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Hi, so, I have a question related to editing recorded voices. I want to edit my recorded voice, so that it can sound tinny/robotic (I am not sure, as to what it is really called), through the audacity software. The best example of what I want, is with 343 Guilty Spark, from the Halo game series. https://youtu.be/ueh3kLKrPzU?t=154

Can anyone teach me how to accomplish this? I am having a hard time figuring it out, or even looking it up, since I am not quite sure what this effect is called.


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Just practise


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Recently, I took the Enneagram test. I'm either a type 8, type 4, or type 6. Also either a 8w7 or 8w9. This doesn't surprise me much since it fits my experience with every other personality test. I don't neatly fit into one category and the way I act and think dramatically shifts depending on the circumstances. Frankly, I think Meyer-Briggs is obsolete bullshit unsubstantiated by modern reseach. People who take it too seriously come off as pretentious and simple-minded to me and on forums it's like they actively try to fit the stereotype. I think it appeals to people who don't have anything real going for them. The missing piece is taking into account how people's personalities naturally shift. The brain is remarkably complex, but what we perceive as personality is basically an illusion.

Anyway, I thought about how you could make a better test and came up with some ideas. Aside from testing for general behavioral tendencies like extraversion and introversion, I think there should be sub-catergories depending on other factors:

How you interact with people you see as socially and emotionally above, equal and below you. By socially above, I mean like societal position. A boss or parent or teacher is above you. Emotionally above is somebody you actually respect and look up to. A boss you think is an asshole or idiot is somebody you see as socially above you, but emotionally below you, etc.

How you deal with your own and others social/emotional challenges.
How you deal with your own and others social/emotional desires.

All of the questions will also take into account whether you feel content or discontent(sadness/anger) socially/emotionally. Depending on everything, your results would also include stable/unstable and successful/unsuccessful.

Overly positive descriptions give people a warped sense of self-perception. Taking into account whether a person is well adjusted or not would give more accurate results. I think this whole thing could only be accomplished by asking about complex scenarios and including some more personal questions.
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Ironically, this post is super gemini with a dash of cancer. You're gonna need to open up your root chakra some more.


That's not even…comparable to astrology


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Don't really care for personality tests as I don't see any value in them but took the test you linked anyway. Like the other anon on this thread I also received 5w6. Apparently I have a type 1 personality and the description somewhat seems to describe the type of person I have been the past few years.

Your ideas to include questions pertaining to how a person treats people of different social ranks is interesting and probably would result in more effective tests.

However, the main issue I see with personality tests are related to the actual method of gaining answers; from the person themselves. If a person is not good at introspection or is highly emotional the day they fill in the test, the results will be inaccurate. Having other people fill in the test for you also seems to have similar issues.

Before we try to find better methods of testing we should ask what value the results of a personality test offer anyone. I struggle to find much value in assigning different personality 'types' to people. (Perhaps it could discover which couple combinations work best or which personality types tend to form friendships with one another).


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I don't really believe super strongly in personality tests and don't do them too often. I did a couple different ones once because of the Homestuck Title Test on Tumblr some time ago.

I can't remember the exact results, only that I'm a Mage or Seer of Hope. Make of that what you will.


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Personality: Elegant

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Bune, Bune, Bune!

Wehl Melan Avage Bune Tasa


Is this Italian?

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Given that this is a fan site for self inserting as a jap girl, how many uboachanners have gone full trans, either transitioning to jap or girl?
This site has been around since forever so I can only assume that a lot of the long term uboachan denizens are really dedicated to self inserting as a jap girl, so I figure at least a few must have transitioned by now.


There used to be fair amount of trans people back in 2012-2013. The people who proposed the trans theory were, in fact (and unsurprisingly, I might add) trans.
I'm not aware of anybody transitioning into jap girls tho.


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if you want to stay young looking and cute forever you need to transition to vampire. even the highest class of japanese girls age eventually (left pic) while vampires are cute forever (non left pic)


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> jap or girl
Both at the same time or don't bother.


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This thread is POISON-ed


>trans """people"""(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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What are the best (FREE) language learning services available on the Internet? Couple of my relatives speak Korean and I was wondering my options so I could actually talk to them. And yes, I'm trying Duolingo as I speak. Doesn't look great.
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Good chance you already heard of several or all of these, but…

Lingodeer is a bit better app than Duolingo. More structure, teaches words in context and grammar right away.
If you already know a lot of words and grammar u can use Naver dictionary to learn more. Naver has a whole subsection of their website dedicated to foreign speakers and learners.
HiNative is made by the people who made Lang-8, it's an app where you can ask natives questions but again, assumes you know at least some basic shit. Speaking of Lang-8, they stopped new signups but if you just happen to have one from a while ago it could be useful.
Youtube and web Talk To Me in Korean. I haven't used it because I'm lazy and stubborn but they have free courses, native speakers, and free Youtube videos on all sorts of subjects. I heard people say they got very far with them but IDK about quality, sorry. Just throwing things at the wall here.

Or make a new (separate) Twitter account and post in Korean and ask questions while posting about daily life or your interests. I'm only in the super beginning phases of Korean, so I'm not much help beyond this, but I really see this as a good step since it kinda forces you to practice.

Make some Korean friends somehow. Whatever you do, at least try to be genuine with them in terms of friendship. If you just want a language partner I'm sure you could find one by asking around.

I have heard that written and spoken Korean can be very different, so keep that in mind if you didn't know that already.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Learn from them. Mistakes will be funny and you'll laugh at them later on down the line. Oh no, that's generic language learning advice…


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Keep practising!


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Love Live Tennoji Rina
Very cute girl


Post her


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Gonna post her. Also started playing allstars today
Wish i could be excited getting back into love live idk

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You better have a sauce to this


this isn't reddit


This is a cyberpunk thread, we already have no standards here.

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>germany  has never won a war
<israel has never lost a war
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You know that's completely irrelevant in this thread's context, right?


>/ot/ - Off-topic


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Okay argie-chan, I hope you cure your depression while eating chipa in your house next to Villa 1-11-14 as your dad screams like an autist because his shitty soccer team didn't score a goal.


ISRAEL was a bad idea, mmmmkay?


you know, even if I can't be a 'femboy', perhaps I can have that sort of pleasant dykey aesthetic I'm seeing on THCM

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Anonymous vs Q

Who wins & whats the finishing move



Whoever wins, we lose


Nuh-uh, you're just a little sheeple faggit


Go back to Facebook where this garbage topic belongs.

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Sometimes, when I'm stressed out, I like to look at violent pictures. I want to see what's the worst people can come up with. Every post should try to one up the last. I'll start with something really tame.


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I know decapitation is not a theme exclusive to the story, but the painting you posted reminds me of Judith beheading Holofernes.
Though I suppose this isn't really that much worse than your picture.


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Reminded me of David and Golitath, also by Caravaggio.


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