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File: 1656311254493.jpg (23.26 KB, 624x351, 1656227953403.jpg)


Christopher Poole


File: 1656336572029.png (366.41 KB, 619x620, 1626245662867.png)

The duality of man


File: 1658446174644.png (26.64 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


Kris Pool

File: 1599864977069.jpg (67.42 KB, 680x454, Nahiri.jpg)


Let's do it.
64 posts and 117 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Coffee time in June.


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7 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Cute Tiger


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July rains….


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Time to Eat & be the middle-weight champion of the world


2nd one makes me puke, i have ptsd from mold


Launch the tigers. All of them.

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its 40 degrees here and once i wake up my bed and i are both soaked in sweat
havent showered in over a month now so thats kind of a problem in that case
wouldnt be a big deal if winter was here
plus i could be able to go outside if it was winter i guess thatd be nice
but id have to go to school in the winter which is hell
blogpost over

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Who are the mysterious posters who still post on uboachan in 2021.
23 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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No. Who are YOU?


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That's Strange…….


what do you mean



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Bepka is locked! Save Bepka!!!


What is Bepka?
And how do I save it?


File: 1656118360720.jpeg (7.42 KB, 250x202, perhaps.jpeg)


Moved to >>>/bepka/1.

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2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i don't get it what's the joke


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This is not a joke.


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Bepka is love.


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Moved to >>>/bepka/4.

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The laziness of the trolling in ubuu these days honestly makes me sad.


unironically looks pretty good in terms of colour palette


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 No.16099[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What other Chan sites do you use? I'm only using uboachan, lainchan and /lit/ on 4chan at the moment.
258 posts and 95 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


For me? UBOACHAN only.


File: 1684189644939-0.png (13.75 MB, 4096x4096, 00225.png)

I'm used to be a resident of small russian anonymous imageboard until it's been abandoned by the admin. Currently, Uboachan is the only board I'm using on the regular basis.


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What happened to dreamch anyway? And is lagunachan or whatever it's called still around?


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Uboachan most of the time. But besides that I go on 28chan from time to time, Lainchan too but that's pretty rare.

I used to go on late city, but sadly the owner went AWOL and the domain died (I know there's a late city on anon cafe, but it doesn't feel the same in my opinion).


Dreamch just went down without any announcements. I think it was because of the admin's health. Laguna's gone.
I agree with you, but there might be a chance to turn over a new leaf now that they're moving to trashchan since anon.cafe's shutting down.

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