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Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1599864977069.jpg (67.42 KB, 680x454, Nahiri.jpg)


Let's do it.
64 posts and 117 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Coffee time in June.


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Cute Tiger


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July rains….


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Time to Eat & be the middle-weight champion of the world


2nd one makes me puke, i have ptsd from mold


Launch the tigers. All of them.

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its 40 degrees here and once i wake up my bed and i are both soaked in sweat
havent showered in over a month now so thats kind of a problem in that case
wouldnt be a big deal if winter was here
plus i could be able to go outside if it was winter i guess thatd be nice
but id have to go to school in the winter which is hell
blogpost over

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Who are the mysterious posters who still post on uboachan in 2021.
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No. Who are YOU?


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That's Strange…….


what do you mean



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Bepka is locked! Save Bepka!!!


What is Bepka?
And how do I save it?


File: 1656118360720.jpeg (7.42 KB, 250x202, perhaps.jpeg)


Moved to >>>/bepka/1.

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i don't get it what's the joke


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This is not a joke.


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Bepka is love.


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Moved to >>>/bepka/4.

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The laziness of the trolling in ubuu these days honestly makes me sad.


unironically looks pretty good in terms of colour palette


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 No.16099[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What other Chan sites do you use? I'm only using uboachan, lainchan and /lit/ on 4chan at the moment.
260 posts and 96 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1691117420046.png (1.44 MB, 2088x1000, 1688279579017656.png)

What happened to dreamch anyway? And is lagunachan or whatever it's called still around?


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Uboachan most of the time. But besides that I go on 28chan from time to time, Lainchan too but that's pretty rare.

I used to go on late city, but sadly the owner went AWOL and the domain died (I know there's a late city on anon cafe, but it doesn't feel the same in my opinion).


Dreamch just went down without any announcements. I think it was because of the admin's health. Laguna's gone.
I agree with you, but there might be a chance to turn over a new leaf now that they're moving to trashchan since anon.cafe's shutting down.




Two must read books are “No, They Can't” by John Stossel and
“Ways to Influence People” by Andy Reven.

File: 1647997926924.jpeg (9.45 KB, 474x197, cloudflare.jpeg)


I highly recommend using cloudflare's csam scanning tool to stop illegal images from appearing on your site. It also helps to block proxies as well. I think as an imageboard community we can stop this shit but we need to start taking measures to put an end to it. If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed. Just put it in read only until you come back.

And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


yeah I'm not really feeling cloudflare


cloudflare stops ddos attacks?


it better for the amount paid



Cloudflare, Inc. is an American content delivery network and DDoS mitigation company, founded in 2010. It primarily acts as a reverse proxy between a website's visitor and the Cloudflare customer's hosting provider. Its headquarters are in San Francisco, California.Wikipedia
Traded as:NYSE: NET (Class A), Russell 1000 component
Revenue:US$ 656.4 million (2021)
Operating income:US$ −127.7 million (2021)


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What's the most perverted/depraved/shameful thing that you have ever done? From junior high to freshman year of high school I was in a kind of, "weird phase". When my sister was still in high school and I was in seventh grade we had over a German exchange student for a week as my sister was taking German and participated in the exchange program. The German girl spent almost all of her time shopping for stuff at the mall(as that was the most notable thing to do over here in the states), so she spent little to no time actually in our house. When I got home from school one day I was totally alone and after a bit of debating with myself, decided to take one of the exchange student'a panties and see what they smelled like. This was less because I actually wanted to get some kind of sexual gratification out of it, and more about the thrill. At that age I enjoyed the excitement of petty theft, bizarre pranks and generally sadistic things. Now as she was guest in our house, she didn't just leave dirty panties around her room, so I had to reach into her drawer(which she was borrowing from me) and pull out whatever pair I could find(which were almost certainly clean. I then pushed them against my nostrils and inhaled deeply. Looking back on this I could have done a lot worse. It's not like I rubbed my dick on it. Even if it was clean, knowing that she would eventually wear it would almost be more perverse. If i'm going to be 120% honest I regret that I didn't do that. The drawer she borrowed was broken when it was returned to me, so I don't feel too guilty about it or anything. Story 2: I wanted to take German 2 in eighth grade since my sister went down that route, but I didn't take German 1 the previous year. German 2 also wasn't offered in high school so I opted to take summer lessons to skip ahead. It was a nice arrangement since the teacher would actually come to my house every other day. Now she wasn't an attractive woman by any means. Being Turkish, short, middle-aged, and wrinkled, she didn't exactly appeal to my in that way. At the time though, I had a sort of fetish for having somebody trying to teach my something without me understanding any of what they were saying. I didn't even know about this until the lessons started, but every other day, for a straight hour and half, I would have a raging hard-on as soon as this woman opened her mouth and started yammering on and one about what seemed like total gibberish to me. It's good that our dining room table wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Fappan to my art teacher


i shit my brains out 3 times trying to read this


the real depravity here is jerking off right after taking a bath


I mean I made and bought some onahole-like objects and stuff but I dont really count that as depraved. I tried an anal toy but I didnt like it, however I remember something that made me feel "dirty" and depraved somehow so I'll share a story to keep this board going.

Around when I was in university and about 22 years old or so, I had frenulotomy because let's just say my first experience with a girl was uncomfortable and even almost painful, so I realized something was wrong with me. If you don't know it's cutting your frenulum to make it thinner and easier to stretch. They used some very light stitches to patch it up afterwards and I was supposed to not touch my junk for a while.

Well I couldn't do it so in an university toilet I jacked off while having some break between classes, and I was absolutely horrified to see blood gushing out of me, painting the bowl deep red, flowing and flowing into the water. Luckily it stopped very soon but it felt like long, long seconds and I was standing there unsure of what to do.

Never felt as dirty ever since and I won't forget about it.


touching my girl cousin's butt and getting caught

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