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Sometimes I'm weirded out by how starkly contrasting situations and emotional states are in people's lives. Me during a depressive state seems like such a different person for when i'm healthy and socially active, but it's really just the same person. A person at their most pathetic and weak moment is just so different from them at their best. Even a ceo was shitting in their diapers at one point in life. One night, i'm browsing guro for fun, the next morning, I have a nice chat with an old guy. What if he knew? He thinks i'm a nice, young man, but am I really?

If something like gollum or a xenomorph somehow gradually changed into a beautiful girl, would you want a relationship with them, or would the thought of what they once were be too off-putting?


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It makes me sad knowing that, while humans can be such wonderful and complex creatures, thanks to my lack of communication skills and my general off-putting demeanor, I'll never be able to see more than their most shallow surface.
Well, no one truly will til the point when we invent mind reading devices, and most probably don't want to, either - that'd entail being exposed to plenty of unpleasant experiences. Not that realistic close relationships don't entail that, since one of the prerequisites, or maybe tests of a true bond is going through hardships together. But no one will most likely let me get even to that point.

On the topic of unpleasant human states of mind, though this isn't really a direct response to your post, on a conscious level I don't agree with the "demonization" of certain feelings or behaviours. In my opinion even some seemingly negative personality traits have merit to them, if only by making a person interesting. Being prone to "ugly" emotions like jealousy, fear, anger etc. isn't practical in daily life, true, but such traits don't exist in a vacuum, they're part of a complex picture that makes a person, with parts sometimes starkly contrasting one another, like you've said, and prone to change with experience. I remember being asked what my opinion was of an acquaintance, and getting a surprised and sort of disbelieving response when I said he "seemed sort of arrogant/smug, but clearly smart and cool." So apparently you can't have a positive opinion of a person if you think they're smug at the same time. Yet if he's arrogant, that means that he underestimates certain people, but then the things/people that he DOES value might have more worth than they do to regular people. What makes these things so valuable in his eyes? And what brought him to think this way? What kind of personal experiences has he had? Aren't these things interesting to think about?
A person at their lowest, one that's hysterically sobbing on the floor or locked up in a musty, dark room is interesting in a similar way, and makes me think 'what if I could help them out of their misery?', 'I wonder what they'd look like if i could get them to smile honestly at least once', 'what does a happy person look like after they've gone through this?' Basically, ugly things give more value to pleasant ones. And yet while I say all this, if someone is unpleasant directly to me or someone that I'm close to, intentionally or not, I usually get frustrated pretPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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This is an interesting take on people, but i'm not really sure if the majority are actually messed up in any interesting way. Whenever I'm talking to people and being social, it's sort of like being another person. Even the way I think seems different when i'm in this mode. At first, this side of me was like a mask or facade, but as I got more comfortable slipping into this role, it somehow felt more real. To go with the eb and flow of conversation, to pick up on all the little things a person communicates, to cycle through the options of what you could say and eliminating anything inappropriate, this is stuff that some people don't even have to think about.

Maybe some people are perpetually in this mode unless forced out of it? It's like a default. I always like to sort of play dumb to lull people into a sense of security and reveal more to me than if I seemed opinionated myself. I like to get as good of a sense of people as I can. I just don't know if everybody is so complex. Even when I pick up on their insecurities or their little habits, I'm not sure how aware they are of themselves. Some people, especially kids, just feel like models in a production line.

Maybe there's just some irredeemable mental lines you can't cross that I've alreasy violated.
As for your question, it would depend on the feeling that person gave me. Maybe I would stay apprehensive, but I don't know.


I don’t believe personalities are the constant, inflexible shell that it seems to me most people accept it to be. What I’ve studied from sociology, animal rehabilitation, and even just from writing, just doesn’t allow me to see people that way.

The mind for me is possibly the most flexible, unstable, moldable muscle in the body. I believe what we perceive as “personality” is only a combination of cognition and reactions, that manifest our basic but amazingly complex animal adaptative skills, that we inherit genetically or developed through our lives. Very little traits of the personality are tightly rooted.

The contrast you describe I find it natural. Everybody is very unstable, is what allowed us to evolve so well as we did against our challenges. Our adaptative skills react to the world, to other humans, to circumstances, to hormones, to body sensations, to thoughts, to whatever synapses activate in our brain, to so many things. With so many stimuli influencing us, it must be difficult to stay immune to all. Having an inflexible personality might even be harder, everything may feel more challenging than necessary because you’re bad at adapting.

So everybody is constantly changing, some less and others more, some to better and other for worst. If your personality stopped adapting, if there weren’t any stimuli to read or react to, would you cease to exist? Would you become your real true self without outside and inside influence, or become an empty, unresponsive shell?

You can control this change, and cultivate or trim it as to guide it to your liking or your needs. It is a matter of how well you can manipulate yourself, your adaptability, and how much conscious you are to the stimuli.

I knew some terms for some of these things, but my memory for this kind of things is horrible.

I like xenomorphs, and if one became a cute monster boy that would be a dream come true. This aside, it would depend on a lot of variables.
Sorry for any awkward English or if I’m being out of context. It’s not my first language so some things are still a bit difficult to grasp.


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Just today I read an article about this sort of thing. As per usual, regardless of science and what's actually reality, society won't change the way it works. If a person murders your family, you're not going to forgive them because their current personality technically isn't the same one as when they killed them. That's an extreme example, but the same principle applies to most people. There's certain things they find irredeemable. When they meet a person they like, they just assume they haven't crossed that line in their head. Even I do that, so I guess it's another inherent part of people.


