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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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Did anyone else watch Gakkou Gurashi? People had a really mixed reaction to it, but I thought it was pretty good. Pretty depressing. Really didn't like the fan service episode, but it didn't ruin in for me.
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The only worthwhile thing egoraptor ever has and ever will produce.



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I meant those often opinionated and rough-looking type of videos that he posted.
On the conspiracy part side, silly stuff like this:
Those analysis type of videos that are often void of any real opinion and narrated by monotone britbongs (take CGP Grey for example) and often suffer from overediting aren't my style. On the other side, i also like analysis-type of videos that keep it short (under 15m) and have humor to fill in the exposition intervals (something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6ju5UGN9XM). Your links are some good stuff though.


Yeah, those type of informational videos are kind of dull. They're good if you just want to learn about the subject, but they aren't that entertaining. I personally prefer longer analysis videos because those feel like i'm going on a journey. While I can kind of understand why you would have nostalgia for mediocre, poorly edited stuff as that is becoming a bit of a rarity, i'm glad that people have moved past that. People bitch and moan so much about how things aren't how they used to be, but they forget that content on the internet is better now than it ever has been before.


Life is a lie…

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meds, now



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what uboas we channing today (image suggested by my friend)


plz go


FUNKOPOP figurines are the worst. Ewwww.

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I concur.


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Unsure if this was posted or not, what are your guys heights?
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>why they want to deal with the high abuse rates

LOL. Don't tell me you've never seen any of those statistics about lesbos having the highest rates of abusive realtionships among all couplings? And the lowest rates of sex. 'Lesbian Dead Bed' mean anything to you? Makes me wonder why exactly any girl would go Lesbo.

Arghh wait. I read that all wrong. Never mind my retardation.


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Come on guys, I don't know who started it, but if I wanted to see gender politics/debate I would go to Twitter or Facebook.
We are better than this.


71 inches


I'm 2.00 metres tall.


119 pounds and absolutely shredded btw

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There's a 90% off discount for rpgmaker 2003 on steam, just letting anyone who is interested in making YNFGs know


Why not 2000?

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Who the fuck is this guy? I remember reading up somewhere that it was Kikiyama, but now I'm skeptical


I'm pretty sure that's Yoshida from Chainsaw Man.


I think it's that magic dude Criss Angel


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 No.14108[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just stumbled upon this.
Anyone heard of メンヘラ少女?

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and also with you


Let us go now with peace in our hearts


Spread peace throughout your lives




thank you for your work

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If your credit card number was the amount of money you have, how rich would you be? And if your pin was the current year, what year?
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i almost fell for this


I'd have $4556780286943670 in 786 A.D.


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𝞹 ~ 3.1415……..


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USD770 000 000


ZERO cos I don't use credit cards

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What’s wrong with jerking off? It keeps me from spending too much time focusing on attracting the opposite sex.
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I've never heard of it being called that, but if you wanted to put that on the label, sure.


I appreciate your comment for being respectful of different worldviews. I think non-judgmental discourse with people who hold different religious beliefs is one of the best opportunities to learn more about yourself and others. I'm personally agnostic and I doubt that will change, but I've gained a lot in the past couple of years by listening to people of multiple faiths.

It's unfortunate how common it is becoming to demonize believers and specifically Christians because of a few extremists, but I've also seen an increasing number of people of all kinds seek a better understanding of each other, and I'm glad you seem to be one of them.


I fap to cars


Prefer to schlick


Shlick to my lula darling.

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