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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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At least in my case, until not too long ago, I started to actually have the balls to talk to those that I found to be interesting;
Before that, i was all alone and i usually thought that most people on any kind of image board where somewhat in the same spot as I, but now I really don't know; I'm wondering, do you have any irl friends? How are they like, if so?

Think of this as a sort of census.
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I wish the best for you my frend.

For me it was really hard to feel comfortable with my friends, mostly because of my own insecurities.

I've made mistakes and it took me quite some time to accept that I am a better person, and that I've changed


I'm an ex-NEET going back to school in my late 20s. I can talk to people casually and even ask for their numbers at the end of the semester to text as acquaintances, but this does not a friendship make.


This is how things used to work in much of the first world too. I've noticed that many older people in my area will just talk to you about anything randomly in public, people under 40? Forget it, it's like everyone forgot how to talk to people if they don't have some social connection through work, school, family, etc are already.


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I have friends, never a relationship sadly but various friends throughout the years. All of my irl friends stem from primary school connections in the distant past at this point. None of my childhood friends are around anymore but some of my teenage years friends still are. It's a shame watching them all split off from each other and my world get smaller. I seem to be the only one who would be totally fine if we all just bummed around at the ice rink and corner store together for the rest of our days.
I have one really good online friendgroup too, but I don't really hang out with them as much as I'd like because one guy in that group drives me nuts even though I love the rest of them.
What ever happened to lan parties anyways?


This is true for sure. Neo-liberal ideas of individualism and the fetishisation of freedom and independence have completely destroyed most of the western world, all in the name of "progress" and "capital". Clearly, looking at countries like Mexico and Norway, with the former having an almost universal sense of community and family and the latter having a welfare state and mixed economy, there are solutions to this, but why would the ruling class apply them? Individualist, secular thought was never supposed to make things tangibly better for the common man, they were designed to make product easier to shift.

tldr this shit sucks balls, we need less individualism and better senses of community

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 No.16798[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Press ctrl+V. Whatever prints is what you post.

>EAT YOUR own ass

Ok then.
193 posts and 65 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Today’s young adults grew up in a time when their childhoods were documented with smartphone cameras instead of dedicated digital or film cameras. It’s not surprising that, perhaps as a reaction to the ubiquity of the phone, some young creative photographers are leaving their handsets in their pockets in favor of compact point-and-shoot digital cameras—the very type that camera manufacturers are actively discontinuing.

Much of the buzz among this creative class has centered around premium, chic models like the Fujifilm X100 and Ricoh GR, or for the self-anointed “digicam girlies” on TikTok, zoom point-and-shoots like the Canon PowerShot G7 and Sony RX100 models, which can be great for selfies.

But other shutterbugs are reaching back into the past 20 years or more to add a vintage “Y2K aesthetic” to their work. The MySpace look is strong with a lot of photographers shooting with authentic early-2000s “digicams,” aiming their cameras—flashes a-blazing—at their friends and capturing washed-out, low-resolution, grainy photos that look a whole lot like 2003.

Wired logo
"It's so wild to me cause I'm an elder millennial," says Ali O'Keefe, who runs the photography channel Two Months One Camera on YouTube. "My childhood is captured on film … but for [young people], theirs were probably all captured on, like, Canon SD1000s,” she says, referencing a popular mid-aughts point-and-shoot.

It’s not just the retro sensibility they’re after, but also a bit of cool cred. Everyone from Ayo Edibiri to Kendall Jenner is helping fuel digicam fever by publicly taking snaps with a vintage pocket camera.

The rise of the vintage digicam marks at least the second major nostalgia boom in the photography space. More than 15 years ago, a film resurgence brought thousands of cameras from the 1970s and '80s out of closets and into handbags and backpacks. Companies like Impossible Project and Film Ferrania started up production of Polaroid-compatible and 35-mm film, respectively, firing up manufacturing equipment that otherwise would have been headed to the scrap heap. Traditional film companies like Kodak and Ilford have seen sales skyrocket. Unfortunately, the price of film stock also increased significantly, with film processing also getting more costly. (Getting a roll developed and digitally scanned now typically costs between $15 and $20.)

For those seeking to experiment with their photography, there's an appeal to using a chPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I still miss the snow.