>If something like gollum or a xenomorph somehow gradually changed into a beautiful girl, would you want a relationship with them?
A high-maintenance type ala a Ferrari that guzzles emotional fuel and is unreliable despite being aesthetic? No thanks.
I rather a sweet girl-next-door Honda type.

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>girl at work grabs me by the shoulders and always fixes my uniform's collar when she sees it out of place
>roomate and her friend comment about how delicately i eat
>women often ask if gey
>one girl tells me she reminds me of her younger brother
>other girls tell me they see me as a son
>always get called cute, never handsome
>all because i'm short, thin, and have a higher-pitched voice
Is there a cure to the sonzone?
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The entire reply felt like self-congratulatory fartsniffing tbh

the conclusion was basically "awww it's adorable that you're a retard who doesn't understand women, I'm so glad that I'm ENLIGHTENED."

Which does contrast nicely with "hypermaschuline dudes are just like that cause they're like that lol"

feels at least equally stifled and narrowminded but from the opposite direction and more arrogant


>/r9k/ wojak /soc/ thread like this
takes one to know one :^)


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Then who's right?


>replying to being called arrogant by being just condescending enough it comes off as polite while saging

you seem annoying regardless of the argument


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apparently you can conceive anally? this is bad news for me because of all the loads i've been taking in my ass.


seisatsu here. i can't remember how to turn on my capcode, but i swear it's me. just came here to say that this news is affecting me too, because i take loads in my ass on the reg. let me be the first to know if you find out more, OP. the last thing i need right now is a child.


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I wouldn't worry about something so as(s)inine.

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Hi, I'm not sure how to go about asking this, it's kind of embarrassing. I'm 18 years old and I'm bicurious. I wanted to learn more about homosexuality before I give these weird feelings I have further thought. Someone from an LGBT forum directed me here, said the owner of this website is an expert at taking loads in his ass? I would love to hear about your experiences and any advice you might have to share. I'm sorry if I'm being too forward, I'm new to all of this. Waiting warmly to hear back from you~!
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Holy shit Sei.


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Most interesting and entertaining thing to come out of this place in a while (which may not be saying much.)




Thanks, you too.


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Bi-girls are the best!

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RustyFIN: Warframe - 80's Action Theme

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autism kills


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Oh wow, I thought this was gone forever. Beautiful stuff.


We should relink the Tinyboard © to point here for prosperity


Lack of universal healthcare kills more.

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Pet thread?

Share stories, or photos if you don't feel like writing.

All pets allowed. Even pet plants and virtual pets.
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Here is a somewhat long story that might be more of a horror story for pet lovers.

Back in the 80s my parents had a cute brown mutt. She was smart and had a lovable charisma, a really easygoing type of dog. My parents cared for her immensely. She was always inside the house’s fenced property, only leaving when accompanied by one of the owners. So it was strange that one day, even though this precaution, no matter how much they’d call for her she wouldn’t come. They searched the whole house and garden but the dog was nowhere. They assumed she must have found a way out even though how unprovable it seemed to them. All the ways out of the property were closed, the fence was too big to jump, there were no evidences of escape efforts, and it was just out of the dog’s character to leave the house even if given the chance. She was well trained, knew she had to stay even if the doors were left open.

Despite my parents’ efforts, they didn’t found her or any clues of her whereabouts. None of the neighbours had seen her. No one of the neighbourhood had seen her. The dog just vanished. They were heartbroken. Didn’t had any more ideas about what to do.

Then one day, around a month after, a similar dog was seen wandering the street where they lived. But something seemed off. Still my parents wanted to clear any doubts, and it was indeed their dog, although their joy was overshadowed by how hard it was to believe to be the same animal. She was in an unbelievable messed up state, it just seemed like she had gone through some kind of hell and come back. All her fur was either missing or just some leftover dirty patches, skinny as if she hadn’t eaten for months, physical marks as if she had been through abuse, her body looked frail as if she could stop breathing any time. It seemed impossible to everyone that, in such a short time, the dog would end up like that. At least on its own.

What worried the most though were some strange marks on her body, especially a few clean and symmetrical small holes on her head. They didn’t seem organic, as with an animal bite. They appeared to have been done with an object.

They rushed to a vet and even though the doctors couldn’t come up with a good reason for her state, they did had one suspicion. They supposed she might have been victim to animal testing. They told my parents that in a neighbourhood not very far from where they lived there was a research facility (of what my parents don’t remePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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My dog died a few weeks ago. He was so cute and fat and a big drama queen when I first met him. I only knew him for a year or two but he was really something else. I'm a Hikki/NEET so it really was nice having him around. I feel lonely now. He died because he was old so I'm not too sad over that, but he was suffering a lot his last month and especially his last few days.

He was a little dachshund and 13 or so years old. I'm glad he's finally at peace now. Pic related isn't him, I'd feel kinda weird posting that but this dog looks very similar. He made me really love dachshunds.


i'm sorry for your loss, friend.


Daschunds are truly bro-tier dogs. I'm sorry for your loss man.


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Cats or Dogs?

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uh oh your suddently attacked by a trex xD! what do you do


Nothing, I'm not afraid of dreams.


jump down its mouth in one piece and shit in its stomach before forcing my way out the other end, biting and scraping as the beast writhes in pain, knocking down trees and junk in the process. stupid lizard wants to make me a nutrient well id like to see it try, insipid wingless dragon wannabe museum piece loser


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suck it's cock


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Good Luck


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try it bitch





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I like red but not Asuka.

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Asuka has such a perfect ass.


Only if you're a red-ass loving baboon.


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"Heeey asska, you're pretty smart and all. Can you help with my calculus assignment, wash the dishes, sort/alphabetize my girls farting on youtube folders and help me memorize the up-to-date Pokérap?"


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Superior Blue Rei

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