus on events and music. Sincerely, you know who (Me)


I've played this before, you didn't make this


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That's correct, I only made the CSS theme and some other things/changes. Sorry for any confusion, never intended to imply I made the game itself. Sincerely: Me

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How about we have a thread where we post neat and/or old stuff we found on the internet?

Website where you can watch TV channel streams from countries all around the world.

Website that has "livestreams" of IP surveillance cameras.
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Fuck off back to 8chan.


wiby.me is great for searching up old websites




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 No.17344[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The other thread has been in auto-sage for some time now, so it was about time someone made a new one.

Vol. IV:
Vol. V:
Vol. VI:
Vol. VII:
Vol. VIII:

I've been reconsidering my life. They always tell you that as you grow up things get easier since you mature and bloom into a normal human being… but I've been pondering whether people only pretend to have their lives in control only to not lose their shit about it. I mean, yeah, I don't think everybody hates their lives, but I'm sure everybody gets chocked by the pressure once in a while. The question is, what happens when your life is constant chocking? Or rather, can you go on with your live as you're chocked every second? Some years ago I remember looking at people and feeling completely distant, and knowing that one day I'd merge with the multitude. Now that it's happening, I almost can feel my old self there looking at me from outside the crowd. It's been pretty surreal. My life isn't bad in on itself, but I feel I can't fit, and no matter what I do it's never enough. I don't know, I've had this idea that I'm broken somehow, and it's been my justification for so long. If I can't be fixed, why bother?

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I use the AJATT-method (all japanese all the time). So I have been watching anime raws first, reading raw manga and now recently started reading light novels since manga became easier. Of course, having no better things to do and being able to pump many hours a day into this because of that has helped a lot in progressing.


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Are you using duolingo?


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Nay, I use Anki for that. I add raw subtitles text from anime or screenshot the text I want to add there and then learn it. While I never thought of really stopping the learning process, there are of course moments where nothing seems to make any sense so it kind of eats away the motivation a lot. At some point though you just kind of realize how deep you are in the learning process already and then just decide to go to the very end (native level).


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Why does everything have the need to be on Discord these days?
Like seriously, if you want to download some program, appeal a ban, etc. you have to join the Discord for it. Shit's so annoying. It doesn't help the fact that it's locked behind a login wall.
I'd rather use forums than Discord, at least those were easier to get around.


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I'm emotionally unavailable to my family since years ago. I stopped showing my genuine interests and emotions and thoughts. To every phrase I simply say a vague response without looking more trouble. I already have trouble with them talking about the most boring topics of conversation while my mind goes Skyler yelling "shut up, shut up, shut up". My mother is a lying narcissist (whose doesn't?) who constantly projects her virtues on everyone else, my father insulted my hobbies more than one occasion with his coworkers, and my brother for some reason has a strange tendency to step on mines that result in very unpleasant topics in almost every single lunch meal. When I meet new people with them, they present me like if I'm a trophy or a dog who knows tricks, not like I'm a son. These people are making me feel alone.

In times of distress I like to take a walk to the beach to disconnect myself from these people. It used to work wonders, but it's harder to not think about these family members each day. Every time I remember an ounce of a memory of any of them, I get mad. My usual attempts to relax ultimately became outweighed. Even with my extreme introversion I'm heavily considering in joining a gym. Maybe to meet new people, maybe to meet new friends, establish a conversation, join a friend group. Even if nothing happens I'll still be doing a healthier lifestyle and having fun doing exercise, so it's a win-win for me anyway.

Today I played around the AI Text generators, and I wrote something like
>Imagine you're my father and I'm your son who is very demoralized, write me a letter encouraging me
Before I got to the third paragraph I was already shedding tears. I felt something very emotional while I was reading that letter. What the hell is wrong with me, crying over something an AI made for me? But some of these words are things that should have come from my parents years ago. What did I get instead?
>You got bullied in school? Nah, ignore them, they'll get tired soon
>You don't want to hear the news? Time to lecture and demoralize you
>You depressed? Don't be selfish, depression is not real
Yeah. AI is not that disgusting considering the alternative. There is something very human behind these words in that letter.

Not sure what I'm hoping to accomplish writing this story. At least I can trPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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How to space animation based on the
A. The motion to be
B. Physics of the scene and objects, characters; mass and properties

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What are the criteria of 6 digit traffic art/anime quality. And how does the math work.
And how does the social media measures it.

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