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7/8 pants


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Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of
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Time is what you make of it…


Please wakeup quick and do your daily work!


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Wakeup reversal shoryuken!


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May rains; pray for no tornado.


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Finish the year!

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what does it mean to be ethereal? it means to possess dreamlike qualities. do you remember your dreams? not often. the skill of fading into the obscurity that is the backs of everyone's mind doesn't seem to highly coveted i've noticed. is becoming ethereal something that interests you?
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Doing my dailies.


Taste the rainbow


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this can become a lifestyle mindset I think. it could start with some self care including mental mindfulness, hygeine, and health consciousness, and then be furthered by genuinely cultivating hobbies or interestests, and eventually personality through personal taste which will naturally begin to reflect on the outside through living your most honest self. activities or interests that are be niche or lost to the greater world could probably take you closer to "ethereal" than people can tend to be. you'd definitely be otherworldly to more people this way at least.


Be a ghost?


Time to ascend.

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Guys, it's Ray Park.
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Oh my….


This has to be the worst porn I have seen in a while and I've seen really bad porn in droves before. This just feels extremely off


im finding john aftereffects (guy who invented adobe aftereffects) and sodomizing him with a brick


Is this a animated gif or webm thread?


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What do you plan on doing if the Donald gets assassinated tomorrow?
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can you polfaggots fuck off back to your shitty chans? i want my funny japan schizo dream game board back. seriously, kill yourselves


i don't forgive you for bumping this thread, but this is actually mildly amusing


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thank you for BTFOing a post made 7 years ago, youre the hero we need truly.


Thank you. Finally, my radiance is noticed.


I love Ubuu because half the posts are just people responding to decade old threads and what's even funnier is the original poster might actually respond back


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What are you dorks working on? Any cool topics in computer science you'd like to share?
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Quantum Computing time?


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im not that tech savy.


Been working on a new website concept with structured topic rooms. The site is:

Try it out and let me know what you think maybe?


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Neither I am, yet self-hosting is still awesome.

Which reminds me, I should setup some kind of remote management tool on my server.

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I make this thread because I lost a small-sized 16-frame .gif of a red stickman dancing.
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Dance like you want to win!


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OP here, I found it shortly after making this thread.


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Dance to this


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How has your personality changed over time? A couple of years ago, I took what was probably the most accurate personality test I ever came across. Today I found the same test and the results were a bit worrying.
First, here's my first report.
>Your Personality Type is The Artisan (RICGS) Artisans are emotionally reactive, which means that they experience their emotions strongly and can be very passionate., however also have a higher tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. Due to their independence and reserve, sometimes the Artisan can be perceived as arrogant or unfriendly, however this is merely because they don't require the same level of social stimulation or interaction that others may seek. The Artisan generally prefers fact over fiction and security and stability over ambiguity and disorder. Sticking with convention and familiar routines is generally best. With a healthy skepticism of the motives of others, and a belief in justice and being self made, sometimes the Artisan can come across as guarded or intimidating. However the Artisan has a refreshing impulsiveness about them, they tend to dislike too many rules and regulations and can be casual and whimsical.
>You often resist any cravings or urges that you have, but sometimes you give in, however you experience panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress. You tend not to talk much and prefer to let others control the activities of groups. You prefer dealing with either people or things rather than ideas. You regard intellectual exercises as a waste of your time. You are willing to take credit for good things that you do but you don't often talk yourself up much, however you believe that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary. You are guarded in new relationships and less willing to openly reveal the whole truth about yourself.
>You are a reasonably organized person and like to have a certain amount of routine in your life.
>You are generally calm, although some situations can make you feel anxious or tense. You do not usually get angry too easily but some things can annoy you. Mostly your emotions are on an even keel and you do not get depressed easily. You are not genPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Ive been in a prolonged state of emotional crisis and mental misery from which I cant escape, so this seems pretty accurate.


got about the same (think my agreeableness was a bit lower)


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I'm just hot and tired all the time. Damn summer.


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Big fat list of imageboards, uboachan.net is on it too.
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I like tinychan's animated-gif thumbnail system;


Needs updated. Anon.cafe was shut down on March 15th.


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Wake up. We have work to do.


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