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/ot/ - Off-topic

Best board

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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hello anons! I'm bored… is there anything to do? Lets chat
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New year, new chat


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Eh? I'm not here to chit-chat.
We talk business, or we talk nothing at all.


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Can't hear you. Rain is too loud.


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Let's chat like gym bros

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What are your favorite oldfag memes, /ot/?

Since I was born in 1995 (which is often cited as the first year of generation Z), I am just barely old enough to remember many oldfag memes from when I was a kid (yes, I was on imageboards when I was a preteen). "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" is, of course, my all-time favorite. To this day, I still ask people that in person and still laugh my ass of at their bewildered responses. The "HURT FEELINGS AND BUTT RANGED" autism macros always made me kek as well, along with the goofy-looking baby picture Babby and all of the edits of it.
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I shamefully admit I really like classic 9gag memes like trollface, rage guy, advice animals, and so on
also pown.it and newgrounds -era memes like imma firin mah lazor, they see me rollin, nyan cat
it's quite a wake up to remind myself of these, and to see that none of them have survived, yet they were so popular once


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Bruce Lee


Stee's dick is the best meme


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I didn't know waha was known on Western imageboards.

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This is a general thread for imageboard discussion.

What other imageboards do you use? What is your favorite imageboard? And what imageboards did you used to use?
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>tfw no Dreamchan

>tfw no 420chan



IDK why someone doesn't just revive both of those. Altchans die and get revived all the time.


Another mtg player, I see. Is there any interest in starting a thread?


heyuri ..


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I just woke up.
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Good morning.


I just went to sleep.


I'm going to wake you up!


With the power of my… double consecutive trips


I'm tired; just wanna sleep and wake up refreshed instead of feeling like I wasted my time unconscious.

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Nostalgia 90s-2008s thread:
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I treasure the fact that I can still access good things from a time long gone as well as some new good things that slip through the massive irony and edge barrier on the internet.

It feels nice to have something truly devoid of modern day politics, partisanship, and aggressive agendas. Particularly aggressive from the right wing "let's make 'gemmy' hate pieces" edge sphere, but also the left wing overtly inclusive "lets make everything black" bullshit that can be just as annoying.

Having something that just stands on its own and presents its own world views and own insights rather than tailor made pandering is nice and actually stimulates my preception rather than try to force me in alignment towards it. Hamfisted messaging has honest been kind of a deathknell on truly creative and exploratory works.


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You people managed to make a chill 2000 nostalgia thread political.


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they'll always find a way.


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When The Last Airbender was actually good…


Walled garden internet sucketh to hell.

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Dead site
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Only one image per post, which isn't that one 90's arcade game???


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East to discard
Shibukawa vs Sonoda vs Kobayashi vs Katsumata


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It's aliveeeeee

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this shit is gay → https://www.4chon.me/meta/res/112.html
uboa faggots need to stay off 4chon if you know whats good for you
4chon will unleash the whirlwind on you furry faggots, we will go ass to mouth on your mom, don't try and start shit with us
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Chill out dude it's just some shitposting. Nothing meant by it.


Fake post from fake mod. I don't care about the buttpregnant thread.


nice attempt at damage control, but the seething behind this post is plain to see for everyone.


I also noticed that


Necrobumped it again award

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What are the best (FREE) language learning services available on the Internet? Couple of my relatives speak Korean and I was wondering my options so I could actually talk to them. And yes, I'm trying Duolingo as I speak. Doesn't look great.
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The elites allowed Americans to have cars, airplanes, straws, and stoves and then they banned them.

Why do you think the globalists will allow you to keep the Internet?

Prisons and North Korea don't have the web for a reason. Ideas and communication tools are dangerous.


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the heck are you talking about?


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I think he's mentally ill

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Maid Thread
Post the best maids you have


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This is a month late, but Lain just turned 20 years old. What was your first viewing experience like and how do you think the world and internet's changed since then?
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That ominous and foreboding atmosphere in the show is taken further in the visual novel. I think what can describe it best in both the VN and show is the inverse of that corporate computer office computer aesthetic that was part of the optimism camp of the 1990s. Bad descriptor so I hope you know what I mean but it encapsulates that lateral biblical apocalypse and whirlpool to the end of time and space. What I also liked about it is that it's anti-tech message or warning of the trajectory technology is going like any good cyberpunk explores but it seems the fanbase ignored this or missed the point as I never see it brought up except in explaining the plot, not to dismiss the enjoyment of the computer technology and Wired but that wasn't the real point of it all.


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I <3 Lain


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the internet may have ruined lain but lain has never ruined the internet. remind yourselves of this quote every day and live free

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