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File: 1514758162656.gif (5.77 MB, 800x600, Yume_Nikki_Gif.gif)


Since it's New Year's eve(for me), What's your new year's resolution(to whoever reads this)?

Also hope ya'lls christmas and new year go well.
(gif unrelated of course)
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Hey! Jingle Bells…


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2023 is year of the rabbit.


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Ho ho hoooooooooooo
New year coming soon….

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How come the neat-o falling meme text sets my CPU on fire?
I used to run this old program
on a 66mhz pentium with no noticeable affect on performance back in the 1990s and it does pretty much the same thing as the falling text effect.
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Checks date. Nothing has changed.


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War never changes..


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Time moves on regardless…


the snow on the sharty is amazing, can steesatu do something that awesome


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Christmas thread.
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Merry Christmas, everyone!


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Merry Xmas 2022


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Merry Christmas 2022! Here's to more anal adventures!


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Merry Bunny Xmas to y'all.

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Is it getting better?
Maybe but never stop trying.
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Human doing


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AI art videos are spooky…

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What are you dorks working on? Any cool topics in computer science you'd like to share?
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X marks the spot


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Because you can't play videogames without hardware, post in this thread to find ill advice on how to build your very own personal computer, you can build your own computer, anon? You are not a retard, right?
Also ddr4 ram is fucking shit, like holy shit look at those prices, fill up your computer up, she will be grateful!
Framework Laptop 16 pre-orders are now open
The framework laptop 13 should had been beta tested by normalfags by now, so it is a great laptop for portability, if you want the 16 you should wait for the beta testing to end first.

Useful links


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Tech Tuesday or Tasty Tuesday?


Time for water-cooling, yo!

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What is your opinion on AI art? Do you see it as a threat, as a tool or are indifferent towards it? Personally I see it more like cheap entertainment and a tool for making concept art but not real art. Pic related was created using Dall-e 3, you can see it has lots of mistakes and it's boring and stale but I made it in 10 seconds for free. Couldn't get the square pattern in Mado's sweater properly, sadly.
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I'm fine with AI, been running Stable Diffusion locally and had some fun making AI-generated Monoes. Pic related.


Artists are slow and expensive. Fuck paying hundreds of dollars on a commission with tons of stipulations and other bullshit attached. An AI just as good as a person, would basically be a slave, and slavery was great for slave-owners. So I'm all for it.


Not a fan, gotta be honest. It's a fun toy to play around with, but it struggles with the finer details. I think if you want actually good art instead of just 'good enough', it's probably better to just bite the bullet and learn to draw. It's embarrassing to spend god knows how long sucking until you get good, but it's probably worth it in the long run.


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AI Art and AI as a whole are just the beginning of the end of the necessity of work for humans. At an economic level, AI art will likely cause the human-art market to shrink extremely, if not completely. (Consider the fact the majority of art jobs are repetitive work such as animation clean up, in-between frames, small design work and other things that AI is very suited for taking over.) As AI improves, this will only progress and expand into other areas (already has) that will leave most fields that are not the upmost specialized completely AI dominated. As a result, human activity will primarily shift from work/economic focused to recreationally focused, which I think overall is a net positive to humanity, even though the transition from now to that will be very painful.
Overall I'm completely indifferent to AI art because all it means is that art will return to being a primarily recreationally endeavoured skill.


i cant wait until all the art bots start eating themselves by making crap made with more AI crap so it all becomes a soupy half digested mess of media-diarrhea that everyone gets bored and we all get over the AI fad and move on

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At least where I live, there are fewer and fewer people even thinking about decorating or even celebrating Christmas (not to mention that I heard a few days ago: "Christmas trees are diabolical"). Maybe I'm missing a global news story about Christmas trees being soul-sucking and throat-ripping.

Or that I'm not a child anymore. How unexciting it is to grow up.


Sounds like a crappy place to live


Xmas is coming…


Meh as long as I get my <div> snow it's all cool.

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Cool site trade

My end: http://www.planecrashinfo.com/ kinda old but still regularly updated cool site for everything about plane crashes everywhere, including pilot's last words and a whole ass comprehensive database
Your end: looking for a drawball-like site where people can just put graffiti out there.
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Not sure if this is the right place to post. I'm looking for a specific image that is a comic. I'll describe it:

>Long image with more than 8 or 10 panels

>Western style but not cal-arts
>Two characters: a girl with punk hair in underwear and a bald guy, both are a couple
>No walls of text
>There are predominantly cold colors (blue, purple…)

The story:

>night time, the girl is chill on the bed with her phone

>guy comes home to sleep, he's got a bad day at work
>girl tries to lighten the atmosphere "wanna do sexy things honey?"
>"no, I'm not in the mood"
>girl is shocked for a few panels
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You managed to remember way more about this than I did.


Can anyone help me find an illustration of a Catholic schoolgirl tieing her shoes for the day in front of her mirror in her pink room, and in the reflection is a goth version of herself wickedly or righteously smiling at her with goth periphenilia and AR-15 scattered about. There was text saying something along the lines of be yourself.


That's a highly specific request, man.


It's at least a decade-old too.


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Man and I forgot I made this thread.

Yes, that's exactly right. It's the exact comic I described. Well done anon, and thank you for your efforts, you have my gratitude. It means a lot to me.
I chose to ask spefically in this imageboard for a certain yet wholesome comic. So take something from that if you will.
>You managed to remember way more about this than I did.
I remember it well because it resonated with me in a big way when I read it nearly a decade ago, that's why I was detailing the comic as much as I could to make things easier.
Again, thank you. You turned my shitty day into a good day.

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So, sometimes this happens. This is the second time someone from a Chinese domain name registrar has contacted me this way about a domain name I own. Maybe some day there will be a bar of soap called "Uboachan" or something.
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Hail to the king, baby.


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Oh yeah…


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Hail to China & the CCP….


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China obeys international law.

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