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File: 1601652140192.jpeg (37.44 KB, 560x577, 008448844.jpeg)


try it bitch





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I like red but not Asuka.

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Asuka has such a perfect ass.


Only if you're a red-ass loving baboon.


File: 1602262507190.png (106.74 KB, 458x230, h.PNG)

"Heeey asska, you're pretty smart and all. Can you help with my calculus assignment, wash the dishes, sort/alphabetize my girls farting on youtube folders and help me memorize the up-to-date Pokérap?"


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Superior Blue Rei

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Post yfw president Trump
I'd be Rei btw.
24 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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In 100 days, it will be the end of Term 1.


Trump? Who is he?


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Just stop!


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Trump got covid'ed?

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Can somebody post steedick.jpg?




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What is steedick?


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Steel dick?

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All glories to Lord Bune, the Duke! I praise his name, Bune!

Wehl Melan Avage Bune Tasa


DUNE.. the planet Arrakis; land of sand & source of spice Melange.

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Does anyone have sources of the banners? I couldn’t find them myself, so I was wondering if you guys could.
Pics are examples of what I tried to find.


I got most of those from gelbooru and pixiv.
We never added "uboachan" on those in the end, huh.



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stonetoss is talking shit about weeaboos
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Get this crap off my Ubuu.




That's all, folks!


go back to 4/qa/

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Hey I'm gonna need all of your Yume Nikki related reaction images kthnxbye
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Still love you Mado


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How do I stop caring what other people think of me?
18 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


cowardly worrier overwrought with lily livered concern making craven attempt to deflect guilt


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Guilt is not about how you treat other people or yourself, you can't feel guilty about something you don't care about


Realise that gravity ain't trying to kill you
Get a haircut
Buy some rick


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Live alone for a year.


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Being one with yourself will work wonders.. stoicism.

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Post random quotes you like.
Doesn't matter where it's from or if you know who originally said it. I'll start:

"People are always creeping towards death. so don't you think that we should celebrate our life as much as we can? But no matter what they do, the fact that they'll eventually die doesn't change. In the end, everyone dies…just like machines and other things. But they struggle through their lives. What would they be fine with leaving behind? The proof that they were here? But why would anyone want to leave behind that sort of thing? Isn't that just for self-satisfaction?"

Something interesting to note is this was said by an android.
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"sometimes you gotta die first, before you start living" -Crackho


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Here goes:

"Find what you love and let it kill you."

"Laugh, and the world laughs with you - weep, and you weep alone."

"Only fools engage in any sort of 'fair' combat."

"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all of its pupils."

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."


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When people say something is free, they mean it has already been paid for.


Just do it - Nike, goddess of victory

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