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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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How about we have a thread where we post neat and/or old stuff we found on the internet?

Website where you can watch TV channel streams from countries all around the world.

Website that has "livestreams" of IP surveillance cameras.
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Fuck off back to 8chan.


wiby.me is great for searching up old websites




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 No.17344[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The other thread has been in auto-sage for some time now, so it was about time someone made a new one.

Vol. IV:
Vol. V:
Vol. VI:
Vol. VII:
Vol. VIII:

I've been reconsidering my life. They always tell you that as you grow up things get easier since you mature and bloom into a normal human being… but I've been pondering whether people only pretend to have their lives in control only to not lose their shit about it. I mean, yeah, I don't think everybody hates their lives, but I'm sure everybody gets chocked by the pressure once in a while. The question is, what happens when your life is constant chocking? Or rather, can you go on with your live as you're chocked every second? Some years ago I remember looking at people and feeling completely distant, and knowing that one day I'd merge with the multitude. Now that it's happening, I almost can feel my old self there looking at me from outside the crowd. It's been pretty surreal. My life isn't bad in on itself, but I feel I can't fit, and no matter what I do it's never enough. I don't know, I've had this idea that I'm broken somehow, and it's been my justification for so long. If I can't be fixed, why bother?

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I use the AJATT-method (all japanese all the time). So I have been watching anime raws first, reading raw manga and now recently started reading light novels since manga became easier. Of course, having no better things to do and being able to pump many hours a day into this because of that has helped a lot in progressing.


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Are you using duolingo?


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Nay, I use Anki for that. I add raw subtitles text from anime or screenshot the text I want to add there and then learn it. While I never thought of really stopping the learning process, there are of course moments where nothing seems to make any sense so it kind of eats away the motivation a lot. At some point though you just kind of realize how deep you are in the learning process already and then just decide to go to the very end (native level).


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Why does everything have the need to be on Discord these days?
Like seriously, if you want to download some program, appeal a ban, etc. you have to join the Discord for it. Shit's so annoying. It doesn't help the fact that it's locked behind a login wall.
I'd rather use forums than Discord, at least those were easier to get around.


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I'm emotionally unavailable to my family since years ago. I stopped showing my genuine interests and emotions and thoughts. To every phrase I simply say a vague response without looking more trouble. I already have trouble with them talking about the most boring topics of conversation while my mind goes Skyler yelling "shut up, shut up, shut up". My mother is a lying narcissist (whose doesn't?) who constantly projects her virtues on everyone else, my father insulted my hobbies more than one occasion with his coworkers, and my brother for some reason has a strange tendency to step on mines that result in very unpleasant topics in almost every single lunch meal. When I meet new people with them, they present me like if I'm a trophy or a dog who knows tricks, not like I'm a son. These people are making me feel alone.

In times of distress I like to take a walk to the beach to disconnect myself from these people. It used to work wonders, but it's harder to not think about these family members each day. Every time I remember an ounce of a memory of any of them, I get mad. My usual attempts to relax ultimately became outweighed. Even with my extreme introversion I'm heavily considering in joining a gym. Maybe to meet new people, maybe to meet new friends, establish a conversation, join a friend group. Even if nothing happens I'll still be doing a healthier lifestyle and having fun doing exercise, so it's a win-win for me anyway.

Today I played around the AI Text generators, and I wrote something like
>Imagine you're my father and I'm your son who is very demoralized, write me a letter encouraging me
Before I got to the third paragraph I was already shedding tears. I felt something very emotional while I was reading that letter. What the hell is wrong with me, crying over something an AI made for me? But some of these words are things that should have come from my parents years ago. What did I get instead?
>You got bullied in school? Nah, ignore them, they'll get tired soon
>You don't want to hear the news? Time to lecture and demoralize you
>You depressed? Don't be selfish, depression is not real
Yeah. AI is not that disgusting considering the alternative. There is something very human behind these words in that letter.

Not sure what I'm hoping to accomplish writing this story. At least I can trPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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How to space animation based on the
A. The motion to be
B. Physics of the scene and objects, characters; mass and properties

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What are the criteria of 6 digit traffic art/anime quality. And how does the math work.
And how does the social media measures it.

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What's your opinion on the Discord server?
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can't be as bad as twitch…


Is the Uboachan server kill? Fr?


ok…and the lie?


Thank heavens


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Uboacord got wiped by a bored mod, which made the server lose it's only never expiring invite link. They now have to rely on other people boosting Uboacord, so they can keep vanity link (they don't have consistent 14 boosts for it).

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I had a chocolate milkshake for the first time ever. Pretty good, better than I expected. The taste was almost exactly like some ice cream I had lots of times before, but much better to have than it because you're simply sipping out of a straw instead of bothering with holding a cone and licking. My issue with chocolate drinks most of the time tend to be that the chocolate is too strong and leaves my mouth feeling bitter even, but none of that here. I'd get one of these every day if they weren't so expensive here.
I'll try a vanilla one soon.
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More than one scoop is too much anyway

My ice cream apron and ice cream hat

Wouldn't that break apart when the spoon hits it?


>If anything it results in you having to eat your ice cream fast, not just more focused, thus limiting how much you get to really savour and enjoy it, lest it begins melting all over your hand.

that’s when you start biting


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I have no idea how motherfuckers can bite into ice cream. It's not even enjoyable then.


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I do it mainly to freak people out, but if the ice cream is melting quickly and I don’t want sticky hands for the rest of my day I do usually start biting. Honestly, it doesn’t detract much, you still get to taste it and all.


That's how I always eat ice cream, it's good to bite things if not swallow like a snake. If I suck it or lick it I feel like a fatass, dandy, or child.

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Ever played any games with character customization and tried to recreate Madotsuki or any other Yummy Nickel characters? Not mine sadly but been playing Miitopia and this shit slaps fr

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God this place is awful.
It is a nest of bpdemons and mentally ill fuckwads who put their disorders on a pedestal instead of getting checked.
The question is, what the hell am I doing here?
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You sicken me


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keep crying about it, its cute. wanna kiss?


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do u have more bloody art like u posted…it's pretty nice


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very nice

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Do any of you guys know how to find friends online? I want to talk to someone while my days still pass by, but I don't know how… How can I find a social bubble online? I don't want to be alone anymore but it's so hard to find a place I feel welcomed in too. I just don't know anymore
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Or look up for other yume nikki discords, if you're not happy with uboachan one: https://hujle.github.io/
But I must tell most of them are either barely active or as dead as this board.


Get irl friends online seems to be the best way.


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usually I made friends just by fucking around and finding out. Being active in discord servers, having references in my social media bio that people could answer with a DM (I actually met one of my exes this way) and other stuff. Unfortunately it is just a matter of putting yourself out there, but that kind of thing is at least marginally easier online.


Just don't fucking use /soc/


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p much what this poster said, steam, discord, matrix especially if those spaces include shared interests it easy to start conversations. i put my steam in my twitter bio and ppl from loli & shota twitter have added me.

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>Be Me
>In Computer Class
>Kid in class hates ai voices
>Says they'll take his soul
>Teacher plays video with ai voice
>He cries
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that is so mean i am about to cry


holy shit you da kid or smth?


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me too

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