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Post videos with under one thousand views

14 posts omitted. Click reply to view.






Part of Your World by Jodi Benson [Music Box]

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Can we please, for the love of everything, turn off the sun? It's too hot now and my body can't take it anymore. In the cold you can at least cover yourself very comfortably and drink something hot. But with the heat, unless you put ice cubes on your balls, it's horrible, you sweat a lot, everything sticks to you, you're wet, you smell like an ape

it's hell.
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Are you a lizard?


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It's like the sun-gods are having a party….


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snnuy day


I watched it in Japanese too and it sucked tbh
Adam's song was grating rather than raucously indulgent. they fucked up the tone in lots of parts. mostly forgettable and it just doesn't work in a language with no cuss words, they straight up just had the characters saying just fuck in engrish multiple times. plus even if the imagery appeals to them I don't think they can relate to our ideas of the afterlife and morality.


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Ain't no sunshine when she's gone…

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for my interests and such, might try to blogpost or something talk about films n anime i enjoy.
playing cs2 right now, linked my steam >>25022 here if you wanna add me.
woke up an hour or 2 ago after a goodnight of shroomin.
i want to watch some anime, but im not sure what so instead ill watch some classic films until i decide.
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ive been so fucking out of it, sleeping a lot.
ordered a new monitor, still saving up for a 2nd PC.


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kind of a cult classic, at least in certain circles im gonna watch grandmas boy.
i remember the first time i saw this film i was taken aback
>wtf people get paid to play video games
i still think thatd be an ideal job possibly even a career.
anyway JT is funny.
>i am a robot


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ive been streaming movies n shows more often using (https://watch.hyperbeam.com), i used to used cytube but that requires people to make accounts and host files elsewhere linking them back.
for a while i used (https://caracal.club) but that has a 6 hour time limit.
since im not a tech-guy this is easier for me, recently did a marathon of films from 1999 as a celebration for their 25th anniversary.


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im gonna watch more 90's-00's films today & into the night with breaks in between to play vidya. (https://letterboxd.com/nama3/list/1990s-2000s-kino/)
i'll be awake for a while since i slept for an entire day which is very rare for me due to my insomnia.

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 No.25881[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Got a cup of tea.
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Having vodka.


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I bought Arma Reforger. I like it. I'll be heading to bed.


pls stay there


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Had chips alongside tea for breakfast.


so, you are canadian…

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So, what are you up to today, ubuu? I've finally managed to have some free time so I'm wasting it drawing a bit and translating some songs I've had on queue for a while.
Also sei, for the love of god, change the snow to damn snowflakes already, please. It's getting on my nerves that tohno has proper snow while we don't.
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Since I live in my house, I'm already one.
On the other hand, if I had to live on a dorm, it'd really depend on who my dorm mate is. I'm not comfortable living around people I don't know, more so if I have little to no privacy. That would definitely mess my time set up even more and I'd end probably going back to extending night hours in order to counterweight the stress of daylight, and thus tiring myself even more.


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Warframe, strictly speaking it's only MMOish, but when you run every mission on public because it's easier to grind it may as well be. They did also added new open world area recently, complete with more new resources in it for you to grind.


I'm resting.


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Are you farming Harrow Prime? Haven't played in a while but that *may* get me back into the saddle..


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Playing retro games..

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Daily reminder for all you ああfags to join our Facebook and Steam groups:


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How about I post here?


no no no
that won't do…


What about now? Can we post here now instead of fatebook?


Where's the Discord group?


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Amazon War Face.


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What fighting games does Uboachan play? I've been playing picrel recently
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Anyone play Samurai Showdown?


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KOFXV is my jam.




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FATAL FURY: City of The Wolves

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Hello ubots, should I get takeaway tonight?

What are your favourite takeaway foods? Do you like to get chippies/fries with your orders? I like to think of them as a nice little extra I can get for being a good boy.
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Japanese ramen & donburi for dinner takeaway tonight.


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Bakery cafe


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Get some jap cuisine


>should I get takeaway tonight?
Yes, do it now!


salchipapas 100pre lo mejore

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falling asleep in the midsts of a pure-o ocd episode is an interesting feeling. it's like being cradled in the arms of impurity and evil itself. i kind of see hina as a symbol of the thing that you touch in that moment, but she's also a moefied version of it.

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