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Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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Nostalgia 90s-2008s thread:


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pretty sure i posted some in >>8229 https://uboachan.net/hikki/res/7914.html comfy memories.


I swear my bro still plays that.



Had those same white speakers back in 1997.


Time to be kicked into 2025….

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Swedish meatballs

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The only good thing about autismbux is getting to pay people to playan smash bros and magic the gathering with me. I would honestly cut my own fucking arm off if i could rescind the diagnosis. The loneliness would be worth not being lumped in with some drooling incontinent dumbfuck

mild spoilers for image, it's peri brown from doctor who almost naked


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I'm bored…. but I'm lazyyyyyyyyyy


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V-tubers covering songs


V for Vendetta



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Dota2; not sure why? Peer pressure?


Sinder the hell-hound


Enna Alloutte singing


Youtubers getting their accounts stolen.


Empanada & cheesebread & brazillian coffee

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Marvel Rivals




Ceres Fauna duets




Omelettes and fruit

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playing tf2 with my friend
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I want a Big Mac.


with fries and a drink


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for my drink i alwyays get peach ice tea and i get extra large fries and also garlic mayo to dip the fries in


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tomnorrow i shall go to burger king

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Lets share whatever it is that we got in christmas
(Please choose only one present!)

Take your favorite, show a picture of it and tell us a little bit about it
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Wait people receive things on christmas?


Or a box on Boxing Day.


nice one


I got nothing


i got a 2nd keyboard, a 3rd mouse, 2 thumb drives and a back-up battery for my thinkpad.

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Cool site trade

My end: http://www.planecrashinfo.com/ kinda old but still regularly updated cool site for everything about plane crashes everywhere, including pilot's last words and a whole ass comprehensive database
Your end: looking for a drawball-like site where people can just put graffiti out there.
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For silly 4-panel comics

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How come the neat-o falling meme text sets my CPU on fire?
I used to run this old program
on a 66mhz pentium with no noticeable affect on performance back in the 1990s and it does pretty much the same thing as the falling text effect.
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War never changes..


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Time moves on regardless…


the snow on the sharty is amazing, can steesatu do something that awesome



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I remember when webms won't overheat my CPU

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Christmas thread.
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Merry Crimbus uboalings


Christmas is scary >_< I'm afraid of the Santy Klaws and everyone outside is dressed like him.


i luv yume nikki


>Santy Klaws
She's a catgirl.

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There has been a lot of talk recently about 4chan shutting down. If it happens do you think it will make ubuu more active? Do you think it will make ubuu more toxic?
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4chan admin is clearly running out of money though. probably wont die. at least not yet. remove that IP counter in the run up to the election. no surprises there. make em easier to manipulate. i mean it is dying just very very slowly over a prolonged period of time. place is a husk of what it used to be. hiro is running that site into the ground like he did 2channel.

they way if you squash a pregnant cockroach all the baby roaches will scatter everywhere. this is the real danger of 4chan going down. nu /b/tards and /pol/acks spreading out all over the internet hitting up every small board they can find via search engine.


4chan shuts when ramen is no longer popular


4chan is still up with their own dark-mode snow theme too.


The 15 minute wait to post unless you provide an email is concerning, especially since the spam seems unabated.


lysenko my beloved

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Since it's New Year's eve(for me), What's your new year's resolution(to whoever reads this)?

Also hope ya'lls christmas and new year go well.
(gif unrelated of course)
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2023 is year of the rabbit.


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Ho ho hoooooooooooo
New year coming soon….


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I vow to do better.


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Happy new year anons

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New Year's Eve Resolution Thread: What's it going to be this year? For me personally, i'm going to try harder at learning a second language, developing ambidexterity and sleeping a decent amount.
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No, no, noooooooooooo!


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Get more physical. *grunt*


Revenge again


Best served cold…..

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