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am i bi?
17 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How do the sleeves stay on?!?


I made them stick to her


Sock glue.



I still think it's sussy. With furry stuff, a furry is inherently fantastical and removed from reality; there's not really a real-world parallel. Whereas a shotacon or lolicon character is literally just a child???? but animated???? I guess there's at least SOME plausible deniability; like maybe you can claim that it's not the age-related characteristics that appeal to you, it's the naivety, the proportions etc, in which case you get a very tentative pass, but it's still very telling. Just see a psychiatrist dude. I think if I was into that sort of thing I would commit sepuku desu


I want to watch her grow old, I will die to see her live past 40

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What is nothing?
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Enter the VOID


Can the territory really be nothing if it's externally aknowledged via a map?



The question itself is fundamentally meaningless. Nothing 'isn't', asking 'what is' it is meaningless.


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playing tf2 with my friend
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tomnorrow i shall go to burger king


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i finished the sopranos and had lentil soup for dinner


have you seen the wire?


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dangit i wanted to play san andreas multiplayer to relax but i rembered that i broke it so it wont open
i also broke the stalker mod i wanted to play immediately after getting it running so

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I'll miss ubuu when its finally gone for good.
19 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


What you say?


You miss things when they are gone


UboaChan died in 1989.


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Don't go. Stay awhile and listen to my song.

3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

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Hope my ire doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth when studying physics, it's beautiful stuff. I just really have beef with the general category of person that your post was in line with.


Physics? I prefer chemistry


Physics is what the site I linked is for and what you'd need to understand dark matter.


But I can't math…


write numerically instead

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I know some guys are so stricken with dem rose tinted goggles nowadays, and I've got my own old sucker-shows, but I recently found out some modern toons have actually gotten really good as of late, post-Gravity Falls at least.

The Owl House, Amphibia, Invincible, Big City Greens to name a few

One con is that they can never get like more than 3 seasons thanks to networks coz they ain't "consistently marketable". And you won't like 15% of TOH if you can't handle representation. It's not really in-your-face buzzwords though. (Unlike Q-Force. Fuck Q-Force.)

You can get most of them free and high-quality on Vimeo or Dailymotion. yarharfiddledeedee
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Kulipari: An Army of Frogs is better than Amphibia


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Avatar: The Last Airbender is pretty good; not so much for Korra though.



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Cartoons are for kids

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hey guys, rozen here. long time no post! saw uboachan mentioned on another imageboard and thought i'd check in. hope you're all well


For a second I thought madotsuki was ripping a bong.


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Can't unsee now


If madotsuki alreday has fucked dreams a bong would cause her to dream Yume Nikki 2


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Time to punch it out

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You don't. This uses you.


That is the truth


not animated? FAIL.


Use what?


And how?

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anyone still active here?
6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




no, i'm a figment of your imagination


ive been lurking around for 2 years now, havent posted anything tho.


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i mostly lurk, but yea.


Hello there, stay awhile and listen.

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Do you like angels egg?
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Yeeaaaaaaaart - Ninja Slayer




Sakamoto's Day


Hinamatsuri (2018) ~ haha.

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